The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 342 Interference

Chapter 342 Interference
Come up with a plan, come up with a plan. What kind of plan do we need to conquer a French colony? Just outsource this work.

Zhou Qinghe went directly to the General Staff Headquarters and asked the War Guidance Section in South China to come up with a plan, pointing out that it was Tojo who wanted it and that they would only be given half a day.

Everyone in the war guidance class looked solemn and started writing the report quickly.

Now Tojo's reputation is very useful, and he is almost as useful as a spirit that can cure children's night crying. The overall work efficiency of the General Staff Headquarters has indeed improved a lot, and the report was produced in two hours.

The next day Zhou Qinghe submitted the report.

Tojo Hideki opened it and although he was very satisfied with Zhou Qinghe's efficiency, wasn't it a bit too much to ask him to cooperate with the navy?
"I clearly said that we only need the army, why is there still a navy in your plan?"

Zhou Qinghe explained slowly: "To attack French Indochina, our army is definitely enough, but the French have garrisons and warships in the port, which are originally for external defense. Once our army defeats their government army, and the French turn their guns inward, won't we be bombarded?

Their warships must be dealt with by the navy, this is for the safety of the army, the navy exists to escort us."

Tojo Hideki thought about it and felt that it was indeed irrefutable, so he could only accept it and threw the document over.

"Go tell the navy to prepare immediately. We will launch an attack soon."

The French-Indian offensive strategy was quickly discussed at the General Staff Headquarters. From the selection of personnel for the action, the route of attack, to all the work that needed to be occupied, everything was calculated and when there were no problems, the order was immediately issued to the South China Command.

Upon receiving the order, the South China Command immediately dispatched troops from Guangxi via Hanoi and directly into France.

The navy ships also began to head towards the ports of France and India.

When the troops set out, the news of the death of Hankou Commander Sonobe Kazuichiro finally reached the General Staff Headquarters.

It's embarrassing to tell anyone about this. Just to have some more luck with a woman, a lieutenant general of the army actually went to the naval base to steal medicine, and he even stole the wrong medicine.

When the Nanjing Expeditionary Army Command heard about this, they felt ashamed, and they were embarrassed in front of the navy.

The reply to the headquarters was that Sonobe Kazuichiro had a sudden illness and died after failed rescue efforts, and they requested a grand burial.

There is a special department in the base camp to handle matters like death, and they just follow the procedures. The war is about to begin, and everyone's attention is not here.

Three days later, the Japanese army officially crossed the border of another country.

France reacted immediately and asked the Army Ministry what this meant.

When the Army Ministry dispatches troops, it must of course comply with international practice for dispatching troops, which means it must be legitimate.

"Our division will pass through your territory, enter Kunming from your territory, and encircle and outflank Chongqing."

Are you kidding me? The French just thought the Japanese were treating them like fools. How many kilometers would it take to encircle Chongqing from here? Obviously, it was impossible.

Refuse verbally immediately.

"If I disagree, are you going to seize it?"

"You are really smart."

The Japanese army refused to accept the toast and had a direct conflict with the French.

The French are unwilling to give in. Even though their national strength is weak now, even though this is just one of their overseas colonies, they will never give up!

If they were snatched away by the Japanese like this, which colony would dare to trust them in the future?

The government forces were immediately ordered to send all 50,000 troops to the battlefield.

However, at this time, the Japanese naval fleet bombarded the defense zone of the port where the French gathered. The Japanese navy was indeed powerful, and most of the French port defense zone was destroyed overnight.

This was the territory where the French actually lived. The French became anxious and immediately withdrew their troops and demanded negotiations.

The news was passed back to the Army Ministry. What was there to talk about? Negotiation was not in Tojo's dictionary. Isn't it his if it's conquered? It was originally mine. What was there to talk about?

Directly telegraphed the South China Region, "The original plan remains unchanged. Take over all areas that need to be controlled!"

The Japanese army began to advance with great force, and the war went extremely smoothly. The Japanese army was invincible here. From crossing the border to the end of the war, the entire process took only 20 days, and all strategic points had been captured.

Compared with the battlefield in China, this battle was extremely easy to fight.

The harvest was quite rich, with three airports alone!

