Chapter 283 Spine
In the palace.

The palace man walked in a hurry and looked excited, "Your Majesty! A telegram from Colonel Fujita!"

He knew very well what kind of surprise this telegram would bring to His Majesty the Emperor.

Sure enough, Hirohito, who was originally frowning and looking gloomy, looked at the face of the chamberlain and stood up as if telepathically, "Give it to me quickly!"

As soon as the folder was opened, Hirohito glanced at the contents and couldn't hold back his excitement anymore, laughing loudly.

I have been waiting for too long, I have been waiting for too long. Every day seems like a year. I never think about the good news that Fujita and Kiyoshi can give me.

finally come!

"Okay! Great! Fujita has indeed lived up to my expectations. Call him back quickly."


Zhou Qinghe set off immediately after receiving the reply message. He hid in the city and in the court, and played around in the court, which may have brought about a two-level reversal of the war situation in the local area.

The next day, Zhou Qinghe took people to the hospital after a night's rest. As soon as he arrived at the hospital, he was guided to the conference room.

Hirohito was indeed very happy, "Then when do you think it is more appropriate for me to carry out the operation?"

Zhou Qinghe picked up the silk scarf on the table and wiped his mouth, put it down and said: "As long as your majesty is ready, you can do it at any time. Of course not today, because I have to go to the hospital to make preparations, and you have to go to the hospital to do it again." During the pre-operative examination, I also had to rest for a few hours to ensure that I was in the best condition.”

Kenichi Yasuda has also been waiting for a long time. Whether Fujita and Kiyoshi can successfully perform the operation on the emperor is related to the life and death of the Yasuda family.

Even Hirohito was probably a little bit persuaded. The closer he got to this point, the more he worried about gains and losses. He was probably thinking about whether his illness would be cured, but at the same time he was thinking about whether he would be paralyzed.

When Hirohito saw Zhou Qinghe, his eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth raised.

Failure will definitely not end well.

Zhou Qinghe returned to Yasuda's house after coming out of the palace.

Zhou Qinghe knew without looking that Hirohito was not interested in eating at the moment. After hearing a few words from him about the success rate of the operation in Shanghai and the patient's recovery after the operation, he already wanted to lie down on the operating bed immediately to relieve his lifelong hunched back.

After saying that, he immediately waved to Zhou Qing and the guard he used last time: "Fujita, if you need anything, let him cooperate at any time."

"Here? Fujita, actually I want to have surgery, but the medical officers said that I was advised to wait a little longer. Fujita, what do you think?"

The medical officer must consider whether the operation can be performed.

"Come on, come on, I've been waiting for you for a while." Hirohito patted Zhou Qinghe's arm and led him into the hall. As he walked, he said: "Eat first, and tell me after you finish your meal, what are you doing in Shanghai?" The effect of surgery.”

His Majesty the Emperor is going to have an operation, so people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will have to consider the impact of His Majesty not being able to show up for a long period of time, while people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will have to consider how to deal with the condolences or spies that other countries will bring.

The crowd was full of people.

Seeing Zhou Qinghe come in, everyone around the conference table who should be doctors nodded in greeting, and Hirohito reluctantly smiled and said:

Who? Affecting his plan. Zhou Qinghe glanced at the people present with incomprehensible eyes: "Who said that? Why wait?"

"Fujita-kun, I have been waiting for this day for decades. It's up to you."

Let people arrange their accommodation. The Yasuda family has a lot of houses. They can live there first and worry about it later.

Bring it over and help the Red Party open up an intelligence point in Japan.

The food in the palace is of course excellent, but this kind of dining environment often has many rules, and a few bites are enough.

A bunch of ministers and doctors from unknown departments surrounded the entire corridor. These were still second-class citizens. First-class citizens were all sitting in the conference room for a meeting.

One person raised his hand: "My suggestion is that I am His Majesty's medical officer. It's not that I don't trust Fujita's medical skills, but for His Majesty's condition, it is too urgent to perform surgery in these two days.

Behind him were several characters who looked like internal ministers.

Yasuda Kenichi was nervous and wanted to communicate more at this moment, but Zhou Qinghe was not here to do this.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured."

But before his plane started flying into the sky, the news in the palace had already spread all over the sky.

The military has just experienced turmoil, and the person in charge is the emperor's man, who has to get the overall will of the military's next move.

After speaking, he glanced at everyone, and many people nodded slightly, which was obviously a safe approach.


So Zhou Qinghe put down his chopsticks very wisely and said that he had eaten it on the way.


The tone cannot be considered strong, it is just a normal inquiry, but the seniors in the medical field have a natural suppressive power on the back, and the general population does not dare to speak, and the office fell into silence.

"Your Majesty." Zhou Qinghe calmly carried out the ceremonial activities.

