The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 310 Waiting

Chapter 310 Waiting
The three people were in great pain.

The feet of the person standing there are already sore and numb, and they feel like they are not their own, and they really want to move.

The military doctor is fine, as he usually has to perform surgical operations, so his stamina is better, and he arrives late anyway, which is a natural advantage.

The Dean and the Director of Health's legs were shaking like sieves. Although they tried their best to hold it back, it was still obvious that both of them were sweating.

I cursed the person who didn't come eight hundred times in my heart. The time notified was 8:11, and now it's :. Is it crazy to be so coy about Fujita Kazukiyo?

It is understandable to get up late on normal days, and it is not a big deal even if you were drunk last night and couldn't get up to go to work.

But the phone call to the office, didn't anyone go to notify? Someone would go to call the person, and they would find the person by searching all over Hankou. How could it take three hours? Isn't this just courting death?
Three hours, let alone if you are in Hankou, even if you are in Chongqing, it should be time to leave.

Keep on cursing; this is the only thing they can do now and it is also their motivation to persevere. And just when they feel they are about to lose their heads.

The big shot is late.

I saw a slightly fat officer, panting, reporting, "I'm sorry, Commander Fujita, I'm late. Let me explain to you, I received a call from you this morning and was about to go out. Then there was a problem with our warehouse in the suburbs. After I received the call, I rushed over to deal with it. You know that it is a front-line warehouse and there is no room for error. It was not until I finished dealing with it that I remembered that I forgot to report to you. I am really sorry, sorry."

After he finished speaking, Fujita Kazukiyo, who was writing something, finally moved.

Fujita Kazuki paused for a moment, twisted the pen cap that the pen tip was pointing at, screwed it in, dropped it on the table with a clatter, and then stood up.

Zhou Qinghe walked around the table and approached them, speaking in a calm tone, "In the Kwantung Army headquarters in Hankou, there were many soldiers whose wounds festered after taking medicine. The number of soldiers was quite large, and it was reported that there were more than 100 people. Did you know about this?"

Although the four people answered at different speeds, they all gave consistent answers.

He bowed his head and said, "Understood."

Zhou Qinghe nodded, leaned back on the conference table, and looked at them with his arms folded across his chest. "This happened on the front line, and it's very serious. The military sent me to investigate and handle this matter, so I called you here because I have a few questions for you. Just tell me what you have to say, and speak the truth. Are you clear?"

"Understood." The four of them nodded again in response.

Zhou Qinghe looked at the few people and finally his eyes fell on Futian Heai.

"The dean of this hospital is Fukuda Kazuai."

"It's me." Futian and Ai's attitude became more respectful.

"Now these injured and sick people are all in your hospital. Do you know their conditions?"

"I know the general situation. But I may need to ask their attending doctor about the specific injuries. Then I can give you an answer."

"So you've seen it?"

"I've seen it." Fukuda and Ai didn't dare to lie, although he felt that if he said he hadn't seen it, it would seem that this matter had nothing to do with him.

Zhou Qinghe hummed and said, "I don't have too many requirements for you. The incident happened on the front battlefield, and the medicine didn't come from your hospital, so the cause of this incident should have nothing to do with you. I asked you to come because now that the patients are here, you should use the best means and the most effective medicine to cure them. Can you do this?"

That's it? Futian and Ai are so capable!
Is there anything more comforting than a sentence: This disaster has nothing to do with you?

So he immediately responded: "I will do my best to treat these wounded and mobilize all forces to protect their lives. Please rest assured, Section Chief Fujita."

"Is there anything missing, such as medicine?" Zhou Qinghe continued to ask.

Fukuda Kazuai: "Reporting to Section Chief Fujita, the drug involved in this incident is sulfa powder, so after the incident, the Army Headquarters and the Military Medical Office sent people to pull back the same batch of sulfa powder in our hospital's inventory and seal it for future reference.

As you know, our military hospital consumes a huge amount of sulfa powder. Basically, we use up a batch at a time, but it may not be enough. So all the sulfa powder in stock in our hospital has been taken away, leaving only some more expensive injections, in very small quantities.

The sulfa powder currently used in our hospital is from the stock provided by the Department of Health. The Department of Health also has a batch of old sulfa, so it can be used temporarily.

