The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 267 Debriefing

Chapter 267 Debriefing
General Staff Headquarters.

Zhou Qinghe came to report his work.

As usual, I went to the Human Resources Department first to hand over the job. The people in the Human Resources Department laughed when they checked the records. I have seen people who are bold outside, but I have never seen people who dare to be so arrogant when they come to the Staff Headquarters. They dare to be late for reporting their duties.

The itinerary had been arranged long ago, and the time for the work report was scheduled for the morning, but now it is 1:33 in the afternoon.

Anyone who dares to be late for the debriefing meeting will basically not end well.

A phone call was made to the staff office, the smile faded slightly, and the staff spoke calmly, which meant there was no storm.

So the person from the Human Resources Department quickly completed the procedures for Zhou Qinghe and politely took Zhou Qinghe to the conference room in person.

When Zhou Qinghe came in, there was no one in the conference room, but soon, the first person arrived, with the rank of lieutenant general on his collar badge.

Zhou Qinghe immediately paused. According to his level, this kind of debriefing meeting would only involve the participation of his boss and two or three staff officers.

Lieutenant generals all appear, which is a bit high level.

People from all sides, no matter who they are from, have to nod and praise this part of the effort.

For this reason, the General Staff Headquarters also changed a commander.

I thought this was very strange, so I asked the military police to follow the clues, and the final harvest was the thirty dead people.

Then Zhou Qinghe had to defeat him.

In fact, putting aside the drug incident, during his tenure in Shanghai, Fujita and Kiyoshi protected the development of the economy. There were no or fewer assassinations, and the situation has improved significantly. This is in contrast.

The person asking the question looked unhappy.

Most of the staff nodded, and what they said made sense. In fact, they just barely said three words: Doi Yuan. Whose army is the Kwantung Army? No one here seemed to understand.

"Then let's get started."

Did I make it clear enough? "

After Zhou Qinghe finished speaking, he glanced at the other staff officers and generals, "Everyone, I'm here to report my work, so I try to describe the facts objectively. As for the truth, I don't want to mislead everyone into making false judgments. I haven't checked it. I won’t say anything, I hope everyone understands.”

"Who are you?" Zhou Qinghe asked.

The drugs were found, the misunderstanding was resolved, he apologized to me, and that was that.

"Second Chief." Zhou Qinghe looked serious and paused.

Madoka Doi is really capable of controlling the intelligence department. The first person to jump out and the head of the Chinese class are all on his side.

The inspection of residences in the concession is very strict, and everyone needs to register their information so that they can be inspected by the military police if they meet on the road.

"Fujita Kazuki? Introduce yourself, Tetsuzo Nakajima."

As soon as Zhou Qinghe finished speaking, the staff members were talking quietly to each other in twos and threes.

Zhou Qinghe looked at him, not at all like a subordinate reporting to his boss. Instead, he leaned on his chair and said calmly,
"Director Watanabe, I hope you can listen carefully to what I am saying. What I am saying is that after the drug warehouse of Kage Sasaki was stolen, he had a conflict with me and thought that it was my people who stole it.

Until the drug incident, this is also the focus of this debriefing meeting. After all, the telegrams sent by several parties from Shanghai with different contents clearly illustrate the problem. There are huge problems and great disputes.


"It's really hard work."

It doesn’t matter how the person died, but the dozens of documents I dug out from their bodies clearly showed that they were members of the Kwantung Army Military Police Headquarters.

So I checked their registered addresses in Shanghai based on other documents they had, and then found Yingzuo's missing drugs from their home.

This is the second-in-command of the General Staff Headquarters.

"sit down."

“Lieutenant Fujita, are you saying that all the problems in Shanghai are caused by Lieutenant General Doi Madoka? Do you know what you are talking about?
You're blaming a lieutenant general!
Lieutenant General Doi Yuan is a person who has made great contributions to the country. Your words have already formed evidence against him. Do you want to think carefully about it? "

As for who the murderer was, who killed the thirty people, and who sent the thirty people.
Section Chief Watanabe, I hope you understand that what I described is what happened. The name Madoka Dohei does not appear in this paragraph. Lieutenant General Dohei Madoka is your own understanding, not what I told you.

Nakajima Tetsuzo smiled slightly: "I heard that Fujita-kun you just arrived yesterday and worked all day, right?"

As he was talking, the staff officers came in one by one, and suddenly there were 12 more people in the room, half the room of major generals and half of the room of colonels, coming to participate in a lieutenant colonel's debriefing meeting. It was really a huge lineup.

