Chapter 245 Loss

Liu Qi is the microphone, and the specific actions are communicated and agreed upon by Liu Kai and Jiang Wen.

Three action plans, four action goals.

Although the forty people below are working separately, although the manpower is a bit tight, they have heavy weapons provided by the boss. They are definitely a big killer against ordinary Japanese military police and agents. I think the situation is also within control.

Eight people, two vehicles, and two machine guns stood guard at Li Liqun's door.

The bridge leading from the concession to Hongkou was the most crowded, with twenty guardsmen moving between several bridges, trying to influence each other.

The ambush point of the safe house was set up on the road from the British and American Concessions to the Suzhou River, and eight people were sent in a row.

Although this is the most likely place to attract a large-scale siege by the Japanese, if the target is here, the action team members squatting by the bridge can hear the gunshots and rush over to form an outflank stance from behind.

The final four make their way to the power plant.

There are only a few security guards in the power plant, and they are the easiest to deal with. If it weren't for quickly finding a way to cut off the power when the time comes, the two of them would have to fight with each other.

The agents who experienced the meat grinder of the Songhu War survived not only because of their ability to dispatch, but also because they were relatively outstanding in being cautious.

"Jiang Wen's people are not careful?" Zeng Haifeng murmured doubtfully.

"Huh? You're right."

Doi Yuan glared at him: "Remember, the Chinese are always unreliable. Don't place your hopes on them. You are responsible for your own life."


The telegraph operator was smiling and talking, and the light bulb above his head dimmed without warning, plunging the whole room into darkness.

Familiarity with the gossip dictated that people were eager to chat about whether the residents in the fighting center had seen the gunfight or not.

The harsh words made disciple Haneda Ao pause and said with a serious face: "Teacher, it is indeed my problem. I bear all the responsibility this time."

He ordered his subordinates to buy some noodles to eat, and waited peacefully for the reporting time to arrive.

Petain Road.

Zeng Haifeng was about to ask why there was a power outage at this time, when he glanced out the window.

Zeng Haifeng figured out the key and continued to suck the noodles happily.

"How do you think the Japanese found out about our people here?" This sentence popped out of Zeng Haifeng's mouth while he was eating.

"At least you didn't say it was Li Liqun's problem."

On the other side, Hongkou Chongguang Hall.

Zeng Haifeng narrowed his eyes and was instantly enlightened. Zhou Qinghe was not that poor. How could he arrange his subordinates together unless there was some big move.

As the brightest star in the night sky tonight, Zeng Haifeng is eating Su's noodles and small yellow croaker comfortably in the house.

They killed many people in the gun battle on Petain Road. Whether they were calling for reinforcements or reporting casualties to their Chongqing government, they would have to use the radio, and according to Chinese procedures, it would probably be tonight or tomorrow night.

The dispatcher casually replied: "District Chief, you have also seen that there are so many people living in that house. It seems that they are not serious people at first glance."

"It's no wonder, District Chief You"


Although the fight outside had long since ended, he was afraid of death and did not dare to go out or show his face. Although he prided himself on being a beautiful tree facing the wind, he also knew that no one would pay attention to him when walking on the street on ordinary days.

"I see."


Haneda Ao took the order and left in a hurry, inspecting the locations of various reporting vehicles, preparing the military police to attack, and cheering up the intelligence officers in the telecommunications reconnaissance vehicles, monitoring and waiting all night, and absolutely not dozing off to avoid missing key time points.

Even if the people who were arrested and taken to the hospital rebelled, it would be tomorrow before they woke up from the operation and could open their mouths to speak. At least there would be no danger until the report was sent out tonight.

Seeing that his disciple had such a good attitude, Doi Madoka took a deep breath and said calmly: "Don't think that one failure is everything. The effectiveness of the telecommunications detective vehicle will not last long, but the Chinese must not have reacted yet.

"Maybe they were reported."

You still have a chance to catch them, keep an eye on them and don't let up. "

The long night is long, with only the little yellow croaker for company.

"No radio station was found at the location on Pétain Road. The military police at each intersection were asked to conduct close inspections. Suspicious elements were found and arrested on the spot."

"That's no wonder." People in Zhongtong have never had any brains.

This is Shanghai, which is known as the city that never sleeps. Every second the lights are on, countless money flows around Shanghai. Is it so dark?

