The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 243 Positioning

Chapter 243 Positioning

The threatening words made the people of the three families very embarrassed. No matter whether they were afraid of the Japanese being serious or not, at least the national prestige could not be insulted.

It was an immediate verbal rejection.

Doi Yuan brought the three people together, and of course he expected this scene.

He said to the three people: "If this makes it difficult for everyone, then I will change the way and find someone myself. You only need to do one thing for me. Turn off all your radio stations within the agreed time. Don’t even open the station, isn’t this an embarrassment?”

"Are you trying to find their transmitting radio station through that telecommunications detective vehicle?" The American consul obviously guessed the real situation.

The most active radio stations in the concession are the three of them. If all three of their radio stations are closed, even if there are radio stations from other countries, they will definitely be very few, and they will probably not send reports so frequently.

By then, the Chinese radio stations in the concession will be as dazzling as the North Star in the dark night.

As long as no one tells the Chinese, they are not far from death.

"You react so quickly." Tufei Yuan smiled faintly.

The three consuls looked at each other. Now that they knew the reason, turning off the radio station seemed not so difficult to accept psychologically. When it came to interests, everyone had their own thoughts. In the end, no one raised any objection.

As for guns and the like, it is very easy to bring them in without being searched by the military police. Who would dare to search Zhou Qinghe's car?

In the evening, Zeng Haifeng stayed at his home in the French Concession until 8 o'clock. At the appointed time, he took a rickshaw to find his telegraph operator, made sure that the flower pots on the balcony were placed normally, and then quietly walked in.

These people were recruited because of their special skills. It is certain that their marksmanship is passable, but it is uncertain whether they can undertake the task of sniping with one shot.


Agreement reached.

Zeng Haifeng nodded repeatedly as he listened: "Leave the people on the bridge to me. When the time comes, you can tell me the license plate number or a sign. When I see the car, I will attack the car with a machine gun. I will let the little devil see who this machine gun can hit." "

The next step is to wait for the two parties to sign the agreement. We can only wait for Wang Ni to make any news.

Zhou Qinghe's fingers traced the diagonal position on the right side of the Chongguang Hall, facing the building: "The three-story shop, there are my people inside, shoot from the third floor, kill with one sniper shot, finish the shooting The gun was loaded onto the car prepared through the back door, and a grenade was hung on the door, which should buy him some time.

"The teacher is wise."


There were six Central Command officers in the room, and they were in a very unhappy mood.

The difficulty of assassinating a person in the core area of ​​​​Hongkou has been studied long ago when studying how to kill Li Liqun. It is very difficult. Regardless of whether the assassination can be successful, the person who is assassinated will never survive.

We don’t know the specific time of the meeting between Wang Nihe and the Japanese, but as long as the signing is signed, Taro Iwasa has to attend to see the new chairman they support.

Chinachem Hotel.

Haneda Ao quickly changed his clothes, put on casual clothes and went to Li Liqun's station outside the French Concession. Then a large number of people rushed to the intersection where the signal was detected.

"This can't be said for sure." Zeng Haifeng thought for a moment and raised his eyebrows: "I will choose a master to come out. On the day of the operation, he will sneak into Hongkou during the day and hide in your store. He will kill them. Let’s run together.”

"Let Li Liqun's people go, and the military police will supervise them. You will lead the team yourself and wear civilian clothes. Others give us face, and we must also give others face. Be quiet and fight quickly."

French Concession, No. 179 Pétain Road, three-story large bungalow with attic.

"Damn it, when will this bastard Li come out! If we keep waiting like this, we will all be punished!"

Either he was forcibly assassinated in the core area of ​​Hongkou, which is right here. "

The look in Director Xu's eyes gave him a very vivid metaphor: a dead fish with rolled eyes, eyes full of cataracts.

After saying that, Zeng Haifeng smiled: "Okay, people have been buried under Tu Fei Yuan's nose. You have been plotting against Tu Fei Yuan for some time, right?"

One is to receive and process the results of today's actions, and the other is to send a message to Chongqing, asking Boss Dai to keep an eye on No. 2. If there is any movement, he will be reminded in time before setting off.

Zeng Haifeng nodded: "Fixed-point shooting, as long as the gun is accurate, the probability of killing with one shot is very high. All it takes is a brave man to sacrifice his life."

