Chapter 306 Chain
After leaving the Military Police Headquarters, Zhou Qinghe met with Zeng Haifeng at the Chinachem Hotel.

The Cathay Hotel, which was snatched from the Sassoon family, was really a good place. It was located on the Bund and had a huge flow of people, which was a great help.

One day I will have to thank this Sassoon boss who is of unknown generation.

Zeng Haifeng was obviously under a lot of mental stress these days. When he walked in and saw Zhou Qinghe, he no longer had his usual smiling face.

"Give me some wine. I have to drink a little every day these days to fall asleep. Brother, why is my life so miserable? What's wrong? What do you want from me today?"

"How's the progress over there?"

Zeng Haifeng picked up the wine and drank a glass. "As you said, check if anyone has been to Chongqing before, and if any of their ancestors have been officials. In addition to those who have connections in Chongqing, I did find that there are some problems with the distant relatives of two people. I haven't finished the investigation yet. There are more than 600 people in Shanghai Station now. I am overwhelmed by looking through the files. It won't be quick."

The key is that this matter cannot be handled by anyone else. If Zeng Haifeng wants to investigate the traitor, he cannot trust anyone else and can only investigate it himself. Moreover, a large-scale investigation is not possible. Otherwise, if the news of the traitor really gets out and Yingzuo gets to know about it and closes the net in advance, then everything will be over.

"What are the identities of these two people?" Zhou Qinghe walked to the sofa and sat down.

Zeng Haifeng also brought a whiskey glass to Zhou Qinghe and placed it on the coffee table to pour wine. "He is the deputy captain of an action team. His ancestors seem to have been important figures in the Qing Dynasty for several generations. In the past, I would have to kneel down and call him Lord Beile."

"What does this mean?"

"It means that his status is respected. You said Puyi is now the emperor under the Japanese. Could this guy have any connection with the people over there?"

Uh. Zhou Qinghe wanted to say something, but he really couldn’t respond to this, no one could guarantee it.

"Where's the other one?"

"There was also a man who was a traitor to the Han Chinese, a battalion commander of a garrison regiment. He was caught and betrayed when the Japanese entered the city, but he has already been executed by the local law enforcement team."

"This relationship is too distant." Zhou Qinghe frowned when he heard this. Where is the emotion in this relationship? Betraying for money is more convincing than this kind of relationship.

Zeng Haifeng: "The relationship was not far away, and it was already investigated when he entered the Military Control Commission."

What you said really makes sense.

"Can these two people get to the core?"


Things are different now. Shanghai is now behind enemy lines and people are scattered.

"It shouldn't be them. They are too low-class."

Zhou Qinghe told what happened today.

Zeng Haifeng almost jumped up: "Are you sure Yingzuo can find us?"

"Definitely." Zhou Qinghe nodded. "Disrupting Shanghai is such a big crime. How could Yingzuo suffer this loss and make things easier for others? Shanghai is in chaos, and he can bear the reprimand from the military. But as long as he uncovers the Military Control Commission, then he will be in a good situation. Who dares to say that Yingzuo is incapable?"

Zeng Haifeng's face darkened after hearing this. "According to what you said, if Yingzuo wants to turn the tide, the person he has to hand over must at least be a core figure in the Shanghai Station. I checked the middle and senior levels first. You know these people have been with me for a long time. They are all veterans of the Military Control Commission. Their backgrounds have been thoroughly investigated. Without any clues, it is impossible to find any problems."

Yes, without a starting point, it would be impossible to find out the truth. Zhou Qinghe also sighed.

Zeng Haifeng speculated: "You say, could it be that someone let slip their identity and was being followed by Yingzuo, rather than something going wrong with them?"

Zhou Qinghe thought for a moment and shook his head, "It's possible, but it's very low. Yingzuo has been in Nanjing for a few days. If he already has this clue and just sent someone to follow him, isn't he afraid of scaring the fish and letting it run away? To put it another way, if he's not afraid of the big fish running away, then it only means that this fish can't run away."

"That means this person has betrayed us."

Zeng Haifeng had no expression on his face.

He must have betrayed the Japanese, and they had evidence such as a confession to hand over, so the Japanese were assured that he would not run away.

The crisis loomed over the entire station. A middle or senior executive rebelled and the Shanghai station was struck by thunder and lightning.

Zeng Haifeng narrowed his eyes and spoke without any emotion: "I will go back and check if anyone has disappeared inexplicably in the past year. I will also arrange for a physical examination to see if they have any signs of torture. We should prepare for the worst. The Shanghai station may suffer serious injuries this time."

There are more than 60 middle and high-level people, and there is no clue. The only clue is based on speculation. These people are all veterans of the Military Control Commission and have abundant experience in struggle. If no signs of arrest or torture are found on them, Zeng Haifeng can only wait for this bomb to explode.

This bomb must be exploded. It is always better to explode early than late.

Time is not on their side. There is no more time for him to design traps and check them one by one. More people can be saved from the thunder explosion. The battle can continue. The Military Control Commission will not perish in Shanghai.