But it's different now. The patrol police nearby, the waiting coachmen, the residents on the street. People and dogs who come out of this neighborhood now have to look twice.

He lectured his subordinates, "Although there was a sneak attack by Chongqing agents, you did not discover the traces of being followed in advance. This is a kind of stupidity in itself! It is incompetence!"

He really couldn't figure out how the Japanese got to this location, which he didn't even know.

He is from Zhongtong.

As far as the eye can see, Shanghai, a city that never sleeps, is plunged into darkness at this moment.

He is not worried about safety here. All his men who were confirmed at the scene have run away, and apart from him and the telegraph operator, the only person who knows the location is a phone number that he has called.

The plan is made and the personnel are dispatched immediately.

Madoka Doi is not very satisfied with tonight's operation. The reason is that the battle loss ratio of this operation is too high.

The lights of the shops went out, the street lights went out, the streets fell into darkness, all the lights on the buildings went out, and the neon lights flickering on the outer walls also lost their former glory.


"The French guy stole the electrician's wife? How dare the people at the power plant stop the electricity in the concession?" Zeng Haifeng was stunned.

"I've never seen this in Shanghai for so many years. It's like a ghost." The operator was also shocked.

You must know that the Battle of Songhu was in full swing, with the roar of artillery shells, but the lights in the concession were not extinguished.

"Boss, the time is coming." The dispatcher looked at his watch through the moonlight by the window. Seeing that the appointed dispatching time was approaching, he was a little anxious about when the call would come.

"Then what can we do? Wait first. If you miss it, wait for the third report at one o'clock."

It was going to rain, my mother was getting married, there was nothing to say about the accident, Zeng Haifeng was very calm.

"Come, let's eat noodles with the night view as topping."

"Where is the scenery?"

"Isn't it full of scenery outside? There are also ditties."

"The boss is so cheerful."

As soon as the power in the concession stopped, it set off a chain reaction. Crowds of people poured out of the streets outside, and they became noisy from the initial daze.

In the past, there would be occasional power outages during circuit maintenance. I had never seen such a large-scale power outage, and some people were a little excited for a while.

“I’ve never seen a western view before. There’s actually a power outage in the concession?”

"Who has candles?"

"Oh, please touch my butt and make sand."

After having fun and laughing, there are always people looking for the patrol room, and the people in the patrol room are also panicking. Police station, is this a place that can have a power outage?

The record hasn't been finished yet, and the robber opposite is still squatting.

Go report it quickly.

The karaoke halls, dance halls, bars, and even the Paramount where people danced every night were all dark.

It doesn't matter if it's dark in other places, but when it's dark in Paramount, the atmosphere inside becomes lively. People steal things that need to be stolen, touch those that need to be touched, and punch those that need to be punched.

Screams, noises, a roar of people.

Without electricity, the telephone was useless. The big shots in the public affairs bureau immediately sent people to the power plant to check.

This scene in the French Concession quickly reached the ears of the Japanese, but although power outages were rare, they did not have any special purpose.

Just wait patiently.

But soon, the spy took off his monitoring earphones and shouted loudly: "There is a signal!"

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep that the target has been found.

"Check the location quickly!"

The Japanese military policeman on the side immediately looked serious. After receiving the instruction from the intelligence officer to confirm the direction, he got out of the car and made a phone call to contact several other vehicles.

By the way, report to the Doi En Agency.

"Calculate the route and act quickly! Make sure to capture them all!" Doi Yuan's agency gave the order.

"Shall we take action directly? Should we call the Chinese?"

"Don't inform Li Liqun. He doesn't even know how many people are targeting him. You go on your own and make a quick decision!"


The three signals from the three vehicles intersect together, and the intersection in the middle is where the transmitter is.

At this moment, the spy who carefully measured the distance suddenly raised his head and waved his hand in the direction of the British and American Concession after crossing the Suzhou River. "The closest to us is not far from the opposite side! Definitely less than one kilometer! No, 700 meters is the most!”

What a blessing from heaven!

"Assemble!" the Japanese military police shouted.

"Let's go!" The convoy of twenty people rushed towards the public concession.

Once across the bridge over the Suzhou River.

This scene fell into the eyes of the military command agent squatting by the river, and a look followed closely behind.