But for long-term considerations, I suggest that the Medical Bureau mobilize a batch of sulfa drugs as soon as possible to replenish our reserve warehouses, so that we will not be short of stocks and unable to respond in time if war breaks out."

"A reasonable request. You are very responsible."

Zhou Qinghe turned around and walked back to the main seat, picked up the paper he had been writing on for a long time, took a look at it, pinched it with two fingers and handed it to Futian Heai without saying anything.

"Thank you for the compliment, Section Chief Fujita. This is my duty." Fukuda Kazuai thanked him righteously and glanced at the paper.

When his eyes glanced at the paper, it was as if they were glued to it and could not be pulled away.

"Section Chief Fujita! Please listen to my explanation." Fukuda Kazuai's face changed drastically.

Zhou Qinghe raised his hand and waved it, suppressing all the words that Futian and Ai were going to say.

With shaking hands and a panicked face, Zhou Qinghe stepped forward and patted his shoulder, saying, "If my memory serves me right, the Military Medical Bureau has distributed a total of 23,800 boxes of sulfa drugs to Hankou this month, which is enough for 100,000 people.

The soldiers were only given a certain amount of sulfa. Those who were injured would use up their supply and get a replacement, while those who were not injured would continue to keep their own sulfa stock.

Add to that the distribution to military warehouses, this is also a constant.

After deducting these, the remaining sulfonamides, except for a very small portion distributed to the Department of Health and sold to major pharmacies, are used to meet the medical needs of city residents.

What's left is distributed to major hospitals in the city.

The quantity recorded on the piece of paper in your hand is the detailed information of the amount of sulfa drugs that the Hankou Army Command reported to the Medical Bureau last month and requested for additional allocation.

How many hospitals are there in Hankou?

How many shares were distributed in total?

And how much can each hospital get? "

Zhou Qinghe walked around him from behind and patted his other shoulder, almost causing Futian Heai's shoulder to collapse.

Zhou Qinghe turned around and looked at him. "It's hard to prevent corruption. Maybe the account shows that 4,000 boxes of sulfa drugs came into your hospital. In fact, you only received 2,800 boxes, and 2,500 boxes went into the warehouse. The whereabouts of 300 boxes are unknown. You didn't take much."

"Section Chief Fujita, please listen to my explanation. It's not like that. I didn't." Fukuda Heai was very anxious and wanted to speak very much.

Zhou Qinghe raised his hand to stop him from talking, his voice still calm, "I know what you want to say, it's nothing more than that I'm not greedy, you don't need to explain to me, whether it's the military or the operation of the hospital, I know these things better than you.

You just need to know one thing, as long as I want to investigate this matter, no matter if you are corrupt or not, the result will be that you either become the scapegoat, or you continue to bite the higher-ups and betray the people around you, or even bite all the way to the headquarters."

Futian and Ai were in heaven just now, but now they have fallen into hell. Their faces changed drastically and sweat broke out on their heads uncontrollably.

Zhou Qinghe continued, "Why didn't I ask you about other drugs? Because sulfa is a controlled drug, an absolutely strictly controlled drug.

You can use unclear records to confuse all other drugs, but for sulfa drugs, which are worth more than gold on the underground black market, the Medical Bureau requires that the destination of each box be clearly registered!

Time, place, people involved, what kind of injury occurred, how the injury occurred, who was the doctor who prescribed the medicine, all precise to the person!
I believe that it is not just the Medical Bureau. The intelligence department in your Hankou area will definitely require that the destination of each box of sulfa be very clear. As a dean, I think you are very clear about this."


"So, if I want to check, if the sulfa drugs in and out of your hospital don't match, even if it's just one, and Chongqing is just across the street, where do you think the drugs went?"

"Section Chief Fujita, I..."

"You didn't take anything, or you didn't take so much, or you didn't receive so much at all?" Zhou Qinghe looked at him and smiled: "Does it matter? Unless the people above don't take anything, and the inventory given to you is completely real, and you have never been greedy and all the records are kept, otherwise
Do you dare to bite?

I want to investigate and accuse you of colluding with Chongqing elements and reselling controlled drugs. You will definitely die. I don't need to do anything. Someone will kill you. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Fukuda Kazuai's voice was so dry, "Section Chief Fujita, you also know that there are some things I can't refuse. Can you give me a chance?"