All walks of life had to take action upon hearing the news, and all government affairs systems were very busy for a while.

When he came to Japan this time, he brought his team of nurses from Shanghai. He was going to stay in Japan for a while, so he couldn't do it without his own people, and Ma Qingqing and the others were of little use in Shanghai for the time being.

"It should be." Hirohito suppressed the impatience in his heart and said with a smile: "Then tomorrow, I feel that I am in good condition."

Zhou Qinghe was still confused when he was brought here, and then he saw Hirohito in the first seat, who looked uncertain and hesitant.

According to our thinking, we actually think that Fujita Fujita can perform a few surgeries on others, and then we and the spine experts here will jointly evaluate the results, and then decide whether to perform the surgery on His Majesty. Is this safer?
After all, it is a spinal surgery. If you are not careful, you will be paralyzed. If it were that easy, I think there are many doctors across the country who would be willing to do it for Your Majesty and would have done it a long time ago. You really shouldn’t be impatient. "

Hirohito was looking forward to it in front of the palace!

When the plane landed in Japan, the person who came to pick him up this time was not a member of the Yasuda family, but an internal guard of the royal family. Zhou Qinghe was sent directly to the palace without giving him a chance to return to the Yasuda family.

Fujita Kazuki's medical skills are good, and there are examples of hand surgeries, and the recovery is also very good, so it stands to reason that there will be no problem.

But what if? That would be paralyzing.

"Is that why?"

"Colonel Fujita, be on the safe side. You can perform a few surgeries on others and we will make a decision after observation." The medical officer emphasized: "This is a spinal surgery! You will be paralyzed."

Zhou Qinghe asked calmly, "Can you do this surgery?"

The medical officer really wanted to say yes, but actually the surgery was really necessary. It wasn't that it couldn't be done, but because of his status, no one dared to do it, so he took a strong breath, softened and shook his head, "No."

"Oh, then you don't want to speak. Who can do it?" Zhou Qinghe glanced at the others.

Whoever is scanned will lower his head and perform an operation on His Majesty the Emperor, risking his life.

After scanning around and no one responded, Zhou Qinghe looked at Hirohito: "Your Majesty, my treatment plan does not need to refer to anyone else's opinion. I just say it is okay. And
It is best for you to have less contact with them at this time. A group of people cannot provide any useful advice and will only disturb your mood. This is not a good thing for surgery.

I thought your condition was very good yesterday. If you think about it today, would it be a little worse than yesterday? "

The affirmative tone made the doctors present feel mixed emotions, but it also made Hirohito feel shuddering. Yes, he was very confident yesterday and felt that he would definitely succeed.

"What Fujita said makes sense, don't mislead me." Hirohito stood up, scolded them softly, and looked at Zhou Qinghe with a smile: "You have no doubts about the people you employ. Fujita-kun's medical skills are the best I have ever seen, and they are proven. of."

Hirohito raised his palm and said with a smile: "If you can't solve my problem, it is also my problem, not your medical skills." "Your Majesty is of high moral character." Zhou Qinghe smiled: "He is a doctor Favorite kind of patient, please, let's start checking."

"it is good."

The two of them went out, and the voices behind them started to get louder again. Some people might feel uncomfortable with Zhou Qinghe's arrogant attitude, but Zhou Qinghe didn't care. He wanted to clean up the medical community. From now on, he would not allow any second thoughts on what he said would work in the medical community. A sound is produced. If you are not used to being beaten, you will get used to it if you are beaten more often.

I conducted a detailed examination for Hirohito, took the film and wrote down the step-by-step structure of the upcoming medical process on paper, and explained the steps to Hirohito. Hirohito was very satisfied, and he understood and the logic was clear, which gave him a lot of support. Good medical experience.

Then push it into the operating room and start the operation directly, completing it in one go.

Except for the medical officer, the rest are the nurse team assistants brought by Zhou Qinghe.

After opening Hirohito's spine, the medical officer had been mentally prepared for a long time, but he was still frightened by Hirohito's spine and gasped. With decades of spinal deformity, the situation here was simply beyond imagination.

However, Ma Qingqing and the others have performed a lot of surgeries with Zhou Qinghe in Shanghai these days, and it is difficult for them to be emotionally disturbed. The results are successful anyway, so what is there to worry about?
Complexity is more challenging.

As for even if it fails and Japan is paralyzed, paralyzed or even killed, even if they die in the end, it doesn't seem to be a loss.

Maybe he can also honor his ancestors.

You won’t lose money no matter what, so what’s there to worry about?
If the boss hadn't given the order and one of them had lurked here, they wouldn't have cared about the hot-blooded one stabbing Hirohito and then dying generously.

The operation was carried out calmly and quickly, just like operating on an ordinary person. Several people still had time to chat in Shanghainese. The medical officer was shocked by the casual look.