They followed the Japanese convoy to a five-story residential building. They watched the Japanese surround the entire residential building, watched the Japanese take out their spears and rush towards the house, and watched the Japanese kick in the closed door. superior.

Then he closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly.

There was a loud bang, and the Japanese bombed back as fast as they charged, and the bodies were still rolling on the ground.

This forced intrusion is not a good thing.

Nothing else. They all have a good habit of hanging grenades on their doors. I don’t know who taught them.

"Eight~Gaya Road!"

The angry Japanese pointed their long guns in the direction of the blown door and began to discharge bullets.

"You really don't have a long memory."

The military commander on the second floor sneered and shook his head. This scene reminded him of the scene when he robbed the car. It was exactly the same.

He raised the machine gun in his hand, placed it on the edge of the second floor window with a bang, adjusted the angle, pointed the muzzle downward, and pulled the trigger.

Da da da da

The gushing machine gun bullets were shot out, and the Japanese on the street were as fragile as paper. Blood bloomed one by one, their bodies were torn to pieces, and screams, cries of pain, and angry curses broke out at the same time.


"Second floor!"


This wave of military police downstairs has no ability to resist at all. As the first batch of fish to be baited, they have already put sticky boards on them. With their butcher knives raised, it is difficult for them to jump with all their strength.

If you're lucky, you can use a car to escape, but the rest are either seriously injured or turned into corpses.

The real confrontation lies in the other two convoys that arrive one after another!

Each telecommunications detective car was followed by twenty Japanese military police, equipped with machine guns. Unlike the unlucky guy in the first car, they happened to park under the house and jumped out of the car to use their bodies to resist the machine guns.

Even before their car turned into this street, they heard the continuous roar of machine guns!

There is a big difference between whether you are prepared or not.

The Japanese military police have good tactical skills. They used tactical means. When the driver heard the location of the machine gun, he immediately adjusted his position and drove close to the street, completely avoiding the range of the machine gun.

Then the car stopped suddenly, and the military police in the car jumped out, led by a military police squad leader and Doi Madoka's disciple Haneda Ao.

With a cry of peace, everyone clung to the wall beside the street and formed a formation to attack.

How many people can be in one house?

Their two teams have a total of forty people, and the configuration of an entire military police squad, with long rifles and machine guns, is enough even if they face seventy or eighty people.

Obviously there can't be so many people in one house.

So they are very patient.

The military agents who had been left in the room did not dare to come out. The newly arrived military police moved slowly close to the wall, and both sides remained eerily quiet.

The atmosphere gradually became depressing, and even the breathing slowed down unconsciously.

Haneda Ao knew that he was good at doing intelligence work, but he was not as good as the top soldier of the Military Police in terms of combat speed.

Moreover, a conflict broke out immediately, and the agents' combat effectiveness was not weak.

So Haneda Ao asked the captain of the military police squad to lead the people to the front. He fell behind a little bit until the end, which was the safest.

So he was the first to die.

The team members squatting on the Hongkou Bridge followed the first batch of Japanese military police and stayed in ambush around them, pretending to be passers-by and not taking action.

Now, watching the Japanese getting closer and closer to the safe house, it was time for a sneak attack.

As soon as he bit the grenade with his teeth and threw it out, the pistol began to kill quickly. There was no need to aim, because the Japanese were all pressed against the wall. At a glance, the corridor was full of Japanese.



Bang bang bang!

Haneda Ao, who was at the end of the team, didn't even react. He just felt a dull pain in his chest. He lowered his head and looked at the bleeding chest. The grenade exploded behind him.


"Attack!" came a sharp warning in Japanese.

The Japanese military police instantly turned to attack the agents behind them.

However, he did not care about his body, and at this moment, the agents in the safe house also ran out.

The Japanese military police fell directly into the desperate situation of being attacked from two sides at this moment, with nowhere to rely on to escape!

It was good to walk close to the wall on the street to avoid the machine guns, but there was really no way to retreat. When I ran out, I found an empty street and faced machine gun fire. I hid here and was attacked from two sides.

A one-sided massacre began.

The gunfire continued for a while, and the Japanese's desperate offensive was a bit fierce, but most of the results of the last-ditch battle were to fall into the water quickly.

A few minutes later, all the Japanese were wiped out, and no one was left standing on the streets.

"Run!" The telegraph operator of the telecommunications detective vehicle was frightened and shouted to the driver to drive.