The news of victory spread back to the base camp, and the base camp was in an uproar!
This is the first step in expanding the battlefield in East Asia, and it will be a great victory!

The people in the Army Ministry were happy, the people in the General Staff were happy, and even Tojo showed a rare smile.

The newspapers that had been prepared long ago immediately began to publicize the army's victory in an effort to boost the country's long-depleted morale.

The people of the whole country are happy.

Not to mention Konoe, he is the person under the most pressure. Now that he knows that the war is going well, he immediately goes to Tojo to hold a cabinet meeting and ask when the next stage of the war will begin. That is the real goal of this operation, oil!
"We must seize the Dutch East Indies in one fell swoop, and then our oil crisis will be completely resolved!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

When the cabinet meeting was adjourned, it was a rare occasion that they did so with laughter.

At the gate of the Prime Minister's residence, the Foreign Minister's secretary, who had been waiting for a long time, saw someone coming out and immediately stepped forward with a worried look on his face and said to the Foreign Minister: "The American Embassy called to talk to you, and I told them you were busy and asked them what question.

He said, I just want to ask the Foreign Minister one question, is the next target of your Japanese cabinet the Dutch East Indies?"

Hearing these words, the cabinet ministers who were about to leave stopped and looked at the foreign minister.

The foreign minister also looked over: "The news was leaked?"

The Navy Minister shook his head: "Not necessarily. It may be that the US military guessed our intentions from our movements."

"How to reply?" the Foreign Minister asked again.

This time it was Konoe who said, "Don't be too clear, just find out what the United States thinks."

The Foreign Minister nodded and hurried away.

Two hours later, the news came back and the cabinet meeting began again.

The Foreign Minister said: "The attitude of the United States is that if we take action against the Dutch East Indies, they will block all our crude oil and steel imports, and freeze all of our Japanese overseas assets and confiscate them all!"

This news shocked everyone present.

"This day has come sooner than expected." Konoe murmured, his expression gloomy. "We just took a French colony, and the Americans reacted so strongly. If we take action against the Dutch colonies, how confident are you two that the United States will really impose a blockade?"

Of course, the two people questioned were from the military.

Tojo spoke first, "What is there to worry about? This is something that was expected. Sooner or later, we will confront the United States. Now we have no way out. We must take over the Dutch East Indies and resolve the oil crisis!"

The Minister of the Sea thought for a moment and agreed: "I am also inclined to take action. If we are going to be suppressed by the United States all the time, we might as well fight directly."

The Minister of Finance said: "Even if the war strategy remains unchanged, can we temporarily slow down and negotiate with the United States? Because we need time to recruit soldiers, we can buy more crude oil while negotiating with the United States, and then start the war after the recruitment is completed."

This is an option. There is no problem in delaying it for a while, and the cabinet will pass the resolution soon.

So the Foreign Minister was sent to negotiate terms with the United States, while the military continued to recruit soldiers and prepare for war.

In theory, the outcome of the war has been determined, but some people don't think so and have the ability to change it.

For example, Mitsui and Mitsubishi.

When the cabinet's conclusions were submitted to the Imperial Conference, news that the United States was preparing to block imports from Japan spread widely.

Once the war breaks out, the United States will block Japan's import of crude oil and scrap steel, which will affect Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' industrial needs and make the aircraft and warships they produce unusable. How can they make money then?

These two points directly strangled Mitsubishi's neck.

Mitsui might as well give in more. As Japan's largest financial conglomerate, its foundation will only be greater than Mitsubishi's, and it is more afraid of being confiscated.

In any case, they would not take the risk of agreeing to a war between Japan and the United States.

Wouldn't it be better for them to just fight in China and consume Japan's national strength so that they can earn some funds?

After receiving a phone call, Tojo smashed the cup in the office and walked out angrily.

"What's wrong?" Someone ran to Zhou Qinghe and asked.

"I don't know." Zhou Qinghe shook his head, "Find someone to clean it up."


Zhou Qinghe knew why Tojo was so angry. It was simply because the boss behind him started pulling the rope.

When enjoying the benefits, he will push you to be the prime minister in a minute, but when you want to bite your master, the master will strangle you.

