The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 295 Counterattack

Chapter 295 Counterattack
"What happened to Mongolia?" Zhou Qinghe asked curiously.

Xiao Lin, the head of the Personnel Section, invited Zhou Qinghe to sit down in the office and said with a wry smile: "We have lost the battle. We are not sure about this matter internally. How to divide the responsibilities, who caused the problem, and how to punish them were all decided a few days ago." Come down.

Let me tell you, according to the conclusion given above this time, almost all infantry generals from big to small were punished. This is not surprising, right?
But aviation, all commendations.

Now, there is an infantryman and an aviation force outside. Doesn’t this have a problem? "

"That's no wonder." Zhou Qinghe nodded in agreement.

Kobayashi Yudai shook his head and smiled, "The most difficult part is the infantry, and the aviation unit has been dispatched several times, but not many people died, and they are all commended. Recently, the infantry has been very unhappy with the aviation unit. This is not the first time that a fight has occurred.

You said it’s normal for some people to feel unbalanced after their brothers die. Well, I don’t know what to think. "

Kobayashi Yudai smiled.


Regarding punishment at the top level, such as Tu Fei Yuan, Zhou Qinghe knew very well, but Zhou Qinghe really didn't pay much attention to how the little people below him were dealt with.

This part was also the most violently attacked by the Yasuda and Konoe factions.

And from a financial point of view, although the Osaka Division has a poor reputation, its life-saving ability is very good. There should be this reason, and everyone understands it tacitly.

In the current international situation, there are not many major countries willing to help China. The most important aids are the United Kingdom and the United States.

In the Battle of Mongolia, the Japanese army was defeated. This is an irrefutable fact. It is impossible to reward them. It would be good to pick out some people.

"What's the matter, you want to drink tea with me?" Kobayashi Yudai smiled.

There must be a reason why things are abnormal.

China's aid has basically been cut off, and the only way out is the British colony of Burma.

Zhou Qinghe went to find Yan Junliu.

"know a little."

Zhou Qinghe smiled and shook his head: "I'm looking for your help. Yingwu said he was tired of staying in school and wanted to visit the Chinese battlefield. Isn't this the way I came to find you?"

Yan Junliu greeted him and asked directly: "Let me ask you, how was your discussion with the British people when you went to England this time?"

Zhou Qinghe was very calm, and even joked about disparaging Fujita Hidetake, "If a colonel who has never been on the battlefield is asked to serve as the captain of the main division, I am afraid that he will kill people. The Osaka division is quite good. Let him go and see his adaptability first, and then let’s talk about his performance.”

The UK, on ​​the other hand, provided material assistance to China and was more direct.

"It's okay." Zhou Qinghe thought for a while and nodded: "Their need for medicine is urgent. The British Prime Minister also gave me a cigar to express friendship, but similarly, they did not accept some of the strategies against China proposed by the Foreign Minister. "

"Osaka Division." Zhou Qinghe said casually.

If it were another division, it would take some effort, but it would be really easy for the Osaka division to place someone.

"Osaka?" Yudai Kobayashi looked stunned and smiled in confusion: "Why does he want to go to the Osaka division?"

"It's not impossible. What is the plan of the military? I need to know the specific time to make arrangements. It will definitely not be good if it is not sold." Zhou Qinghe took the opportunity to inquire for information.

As long as the transportation on this road is cut off, all China's foreign aid channels will be cut off. If it takes a while, China will surely perish. "

We have closed the sea route, but they have no air force, only land routes. On the land route, the Soviet Union and us have signed a peace agreement, and they will not use force for the time being. Germany also recognizes the existence of Manchukuo, and they will not aid China.

"Have you heard of the military's plan to cut off food supplies?"

Yan Junroku also understood that this was the emperor's business.

Yan Junroku nodded, "I know that His Majesty the Emperor attaches great importance to the export of medicines. I would like to ask you here, can you put a card on it and make a gesture of not selling to them to make the British anxious?"

"it is good."

The Fujita family's plan to take power was also successfully promoted.

"Hahaha, that's a good thing. I remember Yingwu is the colonel, right? Which army you want to join, I'll show you if there is a position first." As the personnel section chief, Xiaolin has a very good memory.

Two days later, Hidetake Fujita set off successfully.

In bushido culture, soldiers are willing to go to Osaka, which is a good life, and they don't say anything when they go, but officials really don't like to go, in one word, it's embarrassing.

Yan Junliu stood up and said bluntly to the map on the wall: "Look here, the Burma Highway.

If they don't help China, all China's interests will be given to Japan. This is something they don't want to see.

If analyzed from the perspective of Mitsui Mitsubishi.

It turned out to be the case.

"Okay, I'll ask you right away."

At the Military Medical Bureau of the Army Ministry, Zhou Qinghe was in the office when the phone rang.

