The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 303 True or False

Chapter 303 True or False
It takes Zhou Qinghe some time to compare the telegrams even though he has the code book in his hand. It is conceivable how difficult it is to decipher those without the code book.

The most difficult thing may be to work hard to decipher the code for a long time, and then find out that the other party has changed the code book, and you have to start all over again.

For example, the code book that Zhou Qinghe had at Liu Kai's place was changed every three months. Every time, a special person would deliver it, and Liu Kai would send someone to pick it up. They didn't meet during that period, so the person who delivered it didn't know who it was for, and the person who picked it up didn't know who the person who delivered it was.

"Let's get to work." Jiro Miura rolled up his sleeves and sat down on the ground in an ungraceful manner.

This matter concerns his future, so he is very motivated.

"Let's start." Zhou Qinghe and Red Rose also joined the battlefield.

"First, pick out the telegrams before and after each operation. These are the key points and should save some time."

Time passed little by little, and the three people worked quickly.

Hard work pays off, and Red Rose was the first to reap the rewards.

"Found it! Take a look at this telegram." Red Rose handed it to Zhou Qinghe: "The telegram and the ciphertext can be matched."

Zhou Qinghe took it and looked at it. It said: "Tomorrow, Gordon Road, Zhang's funeral, attack, coffin exploded, you can retreat."

Zhou Qinghe glanced at the time written on it. The time of receipt would be written on all the telegrams received in the telecommunications room. It was 8:25 p.m. the night before the incident.

"Very good, this is the message Yingzuo sent to the action team. They are on the loose, so the time to receive the message should be fixed. Look for this time and frequency every day. There must be a message."

This task was much simpler than a blind man groping in the dark. Thanks to the people in the telecommunications room who were very responsible in classifying the messages by time, the remaining telegrams were quickly found.

"It matches, all of it matches." Looking at the content, all the telegrams commanding the action team's operations can be matched with the recent attacks, which proves that the barrier sent by the Mei Agency to the action team has been broken.

"Continue to look for messages sent by the other party." Zhou Qinghe said.

With the reward, I was full of motivation. I worked hard all night and finally found the reply from the action team among the pile of papers.

The Mei Agency sent a message twice, once at 8:25 and once at 9:45.

The action team's work was a little troublesome. They were responsible for sending the messages, and there was no need for a fixed time because there were people at the Mei headquarters to receive the messages around the clock.

The content is relatively simple and concise, reporting safety, success, and receipt, but there is no address.

The conversation between the two parties did not involve the address of the group.

But this is not a big problem, the address can be fabricated.

"How do we find them next?" Jiro Miura is old and can't stand staying up all night. He's still full of energy now, otherwise he would have collapsed long ago.

Red Rose was also looking at Zhou Qinghe curiously. Without an address, how could they find these people? "Use an interrogation car?"

"No need to bother."

Zhou Qinghe smiled happily, "Don't we think these people are from outside? Then let's play a game to see who is the real Mei Agency."

"Really send them a telegram?" Red Rose's eyes widened and she immediately understood.

"That's right." Zhou Qinghe nodded.

The red rose mouth is in the shape of an oh, this is a great idea, boss.

"What do you mean by sending them a telegram?" Jiro Miura frowned and felt his brain was stuck.

Red Rose explained to him, "Don't we know the addresses of these people? Now we have their code book, so we can write a message and send a telegram to the action team, such as carrying out a mission, to make them jump out on their own."

"Oh?" Miura Jiro straightened his back, his eyes lit up, and he smiled: "That's a good idea."

Red Rose suddenly thought of something and frowned and asked, "Boss, there is another problem here. The time when the Mei Agency sends messages to them is fixed. They have agreed on this. If we send it at another time, they will not receive it, and even if they receive it, they will find it strange.

But if we both send messages at the agreed time, there will be a problem. Besides, the people in the Mei Agency may also receive the messages. If they receive our messages, the translators should be very familiar with their own codes. If they try to decipher them, wouldn’t that be a problem? "

Zhou Qinghe's answer was simple: "Simple, the power outage."

Cutting off power to certain areas has always been a simple method of finding the source of radio signals. When the interrogation department detects that a radio station is sending messages frequently and wants to find it, the fastest way is to cut off power to certain areas.

A radio station that is sending a message suddenly stops sending because of a power outage in the area. The interrogation department can then determine that the radio station is in the area where the power outage occurred. Power outages and power restrictions are common nowadays. What's wrong with a power outage if the infrastructure is not doing well?
Because power outages occur frequently, the radio operators have become accustomed to the atmosphere and will not be alert to sudden power outages. They cannot move to another location every time there is a power outage and run around the streets carrying a radio.

So this method is effective, and as long as the area is narrowed and combined with the precious telecommunications interrogation vehicle, it will be possible to quickly locate the radio station.

