Chapter 340 Poison

The headquarters immediately sent a telegram to the Hankou Expeditionary Force Headquarters.

Commander Sonobe Kazuichiro personally called Zhou Qinghe to convey the order, "Mr. Fujita, congratulations. I just received a telegram. The Army Minister urgently summoned you back to the base camp."

Did you think of me after you lost? Zhou Qinghe is currently recuperating in the naval base, fishing, reading, and even taking a stroll on the aircraft carrier.

When I heard the phone call, I replied directly: "Tell him I'm busy. I have something important to do. Let's talk when I'm free."

Sonobe Kazuichiro was surprised when he heard this: "Fujita-kun, this is an order from the headquarters."

"Who cares? I'm busy. That's all."

With a click, Zhou Qinghe hung up the phone.

If he is unhappy, he will be exiled; if he is happy, he will be recalled. It is not that easy. With Tojo's character, Zhou Qinghe must not indulge him.

Then he went back to fishing and told this story to Tsukahara Jishizo who was fishing with him, and Tsukahara Jishizo was filled with awe.

"Fujita, you are a role model for our generation."

Within just two months of taking office, Tojo's violent temper had become known to everyone. It was estimated that no less than 200 people from the headquarters were sent to the front lines by him in those two months.

Among all the army ministers in history, it is unprecedented that one has such a bad reputation as Tojo. It is unimaginable!

Which subordinate in which department can scold the head of their department every day? In the headquarters, everyone knows and scolds him!

But Tojo was the Minister of War, which meant he had absolute power. No matter how much people scolded him, no one dared to delay Tojo's orders, or they would be exiled.

Zhou Qinghe was not afraid and jokingly said, "I've already been exiled, what else can I do?"

This makes sense, Tsukahara Jishisan thought about it and it was true. With Tojo sending people to the front line, Fujita Kazukiyo would be invincible.

"But we really need to hurry up. Let's go. Now that we've rested enough, let's get back to work."

Zhou Qinghe put down his fishing rod, got in the car and headed for the Medical Research Institute inside the base.

Since Tojo has already started looking, going back is only a matter of time. His refusal now is not just a slap in the face to Tojo.

It’s just that this order came suddenly, and some things are indeed not completed.

Research and development is one of them.

During such a long time in Hankou, the progress of drug research and development was under the control of Zhou Qinghe. If he did not play any genius role in the military since coming to Hankou, then what did he do since coming to Hankou? If Hirohito asked about it one day, Zhou Qinghe could not appear to be doing nothing and ignore everyone.

We started to get busy here, proposing ideas and asking researchers in the laboratory to verify them. This process from idea to implementation still takes several days.

But outside, Sonobe and Ichiro couldn't help themselves.

At first, Sonobe Kazuichiro was surprised that Fujita Kazukiyo was too bold to answer like that. Wouldn't Tojo be furious?
But thinking that it was none of his business anyway, he slightly polished Fujita Kazukiyo's answer and directly relayed it to the headquarters.

Tojo was indeed furious and responded quickly to the second telegram.

He urged Sonobe Kazuichiro to let Fujita Kazukiyo set off immediately, otherwise he would be punished for delaying military affairs.

How does this have anything to do with him?
Sonobe and Ichiro were shocked and quickly called the base headquarters again.

This time Zhou Qinghe's reply was even more straightforward, "I told you I'm busy now, I'll go back when I'm free."

Bang, the phone was hung up again.

Sonobe and Ichiro were fighting again, and Zhou Qinghe said in a bad tone: "Don't bother me!"

Sonobe and Ichiro were stunned by the scolding, "Both sides are angry at me? Why is my life so miserable?"

Sonobe Kazuichiro had no choice but to go to the naval base himself to find out what was going on.

Tsukahara Jishizo received him.

Sonobe Kazuichiro told him about the military's strict order, thinking that Tsukahara Jishizo would be understanding and be able to help persuade him.

