The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 292 Making Medicine

Chapter 292 Making Medicine
I tell you to listen to the doctor and don't do anything. If you don't listen, you see, you are asking for trouble.

Zhou Qinghe gave Hirohito some repairs. The good news is that it's nothing serious. The bad news is that the recovery these days has been in vain and he has to start over.

Hirohito looked depressed when he heard that, "I've had enough of staying in the hospital every day!"

The pain is compounded by the bad news that someone has defected. It is understandable that Hirohito is in a bad mood.

Zhou Qinghe comforted casually: "Your Majesty, don't worry about him. This kind of person is actually very stupid. The value of defecting is just because he has some technical information in his hand, but the Soviet Union is not a good person. When the information from his mouth is revealed, Then this person has no value, and his end will not be good.

At the same time, his family members in China were all imprisoned, and because of his stupidity, he was subjected to military law every day. When he dreamed about it at midnight, I believed that after the pleasure of defecting, only nightmares and suffering were waiting for him. "

Hirohito breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Zhou Qinghe, "Your mood has improved a lot. You don't seem to be uncomfortable anymore?"

"I figured it out." Zhou Qinghe smiled slightly: "My time should not be wasted worrying about his affairs. With this time, I should hurry up and study drugs, not only to make up for my mistakes, but also to work hard for the future of the country."

By getting along with people with a good mentality, Hirohito's mentality has indeed improved a bit, and Fujita Kazuki appears to be full of energy and confidence.

So he smiled bitterly and said, "Is there no way for my spine to recover faster?"

The Tokyo stock market soared, and the fanatical people almost collapsed the counters of banks that issued government bonds.

This is a professorial figure.

Tuberculosis affects tens of millions of people around the world. In China alone, tens of millions of people are infected and suffer from severe pain.

There is no need for him to do it himself yet. The speed of drug development depends on the death rate of the tuberculosis soldiers. The faster they die, the faster it will be developed.

There are also experienced people who defend themselves lukewarmly.

The reason for this incident was still the 60 billion military expenditure.

And today, in just two or three months, the people at the bottom have finally discovered that they have been cheated.

At that time, in order to raise military expenditures, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance solemnly explained the importance of the issuance of national debt to a press conference, and sincerely invited the public to purchase national debt to support the military's external expansion.

It was not noticeable at first, but as time went by, people were greeted by rising prices. Not to mention scarce goods, even the price of rice, a necessity for survival, increased by 20%.

"Hey, don't be like this. You force him to do it on his own, but when he finds out that it doesn't work, his face becomes disgraceful. Aren't we the ones who get scolded?"

Since he's not dead yet, he can wait.

Rice, two months, 20%!
Can't afford to eat.

"Your Excellency, there are too many uncertainties in drug research and development. It is normal for a drug to take several years to develop. We have only taken over not long ago. Are you being too harsh?"

In the laboratory, Zhou Qinghe took advantage of the poor domestic economy to angrily yell at a group of researchers.

The professor pushed up his glasses and said, "I know the situation is not good, but there is no way. This is the necessary process of medicine. I see that you have been reading and doing research these days. I believe you also have some experience. If you feel that drug research and development So easy, you can try it yourself.”

Zhou Qing and Zhi Xing united and entered the laboratory under the surprised eyes of the researcher.

The professor pushed up his glasses, looked in the direction of the laboratory and said, "This is a good thing. Only if he tries it himself and finds that he can't do it, will he not think it is our problem.

Not to mention the rampant militarism in Japan, even the lives of civilians in Tokyo are already in extreme embarrassment. Some daily necessities are in short supply. The class led by the newly minted middle class is still snapping up national debt.

"No way? Colonel Fujita really wants to do it himself?"

After comforting Hirohito, Zhou Qinghe went back and continued to stare at the cows and horses in the laboratory.

At this time, it was time for Zhou Qinghe to take action.

Just try it.

Reading books to kill time, occasionally doing small experiments, integrating knowledge and action, this can also be regarded as adding experience to yourself.

Zhou Qinghe likes to read newspapers, and he can enjoy reading them more or less.

If it were a peaceful time, Zhou Qinghe would have made this medicine long ago if those Japanese soldiers had not died, so that the whole world could enjoy it.

The extra money went to the military, and the military wanted to purchase supplies for combat. This large amount of money returned to the hands of major domestic production companies.

Of course, as time goes by, many of those tuberculosis soldiers died, and the country was inundated with worries.

The thinking of the middle class is very simple. They dare not go to war, but at this time when they are making a lot of money from war, they cannot fall behind. Buying national bonds is buying the future.

The researchers below gathered in a crowd, generally lowering their heads and not daring to contradict Fujita Kazuki.

"Your Majesty, we really can't rush this."

The cabinet explained, apologized to the press conference, and then tried to make some changes to stabilize prices.

"The country has spent so much money, but what results have you achieved? Are you worthy of the military expenses that so many people have saved by eating?"

