The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 254 Plum Blossom

Chapter 254 Plum Blossom

"Hongji Shantang."

It was actually a pharmacy, which was really beyond Zhou Qinghe's expectation.

Looking at the decorations in the store, it looks like the decoration of a traditional Chinese medicine store selling medicinal materials.

"Liu Qi, go inside and prepare some medicine for bruises."


Liu Qi got off the car and went to the pharmacy, stayed there for a while, and quickly returned with a bag of medicine.

"I went to prepare medicine for bruises. The old Chinese medicine doctor there said that this medicine can cure all diseases." Liu Qi returned to the driver's seat and handed over the medicine.

Zhou Qinghe didn't even need to open the layer of oil paper wrapped around it. He could smell the pickled Fu Shou paste with a gentle sniff.

"It really can cure bruises. At least it will stop the pain temporarily. How much did it cost?"

"15 French coins is really expensive."

Zhou Qinghe built a possible network of contacts, and the next step was to verify whether the person behind Isamu Fujita was Akio Tojo.

"There's also an errand boy, like an apprentice."

Zhou Qinghe then said: "Follow me and have a look."

"Yeah." Zhou Qinghe responded.

Japanese yen to French currency is about 1:1.5.

After about half an hour, a car came, and three people got out of the car. Two of them looked like bodyguards, and in the middle was a young man in his twenties with a neat suit, who looked quite elite.

The problem is that there is no way to check. There is also a way to find out who is behind it from the flow of funds, but this way obviously doesn't work.

Zhang Xiaolin's goods have been missing for a month and have not appeared in Shanghai. There is a high possibility that they have been shipped out of Shanghai.

Zhou Qinghe weighed the Fushou ointment in his hand. It was about one or two weights, which was 10 yen per tael.

Sixteen taels per catty, which works out to a monthly sales of 960 million yen.

"You just saw a few people in Hongji Shantang, the old Chinese medicine doctor, the shopkeeper, are there any others?"

And this is just Shanghai.

He entered Hongji Shantang and came out in just two or three minutes. The bodyguard had a large black briefcase in his hand.

There was a man in his early thirties who sent them out with a warm smile and seemed to be very familiar with them.

According to this calculation, the most convenient person should be Tojo Akio.

With 100 million a year, the profit must be tens of millions. It's no wonder that Zhang Xiaolin's business is targeted by the Japanese.

"It's not cheap."

One year that is

One billion!

Why not Yasuda Bank? That would make it easier to check.

There are always people coming in and out of the entrance of Hongji Shantang. It seems that business is very good. People coming out are usually carrying a small medicine bag produced by Hongji Shantang.

"Where are we going now? Go back and keep an eye on us?"

"Akio Tojo."

"Yes." Liu Qi followed the car in front of him and walked around two streets away. The car in front of him stopped in front of a bank.

It is normal for the money from selling Fushou Ointments to be deposited in the bank every day. The Mitsui Foundation is also one of the four major chaebols in Japan, and their bank is safe and guaranteed.

Only Akio Tojo had a military police unit that was out all year round. It was apparently the military police team assigned to the Doi Madoka Special Committee at that time.

Liu Qi shouted: "Boss, the man who just walked out is the shopkeeper of the store. I gave him the money just now."

This person was not Isamu Fujita, and it did not match the photo on the registration. He could not have mistaken him. He should be just a younger brother or something like that.

"Saving money?" Zhou Qinghe nodded thoughtfully.

The three people got out of the car and entered Mitsui Bank with their boxes.

Zhang Xiaolin said that the consumption of Fushou ointment in Shanghai is 600 tons per month, and one load is 100 kilograms, which is 60000 kilograms.

If the other party has such a big box, is it too much to hold the longevity ointment? How many people do you need to smoke this?

The three people got in the car again and drove away.

Zhou Qinghe calculated carefully and was surprised: "I really don't know if I don't have contact with it. Just think about how big the market for Fushou Ointment is."

Zhou Qinghe glanced at the signboard of Hongji Shantang, but he didn't know whether the boss Isamu Fujita was just a cross-river dragon to gain territory, or a white glove with the support of local senior officials.

Mitsui Bank.

Tojo Akio and Dohi Madoka were familiar with each other, so it was convenient for Dohi Madoka to directly contact Tojo Akio for the military police.