The Battle of Mongolia did have several beautiful air battles. In the context of Doi Madoka being punished and the Kwantung Army Headquarters being punished, the aviation force was commended.
The director of aviation is Hideji Tojo, Hōtōjo Hideji.

We now want to eliminate China's main force in a short period of time. It is very difficult to rely solely on the advice given to me by the Armed Forces Staff. We can only fight a material war. We are poor and they are even poorer. Starving them to death is also the way to go.

The United States has adopted sanctions, oil embargoes, and other measures against Japan to help China in disguise.

Aid supplies come in through Myanmar's seaport and enter China from Myanmar through the Burma Highway.

"Yeah." Kobayashi Yudai nodded, he understood what he said.

Of course, it's not because they are kind-hearted in nature, it's just that they have deep interests in China. You can see it just by looking at the concessions. There are so many industries here.

"Chief Fujita, Mr. Lu asked you to come over."

After Yan Junliu finished speaking, he walked back and sat down: "The British have been helping China. Our people communicated with them and asked them to give up but they refused, so we need to put pressure on them from all angles. Our plan must be implemented, and the British must Abandon the Burma Highway.”

"Isn't there just one road? Can't it be blown up?" Zhou Qinghe asked.

“It has been blown up, but it will never be finished.

For the Chinese, this is the last channel for supplies. We send planes to bomb almost every day. After the bombing, the Chinese come out to build roads. Trucks dare to transport supplies despite the bombing without stopping for a moment.

The tenacity of the Chinese people who risk their lives is admirable, but it also requires us to find other ways to solve this problem.

The source of this matter is still Myanmar and the United Kingdom, and they must be allowed to surrender voluntarily. "

"Then I understand. I will cooperate with you to suppress it, but the time cannot be too long, because medicines are said to be unique, but if they are not unique, even any country can make them."

I was trying to get rid of the pills. In the war years, I would definitely end up with generic drugs flying around. Zhou Qinghe could agree to it casually.

"What does this mean?" Yan Junliu didn't understand.

"What we produce is called original medicine. Others can crack it with the original medicine. The efficacy of the cracked medicine is slightly less than ours, but it can still be used."

Zhou Qinghe explained to him that Yan Junliu was uncertain, and he really didn't expect that there would be such a problem.

If other countries are allowed to produce generic drugs, His Majesty the Emperor will definitely blame him.

"Forget it. I'll think of other ways. You should just follow your plan."


Saying goodbye to Yan Junliu, Zhou Qinghe walked out of the office door and saw a man from the Medical Bureau running over panting.

"Section Chief, urgent call from Shanghai."

Zhou Qinghe took the message file and opened it. It was sent by the Shanghai Military Police Headquarters.

Content: "Zhang Xiaolin was assassinated."

Bang, Zhou Qinghe closed the file and ordered: "Help me arrange a flight."


Zhang Xiaolin died and was assassinated. By whom? Zhou Qinghe must find out this matter. Although Zhang Xiaolin's death was not a pity, the damn time was definitely not now.

Zhang Xiaolin's death will definitely have a big impact on the situation in Shanghai.

I went home first and asked Ma Qingqing if she had received a message from Shanghai.

Ma Qingqing said yes, Zhang Xiaolin was assassinated, but he didn't say whether he was dead or not.

Maybe he wasn't dead at that time, but since the military police headquarters said he was dead, Zhou Qinghe judged that he should be dead.

Before leaving, I had to meet Hirohito.


"Your Majesty, I control the underground forces in Shanghai through the Shanghai Youth Gang. Now that Zhang Xiaolin is dead, it is necessary for me to go back. Shanghai cannot be in chaos."

Hirohito understood: "Shanghai must not be chaotic. You just go. By the way, didn't you say it is necessary to open a pharmaceutical processing factory in Shanghai?"

"Yes, some countries are inconvenient to travel to and from Japan, and it is also difficult to purchase medicines. If it is opened in Shanghai, then they ask the Chinese to buy it, and everyone can live with it."

"Okay, then you can take care of this matter by the way."


The next day, Zhou Qinghe returned to Shanghai.

Gendarmerie Headquarters.

Miura Jiro said, "I know what you are going to ask. I have sent people to investigate. Zhang Xiaolin was invited to attend a gathering among businessmen. When he got out of the car, he was shot randomly by seven or eight people. He was sent to the hospital. Rescue failed. die.

The patrol house made no arrests. "

"Whose invitation? What force wants to kill him?"

"It was held by the SH Municipal Government on the Bund in the British Concession. The person who did it must be an agent from Chongqing.

Zhang Xiaolin has been helping us. The agents in Chongqing have long wanted to kill him. They have been calm for so long, allowing him to relax his vigilance, and then they took action. "

"Well, I'll go to Zhang's house first. He should have another son."