Zhou Qinghe turned to look, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you think the country still has so much time to wait for you to slowly develop research? Have you read the newspaper? Do you know how serious the situation is now?"

"The military war has reached a critical moment. Our country will completely conquer China in the near future and open a new chapter of co-prosperity in Greater East Asia.

But there are only so many goods, and without foreign exchange it is impossible to buy them from abroad. The military factories on the market are still throwing away money, so it is impossible to do well no matter what.

In the laboratory, Zhou Qinghe put on a white coat and conducted operations in person.

As a result, public dissatisfaction boiled over. The fortunes promised at the time were not seen, but now it is common to be unable to afford things. Media people also have to eat, so newspapers and media criticize them every day.

Your purchase of national bonds is not only support for the country and the military, it is also an increase in the value of your own wealth and common prosperity with the country!
Long live the Japanese Empire! "

He can wait, but some people can't wait.

There was suddenly more money on the market.

It’s really incredible that a top doctor doesn’t know how difficult drug research and development is. "

But now is the war time. To be honest, even if this medicine is made, they cannot afford it.

It's not a question of whether you can live in China, it's simply that you can't afford it.

Therefore, if you want others to be able to afford it without actually increasing Japan's military spending, you need some timing design.

Japan is plagued by domestic conflicts, China's war situation is in a quagmire, and it is only a matter of time before it invades Southeast Asia.

Patent protection laws are ineffective against warring countries. However, the United States and the United Kingdom currently have patent protection laws and still agree with this thing. Therefore, only if Japan has many enemies will there be suitable countries to help make large quantities of these generic drugs. .

Only with a price war can the Chinese people really afford this medicine.

The timing is right now, it is really right. If it is done now, there will be a unique window period, which will make Hirohito happy, and Zhou Qinghe will have to make meritorious deeds.

He began to sleep and eat in the laboratory. In ten days, Zhou Qinghe actually made the medicine.

"Give the medicine to the patient and draw blood to record the situation." Zhou Qinghe went out and ordered his assistant.

"Hi." The assistant didn't feel much. This was already the third time Fujita had given him medicine in the past ten days. The first two medicines killed two seriously ill soldiers with tuberculosis.

Of course, no one will be held accountable. After all, they are all people who are dying and voluntarily contribute to the country.

Going to the isolation ward to give medicine to the experimental subjects, the assistant silently said to himself, "Go well."

The next day, he went to the ward again, eh? He didn't die this time.

On the third and fourth days, when the blood test data came out, the assistant was in awe as he compared the records of the previous days, with goosebumps all over his body.

He stared and murmured, "The load is low, the load is low."

"The load is low! The viral load is low!" He yelled ecstatically while holding the test sheet and striding away.

He ran all the way from the temporary isolation ward on the next street to the office area of ​​the office building and slapped the test sheets on the table.

He shouted excitedly at everyone, "The capacity is low!"

A group of researchers in the office who were silently going about their own business were all startled, and then suddenly they all stood up and rushed over, surrounding them.

"Is it really missing?"

"Why so few?"

"Whose medicine?" The various voices can make the assistant shut up.

He suppressed his blush and said, "Mr. Fujita's medicine."

As soon as he finished speaking, the noisy office fell into an eerie silence.

During this period, many people experimented with compounds and then tested them on patients. Anyone could accept the drug they developed, but this drug was developed by Fujita Kazuki, which was particularly confusing.

"Is this true?" The professor was the first to question with a frown. This was impossible no matter how much he thought about it.

A doctor who had just been involved in R&D for a short period of time came to the laboratory and stayed in the laboratory for a few days. He developed a total of three compounds. This drug was released?
"Of course it's true, I drew the blood myself!" At this time, the assistant could never accept anyone's doubts about him and was very sure.

"Which patient? Come on, let me go take a look."

The professor took the lead, and a group of people followed suit. The experiment was rigorous and had to be witnessed with one's own eyes to confirm the results.

A group of people came to the isolation ward. The professor first looked at the experimental subject's previous blood records, then observed and inquired about the condition, and finally performed the blood test himself.

A group of people gathered outside the laboratory, waiting for the results with wide eyes.

The laboratory technician carried out the laboratory testing process meticulously and handed the results to the professor.

"How is it? How is it?" the researcher asked in confusion.

The professor looked at the test form, then pushed up his glasses and looked at everyone expressionlessly.

He raised his feet and walked quickly to the office. He picked up the phone and called Fujita Kazuki's office.

"Hey, is this Mr. Fujita? Mr. Fujita, I have good news to tell you. The drug you developed has great lethality against tuberculosis bacteria. The drug you developed is successful!" He said with a smile as flattering as possible. When you succeed, you need to be as loud as you want, otherwise how can you express your excitement?

"Really?" Zhou Qinghe replied, "Are you in the ward? Wait for me, I'll be right over."

