The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 238 Undercover

Chapter 238 Undercover

Since the Japanese Imperial Army took control of Shanghai, there has not been such a bad attack.

A total of 27 people were killed!

There were heavy clouds on the upper and middle levels of the Military Police Headquarters sitting in the conference room.

At the door, Zhou Qinghe quickly walked in with a serious face, nodded to the commander-in-chief Iwasataro, and reported in a deep voice:

"The matter has been fully investigated and 27 people died in this operation. Three of them were drivers of the automobile group, six were telegraph operators, six were military policemen who accompanied the vehicle, and the remaining were members of the Youth Gang under Wu Sibao.

They followed Li Liqun's instructions and went to track the military commanders in Chongqing.

On-site injury inspection and a survey of nearby residents confirmed that the weapons at the time were machine guns.

The most important thing is that the three telecommunications detective vehicles that were tracking the past have now all lost their traces. They were not found at the scene, and our military police team chasing the military intelligence agents was not seen either. "

"and many more!"

The appearance of machine guns can be explained by the fact that Chongqing agents bought them from the black market in the concession.

Although the huge casualties shocked everyone, especially the telegraph operators, who were all high-end talents, it can be said that this operation suffered a huge loss.

But he still couldn't stand the explosion of news below, which made his head dizzy and made him wonder if he was hallucinating.

Taro Iwasa couldn't help but raise his hand to interrupt, and asked with his eyes wide open: "Did you just say that the car was missing? What do you mean the car is missing? All three cars are missing?"

Others also looked at Zhou Qinghe with frowns. How could three four-meter-long cars be missing?

"Yes." Zhou Qinghe nodded, "

The team chasing the Juntong agents confirmed that they only saw the car driven by the Juntong, and there was absolutely no telecommunications detection vehicle.

As for the scene, I just asked the Nanshi patrol team to search around the incident location with their headlights on. There was no trace of vehicles nearby, and the cars assigned to the Youth Gang members were all there. "

Bang, Taro Iwasa suddenly stood up and said with a serious expression: "Are you saying that three telecommunications detective vehicles were stolen away by agents from Chongqing?"

"It should be. I suspect that their target is these three vehicles. The action tonight was premeditated with machine guns. This is a well-planned game. Li Liqun fell into the trap."


Taro Iwasa punched the table with his fist, and the muscles on his face twitched. The three cars cost one million yen. This was the money that the consulate people finally asked the mainland for.

As a result, the car was driven for two days and no one was caught, so it was lost?

How do you explain this to the General Staff Headquarters?

How do you explain this to the people at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

"Fujita, have you looked carefully? What is the use of Chongqing's agents stealing this car?

Even if they knew that this car could monitor signals and would threaten their safety, they could still choose to blow it up. It's not like they didn't have explosives.

After stealing this car, they can't drive out of Shanghai? "

Shinozuka Maomi looked at Zhou Qinghe with a confused face, completely unable to understand the meaning of this operation.

"And they stole the car. Can't we use the car to track them? If we find the car, we will find them?"

Shinozuka Maomi raised his eyebrows and thought that was what happened.

Taro Iwasa's eyes were slightly shining, and that was indeed the truth.

If you can find Chongqing, this is true. Zhou Qinghe shook his head slightly: "But I have asked the patrol team to search all possible hiding places of the car three kilometers away from the incident site, and also asked the agents to escape along Chongqing. I searched for the route but could not find these three vehicles."

"How can such a big car go missing?" Iwasa Taro got angry in disbelief.

Zhou Qing and Weiwei shook their heads and said nothing. The other staff members also discussed it. It was obvious that such an unbelievable thing was beyond imagination.

"Check! Keep checking! I don't believe they can still drive the car out of Shanghai! This car must still be in Shanghai!"

Taro Iwasa gritted his teeth in disbelief.

"Maybe it's because it's too dark now and I didn't search carefully."

"It's possible to drive to a no-man's land like the suburbs and no one will see you."

"Or stacked somewhere?"

"Yes, it must still be there."

None of the staff members believed in the disappearance.

With a four-meter-long car, there is no way it could go missing.

"Fujita, please send out all the military police tomorrow and search carefully, street by street, door by door." Shinozuka Maomi spoke.

"Hi." Zhou Qinghe nodded.

"Where's that Li Liqun?" After taking care of the car, Taro Iwasa thought of this waste who had let him down several times, with a cold look in his eyes.