But it turned out that there was really no problem at all.

At least operationally, he couldn't see any problems.

Twelve hours, twelve hours, a very long twelve hours.

The people outside the operating room went from discussing and arguing at the beginning to pacing back and forth anxiously as time passed, and then waiting quietly, getting quieter and quieter as time went by.

Only the phone ringing every now and then, and with increasing frequency, showed that there were many people outside the hospital who cared about what was going on here.

Teng, the door to the operating room opens.

Zhou Qinghe walked out.

In an instant, everyone stood up and focused their vision.

Hirohito's wife and several ministers quickly stepped forward and asked each of them: "How is it?"

"The operation was successful."

Zhou Qinghe's words put everyone's hearts in their stomachs, and then smiles appeared on their faces. Some praised Zhou Qinghe, some praised Japan, and some praised the emperor.

"Dr. Fujita, thank you so much." Hirohito's wife was so excited that she bowed to Zhou Qinghe with tears in her eyes.

This etiquette is still a bit high. After all, he is the mother of Japan. Zhou Qinghe avoided it and said, "This is my duty. Okay, Your Majesty needs to rest. I also need to rest for a while. I am always ready to prepare for emergencies. I'm sorry." "

"Please, I've already asked someone to prepare the refreshments in the lounge." The woman was still more attentive.

"Thank you." Zhou Qinghe paused and left.

After a while, Ma Qingqing and others, who had escorted Hirohito into the ward and made arrangements, also came.

It took twelve hours to complete an operation, which was quite physically demanding. A group of women wailed in front of Zhou Qinghe and sat down to eat and rest.

Zhou Qinghe warned them with a smile, "The most important thing is done. Your life in Japan will be wonderful next, but remember, no matter how much you eat, drink, and have fun, you are the heroes and no one dares to do anything. You guys will definitely get rewards in the future.

But remember what I said before I came here and don’t do any unnecessary things. "

"We understand."

"Rest and eat."

The royal family is still polite. The snacks on the table are all high-end items, which can make these women eat happily.

While eating, he arranged the next care for them. It was not necessary. No one was allowed to touch Hirohito, and his people must be present.

After that, Zhou Qinghe called the waiting Yasuda and Fujita families to report that they were safe.

When the two groups learned that the operation went well, their hearts settled in their stomachs. Kenichi Yasuda even laughed wildly, feeling very lucky for his outstanding vision.

With Fujita and Kiyoshi here, the Tian family can be protected for a hundred years.

Zhou Qinghe will definitely stay in the hospital these days, waiting for Hirohito to pass the critical period and become completely stable.

Ask the guards to read the books in the Japanese palace, and read the war reports from the military department every day.

Now, when Hirohito's condition is completely cured, the title Hirohito promised him will definitely be more than enough.

It's hard to say whether there are other rewards, but it's not that important, because the biggest benefit is that everyone knows that he treated Hirohito and cured him.

The illness that had troubled Hirohito for decades was cured.

As long as this credit is in hand, the next road at the Japanese Army Headquarters will not be so difficult.

When the time comes, ward rounds.

Zhou Qinghe went to see Hirohito.

Hirohito can only lie on the bed now, unable to move.

"Your Majesty, how are you feeling today?"

A wry smile appeared on Hirohito's face: "I feel pretty good, but it's a bit uncomfortable not being able to move."

From the anxiety of going on the operating bed at the beginning, to the relief of finding out that I was still alive when I woke up, to the unbearable pain when it came, to now the pain is not severe, but the pain of not being able to move is very complicated. .

However, there is some luck and there is no big problem. This is Hirohito's own judgment.

Of course, mainly the medical officer also said: "Your Majesty, it shouldn't get worse."

"The discomfort is uncomfortable. This is a necessary process. Your Majesty, your spine has been oppressed for decades. Although it has been modified and repaired by me, you will still have to lie down for two months. After two months, you can try to stand up. Get up and take a walk, be patient and don’t affect the efficacy.”

"Oh, I'll bear with it." Hirohito also had expectations. He said this with a smile, a helpless smile.

The relationship is like staying together every day and getting closer a little bit.

Zhou Qinghe cannot go anywhere else these days, and is ready to stay in the hospital and fight hard for at least two to three months.

In addition to taking care of Hirohito, he also taught surgery to the doctors in the hospital.

With Hirohito's surgery being successful, Zhou Qinghe has now become a mythical figure in the hospital. Technology is the best way to overcome all doubts.

Everyone who saw him was respectful and full of admiration.

Even a simple word in passing can make the doctors and nurses below happy and excited for a while.

This matter has not spread yet and is still in the confidentiality stage. When it is fully revealed, I believe that there will not be a second voice in the Japanese medical community to oppose Zhou Qinghe's decision.

(End of this chapter)

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