After all, the situation has changed. There are fewer assassinations now. On the surface, the Military Police Headquarters has controlled the security in Shanghai. It is normal for the Japanese to come out and want to make money. They do not want such a large amount of business to be taken away by the Chinese. .

At that time, the Japanese yen was 1 to 1 with the US dollar, but now there is no money to spend in this battle, and it is not just the French currency that is depreciating.

The poor cannot afford to eat, but it is possible to become poor by eating.

It’s worth more than half a month’s salary of a military police officer.

If other staff officers from the Gendarmerie Headquarters were involved, they would have to say hello to him, the Gendarmerie Captain, if they wanted to sell this kind of thing.

The U.S. dollar-to-fiat currency ratio has risen from 1:2.5 before the war to about 1:6 now.

"Is there anyone like a boss? He's quite impressive."

"I didn't notice it. The shopkeeper just now seemed to be quite rich."

"Well, go to the Military Police Headquarters."

Since Hongji Shantang is just a boy in charge, there is no point in staring there.

Zhou Qinghe returned to the Military Police Headquarters and went directly to the Household Registration Section to look through Isamu Fujita's file. His registered address was on it.

Then we set off again and went directly to Fujita Isamu's downstairs residence to wait.

This is a manor-style villa, with two guards in Japanese samurai uniforms standing guard at the door.

Shenmen compound, with bodyguards, quite rich, Zhou Qinghe didn't remember receiving a gift from this guy when he got married.

He definitely can't meet all the people who give gifts, and it's not necessary to meet them just to give gifts. That would be idle. But the name Isamu Fujita is definitely not on the list of gifts. This is for sure.

So either this guy came from Japan later, or he's not of a good enough quality to even be qualified to give him gifts.

It's dinner time now, wait a little longer, Isamu Fujita will definitely come back.

However, some people have different schedules. At six o'clock, Fujita Isamu came out of the house by himself.

A middle-aged man, wearing a white kimono and wooden clogs, walking with a majestic look. He was accompanied by six young men who were immediately identifiable as Japanese. They shouted and drank with great style.

They didn't drive, but walked to a izakaya, obviously wanting to drink.

Zhou Qinghe was annoyed by the Japanese drinking rules. He drank it with two peanuts all night long, who knows when they would finish drinking.

So, I can only interrupt.

Zhou Qinghe got off the car and walked to the public phone booth on the roadside, calling the gendarmerie duty room at the gendarmerie headquarters.

"I'm Fujita, who is on duty tonight?"

"It's Captain Hirano."

"Let him answer the phone."


"team leader."

"Well, Hirano, you take four people and come to the Harumo Izakaya on Beishan West Road. Don't wear military uniforms. I'll wait for you at the Western restaurant opposite the Izakaya."

"Hi, I'll be right there."

Zhou Qinghe asked Liu Qi to wait in the car, then got off the car and entered the western restaurant, ordered a steak and ate it slowly.

In seven minutes, Hirano arrived.

He came in alone and nodded to Zhou Qinghe.

"I have something for you to do. There is a group of people in the izakaya that I don't like very much. You go in to eat and find a reason to beat them up, especially the middle-aged man who is the leader. Break one of his arms."


That's the only thing the Japanese men are good at. They just execute the orders without asking any questions.

Zhou Qinghe cut the steak slowly and ordered: "Someone may ask afterward. If anyone asks, the explanation must be that the fight was caused by an accidental quarrel. It was an accident and I didn't know about it. Do you understand?"


"After the fight, continue to eat and drink well. I will buy the order."

"Hi, thanks Captain."

Zhou Qinghe tilted his head and said, "Go."

Hirano nodded and left quickly.

Zhou Qinghe looked at Hirano and several of his men and whispered instructions, and then entered the izakaya.

Drinking, if there is anything good to drink, Zhou Qinghe wants to see who jumps out after this person is beaten.

Eighteen minutes later, there was movement in the izakaya opposite. Fujita Isamu had a ferocious expression of pain on his face, holding his left arm with his hand, and probably still wailing with his mouth open. Some of his men were looking in the direction of the inner room warily, some were supporting Fujita Isamu, looking anxious, some had injuries on their faces, and their noses were bleeding.

