The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 313 Painting Medicine

Chapter 313 Painting Medicine
The entrance of the Army Headquarters.

Upon hearing the news of Takata Daikuma's death, Endo Saburo instantly became furious!
He took two quick steps forward and shouted, "What did you say? Fujita Kazukiyo actually dared to resort to lynching and shoot an imperial officer on the spot without any trial?! Who gave him the courage?!"

How can the whole plan be carried out if Takada Daikuma is dead? How can he complete the task assigned by General Dobiyuan?

"Chief of Staff, wasn't what I said clear enough? He committed suicide out of fear of punishment." The navy leader told the truth in a serious tone.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Endo Saburo approached, glaring at him. "He was a good man, fine this morning, but he committed suicide out of fear of the crime after one trip. Not to mention that the case has not been concluded yet, even if he really did it, after the interrogation, he would have no chance of surviving in Hankou? Did he have to commit suicide?"

Daikuma Takada was his trusted subordinate. Wouldn't Endo Saburo be aware of whether he would commit suicide?
It must be Fujita Kazukiyo who resorted to lynching!
"Don't ask me about this. This is what I heard. If you have any questions, you can ask Colonel Fujita."

"Do I need your reminder?" Endo Saburo's eyes were fierce.

Kazukiyo Fujita is in big trouble!
Shooting and killing active-duty officers of the empire without trial and resorting to lynching, no matter what reasons Fujita Kazukiyo had, even if they were people from the headquarters, what right did they have to kill people from the Hankou headquarters without even saying hello?
If this crime alone is reported to the headquarters, Fujita Kazukiyo will have no chance of escaping the situation!
Takata Daikuma is dead and the plan has been interrupted, but the things he did with his body are still enough to drag Fujita Kazukiyo to death!
"Someone, notify the military police to assemble! Go to the Navy Headquarters!"

In the hospital, Tsukahara Jishizo put on his clothes.

Zhou Qinghe took off his disposable gloves and threw them into the trash can.

"Of course there is a way. In your case, there are basically two opportunities for recovery. One is an accident. Suddenly you can't do it anymore, and then suddenly you can't do it again. It's called sudden, but it's actually due to external stimulation, not necessarily women. For example, the headquarters suddenly issued a military order today, saying that you can serve as the commander of the aircraft carrier again, or even the deputy minister of the navy. Once you are excited, you may be able to do it again."

When Tsukahara Jishizo heard this and thought about it for a moment, he felt really excited.

"What about the second one?"

"The second method is drug treatment. I have been paying attention to this problem for a long time and have been doing relevant research to develop a drug that can forcibly restart your function in this area from the perspective of your body mechanism. Compared to the first method, which is sudden and uncontrollable, drugs are definitely more stable."

Tsukahara Jishisan's eyes lit up, "Has the drug been developed?"

Zhou Qinghe sighed, "There are too many things to do. I gave up the research as soon as it started. You know I already have things to do at the Medical Bureau, so I can only develop drugs after get off work. But now the people from Mitsui Mitsubishi are restless and making trouble in Shanghai. My work at the Medical Bureau has been delayed. How can I have time to develop drugs? I have to put it on hold."

"These people are so despicable, they are the scum of the empire!" Tsukahara Jishizo shouted in a deep voice.

Zhou Qinghe exhaled, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's too difficult. In fact, compared to work, I prefer doing research. Work is more like my side job, just to change my mind when I'm tired of research. But thanks to His Majesty the Emperor for trusting me with this important task, the priorities seem to have been reversed. Now is the critical moment of the situation. You said that I can't abandon the overall situation, right?"

Tsukahara Jishizo was anxious, and his eyes were complicated when he looked at Zhou Qinghe, but what else could he say? It wasn't Fujita Kazuki's fault.

"That's because there are too few people as good as you, Fujita-kun. The Chinese say that those who are capable should do more work. If you don't have the ability, why would His Majesty entrust you with such an important task? Or those scumbags who only know how to fight for power and profit are so hateful."

Zhou Qinghe nodded slightly: "Don't worry, Lord Tsukahara. I could have studied it slowly. Since you have a request, I will ask my assistant to speed up the process. I hope you can recover soon."