The business environment in Shanghai in the past and the business environment in Shanghai now can be compared and judged. This part belongs to Fujita and Kiyoshi's credit and is beyond reproach.

Oh, future boss.

One person did not participate and asked directly.

This is why Yingzuo sent two telegrams to the military headquarters, but the contents were quite different.

The imperial family's condition is also confidential, and some things are hard to find out, but since Fujita and Kiyoshi are standing here, that in itself can explain the results of the operation.

"It should."

After saying this, Tetsuzo Nakajima took his seat.

How these thirty Kwantung Army men came here and how they died? Anyway, the bodies have been taken back by the people from the Bamboo Agency, so it is none of my business, and I don't need to investigate.

Zhou Qinghe stood up and briefly and quickly recounted what happened in Shanghai under the attention of everyone.


So this part went by very quickly. If someone asked some small questions, they would be skipped quickly.

The man's eyes widened slightly, his expression naturally ferocious, "Chief of the Chinese Section, Shiro Watanabe."

But Fujita Kazuyoshi was right. He did not say the word "Doi Madoka".

Shiro Watanabe was like a duck that had been choked on the neck. He wanted to say a lot, but he seemed to be able to explain it, and yet he seemed to be unable to do so. He was at a loss for words.

There was a low-pitched discussion, and Shiro Watanabe frowned, and his eyes towards Zhou Qinghe were not very friendly. Zhou Qinghe saw this, and the whole situation was under control. Shiro Watanabe was the only one who fired the shots, and the others seemed to have no relay. interest.

That proves one thing, the Mitsui-Mitsubishi faction is not in a one-sided situation in the General Staff Headquarters.

Maybe there are still people who are Tufei Yuanbo, it should be said that there must be some, but they are probably suppressed by the fact that he treated the prince, so they are not ready to open fire for the time being.

dong dong dong.

"Come in."

The door opened, and a man wearing a colonel's uniform came in. Looking at the room full of generals, they looked very general-like. He smiled and said, "I've been delayed because of something, please forgive me."

"Deputy Commander Nakajima." He paused. As for the other major generals, he simply ignored them.

"Sit down." Tetsuzo Nakajima seemed to have no objection to his attitude.

This made Zhou Qinghe curious. This colonel was a bit unusual and looked more majestic than a major general.

The visitor sat down and asked curiously: "Where are we talking about? Are we talking about drugs?"


"Then let me tell you, are you Fujita Kazuki? You are very young.

The military has recognized Shanghai's economic development capabilities, and the military police headquarters has solved the assassination problem, which is very valuable.

As the war expands, the issue of military expenditure is an important difficulty we have to face. Shanghai's economic recovery is particularly important.

You did a good job, but Lieutenant General Doi Madoka said that the Military Police Headquarters deliberately obstructed the completion of his grand unification plan. What explanation do you have for this? "

After so many words of praise, who suddenly changed his face and wanted to scare anyone to death?

"you are?"

"Tanaka Shinichi, Chief of the Military Affairs Bureau's Military Affairs Bureau."

This week Qinghe understood why the colonel was so crazy.

The Military Affairs Bureau, the First Bureau of the Army Province, has the rank of major general as the director of the Military Affairs Bureau. According to rumors, it is a position that even a lieutenant general will not change.

This bureau has two powers, one is personnel and the other is military.

In one sentence, it is explained that this bureau has the de facto decision-making power as to which important military general of the army is vacant.

The director is a major general, but it is their decision to send a lieutenant general as a commander.

Tanaka Shinichi is the military section chief, responsible for the war against China and the Soviet Union. There must be a lot of people nominated and arranged to hold important positions from his hands.

To put it another way, this kind of person has a strong network of connections.

"Obstruction? Is that what he said?" Zhou Qinghe expressed confusion.

Tanaka Shinichi leaned forward and said in an aggressive tone: "You dare to say it's not true?

Doi Yuan reported that the local gang leader is one of your people, and he is engaged in the drug business. You deliberately obstructed the overall situation of the military for the sake of profit. This inference is very reasonable. "

"What do you want to say?"

"Are you obstructing the overall interests of the military?"

"not at all."

"Then why did Admiral Doi Enchu say that?" Tanaka Shinichi slammed the table, looking very strong.

Zhou Qinghe still had no reaction, "Then you should ask him."

"This is your debriefing meeting now, and you have to give a reasonable explanation." Tanaka Shinichi said, eyes widening: "Who told you to sit down? Stand up and answer! What an attitude!" Tanaka Shinichi was very dissatisfied with Zhou Qinghe's attitude. , gentle, not defensive, not offensive, talking as if asking for money, spouting out a few words.