"Didn't I give it to you?" Zhou Qinghe looked at him with a rather strange look in his eyes: "Didn't I tell you? Take good care of these people in the hospital, and you will complete the mission. It's such a simple mission, what other chance do you want me to give you?"

"That's all?!!!" Fukuda and Ai were suddenly excited.

"that's it."

Zhou Qinghe smiled calmly, "If others don't mess with me, I don't like to ruin other people's jobs. I told you clearly that the military asked me to come here to investigate the whole process of the wound festering. They didn't say that they wanted me to investigate corruption."

"Thank you, Section Chief Fujita!" Fukuda Kazuai shouted loudly, bowed deeply, and his eyes were filled with tears.

"I like people who are punctual. Being punctual is not a rare quality, but it depends on the environment and the people you are compared with, so you stand out. It's okay to give you a small reward. Just keep your sense of responsibility and don't let me down."

"Thank you, Section Chief Fujita!" He bowed again, so happy. He turned around to look at the other three people, as if he wanted to celebrate with them and share this joy, and then he saw three stinky, black dead fish faces.

Fukuda and Ai's smile faded slightly.

Zhou Qinghe tilted his head, looked at the young nurse standing at the door, and raised his head: "Hey, you, come in."

"Me?" The nurse was suddenly pointed at and was a little confused, so she took small steps forward.

"Yes, just you."

Wait until the little nurse came in.

Zhou Qinghe said to Futian Heai, "You explain in detail to this temporary recorder what I want you to do and to what extent you can complete it. She will record it, and then you sign and seal it and keep it with me. The soldiers are fine, and you are fine. Do you understand?"

"Clear!" Their lives will be protected by his blessing and love!

Zhou Qinghe's fingers tapped on the table, making a rhythmic sound, and his eyes looked at the second person, Liang Dawei, the Director of the Department of Health.

Control the situation and prevent it from spreading and escalating, and then free up hands to solve the core problem. This is also one of the core criteria for superiors to judge the ability of their subordinates.

If a problem occurs and the person who is supposed to solve it goes there and makes the problem bigger, that will not be a point-grabbing item no matter how you think about it.

By tying the lives of Futian and Ai to those of the wounded, and adding a letter of guarantee, these wounded and sick people will at least not die at will. If someone were to take action in the hospital, it would be the lives of Futian and Ai.

I believe that Futian and Ai will protect it with their lives.

Next comes the second step.

Liang Dawei's eyes were filled with fear, and he was ready to answer Section Chief Fujita's questions, but the next second, Section Chief Fujita's eyes moved away again.

Zhou Qinghe skipped him and looked at the third person, Ishikawa Yishi.

"Why are you late?"

"Reporting to Section Chief Fujita, there is an operation scheduled for the morning, and I am the only one who can do it. I really can't leave, so I will come here as soon as I finish the operation."

Zhou Qinghe nodded, but did not pursue the matter. Instead, he said, "Your department is responsible for this matter."

Ishikawa Yizhi immediately retorted, "Section Chief Fujita, our military medical department is only responsible for the treatment of the wounded and the allocation of medicines. The medicines were sent by the headquarters and shipped to Hankou. We only distributed them to the wounded and the sick. We had no idea whether the medicines were effective or not. I don't think our military medical department needs to take responsibility."

"That's your responsibility." Zhou Qinghe looked at the warehouse manager, Daisuke Takada.

Daikuma Takada was still feeling depressed, mainly because he didn't expect it would be his turn so soon. He was speechless for a moment, but he still retorted reflexively.

"Section Chief Fujita, how can our warehouse management department be held responsible? We are only responsible for receiving and storing the drugs. In fact, it is just a storage point. Whether there are problems with the drugs has nothing to do with me."

"It has nothing to do with you, right?"

Zhou Qinghe smiled and said, "Medicines! Shipped from Japan to China.

There were no problems with the medicines in other regions. I have not received a single report of wound ulceration after using sulfa drugs. Only in your Hankou area have there been more than 100 cases!

After the drugs arrive in China, there are only three remaining processes.

Your Hankou headquarters should send someone to get the medicine.