Seven people would definitely not be able to defeat five military policemen.

If you can't beat it, that's a good result. If you beat it, you have to cover it with a white cloth and move it out.

They ran, but Hirano's gang was still chasing and beating them, so Fujita Isamu and his gang ran faster, seeming to be still cursing something.

How can the military police be afraid of trouble?

Hirano's gang won the battle, and that was also a proud expression showing off their power.

After the others ran away, Hirano glanced in the direction of Zhou Qinghe and indicated that he had done a good job, right? Then he returned to continue drinking and drinking.

Zhou Qinghe ate the food and waited without any hurry. When beating a dog, it depends on the owner. If the dog is beaten, the owner should jump out, right?

Not long after, only ten minutes, Isamu Fujita's men came over with a group of military police and stormed into the izakaya aggressively.

A minute later, the military police fled, and Fujita Isamu's men looked ugly and ran very fast.

Hey, it looks like the show is almost over.

Zhou Qinghe asked Liu Qi to call someone.

Ping Ye came up to report. He knew what the captain wanted to ask, so he took the initiative and said, "I thought they were talking too loud and were making a lot of noise, so I got into a fight and beat them up. After they ran away, they called the military police to help and planned to arrest us." , but the military policeman knew me, so he immediately apologized and ran away.

I asked the gendarmerie, and they said they were on duty here tonight and received a call from the gendarmerie to arrest us. "

"Duty room? Okay, I understand."

Zhou Qinghe took out 500 yuan and said, "Tell me who called tomorrow and eat better."

"Thank you Captain."

"Remember, no matter who said it was an accident."


"By the way, did he say he knew me?" Zhou Qinghe thought of his name.

"That's not true."

It seemed that he was overthinking it, as no one dared to pretend to be his relative under his nose.


The next day, Zhou Qinghe went to work, and Hirano came to report.

"Captain, I came back last night and asked the military policeman who answered the phone. The call came from the home of a man named Sugiyama San. He is the assistant manager of Mitsui Corporation.

Mitsui Club is a big club, so their people reported the case and asked us for help, and our people helped.

Even if he didn't help, if he contacted some big shot afterwards, we would still be dispatched later, so we called the patrolling military police and asked them to arrest us for causing trouble first. "

Zhou Qinghe nodded, this was different from the interpersonal relationship he imagined.

There are some problems here. If Fujita Isamu is behind Tojo Akio, it would obviously be much more convenient to directly ask Tojo Akio to transfer people.

Asking Sugiyama San to put pressure on the military police was obviously not a formal channel.

guessed wrong? Not Tojo Akio?

It is logical for Mitsui Corporation to think that the money is stored in Mitsui Bank.

But how did Mitsui Corporation get involved in the Fu Shou Ointment matter?

Are you interested in this business?

Was Mitsui Corporation involved, or was it simply someone supporting Isamu Fujita?

"Okay, you go ahead. If anyone comes to inquire about this matter again, just write it down and tell me."


Zhou Qinghe took care of his official duties, called and asked if Zhang Xiaolin was at home, and then went to find Zhang Xiaolin.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Xiaolin greeted him.

"Brother, is there any news?"

"There may be some progress."

Zhou Qinghe talked about the investigation.

"There is currently no way to judge the extent of Mitsui Corporation's involvement. I am busy and cannot keep an eye on it.

In this case, you send some smart and capable people to keep an eye on Sugiyama San, Fujita Isamu, the shopkeeper of Hongji Shantang, um... and the money sender.

Take a look at the people they come into contact with. Don’t remember the small ones. It’s mainly the big people who seem to have great stamina. Write them down and communicate with me every day. "

After speaking, Zhou Qinghe handed over the prepared photos of the three people: "The person from the bank who sent the money forgot to take it. If you send someone to keep an eye on the shantang, they will definitely find the person who came to withdraw the money."

"to make."

Manpower is what Zhang Xiaolin needs the most for tracking.

"But one thing, brother, you also know that Hongkou is fine during the day. My people can't stay there at night, so they have to leave when the time comes. Otherwise, if they encounter military police on the road, they will be taken directly to jail."

Nowadays, the rules in the core area are very strict. You have to be interrogated when walking on the road. For example, going to an izakaya to eat is not allowed all day long.