This matter is very confusing. Zhou Qinghe believes that Tojo really wants to start a war, but there is a large group of people standing in front of Mitsui Mitsubishi, all of whom are high-ranking officials in the military.

These people used to be Tojo's helpers, but now they are likely to go against the stubborn Tojo.

As expected.

The next day, the internal meeting of the Army Ministry was held as usual. All the matters discussed regarding the Pacific battlefield were vetoed by Mitsui Mitsubishi's people one by one.

Tojo was furious.

The people on Yasuda Konoe's side looked at him helplessly and laughed: "We don't even have to do anything to veto it. How bizarre."

But Mitsui Mitsubishi's methods are not limited to this. When a top chaebol gets serious, its true hidden power can be seen.

Tojo was the first, and the Minister of Finance was the second. The head of Mitsui said that if a war broke out with the United States, their many overseas banks would be closed down by various countries. The losses would be incalculable, and the loss of reputation would be irreparable. They might face large-scale layoffs and compensation.

Relying on Mitsui's relationship to purchase and sell supplies in various countries will cause varying degrees of damage. Japan is likely to fall into an economic crisis and even be unable to buy food.

Next came the guards.

Mitsui Mitsubishi's roots in the country are deeper than one can imagine. Ninety-nine percent of politicians have dealt with them, and 100 percent of nobles know them. They usually receive benefits from them, but now someone needs them to speak up. Moreover, given their identities, they are the group of people most likely to own overseas assets.

Then a lot of advice flooded into the palace, the political arena, the aristocratic parliament, and the final destination was the guards.

Countless calls were made to Konoe.

"We must not go to war with the United States."

"Konei, you can't follow Tojo. Don't you know he's a fool?"

As the head of the nobles, Konoe is under tremendous pressure.

Then comes the sea phase.

First, there was news from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries that there were widespread machine failures and that work and production needed to be suspended. If there were warships and fighter jets that needed repairs, the time would be to be determined.

Then all the staff went home and waited for notice. Their wages were still paid, but they could not eat two meals a day in the factory. This added pressure to the people's already tight expenses.

Finally, there is public opinion.

All newspapers and media controlled by Mitsui Mitsubishi discussed the possibility of war with the United States extensively, leading the public to discuss the bad outcomes, which resulted in panic, abuse, and even assassinations.

Assassination is better. The young people in Japan who have been brainwashed by militarism have nothing to worry about except courage. They dare to assassinate pro-American figures and declare that the Empire of Japan is the best in the world.

On the street, he was brave, decisive and full of blood.

But it doesn't change anything big.

Mitsui Mitsubishi launched a series of attacks, making everyone in the cabinet unable to take care of themselves.

The other few people couldn't move at all. They couldn't do their work every day. They were either being advised by others or being opposed by others.

The only thing Hideki Tojo could do more was to arrest people.

If you can’t deal with other people, how can you deal with these idiots who gossip?
"Last time I thought we had caught them all, but who knew there were still so many people who dared to question the military's decision? What a waste of food!"

The military police were firmly in the hands of Tojo Hideki. They launched a thunder operation and arrested people at noon. The next day, these people volunteered to join the army and were sent to the troop transport ship.

Although Tojo got rid of his anger, at least the public opinion in the newspapers disappeared and the public discussion subsided, but the pressure from the upper level was always there, and it became stronger and stronger as time went by.

In the end, even Hirohito was shaken and panicked.

Because someone told him, "Your Majesty, you must not listen to Tojo and go to war with the United States. If we lose, not only will Japan be finished, but you will also be able to keep your throne. How will you face your ancestors in the underworld?"

Hirohito was shocked. He had never thought about what would happen to his throne after the war failed.

After all, they were all fighting with China in the past, and the worst outcome would be to retreat to Manchuria and stop fighting. Even if half of the people in the country starved to death, the throne would never be lost.

Now that I was reminded of this, I was shocked.

This is a top priority!

"Convene a royal meeting immediately!"

At the same time as the Imperial Conference was held.

At Yasuda Manor, Zhou Qinghe and Yasuda Kenichi were leisurely sipping tea.

It is not possible to be leisurely. Japan is now like stepping on the brakes and can't do anything.