Zhou Qinghe bid farewell to Miura Erlang and went to the hotel to wait for Liu Kai.

After a while, Liu Kai came in.


"Let's not talk about it anymore. How did Zhang Xiaolin die? Boss Dai's order?" Zhou Qinghe asked directly.

"No, we didn't kill him." Liu Kai directly denied: "It should be the Central Commander. He probably confronted them somewhere."

"The Zhongtong gang of rubbish can't even get rid of Li Liqun, so they are still members of their family. Do they have the ability to kill Zhang Xiaolin?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't the Central Committee? The Red Party?" Liu Kai was also confused: "Why did the Red Party kill Zhang Xiaolin?"

"That's a good question. Will the Red Party kill Zhang Xiaolin now?"

He seemed to have no energy. "Who else could it be?"

"If you rule out all possibilities, there will be only one kind of person." Zhou Qinghe narrowed his eyes slightly.

As long as Boss Dai didn't have some sudden idea to kill Zhang Xiaolin, it could only be the Japanese.

"Do you know where Yingzuo Zhengzhao is?"

"Should still be in Nanjing."

Zhou Qinghe went out and went straight to the hospital.

It was noisy as soon as we arrived at the hospital.

A bunch of people from the Youth Gang were clamoring with the Japanese soldiers.

Zhou Qinghe's guards stepped forward to separate the crowd. At the front of the team was a young man with a funeral white cloth wrapped around his head. He looked sad. He was Zhang Xiaolin's only son, Zhang Fayao.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Qinghe stepped forward and asked.

"Sir Fujita." Zhang Fayao had met Zhou Qinghe and cried when he came up: "My father died in an accident. You have to avenge him."

"Don't cry, I will find out about this matter. What's going on?"

"I want my father's body back, but they won't let me."

"What's going on?" Zhou Qinghe asked the military policeman.

"Sir Fujita." The military policeman said with a serious face: "The command has ordered that no one should come into contact with the body since the incident. The commander said that you will come back and inspect it personally."

"Yes." Zhou Qinghe nodded and said to Zhang Fayao: "Did you hear it too? They are waiting for me. There is information on the body. This is to find out the murderer, right?

You are the same, don’t you know Mr. Zhang is the son of my friend? Why not explain? "

"Sorry." The military police would never explain to the Chinese.

"Okay, let me see the body first."

Zhou Qinghe entered and saw the body on the bed in the morgue, finally confirming that Zhang Xiaolin was really dead.

There were no surgical scars on the surface, and it was judged that he had no vital signs before entering the hospital.

The three gun holes in front of the body don't seem to be fatal. Looking over, there are two gun holes, which are not too fatal.

Why didn't you make it to the hospital?

"Box." Zhou Qinghe stretched out his hand, and his assistant brought the surgical box.

Zhou Qinghe cut open the shot site, took out the bullet and looked at the warhead. It was no wonder that the warhead had cut a cross. It is not scary to shoot randomly, but it is the cross that is scary. The impact on the internal organs may be less destructive than if the cross was not cut. ten times.

This is a determination to kill.

"Chief Fujita, my father died tragically. You must help us find the murderer." Zhang Fayao cried.

"Yes, you can take the body back and let me check it before I look for you."

Zhou Qinghe left after finishing speaking.

As long as the Japanese killed him, the incident was directed at him.

There is always one of the two people, Kagesa Seiaki or Doi Madoka.

Is it plotting to plot Shanghai, or is it a counterattack by the Mitsui-Mitsubishi faction? Because of the defeat at the Army Ministry, do you want to give him, a figure from the Yasuda faction, some color?
I don’t know yet, but it doesn’t matter. Once Zhang Xiaolin dies, the person who should jump out will always jump out. Otherwise, wouldn’t the killing be in vain?
"Go back to the Gendarmerie Headquarters and call Dingmo Village of the Special Commission and ask him to come see me immediately."

Zhou Qinghe quickly went out and got in the car, then paused and said, "Forget it, go to Dingmo Village and wait for me at the Gendarmerie Headquarters. Let's go to Rose Trading Company first."

Zhou Qinghe is not in Shanghai, and the spies from the Special High School Course of the Military Police Headquarters are in the hands of Red Rose.

There are some things that Ding Mo Village may not know clearly. If it was done by the Japanese, they might hide it from Ding Mo Village. If they want to do it, they would have to go to Li Liqun.

But the special higher education course is different. Only Zhou Qinghe knows the exact list. There is not even a directory. Zhou Qinghe has memorized everyone's information and engraved it in his mind.

They are hidden every day and are not easily discovered, so they may only see a little bit of information.

The information is summarized here at Red Rose, it would be more clear if you ask her.

Also, when Zhang Xiaolin paid the money, even if Zhou Qinghe was not in Shanghai, it was also given to Red Rose.

The money must be returned as well.

(End of this chapter)

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