"Do the cutting first." Zhou Qinghe instructed.

"Don't worry, I'm the only one in Shanghai Station who knows you, and I will never drag you into this. If I'm caught, I will never betray you."

Zeng Haifeng smiled and said, "I will try my best to delay time. I know you will come to save me."

Zhou Qinghe stood up and patted his shoulder: "Don't be so pessimistic, I will find a way."

After they parted, Zhou Qinghe returned to Fujita Mansion.

He couldn't help at the Military Control Commission's Shanghai station because he didn't know anyone there and couldn't tell who was there. Zeng Haifeng had to fight on his own there.

However, there is one direction where he can help, and that is the direction of the Mei Agency.

As long as this person exists, he or she should have some contact with the Mei Agency, whether it is by meeting, phone, or telegram, no matter how long it takes, there should always be contact once in a while.

In front of him were the telephone records and telegram contents that Red Rose had discovered.

In order to find out who was monitoring the action team, we can now make a second use of it and try our best.

There was not much information in the phone records. It was not easy to monitor the phone calls at Mei's office, and the telephone bureau's informants could only monitor them secretly when no one was paying attention. There was not much information.

However, the locations of these phone numbers can be checked to see if there are any calls made near the residences of middle and high-level officials of the Military Control Commission’s Shanghai Station.

Zhou Qinghe put down the phone records and picked up the telegram. The content of the telegram from the Mei Agency had a higher chance of winning and was worth spending time exploring.

Having already had the experience from the previous few days and with no one to disturb him at the moment, Zhou Qinghe quickly matched the telegram and the code book.

Soon the first phone call content that matched the code book appeared.

"Is the patient ready?"

Zhou Qinghe read it and pondered it, then put it aside.

Telegrams are like this. Even if the original text is translated, it is difficult to understand the original meaning without knowing what the two parties are referring to.

However, if we have a harvest, then we can use the principle that the frequency will not change easily to find the telegram, and the success rate will be much higher.

Zhou Qinghe found all the telegrams with the same frequency and sorted them according to the time recorded by the Telecommunications Department of the Military Police Command.

Then start translating.

"The action begins."


"Fujita Kazukiyo arrives in Shanghai."

Zhou Qinghe saw his name on the telegram for the first time and checked the time. It was indeed the day he arrived. The time of the previous telegram corresponded to the time before and after Zhang Xiaolin was assassinated.

Judging from the semantics, these telegrams came from Mei's agency, and the person on the other side was also related to this operation.

Zhou Qinghe translated and found that there was no contact between the Mei Agency and the other party until the first telegram he found, which was, "Is the patient ready?"

Then there was another one, "Ready."

Zhou Qinghe looked for it, but it was gone. This was the last letter.

"Who is this person?" Zhou Qinghe put down the telegram and frowned.

I originally thought that the person on the other side was Yingzuo, because Yingzuo was not in Shanghai at the time of the incident, so it was reasonable for the Mei Agency to launch an operation, monitor the operation, and report the progress to Yingzuo who was in Nanjing at the time in a reporting tone. The tone of notification, and no reply.

But the appearance of the telegram "Is the patient ready?" overturned the possibility. This person was a cooperative person and a key participant.

There was no need to report any progress to his subordinates, and there was no need to report his arrival in Shanghai to the Mitsui Mitsubishi personnel in Japan.

"It's Fatty!"

Zhou Qinghe narrowed his eyes slightly, the most likely person was him.

With the power of the Mei Agency today, there aren't many people who need to be informed.

"It turns out that he was the one who conspired with Yingzuo behind the scenes." This was not too unexpected for Zhou Qinghe, but... Zhou Qinghe frowned and picked up the telegram: "Is the patient ready? What patient? Is he setting a trap for me?"

Is there any patient you would like him to see?

Are you pretending to be sick?
Or do you want to infect him with some disease so that he will be bedridden, and then delay his death for a few days until it is reasonable?

There were too few clues. Zhou Qinghe thought for a moment, then walked over, picked up the phone and called Miura Jiro: "Have someone send me a copy of the telegrams from the past few days. Forget it. I'll go by myself. You come with me."

Zhou Qinghe went to the gendarmerie headquarters and entered the telecommunications room with Jiro Miura.

"You all get out."

After sending everyone away, Zhou Qinghe looked through the telegrams of the past few days.

"Is there any point in looking at this now? Yingzuo knows that the code book has fallen into our hands. Even if he is lazy, he will change it."

"The action team's will change, but others may not. After all, those have never fallen into our hands. We are in the dark."

Jiro Miura grunted, and thought about it, it was true. Yingzuo had never seen that group of team members, so he had no idea what happened. Normally, he would first suspect that he was accidentally targeted, and he would never suspect that his code book was stolen.

Zhou Qinghe searched through the telegrams on this frequency and actually gained something. There weren't many telegrams, just two pages, one for outgoing and one for incoming.

“It’s time for migratory birds to return to their nests.”

"Feed already."

