The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 336 Breaking the Road

Chapter 336 Breaking the Road
Chongqing, Huangshan official residence.

Huangshan is located between strange peaks and deep valleys. Faced with the uncontrollable Japanese bombing, the attendant's office chose Huangshan, which is shaded by mountains and trees, as the president's daily residence.

The three-story building, which combines Chinese and Western styles, is called Yunxiu Tower. Boss Dai hurried over and was led to the door by the guards.

Study room on the second floor.

"Yu Nong, what's the matter?"

"I just received an urgent document. It's extremely urgent. Please take a look, Principal."

Boss Dai glanced at the guard, then took out the document and handed it over.

"What is so urgent?" The principal took it and started to read it. It didn't take long for him to find the key, because the most important information was noted on the first page.

The latest resolution of the Japanese cabinet is to make all preparations for war against the United States.

The principal suddenly stood up, stared at Boss Dai with his piercing eyes, and asked seriously, "Is it true?"

Boss Dai simply replied, "The intelligence he provided has never been wrong."

"Then it's true." The principal murmured, slammed his cane on the floor, and shouted: "Good! Good! This is the best news! Yunong, don't you think so?"

Boss Dai smiled and said, "Whether they win or lose this battle, at least the Americans can help us share half of the firepower."

"That will make things a lot easier." The principal sat down in high spirits and continued to read Zhou Qinghe's report, commenting from time to time and then cursing.

Meeting minutes, troop strength map of the headquarters, and diet situation of the Japanese army.

This kind of open-book exam feels so exhilarating!
Don't underestimate the diet of the Japanese army. The mere question of how much they eat can show the Japanese economy and the morale of the Japanese army, which are bound to be low.

Life in Chongqing is not easy either. The Japanese troops are eating so badly, and their economy is blocked. Supplies are extremely scarce. Only places like Chongqing are better off. No matter who you are, the pressure is huge.

It's rare to feel comfortable now.

The principal read it all carefully, put down his thoughts and said, "According to Qinghe's calculations, even if the Japanese army withdraws half of its troops to East Asia, they will find a way to attack us before withdrawing, so that we don't know the real situation and dare not fight back under the heavy damage, giving them time to march into East Asia.

Then we should do the opposite and attack before the Japanese are ready to attack. This way, the losses we suffer will definitely be much less than if we wait until they are ready to attack."

Boss Dai nodded. "That's a good idea, Principal. Anyway, no matter how we fight now, as long as we can drag it out until Germany attacks the Soviet Union, that will be the beginning of the Japanese retreat. We should launch a counterattack at that time."

"That makes sense." The principal thought for a moment and immediately picked up the phone. "Tell them to come to my place for a military meeting right away."

"Then Principal, I'll go back first." Boss Dai never attended such military meetings.

"Hmm, wait a minute." The principal stopped him and asked thoughtfully, "Yunnong, once the Japanese army retreats, the Red Party will be our biggest enemy and will inevitably come out to stir up a bloody storm. You have to pay attention to this matter. We can't wait until the Japanese retreat before thinking of cleaning them up. As long as there is an opportunity during this process, we must be ready to clean up these people at any time. They are more dangerous than the Japanese."

"Yu Nong understands this and will intensify his search for information about the Red Party."

Not long after Boss Dai left, senior military officials rushed over from Chongqing. The principal himself seldom left Huangshan, as the Japanese planes bombed indiscriminately, and his movements would make too much noise, so he had to ask others to come.


After the greetings, the small high-level meeting began quickly.

Those who can come here are the heads of the principal's direct military forces. In addition to these people, there is also a female stenographer next to the meeting table. She is basically responsible for recording the content of such small circle high-level meetings.

In the evening, after getting off work, the stenographer started to take down the information. After she finished, her husband, as a courier, took the information and started to deliver it.

There is a tunnel beside the Jialing River, where intelligence was passed between superiors and subordinates. The intelligence went through the tunnel into the backyard of No. 50 Zengjiayan, which is the Southern Bureau of the Red Party, also known as Zhou Mansion.


Zhou Qinghe drank with them for a while and finally figured out the identities of these people.

It's not wrong to say that they are people with connections. After all, there is nepotism in the military now. After all, the rank is high, so who doesn't have some connections?
But no matter how strong the relationship is, it's just that. It's just a relationship within the military. As for drinking, if today wasn't the first welcoming banquet for him, these staff officers wouldn't be able to sit at Zhou Qinghe's table if they wanted to drink.

Anyone who can sit at Zhou Qinghe’s table must be at least a colonel.