How could we forget them?

Throw a grenade into the back compartment, get a stuffed sweet potato, and roast it with everyone and the car.



While shouting and shouting, the agents began to evacuate quickly, and after they evacuated, the patrol officers began to come out to wash the floor.

That is, at midnight, there are not many people on the street. Citizens who live nearby will peek and dare not go downstairs. Those who live far away will never come if they hear the noise. Therefore, reporters will flock to it if they smell the smell.

Overall, this is relatively easy to clean.

The gunfire on the Hongkou side attracted the attention of the Military Police Headquarters, but after asking the military police guarding the bridge, the Military Police replied that their military police team had just passed by and was out on duty, probably hunting and killing agents, so the duty room of the Military Police Headquarters did not need to pay attention.

Haneda Ao died, and his body was turned into rags. No one informed Madoka Doi, and Madoka Doi didn't even know about it.

Instead, Hase Incheon of the Japanese Consulate received the news first, because the British Consulate called him directly to question the matter.

"In our concession, you organized such a large number of soldiers to attack the citizens of the concession, and you also used machine guns. What is the nature of this matter? Mr. Hase, you must give me an explanation!"

Being disturbed in the middle of the night, Hase Incheon was still angry.

As a bridge of communication with the outside world, the Gendarmerie Headquarters would usually inform him in advance of any matters involving diplomacy, lest he would not even know how to quibble.

Yes, it's just a quibble. The role of the consulate is to wipe the butt of the General Staff Headquarters.

But what happened to the Military Police Headquarters? No need to tell him about sending soldiers to attack the concession?

Are you still wiping your butt?

A phone call was made to the gendarmerie headquarters for accountability. The gendarmerie didn't know anything about it, and then they told him that it was Doi Yuan's action plan.

Hase Incheon dislikes Doi Yuan very much. Doesn’t the Lieutenant General need to inform him when he is doing something?

It's hard to live up to his reputation. I heard in the past that Tu Feiyuan was very good at dealing with spies, but how long had he been in Shanghai and what had he accomplished?

"Madoka Doi, if you have any actions in the British and American Concessions, don't you need to notify me?"

"Hase-kun." Madoka Doi smiled calmly and said, "It's not that I didn't inform you. The main reason is that I don't know where the people on the other side are during the night's operation. The operation was carried out very temporarily, so I didn't have time to inform you.

I want to wait until the operation is over and they report, and then give Mr. Hase a detailed battle report, so that I can answer questions from the outside world. "

"Japanese soldiers rushed into the concession and attacked the citizens of the British and American concession. They were then massacred. It can be said that evil is rewarded with evil. Is Doi Madoka-kun planning to give me this battle report?"

"What did you say?!"

Doi Yuan's frightened voice obviously became louder.

Hase Incheon said coldly: "It seems that Doi Maru-kun doesn't know about it until now. I will collect the corpses. Doi Maru-kun should think about how to explain it to the General Staff Headquarters."

Hase Incheon just wanted to hang up the phone to express his dissatisfaction.

Bang, the phone was hung up.


Hase Incheon didn’t take his last breath out, and it was so uncomfortable to hold it in.

A few minutes later, the military police headquarters was dispatched, and Doi Yuan couldn't sit still and went out to check in person. Zhou Qinghe also received a call and rushed to the scene immediately.

A group of people rushed to the scene and looked at the tragic death of the military police on the ground. Iwasa Taro's cheek flesh was twitching.

He knew that this was Dofei Yuan's task, and it was obviously not within his scope to hold Dofei Yuan accountable.

But these military policemen who died were all his people.

He gave Tu Feiyuan a sidelong look with a dark face.

"Where is Tojo Akio? Where has he gone? Why didn't he come?"

"After such a big thing happened, he is still in the mood to drink? Catch him immediately!"

Tu Feiyuan looked at the corpses everywhere, his dead fish eyes were in a daze, and he remained silent.

Zhou Qinghe frowned and sighed softly as he looked at the corpse, and ordered the people to start moving the corpse.

In the French Concession, employees at the power plant finally fixed the wire problem. It turned out that a mouse had bitten the wire and was electrocuted to death.

The call came.

Zeng Haifeng happily began to report.

The British and American Concessions were still too far away from here, and he had no idea what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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