"The deputy is definitely not as capable as you, Fujita-kun. After all, he is far behind." Tsukahara Jishizo said bluntly: "You still have things to do in Hankou? Finish them as soon as possible and return to Shanghai. Only when the things in Shanghai are resolved will you have time to return to China to do more research."

"I was thinking that too. Someone might be causing trouble. It will be over soon. It won't be long."

Naval Base in Hankou.

Saburo Endo and the army military police have arrived at the door. There are two military vehicles and thirty-six military police, which is quite impressive.

Today's scene is a rare and bizarre thing in Hankou. An hour ago, the navy surrounded the army, and an hour later, the army blocked the navy.

The same treatment, Endo Saburo refused to let the navy in, and the navy would not let Endo Saburo's people in either.

The team that went to the Army was a small naval team led by a captain, but the team that came to the Navy was led by Major General Endo Saburo.

I couldn't even get in and was left standing at the door, which was very embarrassing.

Endo Saburo was furious. He got out of the car and shouted at the guard: "Remove the roadblock immediately. I have military business to discuss with your commander. If you delay my time, I will be punished by military law!"

The navy was leisurely at the door, picking his nose, "Chief of Staff Endo, you can go in, but they..."

The Marine pointed at the truck with the finger he was picking his nose with and shook it: "You can't get in there."

"You are looking for death!" Endo Saburo was furious.

"Anyway, I've told you, Chief of Staff, you can go in at any time. Don't blame me if you don't go in and delay military affairs." The navy is not afraid of him. We are all in different branches of the military, and you are not my boss, so why do you care?
You have to look at the owner before you beat a dog. Do you think a major general can beat me? Is that beating me? Does the Navy Command have no face?

There is no way Endo Saburo could be stopped here, as that would be a complete loss of face and dignity.

It is impossible to break through the checkpoint, so what will happen?

But it’s not impossible to block the gate.

"Call and dispatch an infantry squadron. Surround the naval headquarters and don't let us in. Then we'll wait for someone to invite us in!"


Not far away, an infantry squadron of 180 people was soon dispatched to the scene. Several large trucks were filled with armed soldiers standing under the trucks, forming a semicircle in front of the gate of the Navy Headquarters. The center of the circle was the black sedan where Endo Saburo was.

It looks very imposing.

This scene quickly alarmed the senior officials in the Navy Headquarters. Chief of Staff Tomoyoshi Okada walked out of the headquarters with a sullen look on his face and went straight to the car.

He said in a cold voice: "Endo-kun, you are making such a big fuss. I think you want to massacre our naval base. Do you think there is no one in our naval base?!"

At the end, the voices became louder and they all started shouting.

The last voice was the loudest: "Someone come!"

Suddenly, a large group of people ran out of the naval base, each holding a gun and standing inside the roadblock, confronting the army with guns. Even three machine guns were deployed and sandbags were piled up directly.

If Endo Saburo dares to transfer people, he is not afraid of others' trouble. What's more, everyone is of equal level, so what's the use of shouting loudly?
He got out of the car and said to Okada Tomoyoshi with a gloomy face, "No one? I think there are too many people in your naval base! Fujita Kazukiyo used lynching to shoot and kill a lieutenant of my army headquarters. I am now carrying the order of the Central China Expeditionary Force Headquarters to take Fujita Kazukiyo back for investigation. Do you want to stop him? Or do you want to harbor the suspect?"

"Expeditionary Force Headquarters?"

This was beyond Okada Tomoyoshi's expectations.

He doesn't care whether Fujita and Qingsha killed anyone or not, and he doesn't know about it.

But even if he was killed, so what? Endo Saburo was a major general, and he was also a major general. Endo Saburo was holding the banner of the Army Command, and the standard he was targeting was the Navy Command. No one could do anything to anyone.

It doesn't matter whether he killed someone or not. Even if he did, Endo Saburo would never be able to lead anyone away from the Navy Headquarters.

But the situation is different for the expeditionary force headquarters.

This is the highest-level command headquarters that commands operations in the entire war zone. It is not one or half a level higher in rank and is directly under the jurisdiction of the headquarters' general staff.

In terms of rank, it is indeed higher than their naval base headquarters.

But it's none of his business.