A welcoming banquet at noon and a small party in the evening.

Commander Sonobe Kazuichiro took a sip of wine and said, "Fujita-kun, the order from the headquarters is to have you get involved in frontline affairs as much as possible. It seems that it would be best if you could command the battles. But I've also told you that it's not easy for a lieutenant general like me to command these division commanders, let alone serve as a staff officer.

But if you are willing to humble yourself, given your rank, it might be possible for you to serve in their own staff department or lead a wing."

Zhou Qinghe smiled calmly: "I don't have any experience in commanding a battle. Wouldn't it just cause more casualties if I go? People should know themselves. I'd better not mess with others."

"Hahahaha." Several people at the table burst into laughter. What they feared most was that laymen would guide professionals. What Fujita Kazuki said was quite sensible.

"Then Fujita-kun, you will stay in our headquarters, get familiar with the war, and learn how to analyze intelligence. Although we can't be the boss of the divisions below, we still have to give them advice. Otherwise, who will be responsible if we fail? Right? Hahahaha."

"it is good."

Knock, knock, knock. There was a knock on the door. A soldier came running in and quickly reported: "Report, there is an order from Nanjing."


Now it’s time to get down to business, so we have to do it.

Sonobe Kazuichiro smiled and apologized to Zhou Qinghe: "Is that right? We just need to leave someone to receive the order. We don't need any staff at all. Go and do the work today, and we'll drink tomorrow."

"Business matters."

The group headed to the headquarters.

The person in the telecommunications room delivered the message, and Sonobe Kazuichiro opened it, read it and said, "An order from Nanjing.


Intensify the bombing of Chongqing in all areas. From the day of the bombing, our field army will guard all traffic passes and cut off all material trade between the areas controlled by our army and the adjacent areas of Chongqing.

Order the 11th Army to form a fishing net with railways, highways, and rivers as boundaries, and strictly guard all areas under its control to prevent any food from being transported to Chongqing.

The Navy will cooperate with this order."

"This is going to starve Chongqing to death." Sonobe Kazuichiro muttered after reading the order, and then said to the guards: "Notify their respective headquarters and let them receive the order."

Then he walked to the map and looked at it carefully, and the staff officers also gathered around.

With rivers, highways and railways as boundaries, Nanjing's order is easy to understand. It is roughly in the shape of a "丰" character. Countless "丰" characters are combined together, with the main purpose of prohibiting the flow of people and materials. The grid is very dense.

"This doesn't look like a combat order, it looks more like something you want us to cooperate with."

Sonobe and Ichiro's guess was recognized by everyone. The staff officers' slacking off did not mean they would really do it. Although they were given only so many orders, anyone with a discerning eye knew that it was far from easy to starve Chongqing to death.

Not to mention the lack of troops, it is impossible for them to block all people going to Chongqing. Even if they can surround the front half, Chongqing still has the back half. There are plenty of supplies that can be transported in from Myanmar's seaport via the Burma Road.

What's more, they have stored food and land.

After discussing for a while, Sonobe Kazuichiro said, "I guess our plan is only part of the headquarters' plan. The military will soon make a big move, and we will not be the only ones to cooperate."

If you want to encircle Chongqing, you have to at least draw an arc, and all the troops from the surrounding cities have to be mobilized to do so.

Sonobe Kazuichiro asked curiously, "Fujita-kun, you have served in the Army Ministry for a long time, do you know the details of this mission?"

"It should still be the food shortage plan."

Zhou Qinghe was not clear about the details.

Before leaving, the headquarters had just handed over a plan to Tojo Hideki, and there was nothing new about the food cut-off plan.

Now that something unexpected has happened, it must be that Tojo Hideki has added some seasoning to this food shortage plan, but what exactly is it?
God knows what is going on in Tojo Hideki's mind.

"Let me ask." Zhou Qinghe was really curious about what the base camp was doing when he looked at the map.

"Then please."

Zhou Qinghe picked up the phone and called the Yasuda family radio operator at the naval base, asking him to telegraph Japan to inquire about what had happened.

During the waiting period, the senior leaders of seven divisions and the independent brigade also arrived one after another. Everyone got to know each other and then started the meeting.

The content of the meeting was mainly quarreling. They had to carry out Nanjing's order, but there was a problem as to which road and which troops would guard it.

There are some towns near railways and highways. They are definitely wealthy and have restaurants and entertainment. They are first-class good places.

There are places with better scenery, such as rivers, where you can eat river seafood, which is the second best place.

The worst situation is that there is not even a chicken feather in the remote countryside. They can only eat dry food when they go out. In some valleys, it is even difficult to find water. If they go there, they will be exposed to the wind and sun. The difference is huge.