Yasuda Kenichi thought about what had happened recently, and chuckled while holding his teacup: "Some time ago, the whole country was in favor of war, and the whole country was thinking that the Empire of Japan was number one in the world. How come I didn't know that there were so many pro-American people in our country?"

"That's right. In the past, if anyone dared to say they were pro-American or that they couldn't win the war, they would be assassinated. I feel sorry for those pro-American generals who were assassinated. They were born at the wrong time." Zhou Qinghe agreed with a helpless smile.

"The current situation is really interesting. The cabinet wants to go to war, but no one else wants to go to war. It is precisely these people who do not want to go to war who elected this cabinet that goes to war, haha."

Yasuda Jianyi smiled, put down the cup and asked: "What do you think of the result of the Imperial Conference?"

"Please pause." There was no need to think too much about this kind of thing. Zhou Qinghe said cheerfully, "The resistance is too great. Even if the cabinet wants to go its own way, they can't move if the people below don't cooperate. In addition, His Majesty has always been a bit indecisive. It's unrealistic to expect him to take a tough attitude. If he doesn't take a tough attitude, the cabinet is now surrounded by enemies and will not be a match."

Yasuda Kenichi agreed with this statement, "What if a war is going to start? Is there any way to change it?"

Zhou Qinghe chuckled and said, "It all depends on whether our Prime Minister Lu can cooperate. What kind of character is Tojo? If you push him into a corner, he'll do anything.

As long as the instigation is in place, Tojo will force his way out and make the matter a done deal. When oil starts to bubble out of the land of the Dutch East Indies, I don't believe that Mitsui Mitsubishi will really dare to rebel? Foreign countries are wealth, but domestic wealth is not wealth? If you lose, you will die anyway."

"So which side do you think we should be on?"

"That depends on how big your heart is, President Yasuda."

"How do you say this?"

Zhou Qinghe picked up the teacups and placed one on the left side of the table and one on the right side.

“On the left are Mitsui and Mitsubishi, on the right are us and the Cabinet, and in the middle this teapot is the wavering Majesty and the people.

We can now join Mitsui Mitsubishi's side, or we can do nothing. The result is that this matter has nothing to do with us. Mitsui Mitsubishi puts whatever tea leaves in the teapot, and we will drink the tea they pour out.

A teapot is still a teapot, and we will definitely have a cup of tea to drink, but we are not the only ones who drink tea, and we do not have the right to decide what kind of tea we want to drink.

And if we want to change the kind of tea we drink, we actually have enough power, because we can control the cabinet now, and we don't even need everyone in the cabinet, just Tojo is enough.

What Tojo lacks now is actually a helper. As long as we help Tojo, we can fight against Mitsui Mitsubishi.

If you help, you must be paid.

Once the situation is reversed by us, the cabinet is on our side, the military is on our side, and the people's minds are leveled, Mitsui Mitsubishi, which advocated that the war against the United States would fail, should be put on the pillar of shame.

The opportunity for the Yasuda family to rise has arrived.

With the help of Tojo, all the people of Mitsui Mitsubishi in the Army Ministry were eliminated, and the Army Ministry was completely controlled!
Take over Mitsui Mitsubishi. "

When Kenichi Yasuda heard these two sentences, his eyes clearly lit up, but as the second-in-command of the chaebol, excluding the old man above him, and as the actual head of the Yasuda family, calmness is a necessary quality.

"What if the war against the United States fails?"

Zhou Qinghe smiled, raised his hand and picked up the teapot to pour water, "That depends on whether it's before or after. Before the annexation, we have nothing to do with it. After the annexation, if we fail, we will drink less.

If Japan is defeated, it means that Germany cannot help us either. The United States is strong, and the next one will be Germany. If Germany wins, we drink tea. If the United States wins, the war ends, peace and production are restored, and we still drink tea.

Everyone needs a spokesperson, and it is impossible for the Germans and Americans to move here. If the Yasuda family had already grasped the lifeline of Japan's industry before this, wouldn't we just be drinking tea and watching the situation evolve?
As for the responsibility for the defeat, of course the cabinet bears it alone. What does the defeat of the war have to do with us?
Unless the Americans want to massacre us, nothing will happen to the Yasuda family."

(End of this chapter)

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