"The formalities are very complete." Okada Tomoyoshi sneered: "Endo, I thought you were holding an order from our Navy General Staff, the Expeditionary Force Headquarters. Since when did our Navy have to be led by your Army?"

Endo Saburo responded coldly: "No one wants to manage your soldiers, but Fujita Kazukiyo is in the army! He is a colonel of the military police! He has to obey the orders of the expeditionary army headquarters. Ask him if he dares not to go!"

"No one is here."

"I do not believe."

"believe it or not."

"Then I'll go in and search."

"you dare?"

"Okada, don't make things so ugly. There are so many people confronting each other at the gate of your base. If this turns into a fight and is reported in the newspapers, you and I will be held accountable by the headquarters. I have legitimate reasons, but you don't. Don't hurt yourself!"

"It's your duty. You can give it a try." Okada Tomoyoshi raised his hand, and the marines behind him quickly pulled the bolts of their guns!

Anyone who backs down now is a wimp. Backing down, isn't that a joke? It's not like we haven't fought before!
As soon as the other party pulled the bolt, the army men responded by picking up their guns and pulling the bolt without Endo's orders!

Endo Saburo and Okada Tomoyoshi began to look at each other and began to compete to see who had better self-control.

At this time, the sound of a car horn was heard from behind.

A black car drove in.

The car window opened, and Tsukahara Jishizo, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at Endo with a cold look in his eyes, and said, "Endo, you came to my house for a walk, and brought so many soldiers with you. What's wrong? Do you want to give me a massage?"

Tsukahara's rank is one level higher than both of them, and he is a lieutenant general.

Endo Saburo and Okada Tomoyoshi stopped looking at each other and bowed their heads in greeting.

"Mr. Tsukahara."

"Mr. Tsukahara, Fujita Kazukiyo shot and killed a lieutenant of our army headquarters without authorization. I was ordered by the expeditionary army headquarters to take him back for investigation."

"With so many people, are you going to take him back or me back?" Tsukahara Jishizo asked in a deep voice.

"Take Fujita and Kiyoshi back."

"Since you are taking him, then you wait for him to come out and block my door. Do you want to embarrass me?"

"Sir Tsukahara, I didn't mean that, but he is in your car now and we need to take him away."

Zhou Qinghe was sitting next to Tsukahara Jisi San and saw everything clearly through the open car window. However, Tsukahara Jisi San was unmoved: "Endo, go to the hospital to check your ears. Can't you understand what I say?"

"Mr. Tsukahara."

"Endo! I told you, if he walks out, it's none of my business if you take him away, but at the naval base, you can't take anyone away unless there's an order from the Naval Command! Don't make me repeat it again.

Of course, there is a second option, you can grab him from my car, you can try it. "

Endo Saburo didn't expect that Tsukahara Jishizo would actually protect Fujita Kazukiyo to the death, and immediately frowned.

An idea suddenly occurred to him, so he skipped Tsukahara and spoke directly to Zhou Qinghe, "Section Chief Fujita, the Expeditionary Force Headquarters has ordered me to take you back for investigation. Do you accept this order?"

Tsukahara Jishisan gave him a cold look and looked away: "Drive."

The driver was about to drive away when Zhou Qinghe said with a smile, "Hey, it's okay, Mr. Tsukahara, please wait for me for a few minutes."

After Zhou Qinghe finished speaking, he opened the car door and got out.

He walked up to Endo Saburo and looked him over: "Who are you?"

"Major General Endo Saburo, Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army, Army Command."


Zhou Qinghe had a look of realization on his face, and then he asked with a hissing sound: "Is Gaotian Daixiong your son?"

"What?" Endo Saburo was stunned by the sudden turn of events.

"Is Takata Daikuma your son?" Zhou Qinghe repeated sincerely.

"of course not!"

"Is that your son-in-law?"

"Section Chief Fujita, watch your words. What do you want to do by asking these questions?" Endo Saburo didn't understand Zhou Qinghe's purpose and didn't want to answer.

Zhou Qinghe smiled faintly: "Since Takada Daikuma is not your Chief of Staff Endo's biological son, nor is he your son-in-law, then there is no kinship relationship, at most you are superiors and subordinates.

For this relationship, you brought more than a hundred people to surround the naval base, just to take me back?
So the reinforcement that Kagesa buried in Hankou was you, Chief of Staff Endo."