Military doctors issue pick-up orders and replenish supplies based on the amount of medicines missing from each unit.

The goods will be delivered to the troops by your warehouse vehicles, or the troops can come to you and pick them up with the delivery note.

The headquarters, the military doctor, your warehouse, and finally the troops.

Do you think the army poisoned you?
Or did the commander poison you?"

"This, this, this."

Daisuke Takada was speechless after being squeezed out, and looked as embarrassed as if he was constipated.

"But Section Chief Fujita, this has nothing to do with our warehouse! There may be a problem in the transportation process. How could we poison someone?"

"Transportation. That makes sense. Which transportation link?" Zhou Qinghe nodded and looked at him with a smile.

Takada Daixiong took a deep breath, then let it go, "I don't know."

Zhou Qinghe snorted coldly: "There are only a few lines in total, the headquarters, the military, and the warehouse. Either the troops poisoned themselves, and you said it wasn't your warehouse, so you have to raise a reasonable suspicion, right?
Was the medicine poisoned when the headquarters asked you to take it? Or did the military doctors of each unit poison the medicine when distributing it? Or maybe they were just tired of living and wanted to poison themselves? Hmm?"

"I really don't know!" Takada Daikuma was forced into a corner.

Zhou Qinghe smiled slightly, let him go for the time being, and looked at Ishikawa Yizhi.

"Ishikawa-kun, he doesn't know, so do you know what's wrong?"

Ishikawa Yizhi quickly replied: "I don't know."

"Then do you think it was done by the warehouse manager?"

Ishikawa Will: "Sorry, I don't know."

Zhou Qinghe shook his head: "I'm not asking you if you know, I'm asking you, is it possible that the warehouse manager poisoned this matter?"

"This..." Ishikawa Yishi frowned and looked at Takata Daikuma with some embarrassment.

Takada Daisuke quickly winked at him, "Are you crazy? Do you even need to think about how to answer this?"
Ishikawa was also in a dilemma. If he answered that the warehouse manager was impossible, then the only ones left would be the headquarters, the troops, and his own department.

If Fujita Kazukiyo continues to press the issue, will he say that the troops poisoned themselves, or will he choose the headquarters?

Ishikawa thought about it and chose a compromise. He said, "I agree with Section Chief Fujita's analysis. Theoretically, there is a possibility that there is a problem in any link. The warehouse management department is in this link, so it is naturally possible."

Takada Daikuma's face turned slightly dark, but the answer was still acceptable.

Zhou Qinghe seemed to agree with this all-purpose answer and asked, "It's possible for the warehouse manager, but is it possible for the headquarters?"

Ishikawa nodded quickly: "Of course it is possible in theory."

"What about the troops themselves?"

"This..." Ishikawa frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment and said, "Of course it is possible."

"Very good." Zhou Qinghe praised with a smile, "In your eyes, it is possible for the troops to poison themselves.

Then I will continue to deduce based on your conclusion. The old drugs are fine, but the new drugs have problems, which means that this incident happened after a new batch of drugs were issued.

If you want to access medicines for more than 100 people, you have to know how to poison sulfa and have the corresponding tools and raw materials to make poisonous substances.

Well, ordinary soldiers at the grassroots level shouldn't have this ability, right?
And you said, it wasn't done by a military doctor, so the remaining person can only be the grassroots officer.

Matsumoto! "

"Hi!" Matsumoto Kumao, who was sitting in the back, stood up suddenly.

Zhou Qinghe had a blank expression on his face. "Go to the floor where the injured soldiers are and tell them loudly that the headquarters' military doctor, Major Ishikawa Yishi, suspects that their unit commander is involved in the poisoning incident and is likely the murderer. Find a phone number for them and ask them to call the person over immediately for questioning. We will confront them on the spot."

Matsumoto Hideo responded and walked out immediately.

Ishikawa Yishi's face changed drastically. He took a step forward, stretched out his hand to stop Matsumoto Hideo, then lowered his head and said to Zhou Qinghe.

"Section Chief Fujita, that's not what I meant. I didn't say he was the murderer!"

"That's not what I meant." Zhou Qinghe frowned. "I didn't say he was the murderer. I just said it was just your guess. Do you understand? It's just a guess, so I asked him to come here for questioning. Is it hard to understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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