The difficulty of killing Sataro Iwa actually sounds a little easier than killing Li Liqun, because the shooting location is fixed, so you can plan in advance.

"Hello, I understand." Haneda Ao, who answered the phone, put down the phone and nodded to Madoka Doi, who was sitting opposite with his eyes closed: "Teacher, there is a radio signal in the French Concession. As you expected, the military commander's agents suddenly Exposed.”


We're here to accommodate. "Zhou Qinghe pointed towards the bridge between Hongkou and the British-American Concession not far away: "There must be pursuers behind the car. The military police on the Suzhou River have machine guns, and they will also be responsible for intercepting them. What we have to do is to kill the car as soon as it appears. These military policemen, pick him up. "


Doi Yuan opened his eyes and expressed calmly: "This is a natural thing. The three people in the concession are on my side. The enemy is overt and we are in the dark. Let them use all kinds of tricks, intelligence warfare, and one mistake, and we can capture them all."

As soon as this news was published in Shanghai newspapers, my dear, Director Xu was summoned by the principal. I don’t know what happened. I only know that when he came back, there was a bloody mark on his face that had been drawn by a stick!

"That's a matter of Guangzong Yaozu, okay?" How many people wish for it, Lieutenant General, just exposing his identity, what is a loss? Zeng Haifeng despised him.

Li Liqun, the investigation director of Zhongtong, rebelled and defected to the enemy. He also took the initiative to defect to the enemy. He was also the first agent of Zhongtong to defect to the Japanese Military Police Headquarters in Shanghai.

Needless to say what happened next, Director Xu was whipped. This was not his fault alone, it was a disgrace to the entire Zhongtong!

If Li Liqun had not died, this hurdle would never have been overcome.

We only have two opportunities, either to assassinate Iwasataro while he is out of Hongkou.

"But I really don't know if his marksmanship is good or not." Zhou Qinghe suddenly remembered this.

Zhou Qinghe smiled faintly, "It's not a loss if one of these chess pieces is missing and one lieutenant general is replaced."

Jingle bell, jingle bell.

"Not necessarily. As long as it works well, this person will not die."

Zhou Qing and the map of the concession on the table said: "This is Chongguangtang, Dofeiyuan lives here, not counting patrols nearby, there are 20 military police protecting it all day long, two shifts a day.

Action team member Wang Tianlun looked at the team members collecting telegrams at the table and couldn't help cursing.

Zhongtong's assassination team immediately came to Shanghai. After an investigation, they immediately launched an elimination operation against Li Liqun.

Li Liqun doesn't go out and lives in an office building outside the French Concession.

A twenty-person action team stormed Li Liqun's office building and vowed to kill Li Liqun no matter the cost!

But the result was discovered after breaking through the many blockades and rushing upstairs.

Li Liqun actually created a separate room in his office and installed the blast-proof door of the bank vault. With the sound of gunshots, Li Liqun entered and locked the door, locking himself in.

! Li Liqun didn't care what the fighting was like outside, he just waited inside, just waiting!

After a bloody battle, Japanese reinforcements were about to arrive. After paying the lives of six action members, the assassination failed.

They can only hide in the concession and wait for opportunities. They don't believe that Li Liqun can never go out.

No one can bear this kind of loneliness!

But what made them helpless was that Li Liqun really did it.

In three whole months, I went out twice, once protected by 20 Youth Gang members. The car drove out of the courtyard of the office building and entered the French Concession, and then went to Hongkou.

Another time, there were even Japanese dignitaries present, and the military police's defense was not as tight as usual.

There was no entertainment, and he only went out twice in three months. Li Liqun's lifestyle was simply inhuman, and his defense was outrageous. The people of Zhongtong waited and waited, and now they are really irritable.

Chongqing urged me again and again, and from urging to questioning, my tone became more and more severe.

But they really can't find any good way.

I don’t know what to say about Chongqing today.

Jingle bell, jingle bell.

"Hello." Wang Tianlun picked up the phone and was overjoyed after hearing two words: "Li Liqun is out? How many people are there?"

Then he became frustrated again: "Then just follow them and see where they go."