Who would have known that Sonobe Kazuichiro was now standing outside the laboratory window with Tsukahara Jishizo.

"Are you saying that this medicine can really improve that function?"

"of course it's true."

"Have you tried?"

“How can I try it if the medicine is not out yet?”

"So what are you talking about?"

“Fujita-kun has already made some basic versions of the drug and asked someone to try it out. It does have some effect. He is now adjusting the dosage, so this is a critical time and we must not be distracted.

The idea of ​​a genius appears in your mind like a flash of inspiration. You see how focused he is. If this process is interrupted, it will be a loss to the empire, an irreparable loss. "

It turned out that someone had tried it. Sonobe and Ichiro nodded, which gave them some confidence. "How long will it take?"

"Maybe a few days."

"Now that it's out, can you give me some of the medicine?" Sonobe Kazuichiro winked and smiled.

Tsukahara Jishisan sneered: "It's not mine, you have to ask Fujita-kun for it."

"Yes, yes." Sonobe Kazuichiro thought about what Tsukahara Jishizo had just said about the effect of increasing the starting time by one hour, and smiled happily.

Immediately he frowned again: "What should I say about the base camp?"

"Just talk about developing heart-related drugs. When it comes to the critical moment, Fujita-kun and His Majesty have mentioned this in the telegram. It's okay."

"I see."

Sonobe Kazuichiro was in awe, "Then I'll reply right away."

Three days later, Zhou Qinghe took out the first version of the medicine, two pills.

Tsukahara Jishizo was working in the office when Zhou Qinghe came in with a box of medicine and put it on the table.

"Tsukahara-kun, the first one."

"Oh? You succeeded?"

Tsukahara Jishizo hurriedly put down the work at hand and stood up, looking at Zhou Qinghe with surprise, then immediately picked up the medicine and looked at it again and again.

"It should be successful." Zhou Qinghe poured himself a cup of tea without hesitation, and then said after drinking it: "Currently, it can be used on some people with relatively healthy functions, and it can work, but after all, medicines are different for different people. Whether it can work for you, you have to try it to know. Do you have the courage to try it?"

Tsukahara Jishisan didn't even hesitate, "How many?"

"Usually one is enough. Try one first."

Tsukahara Jishizo immediately took out a pill, put it into his mouth, drank some water and swallowed it.

Zhou Qinghe looked at his watch and said, "It will take about an hour to take effect. If it works, call me."

"Good good."

Zhou Qinghe returned to the research institute and continued to work, and forty minutes later, Zhou Qinghe received an excited call from Tsukahara Jishizo.

“Fujita! You’re amazing! It works! This medicine is so effective! Hahahaha, I can do it again!”

"That's great, congratulations on your recovery."

"Fujita-kun, tell me, how should I thank you?"

"Just don't come looking for me now."

"Hahahaha, I'll go out for a while then."

"Do as you please, but remember to come back at night. Now that your problem has been solved, it's time for me to return to the base camp. I've been dragging my feet for many days because of your problem. I think Tojo wants to send me into exile again."

"Okay, let's continue our conversation tonight. I will definitely treat you to a nice drink, Fujita-kun."

In the evening, Tsukahara Jishizo returned with a cheerful look on his face. His brisk strides made everyone in the headquarters realize that the commander's temperament was different from before.

I couldn't help but think of the rumors in the base these days. Mr. Fujita was developing a drug and had someone try it out. He said it was helpful for men's sexual aspects.

Judging from the commander's expression, the rumor spread like a hurricane in the headquarters.

Tsukahara Jishizo hasn't been with a woman for such a long time. Some things they think they are keeping secret are actually not secrets at all. It's just that the parties involved think they are secret.

It’s amazing that Lord Fujita actually made the medicine and solved Commander Tsukahara’s problem.

Mr. Fujita is truly a famous doctor of the time!