It's simple. Migratory bird refers to him, and returning home refers to returning to Japan. He, a person who came to Shanghai on a business trip, meets all the requirements.

Does Yingzuo want to use Dojuro to get himself out of Shanghai?

Already fed.
Zhou Qinghe frowned and put the telegram back to its place, then raised his head to Miura Jiro and walked out.

"What's wrong?" Jiro Miura asked as the two walked back to the office.

Zhou Qinghe took a deep breath, "Yingzuo wants me to leave Shanghai."

"He said to leave and we'll leave?" Jiro Miura sneered.

Zhou Qinghe didn't laugh. "If he wanted me to leave, he could really make me leave."

"Why?" Miura Jiro frowned.

"If something happens at home, at work, or the emperor, or if there's an official visit from overseas, which one of these things won't make me go back?"

Miura Jiro understood what he heard and was furious. "It's so despicable and shameless. They would resort to such despicable means. They are afraid of you, so they want you to leave Shanghai!"

"Fujita, you can't leave!" Miura Jiro was a little anxious: "If you leave, what should I do?"

It is important for people to know themselves. Jiro Miura knows that he is definitely no match for these intelligence agents when it comes to conspiracy and intrigue, let alone the combination of Kagesa and Dobi!

How does he fight?
Without Fujita, he can only wait to be retired.

Zhou Qinghe remained silent. The opponent's plan was meticulous, one thing after another, with contingency plans prepared for all possible situations. A plan that had been planned for so long was indeed a bit troublesome.

He can still maneuver in Shanghai, and can use the Green Gang, the Military Control Commission, the Military Police, and the Japanese. But if he is not there, these forces cannot be integrated together. These people fighting alone cannot be a match for Yingzuo.

If the Military Control Commission and the Military Police Headquarters were to take action, everything would be over if we left.

You have to think differently.

According to the opponent's plan, if it was an elaborate setup, the probability of him leaving was very high. If he had to leave, he needed a way to resolve the obstacle, or at least delay for a while so that he could break the opponent's setup and then return to Shanghai.

Jiro Miura can be released, first of all, the issue is the Military Control Commission.

If Kagesawa wants to achieve his goal of overthrowing Jiro Miura, Shanghai is not chaotic enough at the moment, it is far from chaotic enough.

Yingzuo will send people to continue the assassination, which means that there will be a buffer period until Shanghai is in chaos, and then the trump card of the Military Control Commission in Yingzuo's hand will be thrown to the table.

Although the Military Control Commission is dangerous, there is actually still time.

Zhou Qinghe secretly decided that as long as he could return to Shanghai before the chaos broke out in Shanghai and the military became enraged, the danger to the Military Control Commission could be controlled.


"Come in."

The military police came in with a folder and handed it to Jiro Miura.

When Jiro Miura opened it, his face changed color.

"They use the lives of imperial soldiers as bargaining chips in their fight, and they dare to attack them on the front battlefield. They are simply scum!" Jiro Miura threw the folder on the table.

"what happened?"

"On the frontline battlefield, hundreds of Kwantung Army soldiers have unexplained wound ulcers. It is suspected to be a problem with the medicine. The headquarters has ordered you to investigate the matter as soon as possible."

"Here it comes." Zhou Qinghe snorted, "That's really ruthless. I really have no choice but to do my duty."

Miura Jiro gritted his teeth and said, "Do we have to go?"

There was no need to even think about this kind of thing. Zhou Qinghe nodded and said, "I must go. If I don't go, they don't know what backup plans are waiting for me."

Jiro Miura sat down with a sullen face. If Fujita Kazukiyo didn't go, he would have the responsibility. If Fujita went, he would be finished.

The room fell into silence. Both of them were thinking silently. During this time, a staff report came in, but was directly scolded out by Jiro Miura.

Everyone is in a bad mood.

Jiro Miura felt like a piece of meat on a chopping board, at the mercy of others.

He knew all the other party's plans and knew that the other party wanted to use him as a sacrifice, but he was helpless.

"General Yingzuo encountered an accident on his way home and was ambushed by the Military Control Commission and unfortunately died. What do you think?" Jiro Miura's eyes flashed with ferocity.

Zhou Qinghe said calmly, "Kagesawa is dead, and Doiyuan has taken over. The plan is set, and it doesn't matter who is in this position. If Doiyuan is afraid of death, he can even not come to Shanghai and send a disciple to do it for him."


Miura Jiro was already discouraged, but upon hearing this, he stepped forward, his eyes sparkling, and asked with a smile, "But what?"

Zhou Qinghe looked at him and suddenly smiled. He looked at him meaningfully and said, "But if you were dead, this would be interesting."

Jiro Miura's smile faded, and he looked very embarrassed.

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Qinghe didn't keep the secret, leaned back in his chair, and said with a smile: "Then Yingzuo will disrupt Shanghai, and you will be dismissed from the headquarters for dereliction of duty. Then Yingzuo will solve the problem, and they will all be happy. This is the process, but what if you get injured and faint before that?"

(End of this chapter)

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