After hanging up the phone, he said to the people in the room: "Liu Zi said that someone came to see Li Liqun. He may be Japanese and went out with a group of people, probably from the French Concession to Hongkou."


"This Prince Li hides in a turtle shell every day and is not afraid of suffocating himself to death."

Several other people could only curse a few words to vent their dissatisfaction. It was a rare occasion to go out, and there were a lot of people again.

After chatting for a few words, at this moment, gunfire suddenly rang outside the door, bang bang bang, sudden and rapid, as if it was not to kill, but just to remind.

The six people in the room were suddenly startled. Wang Tianlun quickly walked to the window and cautiously looked outside. His eyes widened: "It's the sixth child!"

I saw that the eight-person team sent out to follow Li Liqun all returned. At this moment, these people obviously did not expect that Li Liqun's target would be their base camp.

This moment was directly handed over to the fire as a reminder!

"Put it away quickly! You take the radio and go out the back door!" It's not easy to bring in the radio. It is the most important possession.

Wang Tianlun shouted at the radio operator, drew his gun and went out to help.

The six people divided their duties, the radio operator installed the radio, and the five people rushed out to beat the Japanese and Li Liqunqing's gang, and all of a sudden they attracted some of the enemies who were chasing the eight team members.

The Japanese and Li Liqun's group had a large number of people, at least 40 people. Once they fought, the Zhongtong people were directly at a disadvantage. They fought and retreated to buy time for the dispatcher to leave. The situation was particularly difficult.

Their opposite door, Zeng Haifeng and the radio operator are also trapped here.

The sudden change shocked the two of them.

"Li Liqun?" Zeng Haifeng searched for the person leading the team, and immediately recognized Li Liqun, who was hiding by the car, and immediately asked: "Central President? Red Party? It can't be his people, right?"

Zeng Haifeng didn't see Liu Kai or Jiang Wen, but he didn't know any of Jiang Wen's men and couldn't tell who they were.

His mind flashed, and he didn't have time to think too much. Zeng Haifeng quickly turned back, picked up the phone, and used the emergency communication method: "Betan Road, come for support!"

On the road, a dozen people were chased and beaten by forty people, and they couldn't get away at all. The clear and crisp sound of gunshots kept ringing on the Petain Road, causing the foreigners on the road to scream again and again.

Soon there were injuries, then deaths.

Patrol room.

As soon as the gunfire rang out from the outside world, Zhuang Hui pricked up his ears and looked for someone to inquire.

Recently, the French have issued an order from above that conflicts may break out at night, telling people in the patrol houses not to intervene indiscriminately when they hear the sound of gunfire.

If it's just one or two people who need to be arrested, arrest them to maintain order. If there's a conflict involving multiple people, don't see it in advance and sweep the floor afterwards.

Zhuang Hui always felt that this order came strangely. He didn't expect that there would be such a big gun battle when it broke out.

Who else could the people operating in the concession be? They must be members of the military command.

Zhuang Hui immediately picked up the phone and called Zhou Qinghe when she thought that the French knew about it in advance and that it might be a trap.

"There was a massive shootout on Rue Pétain, and the French had prior knowledge."

"Which way?" Zhou Qinghe's voice on the other side was a little solemn.

Zeng Haifeng lived on Petain Road, and he knew this.

"Petain Road."

"I know, just act according to circumstances."

Zhou Qinghe hung up the phone, called Liu Qi, and asked him to notify Jiang Wen and wait for an opportunity!

Xiafei Road, Shangxianfang.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Xu Meifeng was listening to the radio at home. There are not many entertainment options nowadays, and it is impossible for her to go dancing at her age and status. She listened to the radio and then went to bed.

The sound of gunshots suddenly made an agent feel tense.

Xu Meifeng listened carefully. If there were only a few short sounds, it was the military commander's work. The assassinations had been like this these days.

But after listening for a while, she couldn't sit still.

Too much gunfire! This is a firefight after being entangled!

That direction, Rue Pétain! Zhongtong's assassination team is there!

She walked out quickly and glanced out the door of a room on the left. A buck-toothed man who was always acrimonious and loved to take advantage came over with a smile.

"It may be one of our people. You can bring people to support you. Don't show your face."

Thinking that Zhou Qinghe's people might be in trouble, she added: "If they are not our people, as long as they are dealing with the Japanese, this gang can also help."