Zhou Qinghe rushed over solemnly, and the first thing that greeted him was the professor who walked forward quickly, holding the test sheet and introducing the indicators to him with a smile on his face.

Then there were countless compliments, without any hint of staidness.

However, a group of young researchers were not as experienced as the professor and were a bit shallow-skinned. They decided to study more in the future, and of course they did not forget to show their admiration and joy.

"Do it again." Zhou Qinghe was very strict.

A bunch of people nodded, "Mr. Fujita is really rigorous."

I'm just not happy about having my blood drawn. Are you sick? It's not over yet, right? Am I not dead yet? Don't you want to slap others?
But when he knew the medicine was effective, he immediately stretched out his arm: "Pump!"

The professor showed his superiority to the soldiers, "This is a new drug developed by Mr. Fujita with great pains and pains. It is your luck to be effective. Think about it, those who have not waited for the drug have been cremated. If they are alive, you Thank you Mr. Fujita.”

"Yes, thank you, I appreciate it very much."

The test results are of course good.

However, medicine is rigorous and requires continuous medication to test the specific response of the drug to the body. Then, it is not until the disease is cured that the drug is truly effective.

From today on, the laboratory has begun a concerted research, and everyone has begun to draw a large number of blood tests on the people in the ward.

After a busy time, when only three of the experimental bodies of soldiers from Manchuria were consumed, finally, the first cured person appeared.

"It worked! It worked!"

Looking at the final results, the researchers outside the laboratory burst into loud cheers.

"Call Mr. Fujita quickly and tell him the good news."

But no one answered the phone.

Zhou Qinghe is accompanying Hirohito in the hospital.

As he spoke, a request for instructions came from outside the door.

"Your Majesty, the parliament has jointly submitted this petition."

"Joined name?" Hirohito was stunned when he heard the word, and then frowned and said unhappily: "What did you say?"

Zhou Qinghe took a step back and stood aside. Since ancient times, joint memorials have always been equated with forcing the palace. It is roughly equivalent to Your Majesty, if you don't agree, you are not of the same mind as us, so it is called forcing the palace. If it is not good, it is a good thing or a bad thing.

The minister came in with the post, handed it to Hirohito who was paralyzed on the bed, and said: "138 members of Congress jointly proposed to remove the cabinet."


Hirohito's face was tense. It had only been a few months since the new cabinet came to power, but why had so many people in the parliament been unhappy?

He read the content of the post and yelled: "You can't speak with your brain, and you deserve to be replaced! Idiots, each one is really stupider than the last!"

Still not relieved after saying that, Hirohito wanted to do something. He probably raised his hand to smash it, but for the sake of his spine, he endured it.

I couldn't vent my anger, which made me even more depressed. I vented my dissatisfaction with "Ah".

The minister bowed his head.

Zhou Qinghe also observed the nose and the heart with his eyes.

"Fujita, have you been to the parliament?" Hirohito asked suddenly.

Zhou Qinghe quickly replied, "I didn't go. My quota review was approved by the Noble Council, but I have been very busy recently. According to the default rules of the council, a soldier who is also a member of the council does not need to participate, so I did not go."

"Look at it."


Zhou Qinghe took the post and looked at it.

It is also a follow-up to military spending.

The incompetence of the current cabinet has caused dissatisfaction among the people. The military department is for external affairs, while the parliament is for internal affairs. A group of lords do not go abroad. Domestic people and business are their basic base.

Now that the basic base is almost dead, they proposed to replace the cabinet.

Of course, there are some forces behind this matter. Removing the cabinet can re-appoint and remove cabinet ministers, so some people directly signed a letter and submitted it to Hirohito.

"What do you think?" Hirohito frowned and asked.

Zhou Qinghe thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, this matter is still a matter of money. If the military can conquer China, there will be no problem. If it is not conquered, and the Prime Minister has made many promises in his words, then the basic domestic situation will be Faced with this, it will inevitably cause resentment among some people.”

Hirohito looked at the minister: "Go and call Yan Junroku."

Boom, boom, "Your Majesty, I have a call for Colonel Fujita."

"It's an emergency call again, pick it up."

Hirohito now has a psychological shadow. Ever since he received the emergency call and found a traitor, hearing this sentence is not so comfortable now.

"Hello, I'm Fujita Kazuki."

Zhou Qinghe picked up the phone and listened to the excited reports of the institute staff on the phone, making a slightly surprised expression.



"Very good! I will definitely reward you when I get back! Do a good job of testing, and test a few more. There are two more, right? Test them together."

Zhou Qinghe hung up the phone and looked at Hirohito.

Hirohito smiled and said, "It seems like something good is coming."

Zhou Qinghe smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, there is a surprise that I have not told you. I just wanted to wait until the day it was confirmed. Now a researcher called me to tell me that the drug to treat tuberculosis has been successfully developed."

Hirohito, who was lying on the bed, straightened up suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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