They argued non-stop throughout the whole process, slamming the table and yelling.

Sonobe Kazuichiro just watched the show, tilted his head and said to Zhou Qinghe: "See, this is daily life."

Zhou Qinghe smiled slightly, tilted his head and whispered: "What should we do? We have to do it."

"Don't worry, I have a good idea." Sonobe Kazuichiro waited for a while, and seeing that the quarrel was almost over, he slammed the table in anger.

"That's enough! Let's stop arguing. Each of us will get an area and we'll decide by drawing lots." Zhou Qinghe glanced at him sideways. Is this the magic trick?
"Let's draw lots!"

What a clever trick! These division commanders actually fell for it.


Zhou Qinghe gave a thumbs up to Sonobe Kazuichiro's smug look.

At this moment, the car outside honked, and then Zhou Qinghe's guards came in quickly, bowed their heads and handed over a telegram.

Zhou Qinghe opened it and read the contents. He was shocked. So that's what it was.

"Britain promised to close the Burma Road and stop transporting all supplies to China."

No wonder there was such a sudden big move.

"Any news?" asked Sonobe Kazuichiro.

Zhou Qinghe nodded, handed over the telegram and said with a smile: "Our Tojo Army Minister is not a simple person."

Sonobe Kazuichiro immediately took it and looked at it, then stood up seriously.

"Shut up, everyone!"

The noise died down and everyone looked at Sonobe Kazuichiro who was standing solemnly.

I saw that Sonobe Kazuichiro had an extremely serious expression. His eyes flickered as he stared at the telegram. He looked up and suddenly laughed.

"What are you still arguing about? Army Minister Tojo has convinced the British, and the British have agreed to close the Burma Road. Do you know what this means? The war is about to end!"

Sonobe Kazuichiro slammed his fist on the table, looking extremely energetic.


The people who were originally arguing could no longer sit still and started asking questions excitedly.

"Of course it's true, I watched it ten times!"


The expressions of this group of division commanders suddenly cheered up, and even the anger that had been in the quarrel just now disappeared, and they just laughed at the people they had just quarreled with.

The importance of the Burma Road is self-evident.

All supplies for the Chinese army now come from this road.

As long as this road is cut off, China will be cut off from all sources of supplies.

We have lost all international assistance and our entire country has been blockaded by Japan!
After fighting for several years, this step has finally been achieved!
"Hahahaha, such a good thing, of course we have to have a drink, let's go! Let's drink! It's my treat."

"Let's go."

"Mr. Fujita, thank you for the information. Let's go have a drink together and let them treat us." Sonobe Kazuichiro urged.

Zhou Qinghe asked: "Don't they need to go back and arrange the orders from the base camp?"

Sonobe gave him a look that said you don't understand, and instructed, "It's okay. Although the order has been issued from the headquarters, mobilizing troops is troublesome. The army is moving and materials are being deployed. After we divide the areas here, do they have to convey the order to the brigade when they return?

Does the brigade have to give it to the regiment? The regiment also has to divide the strongholds, and it is impossible to build a network in one day, so there is no need to waste a moment.

Let's go and have a drink. Take this opportunity, Fujita-kun, and get to know them. Then you can go down and give them some orders. Maybe you will be the first to take the lead in attacking Chongqing."

Thank you. "Okay, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany you."

The Japanese really love to drink.

Zhou Qinghe returned the message to the internal security: "Call back, I want detailed information."

"Hi!" The subordinate received the order and left.

The Burma Road was a supply station for the Chinese army, which the Japanese certainly knew, so the military had been negotiating with the British to close the road. But the British had ignored the Japanese before, so why did they suddenly agree now?

Zhou Qinghe had to know what happened here.

A more detailed response came two hours later.

In the telegram, Yasuda said that after he left, Tojo Hideki was dissatisfied with the General Staff's plan to cut off food supplies, thinking that the results were too slow and demanding a more powerful plan.

The General Staff could not come up with this plan. They had already thought of all the possible solutions, but now they had no money and could not come up with any other good solutions. So, under pressure from Tojo, they directly put the difficulties currently faced by the army in front of him.

"If the British can agree to close the Burma Road, then China's supplies will be cut off, and the General Staff's plan will not need to be changed at all. As long as the war continues, the Chinese will run out of ammunition and food without even much fighting."

When Tojo Hideki heard this, he was furious. "Why didn't you tell us about this plan earlier? Why can't the British do it? You can't even fix a broken road? You are such a bunch of idiots! So stupid!"