Endo Saburo's expression darkened slightly, "What are you talking about? What Kagesa?"

Zhou Qinghe sighed and laughed, "A colonel section chief of the Military Medical Bureau, not to mention currying favor with someone at least at the level of major general, especially the local people, ask those standing here, who would invite me back for this matter, and use the method of surrounding the naval base?
Just tell the truth. Yingzuo and I have already torn our relationship apart. You are his, so what's the point of pretending?"

Zhou Qinghe took a step forward and said softly, "Let me tell you, this shot is aimed at you, General Endo. You are very good and very cooperative."

Endo Saburo's face turned pale, and he said with his eyes wide open: "Section Chief Fujita, I don't know what you are talking about. You'd better not waste your time. The order from the Expeditionary Force Headquarters orders you to go back with us immediately for investigation. Are you going to disobey?"

"Where's the order?" Zhou Qinghe spread his hands, showing no fear. "I came to Hankou on the orders of the headquarters to investigate the large-scale poisoning of soldiers. The investigation is not yet complete. I wonder who in the Central China Expeditionary Force Command dares to sign this order and interrupt my process!
I bet you didn’t.”

The confrontational words made the situation very serious. This was a standoff with so many people watching. If he couldn't come up with the truth, the fact that Endo Saburo wanted to arrest someone in front of the gate of the Navy Headquarters today would definitely be exposed, and it would be a shameful thing to spread. He would lose all face.

It all depends on whether Endo Saburo has the real thing.

Everyone looked at Endo Saburo.

But Endo Saburo was visibly relaxed, with a faint smile on his lips, and he spread out his right hand!
The adjutant behind him immediately took out a piece of paper from the folder and handed it over.

Endo Saburo took a look and held it in front of Zhou Qinghe: "Section Chief Fujita, look carefully, this is stamped with the seal of the Central China Expeditionary Army Headquarters! Do you think I would fake an order to invite you, Section Chief Fujita of the headquarters?"

Hmm~, the navy troops behind him cheered, they didn’t expect Endo Saburo to be so capable.

Tsukahara Jishizo couldn't sit still anymore, so he opened the car door and got out.

No one was worried that Fujita Kazukiyo would get into trouble, or even be sent directly to jail. Not to mention killing just a lieutenant, even if he killed a general, Fujita Kazukiyo would have to return to headquarters for investigation given his status.

Tsukahara Jishizo knew it was impossible, and Endo Saburo also knew it was impossible. Wasn't it that everyone was fighting for time from the beginning to the end?

An investigation may result in temporary isolation.

"I didn't expect it to be true." Zhou Qinghe took the document and took a look at its contents. Although the wording used non-mandatory words such as "please", "assist in the investigation", and "explain the situation", the order was indeed real.

"What do you think? Section Chief Fujita is going to disobey orders?" Endo Saburo stood up.

"Fujita, don't worry. I'll ask the headquarters for you now." Tsukahara Jishizou chimed in.

"Well, you do want to ask, but not to me, but to this."

Zhou Qinghe handed the order letter to the puzzled Tsukahara Jishizo, looked at Endo Saburo and said with a smile: "The Central China Expeditionary Army Headquarters is in Luojia Mountain, which is half an hour's drive from our camp. Who is this? Such a powerful person, and the incident happened just over an hour ago, and this document has already been delivered to Section Chief Endo?

Mr. Tsukahara, please ask the commander who proposed this matter. I will thank him when I have time."

Tsukahara Jishizo immediately understood that this was Fujita Kazukiyo looking for someone above Endo Saburo.

"Wait for me to make a call." Endo Saburo walked towards the duty room at the door.

Endo Saburo's smile disappeared. Fujita Kazukiyo was indeed the person that General Doiyuan had specially assigned to take charge of. He actually dug another hole. He was really evil.

But now that things have come to this, it doesn’t matter if we fall out anymore.

Anyway, the order has been given, and the plan to delay time will continue.

"Section Chief Fujita, please?" Endo Saburo made way and waved towards the car.

Zhou Qinghe glanced at him, turned around and left: "No."

Endo Saburo suddenly became angry and pointed at him and yelled, "Fujita! You dare to disobey the order of the Expeditionary Force Headquarters! Are you still a soldier? You don't even care about the Central China Expeditionary Force Headquarters!"