"He is detained downstairs by my military police. I will take him away."

Zhou Qinghe went out and spoke to the military police at the door, and soon Li Liqun was pushed in by the military police with guns.

When the news broke, Li Liqun was still a little excited about catching the military commander's agent.

It's okay, I didn't call, it's just an arrest.

But when all the military policemen from the Military Police Headquarters drove out in their cars, he had already noticed something was wrong. He racked his brains and couldn't figure out what was wrong. He couldn't get through on the phone, and no one told him when he asked.

But now, he was pale and standing here anxiously.

Taro Iwasa's face was sullen and full of chills. He stared at Li Liqun with falcon eyes: "I have high hopes for you, but your abilities are not worthy of my expectations. The Empire of Japan does not need waste, you can go and die." , drag him down and imprison him, and shoot him in public at noon tomorrow."

Who knew that Li Liqun would be so ruthless from the very beginning? He immediately said, "Commander! This is none of my business. I don't know anything about the operation. I only know that they went to arrest people, but I don't know what happened next." I know."

"Don't know? That's even more damning, huh?" Iwasa Taro waved his hand, and the military police immediately stepped forward and grabbed Li Liqun's arm and dragged him toward the door.

"Commander, I still have a way! I have another way to find those military agents!"

"Commander, I really have a solution."

Li Liqun struggled to shout, but Taro Iwasa had a cold face and was no longer interested.

The military police faithfully dragged the person outside. At this moment, Li Liqun saw that his excuse was completely hopeless and suddenly shouted: "I am an agent of the headquarters staff. I have a special mission. You can't kill me!"

These words made the indifferent people in the conference room instantly stunned.

"Bring it back." Iwasataro waved his hand, frowned and asked, "Are you going to say it again?"

Li Liqun took a breath, glanced at everyone present and said, "What I said is true. I have a special mission. It's hard to say my identity, but I can prove it. Please use the phone and I will ask someone who can prove my identity." People came over to confirm that he was Japanese and was in the concession."

The mutation made everyone a little puzzled, wondering what other identity Li Liqun could have.

At least, there seems to be no point in lying, because even if Li Liqun sends a report to the outside world, it has no actual intelligence value.

It doesn't look fake.

"If you fight, it better not be a lie, otherwise you will end up very bad." Iwasa Taro said.

"Of course not." Li Liqun immediately picked up the phone on the table and turned the four numbers. After a while, the call was connected.

"I'm in a little trouble, Gendarmerie Headquarters. I need to explain my identity. I hope you can come over. Okay, okay."

Li Liqun hung up the phone, nodded and smiled at everyone: "Come right over, everyone, wait a moment."

The waiting time was not long. Zhou Qinghe soon received a call from the military police downstairs, saying that there was a businessman with Japanese registered residence who wanted to come up and that he had been contacted.

"Bring it up to the conference room."


Two minutes later, a well-fed middle-aged man was brought in by the military police.

Li Liqun obviously knew him, and he immediately stepped forward and said, "I ran into some trouble, and I will die if I don't tell you my identity, so I revealed my identity as an intelligence officer of the staff department of my base camp. I need you to testify."

The middle-aged man nodded and didn't say much to Li Liqun. He glanced around, looked at Taro Iwasa at the beginning and the end, and said in fluent Japanese: "Your Excellency, this matter needs to be controlled within the scope of knowledge. I hope it can only be done with Li Liqun." I hope you don’t mind that you are talking alone.”

Zhou Qinghe was very concerned about what he was talking about and why he needed to be avoided?

"It's impossible for you to get along with the commander alone. Not to mention that Li Liqun's identity has not been confirmed, I can't even confirm your identity."

The strong words made the middle-aged man look at Zhou Qinghe, and then he obviously recognized him, smiled and nodded: "It turns out to be Captain Fujita."

"Since you know me, you should know my responsibilities. I can't let you contact the commander alone. It doesn't just require you to speak Japanese. Safety is uncontrollable."

This made Taro Iwasa nod: "If you have anything, you can just say it. This is the high-level meeting room of the Military Police Headquarters. There is no need to hide."

The middle-aged man thought for a moment and said, "Your Excellency, let Captain Fujita point his gun at me, and I will report to you. This way, safety is guaranteed, okay? This matter is really not suitable to be discussed in public. The confidentiality of the information is very important." Taro Iwasa thought for a while and felt that this was indeed safe, so he glanced at Zhou Qinghe.