"The deputy chief asked me to sit."

"I allowed it."

Tanaka Shinichi did not hesitate when he heard this answer. He turned around and said to the deputy chief, "Deputy chief, the debriefing meeting must be serious. It is essentially a question and answer meeting. Sitting here does not reflect this seriousness at all. I hope you will Being able to change opinions helps us find the truth of things.

The affairs in Shanghai are related to the income of the economy. This is very important and we must solve it quickly. "

Wow, that's pretty cruel.

Zhou Qinghe's lips twitched slightly. Tu Feiyuan's faction was so powerful and fierce that a colonel dared to question the lieutenant general's decision and asked him to change his decision immediately.

It vividly embodies the Japanese army's fine tradition of conquering superiors from below.

But this also means that the deputy commander Nakajima Tetsuzo is not one of their people.

Then Zhou Qinghe had to help, "When it comes to the economy, I have something to say on this matter. I think General Dobiyuan's strategy is very problematic."

"What did you say?" Tanaka Shinichi turned his head, frowning slightly, with disbelief in his eyes.

Some people dare to doubt Tufeiyuan's methods.

Zhou Qinghe glanced at him sideways, "My time is precious, Colonel Tanaka, you should listen more clearly and don't ask again next time.

I said General Doi Madoka's strategy was very problematic.

Regarding China's strategy, I very much agree with the direction of using China to control China. "

"This is the strategy proposed by Lieutenant General Doi Madoka." Tanaka Shinichi emphasized, seeming quite proud, especially the recognition from his opponent.

Zhou Qinghe nodded, "Use Chinese agents to find Chinese agents, use the Chongqing government to deal with the Chongqing government, and use Chinese people to sell drugs to the Chinese people. The first two are well executed, and I agree with them, but the latter."

After Zhou Qinghe finished speaking, he pursed his lips and frowned and asked, "So in establishing a unified drug market, why did Lieutenant General Doi Yuan not adhere to the strategy of using China to control China, but instead used the Japanese to manage this matter? ?”

Zhou Qinghe raised his eyebrows: "Is this thing more difficult than the first two?

Or is there some hidden secret here that necessitates the use of Japanese people?
When the strategy was initially formulated and decided to be implemented in Shanghai, the Military Police Headquarters, as Shanghai's force, was excluded from the plan and was not even informed.

I, the captain of the Military Police Headquarters, don’t even know.

If something goes wrong, come to me and say that my people stole this. I won’t say anything. That’s ridiculous.
What I want to say is that if it is because of my relationship with the Qinggang, you don’t want to tell me.

In fact, in line with the principle of using China to control China, wouldn't it be more reasonable to let me know in advance and then let the people from the Qinggang do it?

From the beginning, the Green Gang and I were the most suitable candidates to implement this plan.

Why are you looking for Japanese people? Who tells me the reason? "

Zhou Qinghe glanced around everyone and returned to Tanaka Shinichi: "Colonel Tanaka, why don't you give me some advice?"

Tanaka Shinichi was speechless for a moment and just stared at Zhou Qinghe.

So Zhou Qinghe looked to the other side, "Chief Watanabe, you are the head of the China course. You should understand the profound implications of this change in China's strategy. Why don't you tell me why we can't use China to control China here?"

Shiro Watanabe didn't speak for a while.

The other staff officers were a little dumbfounded and secretly entertained themselves. It was interesting that Fujita Kazuki counterattacked and actually wanted to break the window paper and overturn the table.

Who doesn't know that there is corruption in this, but some things are tacitly understood and no one really says anything.

You were so brave, you just said it directly.

No, it was the first time I came to the General Staff Headquarters and he was so cruel. Everyone had to take a high look at Fujita Kazuki. This person was not easy to bully.

"Why don't you say anything? Is this question difficult to answer?"

Zhou Qinghe frowned and asked very innocently: "This question shouldn't be difficult. Didn't you consider this when you set up this strategy? There are so many staff members in the staff department, right?"

The staff couldn't take the blame. Someone coughed and said, "This is the idea of ​​the Ministry of War and has nothing to do with our staff headquarters."

"What doesn't matter to you? Shadow Zuo was transferred from your staff headquarters. How can you say it doesn't matter?" Tanaka Shinichi glared at him fiercely.

The staff officer was not afraid and sneered: "Chief Watanabe, Section Chief Tanaka is asking you, why did the China Section send Shadow Assistant?"