There are only two types of Chinese people who go to izakayas, either those who go to work, or those who are taken in by Japanese people to eat.

If you want to eat alone, you can't even give me money, you just won't give me food.

"Get ready, the certificate of the special high school. If you encounter interrogation, don't say anything and show it to the military police."

Zhou Qinghe took out four certificates from his arms and handed them over.

"This is a good relationship." Zhang Xiaolin's face showed joy as he looked at these certificates and smiled, "In Shanghai, no one is as good as the certificates you gave me."

"Be careful. If there is someone behind you, and they find out that I am investigating, and they shrink back, how can we investigate this matter?"

"Yes, yes, the reminder makes sense. Brother, you have thought it over carefully. Don't worry, I will tell them to be careful."

Zhang Xiaolin agreed with his face. He really hadn't expected this. He thought for a moment and said, "Hey, brother, what do you think about me checking where his warehouse is?"

"Is it someone else's idea?"

"Hehehe, I've lost a lot. If I don't get it back, I won't be willing to do it. I have to make up for it, right?"

"Just don't get caught."

"Sure, look, there are no other talents in our Qing Gang. With this ability, I can find at least a hundred people."

This matter is Zhang Xiaolin's own business. If you give him the direction and let him follow it, he must be careful.

Zhou Qinghe lived as usual. In his spare time, he was thinking about a question. It was not Tojo Akio, but people from Mitsui Corporation. It was normal that they had the ability to send out the military police, but how did they smuggle drugs out of Shanghai?

Could it be that someone in the gendarmerie was getting extra money without telling him?

Three days later, things are getting better.

Fushou ointment had to be consumed every day, and the consumption was quite large. Zhang Xiaolin's people stared at Hongji Shantang. The supply of goods came in and out, and they found the inventory warehouse of Hongji Shantang with almost no effort.

It's in the dock warehouse in Hongkou.

Following the warehouse, something more important was discovered. Hongji Shantang's inventory was not only sent to one store, but to seven stores in Shanghai.

You can buy it anywhere in Zhabei, Nanshi, Pudong, and the Concession.

Zhang Xiaolin suddenly became angry. There was such a business-stealing person appearing under his nose. He immediately sent his little poisonous insect in to take a few breaths to check the wind.

It may be due to legal concerns, because governments of various countries, including Japan itself, prohibit the sale of drugs, so each store is very hidden and mainly relies on word of mouth among drug addicts.

It's okay outside the concession. After all, it's controlled by the Japanese themselves. Just avoid the pseudo-police.

The British, American, and French Concessions are very hidden. According to the investigation, there are no stores. They rent private houses. After renting a private house for a while, they find that something is not right, so they change to another one. This way they have been avoiding the patrols.

Seven stores, so many Fushou ointments, to maintain safety, they have to import and export. This power is not small. Where did such a group of people suddenly appear?

Zhang Zhai.

"Brother, look at the records handed in today and see if they are useful?"

Zhang Xiaolin handed over the paper recording the whereabouts of a dozen of his subordinates. While handing it over, he sighed with a frown on his face: "I don't understand the use of this personal name. I can only rely on you, brother."

Zhang Xiaolin is anxious, business is being taken away every day, and it’s all money.

But looking at these things, he didn't know what he could see.

Zhou Qinghe took a sip of tea and took the paper.

The people following him are now passively expanding their tasks as the situation unfolds, and there are now as many as twenty people following him.

Together, these people form a drug trafficking circuit.

And as long as they are numbered one by one according to the overall process, and each person is assigned a position in the operation line, then when the tracks intersect, the extra characters, and they belong to big shots, are likely to be the key here. figure.

For example, Sugiyama San of Mitsui Club went to a place called Satomi Mansion and met a Japanese named Satomi Fu.

And Isamu Fujita also went to the Satomi Mansion and met this Japanese man.

The most wonderful thing is that Satomifu also went to the warehouse of Fushou Ointment, which proved that Satomifu was related to this matter.

And then, that is, today's whereabouts, Satomi Fu went to the office of Meihua Lane in Hongkou to meet with Ying Zuo Zhengzhao.

That place also has a secret name. Because it is in Plum Blossom Alley, it is also called Meiji.

(End of this chapter)

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