The staff officers were all furious. If Tojo wasn't the Minister of War, they would have beaten him to death on the spot. Since when did a poor student have the right to scold them?

The staff officer told him angrily: "The British will not give up this road because the Chiang Kai-shek government is pro-British and American. The purpose of keeping this road is to avoid destroying Chiang's hopes and prevent him from turning to the Soviet Union. This is not in the interests of Britain and the United States.

There is no way the British would give up.”

Tojo Hideo looked down upon the General Staff and said, "Don't tell me about difficulties. I will only give you one day to tell the British to close the road. If you fail to do so, I will pack up all of you staff officers and send you all to the front line!"

The staff officers were overwhelmed. Tojo Hideki was really sending people away, even Fujita and Kiyoshi were sent away. He would definitely do what he said. After racking their brains and discussing for a long time, they had no choice but to fight to the death.

He personally led people to storm the British Embassy in Japan and threatened the ambassador as soon as he entered.

They said they would only be given half a day. If the British did not agree to close the Burma Road within half a day, or wanted to delay, the General Staff would not wait for a second and would directly order the army to take over Hong Kong and take back the British Concession in Shanghai!
The British ambassador was very tough and said, "Come on, go and get it. I don't believe you have the guts to do it!"

As he spoke, he also sent a telegram back stating that he would ask the British authorities to negotiate with the Japanese side. This was a serious threat and he wanted these staff officers to apologize to him.

However, he did not expect, nor did the other senior army officers who went with him expect, that the British authorities would actually agree.

Are you so cowardly?

I didn’t even dare to mention any conditions, I just said it could be closed.

The ambassador was dumbfounded, and so were the elite group of the General Staff.

The Burma Road, an issue that has been debated for years, was actually threatened by Tojo. He just made a rush and rushed through it?

If they had known the British were so cowardly, they would have come earlier!
Why are the British so useless?

Zhou Qinghe looked at Yasuda's statement at the end of the telegram. Tojo's move rarely won praise from all cabinet members.

Don’t say that Hai Xiang can’t be yin and yang in this matter.

Even His Majesty, when he heard about it, praised Tojo for his outstanding vision and for being able to see through the British army's strengths and weaknesses at a glance.

In fact, everyone has rekindled the desire to swallow up China. In the past, they thought there was no chance and that the war could not be won at all, but now the Chinese are likely to run out of ammunition and food. Isn't this the opportunity?

It’s not that we can’t wait any longer in East Asia.

Konoe also discussed this possibility with Kenichi Yasuda.

Yasuda Kenichi's reply to Konoe was, 'For you, you are the prime minister, and you will be famous wherever you conquer. But for us, if the army wins, all our efforts in the army will be in vain, the army will rise again, and our power will be wiped out.'

Yasuda Kenichi observed that Konoe was a little hesitant and kept saying "that's true", but for Konoe, as the head of the Five Regents, it was not necessary for him to be in power in the army. What he wanted was the reputation after winning. Defeating China would also allow him to leave his name in history.

Kenichi Yasuda speculated that Konoe would not express his position so quickly. He would definitely observe the changes in the war situation before making a decision. Anyway, there is still time before the East Asia plan.

Zhou Qinghe closed the folder.

He had only been away for a few days, and the situation was changing so fast that he was almost overwhelmed.

In the blink of an eye, Konoe was almost abducted by Tojo?
Once the Burma Road was blocked, the most difficult time came. The last channel for importing materials across the country was Shanghai.

Fortunately, the road ahead to Shanghai has been cleared, and no one will dare to take action in Shanghai in the short term. The Military Control Commission is still in the process of rebuilding, and Zhou Qinghe is now invincible. Anyone who dares to cause trouble in Shanghai is seeking death.

Shanghai is not worried.

As for Konoe's sick attitude
Easy to cure.

As long as the Japanese army suffered a few major defeats as it is now expecting, and the Konoe Cabinet was reviled, Zhou Qinghe believed that Konoe would push for the war in East Asia at all costs, as if his butt was on fire.

Who makes it easy to win there? The guards will definitely go there.

As for how to lose?

Zhou Qinghe looked at the division commanders and their brothers who were drinking in front of him. He thought he would need their help in this matter.

The commander of the 101st Division met Zhou Qinghe's eyes and immediately raised his glass: "Fujita-kun, since the headquarters asked you to come to the front line to observe, then you naturally can't stay in the city all the time. So, come with me tomorrow to visit our division and experience the group life of the army."

Then it's you. Zhou Qinghe raised his glass and smiled: "Cheers."

(End of this chapter)

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