Tsukahara Jishisan walked to the door of Zhou Qinghe's room and bowed solemnly: "Mr. Fujita, thank you very much."

"Hahahaha, are the women in the geisha house fragrant?" Zhou Qinghe joked.

Tsukahara Jishisan suddenly burst into laughter, "Should I invite you to go?"

"Goodbye, I'm not interested in this kind of thing. Let's go and have dinner."

An extremely sumptuous dinner was inevitable. Before Tsukahara Jishizo left at noon, he had already asked his adjutant to make arrangements. He had to do everything he could to find the best quality ingredients in the whole of Hankou to reward Zhou Qinghe.

While eating, Zhou Qinghe said, "I will go to the headquarters tomorrow to tell them and then I will go back. Do you have any news about the candidates within the navy?"

"Thank you for your hard work." After thanking him, Tsukahara Jishizo said, "The role of the commander of the Combined Fleet in the future Pacific War has been decided. Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku will be the commander.

However, there is currently no consensus within the organization on who will serve as the commander of the aviation fleet.

Originally, many people had their eyes on me. I am not exaggerating when I say that the future of the aviation fleet is built with me as the commander, and there is no second choice.

But you also know what happened." Tsukahara Jishizo shook his empty left arm and said in a normal manner: "After I was excluded from their selection, they were also in a difficult situation. There was no one to choose.

As far as I know, they are now selecting from candidates who are experts in naval warfare in other areas.

At present, the one with the louder voice may be Chuichi Nagumo, who is a vice admiral and specializes in torpedo warfare.

However, there were huge differences within the Navy on whether to choose him.

A naval conservative like Chuichi Nagumo has no experience in commanding an aircraft carrier, and the performance will be completely wasted by him."

"How does his command ability on an aircraft carrier compare to yours?" Zhou Qinghe asked.

Tsukahara Jishizo chuckled in a rather arrogant manner and picked up the wine glass: "If his ability can fill the glass with wine, then my ability can fill the entire Pacific Ocean!"

"Awesome." Zhou Qinghe was in awe. The Japanese had their own unique way of bragging.

"Do I still have hope in this matter?" Now that Tsukahara Jishizo has solved the problem of his lower body, this is the only thing he is most concerned about.

"There is definitely hope." Zhou Qinghe reassured him, and then said, "While we eat, tell me about this Nanyun Chuichi. The more details the better. I will see how to deal with this matter."

"it is good."

Next, Tsukahara Jishizo talked about what he knew about Chuichi Nagumo. Chuichi Nagumo was a conservative in the navy, in warfare, and in international affairs.

In the past, naval battles relied on strong ships and heavy guns. The enemy would be in the sea and the ship's guns would be used to bombard the enemy until it was sunk. This was the conservative approach.

The emergence of aircraft carriers has changed the navy's tactics. Planes can still bomb and have strong maneuverability.

But there are always people who think that the old things are better, especially the top figures who have now reached the level of lieutenant general.

The reason is that when these people who reached the rank of generals joined the navy, aircraft carriers had not yet been built.

They don’t know how to use new strategies at all, and some people are unwilling to learn them, subconsciously rejecting things they don’t know.

This is also the reason why there are so few geniuses on aircraft carriers. If the superiors don’t like them, naturally the subordinates will learn little.

However, people like Tsukahara Jishizo, who are both talented and willing to learn new things, are a minority.

As for the conservatives on the international situation, the reason they believe is that Chuichi Nagumo does not want to fight the United States. The reason is very simple: he believes that they cannot win the war yet.

Anyone who thinks he can't win has now been included in the investigation list. It is conceivable that the navy has no one to choose from.

This Chuichi Nagumo must be quite capable, otherwise the navy would not have chosen such a person who they thought they could not defeat.

Tsukahara Jishizo also said that this was indeed the case. Chuichi Nagumo was an expert in torpedo warfare and never missed a target in underwater combat.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on the rest. Contact me by telegram when I get back. I'll tell you when I find a way."

