The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 31 Disintegration

Chapter 31 Disintegration
Zeng Haifeng definitely didn't expect this scene. He just had a premonition that something was wrong, and was frightened. He reacted on the spot and ran forward, but he was not as fast as the bespectacled man's sneak attack, and his neck fell into his hand in an instant.

And next to Zeng Haifeng's neck, the bespectacled man's right hand flashed a short blade!
Zhou Qinghe's feet also arrived. As if he didn't exist, he raised his big leather shoe and kicked the bespectacled man on the waist.

As soon as the bespectacled man's hand slipped around Zeng Haifeng, Zeng Haifeng's body staggered as he was being led, and the bespectacled man's body was kicked directly against the wall of the carriage, making a thud, and then fell to the ground.

I thought that would be the end of it.

Unexpectedly, the man with glasses was quite brave. After landing, he endured the pain in his back and slid his right hand towards Wu Liangcai's neck.

The blade in his hand skipped a trace of silver under the refraction of the light.

Wu Liangcai was frightened!

The sudden turn of events shocked everyone. When the bespectacled man launched a sneak attack, his subordinates had already reacted and drawn their guns.

It was originally to save the section chief, but now the man with glasses wants to kill Wu Liangcai.

Should we shoot or not?It seems that the bespectacled man without his glasses is also an important person.

To be so ferocious, he must be a well-trained Japanese agent.

Zhou Qinghe reacted quickly. He could kick out one kick and then kick out the second. Of course he could get in, but he couldn't get in. The carriage was narrow. Who knows if these subordinates would have shot him out of nowhere. For the sake of Japan People are not worthy.

But him shooting is another story.

He dug his right hand into the side of the suit, raised his hand and fired decisively, snap.

The bullet shot into the bespectacled man's shoulder at high speed. The bespectacled man's fierce attack slowed down and he staggered backward.

"Hold him down!" Section Chief Zeng was very angry.

Zeng Haifeng is still scared to death. He is the head of the intelligence department and is not an expert in operations. If Zhou Qinghe hadn't kicked him this time, he might have been reimbursed.

"Fuck you!"

Seeing his subordinates working hard to tie up the man with glasses, he immediately raised his foot and kicked the man with glasses in the stomach to vent his anger.

Bang bang bang, beatings and cries of pain mixed into a beautiful movement.

Zhou Qinghe looked at the area where the opponent was shot and assessed whether it was the area he wanted to hit.

It was my first time to shoot someone, so it felt a little different.


While Zeng Haifeng was threatening, the man with glasses could only look at him with hatred and ridicule. Zeng Haifeng could only sneer, and then he began to torture.

The bamboo skewer is inserted into the finger and the nail is pulled out directly.
"Ah!" A shrill scream sounded, frightening the people in the car outside.

The team members also went out to explain that they were Japanese spies. Although the passengers were afraid, they could understand. They just looked at the door in horror and imagined the tragedy inside based on the screams.

"I said, I said."

Before the tortured man with glasses could speak, Wu Liangcai, who was shaking like a sieve at the side, had an earthy complexion. He was sweating coldly as he watched, just hoping to save his life.


The bespectacled man, who had been silent all this time, suddenly shouted angrily, and then a series of Japanese words came out of his mouth.

"Stop his mouth." Zeng Haifeng was afraid that the two of them would tell the truth.

"Hey." Zhou Qinghe pulled him and raised his eyebrows.

Zeng Haifeng understood instantly, yes, Zhou Qinghe is a top student studying in Japan, so he can understand Japanese.

Damn, it’s great to have Brother Zhou here!
Not to mention that Brother Zhou saved his life, but with this ability, doing auxiliary work for him is just a job.

The man can no longer adjust these glasses.

He reacted quickly. Gagging was normal. If he didn't, there would be problems. He shut up immediately, and a look of surprise wavered on the faces of the two of them, especially looking at Zhou Qinghe.

It is not that there are no Chinese people in Nanjing who can speak Japanese, but when Japanese people speak Japanese very fast, most people who only know one or two sentences in Japanese will definitely not understand.

Didn't you just meet one here? Or were you trying to deceive him and not let him speak?He wasn't sure.

"Block it up." Zhou Qinghe said with a smile. It was useless. He couldn't speak anymore, but he also heard some information.

Just a word.