Zhou Qinghe said: "I think it is safer to have Chief of Staff Shinozuka with us and two guns."


The other staff members could only leave unhappy. It didn't feel good to be treated specially.

After everyone left, there were only four people left in the conference room.

The middle-aged man stood at attention and nodded, and began to report: "Your Excellency, I am intelligence officer Sakata Kazuo, who is directly affiliated with the Soviet-Russian Intelligence Section of the General Staff Department of the base camp. My external identity is Li Hengshui, the owner of Hengshui Yangxing Company in Sino-Soviet trade.

Our section chief is Colonel Takeda Takeda. He once served as the deputy chief of staff of the Shanghai Expeditionary Army. I think you should have some impression of him.

Li Liqun was his intelligence agent, and after Li Liqun came to Shanghai, Li Liqun's relationship came to me and he became a member of our Shanghai Takeda team. I was his contact person. "

ah? The three people were confused after hearing this.

"Soviet Russia Intelligence Class?" Shinozuka Maomi frowned and repeated, then thought for a moment and said, "I seem to remember that Li Liqun had the experience of studying in Soviet Russia, right?"

He looked at Li Liqun.

Li Liqun nodded: "Yes, I started out as an intelligence agent for the Red Party, and they sent me to study in a special school in Soviet Russia.

It was there that I met Colonel Takeda Takeda who was lurking in the Soviet Union at the time. He was a major intelligence officer in the Counterintelligence Directorate of the Soviet General Staff Headquarters and taught us intelligence courses.

It was at this time that I was developed into his intelligence agent.

After that, I met an instructor from a Soviet special school and was developed into a Red Party intelligence agent in Soviet Russia. I was sent to lurk inside the Chinese Red Party to monitor the development of the Chinese Red Party. "

ah? People who heard about this experience were stunned.

Li Liqun still recounted: “After I came back, because I was successful in my studies, I worked in the Shanghai Special Section No. 1 of the Red Party. My task at that time was to deal with the Shanghai Central Unification Organization of the Kuomintang. It was still the party’s mediator at that time.

Because of an accident, I was arrested. Considering that the intelligence system of the Kuomintang also played a big role, and of course it also had life-saving factors, I took advantage of the opportunity and joined the Central Unification.

After that, he lurked in Zhongtong for several years. He was not promoted because he was disliked by his superiors. Moreover, Zhongtong was suppressed by the rising military command and became weak, coupled with the direction of the war.

Therefore, the Soviet side hopes that I will defect and join the Japanese, that is, the Shanghai Military Police Headquarters, so that I can grasp the movements of the Japanese army and provide greater value.

So I planned to defect, and with the help of their intelligence officers, I transferred to Shanghai. "


Not to mention that Taro Iwasa and Maomi Shinozuka looked stupid.

Even Zhou Qinghe opened his mouth when he heard this. How many undercovers are you talking about?

The atmosphere in the conference room was a little condensed for a while, and the three people looked at the outspoken Li Liqun with scrutinizing eyes.

One thing everyone can be sure of is that this person's identity is very complicated, so complicated that no one knows where Li Liqun is from.

"You go out first." Shinozuka Maomi said.

"Yes." Li Liqun nodded and walked out.

As soon as he went out, Sakata Kazuo smiled and said: "I know what you are worried about. I am worried that Li Liqun is not really working for our Empire of Japan. After all, judging from his experience, he will not reject anyone from any country." As long as the Secret Service recruits him, he agrees.”

Iwasataro and Shinozuka Maomi nodded, this is the biggest problem.

"Aren't you worried?"

"It's not important." Kazuo Sakata shook his head and smiled: "Actually, people like Li Liqun and Colonel Takeda Takeda mean to use.

Soviet Russia is our enemy, and the secret service of the Kuomintang is also our enemy. If the Soviet Union assigns a task to him, we can analyze what the Soviet Union wants from the task, and this intelligence will be in vain.

And the liaison group prepared by Soviet Russia for him was even more free.

And putting him in Shanghai to deal with the Kuomintang agents was a waste of money.

So it doesn't matter what he thinks in his heart, we just have to see what he does.

Monitor him and use him, this is Takeda's philosophy.

Put him under our eyes, there is nothing to worry about, he will not cause any trouble. "

That's it, a few people nodded.

If this is the case, Iwasataro's murderous intention will fade away. The intelligence agent has to give face no matter what, and it is impossible to kill him just like that.