"Then please."

The next morning, Zhou Qinghe took out a batch of goods from the R&D room and delivered them to Tsukahara Jishizo's office.

"Well, I'll leave this batch of medicine to you first. I can't produce the rest until I return to my homeland. It'll take some time, so you should take it sparingly."

Tsukahara Jishizo happily opened the medicine box and took a look. There were only eight pills.

“Only eight slices?”

"So I'm asking you to save some money. It's still uncertain when you'll be producing next time."


Eight pieces, that should last for a while, Tsukahara Jishisan put them solemnly into his pocket.

Zhou Qinghe took out another box from the bag and handed it to him: "This is a byproduct of my adjustment of the dosage. I leave it to you as a souvenir. But you can't take this medicine. The dosage is several times that of the ordinary version, sometimes dozens of times. It has not been tested, and there may be problems if you take it. If these ordinary drugs are ineffective one day, we will try these versions at that time."

Tsukahara Jishisan opened the box and took a look. There were fifteen pills in the box. If you looked closely with the naked eye, you could see that they were a little different in size.

As it concerns his future happiness, Tsukahara Jishizo solemnly put the medicine into the drawer and said, "Okay, I will keep it as a souvenir. I hope I will never need to use it."

Zhou Qinghe nodded, "Then help me arrange a plane. I'll go to the headquarters and leave when I come back."

"Don't worry, I'll make arrangements."

Headquarters, Zhou Qinghe came to say goodbye.

When Sonobe Kazuichiro heard that Zhou Qinghe was leaving, he could finally put his mind at ease. At least he could report to the base camp.

This signal also indicates that the drug developed by Kazukiyo Fujita was successful.

Sonobe Kazuichiro asked with a smile: "Fujita-kun, have you successfully developed this drug?"

Zhou Qinghe nodded.

"Can you give me some?"

Zhou Qinghe frowned: "What's wrong? Do you have problems with that too?"

"Of course not! Just wanted to try."

"No more. Time was tight and I didn't make many. I didn't keep any for myself. I gave them all to Tsukahara in his office before I came out. If you want any, just ask him."

Sonobe and Ichiro felt regretful, but that was all that could be done.

There is nothing to hand over. Just meet everyone and Zhou Qinghe can leave.

After returning to the naval base and having a quick meal, Zhou Qinghe left with the R&D staff amid the farewell from Tsukahara Jishizo.

After he left, Sonobe and Ichiro sent someone to inquire about the situation at the naval base.

After all, the rumors about the naval base spread between work and home.

Something like Tsukahara Jishizo has been in a very good mood recently, his personality has changed drastically, and he looks very happy.

Tsukahara Jishizo was so grateful to Fujita Kazukiyo that he took great pains to find delicious food to treat him the night before he left.

Fujita Kazukiyo finally helped Tsukahara solve the cause of the disease that so many doctors couldn't cure.

Moreover, I heard from the girls in the geisha house that Tsukahara seemed to be assisted by God. It was amazing and I had never seen such a long time in my life.

Sonobe Kazuichiro felt his heart burn with excitement when he heard this.

With nothing to do, he immediately drove to the naval base headquarters to ask for money and even brought gifts with him.

When they walked into Tsukahara's office, Sonobe Kazuichiro asked with a smile: "Tsukahara-kun, I've heard about your story. If you have something good, shouldn't you share it?"

"I was wondering why you would send me something." Tsukahara Jishisan sneered. If someone works hard for nothing, he is either a traitor or a thief. "If the army brings gifts to visit the navy, no one will believe it if I tell anyone."

"We've known each other for so long, a gift is nothing. Where's the medicine? Take a look." Sonobe and Ichiro winked.

Tsukahara Jishizo didn't mind showing off to him, but he was afraid that he would snatch it away.

"What's so good about the medicine? It's just ordinary medicine, nothing good to see."