Good guy, the staff is really damaged, the boomerang is back.

"Because Ying Zuo is the most suitable candidate." Shiro Watanabe reacted quickly: "He also did a good job on Vice Chairman Wang's matter. The Chinese class should not be criticized. There is no problem with the selection."

"So what you're saying is that Lieutenant General Doi Yuan went to Shanghai and there was a problem?" The staff officer continued to argue.

"How do I know? I didn't go to Shanghai."

"Aren't you the head of the Chinese class? Didn't Yingzuo report it?"

"Kagesa didn't say there was something wrong with General Dobi Madoka."

"Then who has a problem? Lieutenant Colonel Fujita?"

"Ying Zuo didn't say there was anything wrong with him."

"That's Kagezu's problem."

"Of course Ying Zuo has no problem!"

"Oh, it's no problem." The staff officer smiled and looked at Tanaka Shinichi meaningfully: "Section Chief Tanaka, Section Chief Watanabe said it's no problem, it's no problem for the three of us, it's no problem in Shanghai, you are struggling. What?"

"Okay!" Tanaka Shinichi slammed the table and yelled: "Can you not be led astray? Now is Fujita Kazuki's debriefing meeting."

The staff officer smiled: "It's a debriefing meeting, yes. Since there are no problems in Shanghai, the assessment rating this time is excellent. Section Chief Watanabe, do you agree or not?"

Watanabe's cheek twitched slightly, and he quickly said: "I agree."



The staff began to express their opinions, and the situation began to turn one-sided. This matter could no longer be discussed. It was obvious that the two groups who went to Shanghai wanted to kill Fujita and Kiyoshi as the responsible persons, but they could not be killed.

After several people agreed, everyone looked at Tanaka Shinichi. Tanaka Shinichi represented the Ministry of War. After he finished speaking, as long as he had no objections, the incident would be determined.

Tanaka Shinichi didn’t keep everyone waiting for too long.


Zhou Qinghe received excellent results in the assessment during his tenure in Shanghai with the unanimous vote of all members.

This needs to be written into the file, and there will also be the name of the voter, which is very critical for promotion. This is called seniority.

"Okay, that concludes the debriefing meeting about Fujita Kazuki." Deputy Chief Tetsuzo Nakajima made a concluding speech.

All the staff members were also ready to leave.

Zhou Qinghe groaned, frowned and asked, "Wait, is this the end?"

All the staff members were about to raise their buttocks and pressed down.

Tetsuzo Nakajima nodded, "Yes, the results have been achieved. The staff members have no problem with Shanghai anymore. It can be over. Do you have any questions?"

"Is there no problem in Shanghai? No one has answered my question yet. What is the reason why Shanghai cannot use China to control China?"

After they finished firing, Zhou Qinghe was about to open fire. Japan couldn't come here in vain and had to do something.

A group of people were stunned when I asked this question. Do you want to ask further?

Just now, Fujita and Kiyoshi cleverly came up with this angle to counterattack. They thought it was for their own ratings, but now it seems that they are actually preparing to fight hard.

I sat down firmly and prepared to watch the show. First, I watched Tanaka Shinichi’s reaction.

Tanaka Arata was expressionless: "This is a secret of the Ministry of War. There is no need to tell you."

After saying that, he raised his feet and started to leave.

"Confidential, you really can't ask."

Zhou Qinghe frowned slightly and continued: "But I have to give you some advice on this matter.

The situation in Shanghai is very complicated. The Green Gang, the British, Americans, French and Indians, the Central Military Command in Chongqing, the Red Party in northern Shaanxi, and Soviet agents. Do you know why the Green Gang can still stand and get along so well in the Shanghai concession? Okay? "

"What do you want to say?"

“Based on my experience in Shanghai, using China to control China is the most effective and fastest way to deal with China.

If the plan to unify the drug market does not change and the Japanese are still used, the change that will occur is to cause violent resistance from the Youth Gang.

Not only the Youth Gang, there may be British, Americans, Indians, etc. behind this business.

When a commotion breaks out, the entire peaceful situation in Shanghai will be broken, and the impact will be huge. Are you ready? "

Zhou Qinghe looked at Tanaka Shinichi, "You talked about the issue of military expenditures. I really don't want the situation in Shanghai that has been established so hard to be broken. But once this happens, military expenditures will only be even less. Who will bear the burden then?" responsibility?"

"General Doi Madoka's abilities don't need to worry you."

Based on this sentence, if something happens in Shanghai, whoever will die will die if you don't.

(End of this chapter)

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