"But isn't the ability of the person you are looking for too poor? He failed twice and failed to catch a single military agent. I don't understand what do you and the Soviet Union see in him?" Taro Iwasa mocked seriously.

"Probably he has just arrived in Shanghai and is not familiar with it yet. Give him some time and he will be an excellent agent. He still has some abilities and has provided us with a lot of information." Kazuo Sakata explained with a smile.


Zhou Qinghe hissed and said hesitantly: "Sir, when you said that, I thought of a possibility. Li Liqun said so much, but he didn't mention the military commander. Could he be related to the military commander? That group of people was ambushed, and the three The car disappeared without a trace again.”

As soon as he said this, Taro Iwasa's eyes widened and he said seriously: "Yes, how can you be sure that Li Liqun has nothing to do with the military commander-in-chief? No, why must the agents in Shanghai be agents of the military commander-in-chief? Why can't they be agents of the central commander-in-chief? Li Liqun is Isn’t it really a rebellion?”

If you really think about it, you can think of angles that Zhou Qinghe didn't even think of.

Once the identity is complicated, anything is really possible.

However, Sakata Kazuo shook his head firmly: "He can't help Zhongtong, absolutely not. There is something he didn't say because it was a thorn in his heart.

Do you remember what he just said about being arrested by the Central Government?

After he was arrested, in order to save him, his wife asked someone to find Zhongtong, Director Xu of the Party Mediation Office. She went to bed with him and gave him a sum of money, so that he was exempted from the death penalty and Dai Zuiligong joined Zhongtong. .

Many senior officials in Zhongtong knew about this matter, so he could not be promoted in his position. If a man is humiliated like this, do you think he will still be an agent of Zhongtong, helping Xu? "

The listeners were stunned again. They could only say that this guy's experience was very unique.

Although the reason cannot be said to be 100% tenable, the suspicion of Zhongtong being an undercover agent is indeed not that big and can be ignored.

"What about the military commander? Isn't he an agent of the military commander?"

"You don't know that Dai Yunong, the head of the Military Command, and Director Xu of the Central Command have a grudge, a very big grudge. People from these two intelligence departments will only kill each other. It is impossible to return the favor when one party has already joined. To develop.”

After Sakata Kazuo finished speaking, Shinozuka Maomi could only frown and say: "That's just because of poor ability."

Whatever, Kazuo Sakata didn’t argue.

"I also hope that you two can help more. The purpose of his existence is to help them find out some news about Soviet Russia. In addition, he is to arrest the agents who eliminated the Kuomintang. Even if he fails, it is not too important. After all, our biggest enemy is Soviet Russia and China. Sooner or later they will be eliminated.”

"Then let it go."

As of now, there is nothing else to say, and Taro Iwasa doesn't want to hear it anymore.

A person who is likely to be a spy in many aspects. "Fujita, restrict him from coming to the military police headquarters in the future. Don't let him go to confidential places. Send someone to keep an eye on him." Iwasa Taro's eyes hinted.

Zhou Qinghe nodded understandingly: "I will do it."

"Find the car as soon as possible, if you can't find it."

Taro Iwasa stood up and raised his head towards Kazuo Sakada: "Ask him to compensate, or ask Colonel Takeda Takeo to explain to the General Staff Headquarters."

As soon as the pot was tossed, Iwasataro said and left.

Zhou Qinghe smiled and nodded to greet Iwasa Taro.

"Hengshui Matheson, right? Leave your phone number and I'll call you if I need you later."

Zhou Qinghe patted Kazuo Sakata on the shoulder, and then told him to get out with Li Liqun, who was smiling at him with a face that was about to survive.

After thousands of years of trouble, Zhou Qinghe was really annoyed by this guy. He was really difficult to kill. He dug a hole twice, but he still didn't kill this guy.

This borrowed knife was used to kill people, but it was used to save others.

It's a bit like a thousand-mile horse rushing to the execution ground, delivering the imperial edict and calling out the sword to leave behind.

Zhou Qinghe looked at Li Liqun's back and thought.

This knife can't be borrowed anymore. It's better to just put some effort into setting up a trap and kill him directly.

Shooting him in Hongkou wouldn't work. This guy was too afraid of death. He was hiding in the core area of ​​Hongkou and couldn't come out. He couldn't move even for such a big thing as catching an agent.

It would be difficult for his killer to escape capture.

We have to think of a way to force this person out of Hongkou first.

(End of this chapter)

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