Now, on the contrary, the way to prevent people from sending messages is to cut off the power supply.

Everything is ready, except for the chance to take action.

This group of people haven't worked for two days, and the epidemic prevention and disinfection work of the Mei Office has just been completed. Zhou Qinghe wants to give Yingzuo some buffer and cannot let him associate it with the epidemic prevention work.

Zhou Qinghe gave Yingzuo another chance to take action. The operation was successful, and the operatives escaped. They thought they had escaped, but in fact they were tracked and finally arrested. This is much more reasonable. I believe Yingzuo can accept it much easier emotionally. After all, if you walk by the river, you will get your feet wet.

Stealing the code book of the Yingzuo Agency is something that cannot be admitted.

The task of sending the message was handed over to the expert of the Telecommunications Department of the Military Police Headquarters of Jiro Miura. The translated message was just a string of numbers, which only needed to be sent out at a fixed time and frequency, and the sender would not know what the content was.

Red Rose thought of a question and frowned, asking, "I thought we could issue a mission to this group of action teams, but they understand that this is issued by the Mei Agency. When they arrive at the scene and find that they have been deceived, they will definitely try to escape. Then we will fight with them, and they will either die in the battle or escape by luck. But we want them alive?"

This is a problem. It really takes some thought to catch these people alive.

Zhou Qinghe thought about this and had an idea in mind: "I will go there in person when they are arrested."

"It's too dangerous for you to go there. If these people are the elite among the gendarmerie, you will be in danger if they start fighting." Red Rose was anxious. She had people under her control, but most of them were ordinary intelligence personnel. There were not many operatives, and their level was probably not as good as those people.

"It'll be okay." If things went well, Zhou Qinghe wouldn't even get out of the car.

Now that the basic things are arranged, we just need to wait for Yingzuo to continue pushing forward.

Fortunately, things have entered the fast lane. The conflict between the Military Control Commission and the Green Gang started with the Military Control Commission, so the Military Control Commission has no reason to stop.

Another night, Yingzuo sent a telegram to the action team, asking them to pretend to assassinate Zhang Fayao, kill a few of his men, and retreat tomorrow.

Yingzo really wanted to keep Zhang Fayao, this mad dog, to help him bite people.

The next day, Yingzuo's action team took action and carried out the assassination when Zhang Fayao went out to meet the Green Gang leader and came out of the Green Gang leader's house.

Yingzo got what he wanted, but Zhang Fayao got a great shock and five people were killed or injured.

On the third night, Yingzuo sent another telegram to the action team, saying that there would be a meeting of the British Concession Municipal Council tomorrow, and that if the meeting was adjourned, there would be rioting and at least three businessmen would be killed.

After seeing this telegram, Zhou Qinghe felt that the time had come.

Zhang Fayao was stabbed. Theoretically, the people chasing the murderer might be some of Zhang Fayao's own people.

However, the power of the British Concession Municipal Council involved in the tracking was considerable, enough to muddy the waters.

Zhou Qinghe took the translated telegram and looked at the time. Since they sent the message at night, it was already morning when he received it, which meant that the action would begin in just a few hours.

In the afternoon, the Municipal Council meeting adjourned.

The Municipal Council was considered the government of the International Settlement, and only prominent politicians and businessmen could attend such meetings. Today's topic was about trade and economic strategies, so many chamber of commerce leaders attended the meeting.

The reason for choosing this location for the attack was, firstly, to kill the traitorous businessmen attending the meeting, and secondly, Zhou Qinghe estimated that Yingzuo also wanted to anger the British government and force them to step down and jointly fight against the underground forces in Shanghai.

It's a good thing, what if there are clues? When these people came out chatting and laughing, the familiar peaked caps also began to raise their hands, aiming at the businessmen and politicians in suits at the door, and pulled the trigger coldly.

Clap clap clap.

Three people were shot and fell to the ground at the door. The crowd began to run around in chaos, holding their heads. High-pitched screams were heard. People wearing cheongsams were tripped and fell. The one lying on the steps was crying so hard that her makeup was smudged.

There were security guards at the entrance of the Municipal Council. They immediately drew their guns and prepared to fight back, but they were greeted by a barrage of bullets and grenades.

Boom boom boom!

The familiar sound of grenade explosions awakened these people's horrific memories.

The action team struck and left without any lingering fight.

When the whistle of the police station sounded in the distance, the people had already started running. After they had run for a while and confirmed that it was safe, the people from the police station also poked their heads over.

Start washing the floor.


8 points.

Zhou Qinghe and Hong Meigui were sitting in a private room on the second floor of a pub, and from their angle they could see the lights of the Plum Machine through the window.

Other departments can rest, but there must be someone on duty in the telecommunications room.