Zhou Qinghe paused, turned around and shouted, "After the death of a lieutenant colonel, Chief of Staff Endo wants me to go to the headquarters for investigation. How long will it take? How much time will be wasted? There are still so many brave soldiers fighting outside, being poisoned! Hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the front line, their lives are not lives?!

The military ordered me to investigate the case as quickly as possible. I flew from Shanghai to Hankou overnight and didn’t even go back to the headquarters!

If I don't solve the case as soon as possible, how can I let the soldiers on the front line rest assured!
Ask all the soldiers present here, is it more important to investigate the murder of a lieutenant guarding a warehouse, or to investigate the large-scale poisoning of soldiers on the front line?
Chief of Staff Endo, you can't tell the difference between the important and the unimportant!
You can tell the headquarters that I, Fujita Kazukiyo, disobeyed orders today. If you want to investigate me, wait until I solve this case!"

The soldiers present all felt that Section Chief Fujita was right. His concern for them made them respect him in their hearts.

Fujita Kazukiyo cares about me, but I don’t want it. Should I care about the life and death of a lieutenant?
Of course, it is important to check for poisoning!

Who knows when the next one will be?
Endo Saburo glanced at the soldiers present and found that Fujita Kazukiyo's ability to deceive people was really strong. Not to mention the navy, even the soldiers he brought with him, their eyes were full of recognition of Fujita Kazukiyo's words.


"Fujita, you don't have to try to dodge. Haven't you figured out everything?" Endo Saburo shouted angrily.

Zhou Qinghe narrowed his eyes: "Who said I found out everything?"

Endo Saburo glared and said, "Ishikawa Yishi said so! Those wounded soldiers you sent said so! Didn't you ask him to sign the case closure report on the spot? Do you think I don't know? He is now at the expeditionary force headquarters!"

"He said? He said it's over? Chief of Staff Endo, do you think this case is over?"

"how could I know!"

"Didn't you just say that you had already checked it out?
If you think I have investigated this case very clearly, you can produce evidence to prove that Takada Daikuma from your headquarters is the culprit of the poisoning! I will follow you now!
If you can't produce it, and I haven't even said it's over, how dare you say the case is over?

Chief of Staff Endo, you should keep your true feelings in mind. You knew from the beginning that Gao Tian Da Xiong was the culprit of the poisoning. You will know that if I kill Gao Tian Da Xiong, the incident will end, right? ! "Zhou Qinghe asked hurriedly.

Endo Saburo glared: "Fujita Kazukiyo! Watch your words!"

Zhou Qinghe straightened his suit and said, "Everyone present heard the truth.
Soldiers from the navy or the army! Think about it yourself, based on what you have heard, do you think this case is over? And why does our Chief of Staff Endo think that the matter is over? Are some people backers of Gao Tian Da Xiong, secretly plotting against our soldiers, or even colluding with the Military Control Commission! Otherwise, why would he poison! I have heard of corruption and tyranny, but have you ever heard of someone poisoning our army on a large scale? "

Zhou Qinghe's loud voice reached everyone's ears, and the way the soldiers present looked at Endo Saburo changed completely.

I'm not on Fujita Kazukiyo's side, but what Section Chief Fujita said does make a lot of sense.

Endo Saburo was a little frightened. From the beginning until now, he had always been a fair and impartial person, but in an instant, he was labeled a traitor.

This man is terrible.

After looking at the eyes of the people around him and seeing a military policeman he brought with him, Endo Saburo suddenly became furious!
Pointing and yelling: "What are you doing?!"

The army military police he brought with him actually turned their guns towards him!
This is a slap in the face.

The military police was quickly beaten by the captain.

Zhou Qinghe smiled and said, "Look, your people are still very righteous. When they heard that you might be colluding with the Military Control Commission, they immediately took simple defensive actions. This is a qualified Japanese military police, with high vigilance! Strong combat effectiveness! Not only following the superiors! Only for the Great Japanese Empire, good soldiers!"

Endo Saburo felt like his wife was being toyed with by someone, and that person was praising his wife in front of him!


The look in his eyes was no longer one of anger, but of cruelty. It was so humiliating!
(End of this chapter)

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