"Why are you so stingy?" Sonobe Kazuichiro was immediately angry.

"I'm just stingy and didn't leave any food for you. You can take the gift back and do whatever you want."

It's impossible for him to give any medicine at all. Tsukahara Jishisan doesn't have enough for himself, and he wants to exchange a small gift for medicine. This is a miracle medicine.

Sonobe Kazuichiro was so angry that his eyes rolled back and he started drinking tea.

"Why don't you leave?" Tsukahara Jishisan waited for a while and looked at him in surprise.

Sonobe Kazuichiro chuckled, "You didn't give me medicine, I didn't give me a bite of food, and I didn't even give me tea. You're so stingy. I'll drink it, what's wrong with that?"

Tsukahara Jishizo was too lazy to pay attention to him and approved the documents himself.

Who knew that Sonobe Kazuichiro would actually go to the teahouse, drinking tea leisurely, flipping through a book in one hand, and looking like he wouldn't leave without being given medicine.

Just wait and see. Tsukahara Jishisan won't give you any medicine anyway.

After hesitating for a while, someone called him from outside, and Tsukahara Jishisan went out to deal with something.

The opportunity is coming!

Hadn't Sonobe and Ichiro waited for this moment for so long?

After watching the person leave, he rushed to Tsukahara Jishisan's drawer with shining eyes, opened it and saw a medicine box. He took it in his hand and opened it excitedly.

"It is indeed here."

Fujita Kazukiyo said that he handed all of them to Tsukahara in the office before he came out. He said it unintentionally but the listener took it seriously, so now he has them, right?

I counted fifteen pills in a box, so taking three isn't too much, right?

Stealing medicine doesn't count as stealing. At most, Tsukahara will scold him when he finds out. It doesn't matter.

Sonobe and Ichiro moved quickly, grabbing three pills at random and putting them in his pocket, then closed the box and put it in the drawer.

Turn around and run.

Tsukahara Jishisan came back and was puzzled to find that the person had left.

Suddenly his expression changed and he strode to the drawer and took out the medicine box.


Tsukahara Jishizo took three steps and chased after him. What a fool! He was so smart!

However, it was too late. When he reached the door, the person was already in the car.

"Haha, Tsukahara, I'll treat you to a meal some other day."

"This medicine is poisonous."

"What did you say? I can't hear you, hahahaha."

With a step on the accelerator, the car rushed towards the door.

Tsukahara Jishizo immediately sent people to chase after them, and also sent someone to call the headquarters, asking them to send Sonobe and Ichiro to the hospital immediately.

However, two minutes later, Sonobe Kazuichiro was sitting in the back seat, looking at the pills in his hand, and said with a smile: "What do you think of the miraculous effect of this medicine?"

Without hesitation, Sonobe Kazuichiro swallowed the medicine.

In ten minutes, I felt it.

"Yoshi, the ability given by Fujita Kazukiyo is really too strong."

Sonobe and Ichiro felt incredibly powerful, more powerful than they had ever been in their lives.

The abundance of something somewhere shocked him.

It's true that the desire hasn't even arisen yet, but it arises on its own.

He immediately told the driver to go where we should go, this definitely needed to be released.

Twenty minutes later, the severe swelling caused Sonobe Kazuichiro to feel pain.

It’s too strong, and needs to be dealt with immediately.

Forty minutes later, Sonobe and Ichiro went to the hospital. Not to mention touching a woman, the slightest touch was excruciatingly painful.

An hour later, the area was twice its normal size and abnormally swollen.

Two hours later, after the doctor had tried countless methods and still could not get relief, Sonobe Kazuichiro felt like this part of his body was so strong that it was about to explode.

The rescue operation began, with countless cuts on the body, even to vital parts, but it was too late.

Sonobe Kazuichiro went into shock.

Sonobe Kazuichiro dies.

(End of this chapter)

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