At 8:22, Zhou Qinghe took his eyes off his watch and looked out the window. The bright neon lights of Hongkou fell into darkness one by one, passing by the Meizhi Bureau and the izakaya where he was. The entire Hongkou was completely without power!
"what happened?"

"Why is there a power outage?"

There was a buzz of chatter downstairs and in the next room.

"Hahaha, a power outage is good. Drinking feels better during a power outage. Ah, my mood is as dark as the night and as dim as the moonlight." A poet began to go crazy with alcohol and laughed wildly.

"Shut up, you."

In the noisy izakaya, the power went out anyway and there was no point in shouting. The owner was just frowning.

Fortunately, it was only a brief generator failure. At 8:35, power was restored and Hongkou was bright again.

Zhou Qinghe and Red Rose continued to toast.

A few minutes later, a waiter ran over, knelt at the door and said, "Hello, there's a call from someone looking for the guest in this room. He said that the friend who had an appointment with you guys can't come because of something."

"Got it." Zhou Qinghe waved his hand, and looked at Hong Meigui and smiled at each other: "Cheers."

He is not coming, which means Jiro Miura’s radio transmission mission has been completed.

Then they should go too.

When going out, Zhou Qinghe glanced at the Mei Agency. It was not important to miss the opportunity to send a message, because according to the procedure they had another chance to resend it at 9:45.

But no one will collect it anymore.

At that time, these people were already on the road.

Content of the message: "Move immediately, new address Zhabei"

This group of people live in Pudong, and it will take time for them to move to Zhabei. Since they are all experts, they must be able to act quickly.

The time of arrival is midnight.

This matter is still missing a supporting role. Zhang Fayao and Zhou Qinghe will be sent away sooner or later, so this time he can be given a chance to appear.

Zhou Qinghe went to find Zhang Fayao, but Zhang Fayao was already asleep. He had been suffering from neurasthenia and was easily agitated recently, so even when facing Zhou Qinghe, he was in a bad temper.

However, when he heard what Zhou Qinghe said, his mood changed.

"I found the person who killed your father. I'll give you a chance to take revenge. Do you want it?"

Zhang Fayao was furious. "Did you really find it? Where is it? I'm going to skin him alive and cut off his balls!"

Zhou Qinghe said calmly: "It's a good opportunity to give you revenge. Beat him up and cut him a few times to vent your anger. You can't kill him. If he is from the Military Control Commission, I will have to interrogate him."

"I'll find you a few more military commanders! These are the ones who killed my father!"

"Don't negotiate with me. I'm giving you a chance because of my relationship with your father. Do you want it or not? If not, I'll leave."


"Bring your people with you, trustworthy ones. Don't tell them you're going to do anything. Keep quiet about the whole thing, and don't tell anyone that I gave you the opportunity. If it's the Military Control Commission, it's still okay. If it's really Yingzuo's people, I won't be able to clean it up. You found it, and then reported it to me, so I will clean it up. Do you understand?"

"Okay, I remember. Let's go now. I'm not going to kill him, but I'm going to cripple him! Is that okay?"

"As long as you can't die."

At midnight, in Zhabei, in the factory, fish entered the hole, not just 8, but at least 10.

In the dark car in the distance, Zhang Fayao was impatient, "When are we going to start?"

"Wait, they are agents. They are new to a place and are very alert. If they wait a while, they will be sleepy around three in the morning."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Damn, I brought thirty people with me. Can't I handle these guys?"

"Hard to say."

"Fuck, how is that possible?"

"Shut up. Just wait if I tell you to."

Zhang Fayao, who had a bad temper, opened his mouth to say something, glanced at the serious Zhou Qinghe, and chose to suppress his temper.

Wherever there is a arrogant second generation, there must be lackeys who take advantage of their power. By the way, we should clean up some of Zhang Fayao's lackeys to purify the air. Zhou Qinghe glanced at Zhang Fayao's men, and it is very likely that there are Yingzuo's people among these people.

At three o'clock in the morning, Zhou Qinghe said, "You can start now. Approach carefully and attack quickly."

Zhang Fayao didn't understand any of this, and all he shouted was: "Hurry up, hurry up, come on!"

As they spoke in a menacing manner, a group of people crept towards the factory building stealthily.

It was fine when I reached the door, but as soon as I touched the closed factory door, a sound was made and the fight broke out!
The person inside was very alert and asked "Who is it?", and got the reply "It's your grandfather". The person outside suddenly opened the door and fired shots inside, and the person inside threw two grenades.


Boom boom!

As soon as they met, the ragtag army began to howl in panic and immediately collapsed.

Thirty lackeys, two grenades, killed a few of them, and most of them ran away!

"Oh my god!" Zhang Fayao was stunned by this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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