"Shut up, if you dare to speak, Colonel Puchuan will kill your whole family!"

It sounded like he was an officer, but just based on his name, the information was a bit vague.

"Colonel Puchuan, the information you provided is very useful, thank you." Zhou Qinghe replied in Japanese.The man with glasses suddenly turned serious.

"Our Chief Zhou is an all-rounder." Zeng Haifeng was quite proud of Zhou Qinghe's Japanese, as if he could speak Japanese, but he couldn't understand it.

This did not prevent him from asking: "What did he say?"

"Colonel Puchuan."

"Colonel?!" Good guy, Zeng Haifeng was shocked for a moment, and then he was lucky. Fortunately, Zhou Qinghe listened, and this great achievement almost flew away.

"Come on, tell me, don't be influenced by him."

Hurry up, Zeng Haifeng patted Wu Liangcai's face.

Wu Liangcai glanced at the man with glasses, swallowed his saliva and said, "One day a man from the Chamber of Commerce came to me and said he wanted to do grain business with me, so I did it with him. Who knew one day I would find some guns hidden in the grain?" and smoke.”

Wu Liangcai refused to do it, but the other party threatened him. If he didn't do it, he would report it to the police, saying that he was smuggling arms. There was also photographic evidence to prove it. If he turned it in, his house would be ransacked and shot.

On the contrary, provide him with business channels so that he can make more profits and his business will get better and better.

Wu Liangcai had no choice but to agree. This subordinate was here to monitor him.

Later, this person asked him to collect some things on the way. There was no danger. He just came to Nanjing to collect them and give them to him.

"It's okay. You're from Suzhou and you came to Nanjing to collect some information on freight and warehousing. It's for business development. It's normal. It's okay if someone finds out."

"That's what he told me at the time."

"I really didn't do anything bad, I was forced to do it"

"I know, I understand." Zeng Haifeng asked with a gentle smile, "Who is this chamber of commerce looking for you?"

Wu Liangcai swallowed: "Does it count as meritorious service?"

"Forget it, one code equals one code. You will definitely not be able to escape the guilt and you will have to go to jail, but you will be exempted from the death penalty. You will be imprisoned for a few years. You can understand this, right?"

"Can, can, can."

Wu Liangcai thought of this when he spoke, and he had expectations in his heart. He immediately said: "This person's name is Puchuan Shinichi, and he is the president of Puchuan Club."

"Is there anything else?"

At least he got the real information that could locate the person. Zeng Haifeng felt a little more relieved and his tone became gentler: "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Wu Liangcai nodded like a sieve: "I remember every place and person's name where I obtained the information, and I can provide it to the country."

"Okay." Zeng Haifeng said to one of his men, "You give him a confession."


After giving the instructions, Zeng Haifeng looked at the man with glasses again, and the torture began.

Zeng Haifeng didn't seem to be very interested in intelligence, and he just served him with severe punishment.

The fingers without fingernails stood up bamboo sticks one by one, and the hot water in the carriage began to scald the meat.

When the meat is cooked, peel it off. Then, every inch of the skin has plenty of room to explore.

The travel time was tight, and I originally thought that he was just a wealthy businessman with a good life, and he would confess soon, and that was indeed the case.

But who knows, the wealthy businessman is accompanied by a powerful Japanese agent.

With that fierce look in his eyes, he seized the opportunity for a sneak attack, and when his plot failed, Zeng Haifeng immediately turned to the decisive aura of silence. At first glance, he was a well-trained veteran agent.

They tortured him, but Zhou Qinghe didn't care. He just leaned on the car window and watched the traveling scenery. Section Chief Zeng obviously had some personal vendetta in it, so he stopped him from trying to make people unhappy by calling him blind.

Even if he is killed, since we already have information, he will die, it doesn't matter.

Ida Konoha is very tolerant, he feels that he can overcome the pain!

He will definitely overcome the pain!

He is a proven Imperial warrior, he is a great Imperial soldier!
It was just the brutal interrogation that quickly destroyed his mind.

It hurts too much. He is no longer that soldier. He is an assistant who follows a wealthy businessman, drinks hot drinks, and goes to dance halls and singers every day.

Moreover, Colonel's information has been leaked, and it is only a matter of time before he is found out. Is there any point in holding on?
The people in the carriage were not kept waiting for too long. Within 10 minutes, Ida Konoha's perseverance was completely shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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