The buck-toothed man hurried away.

Xu Meifeng frowned when she heard the gunfire. It was either Zhou Qinghe's people or Zhongtong's assassination team.

She didn't know how many people Zhou Qinghe had, but she knew that there were still fourteen people in Zhongtong's assassination team.

If there are fourteen people from Zhongtong, and the fight is so difficult, how many people must the opponent have?

After thinking about it, Xu Meifeng went back to the house and picked up the phone: "Go to Petain Road and wait for the opportunity."

There is still a power in her hand that can be used, the Red Party!

At this moment, an undercurrent surged in the French Concession, and several groups of people who had never met before all rushed towards Pétain Road.

And on Petain Road.

The Japanese and Li Liqun had the absolute upper hand.

Li Liqun was so greedy for life that he refused to fire a shot. He was afraid of being hit by stray bullets, so he simply hid in the car.

The Japanese who led the team and the Youth Gang gangsters who had been licking blood all year round became more and more courageous as they fought. They were fully equipped and suppressed the Zhongtong people until they could not breathe. Even after some resistance, the Zhongtong people were filled with bullets from their pistols. After shooting, even the prepared magazine was almost empty.

And in this desperate moment.

Xu Meifeng's exclusive Zhongtong team has arrived.

Xu Meifeng lives just a street away, and her people are the closest.

There were not many people, so six people were temporarily mobilized, all wearing cloth-headed masks and ordinary people's robes. They took guns and fired at the Japanese.

This gave the members of the Zhongtong assassination team a breath of relief.

But they still couldn't defeat the well-equipped Japanese on the opposite side.

Then Jiang Wen's people arrived, and Zeng Haifeng's people arrived.

Both groups of people have people stationed in the French Concession. They set off almost at the same time when they received the news, and arrived at the same time. Twenty people joined in at once, one group was masked, and the other group was wearing masks, snapping towards them. The Japanese and Youth Gang members in the center opened fire.

It is not difficult to tell because the resisters and the pursuers face in two directions.

The pressure on the Japanese suddenly increased. Li Liqun almost rolled down the window and shouted and cursed: "Call for reinforcements, or we will all die here!"

Haneda Ao, who led the Japanese team, originally wanted to be tough, but he couldn't deal with these Chinese, but in the blink of an eye, he actually saw reinforcements coming from the Chinese, and the guns they took were the cheapest guns used by agents on the black market.

Forty against a dozen, they had the advantage. Seeing that all the bullets on the opposite side were used up, a big harvest was coming, and in the blink of an eye it became forty against fifty.

Where did these people come from!

The firefight on Petain Road was no longer a simple battle, dozens versus dozens. Outside, this was just a small battle.

Here, they rely on each other's buildings to fight back, which cannot be solved for a while.

Haneda Ao quickly walked into a shop facing the street with his head down, picked up the phone and called Doi Madoka.

"Teacher, we need support, hurry up, the firefight on Petain Road is too serious! There are fifty people from the military command!"

Doi Yuan is calmly waiting for the news in Chongguang Hall. According to the regular setup of the spy organization, this messenger is usually one or two people alone. Even if a combat team is together, there are only five or six people, seven or eight people are considered too many. .

Forty men came out to attack, but they were still able to capture them.

Hearing this, he knocked the tea cup on the table, his expression tightened: "Hold on, be sure to hold them back, I'll send someone over right away!"

A phone call to Tojo Akio failed to get through. The military policeman told him that Major Tojo was probably drinking at this time.

Doi Yuan cursed secretly and immediately asked the military police to take the people to Petain Road.

Then he quickly hung up the phone and called the French consulate.

As far as they are concerned, since they have taken action recently, let's help again.

No matter what the reason is, even if the French arrest everyone and take them to the police station, as long as they are not lost, they will still be his sooner or later.

The French didn't want to take action. With so many gun battles, why would they go and die?

But the reason the Japanese gave him was enough to take action.

So the French decided to wait and pick it up if it was cheap.

If not, then watch the show.

It is impossible to die.

The gendarmerie set off from Hongkou and rushed to Petain Road at lightning speed.

On Petain Road, the fighting was quite fierce!

(End of this chapter)

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