The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 354 Accident

Chapter 354 Accident
Five hundred million!

Tsk, the principal is going to get rich.

After leaving the restaurant, Zhou Qinghe went directly to the airport to fly to Japan.

He tried his best to persuade Tojo to withdraw his attention from the Chinese battlefield, but now the principal wants to make money and sends troops into Burma. This will definitely make Tojo angry.

Burma is a major strategic area for the Japanese army, and Tojo would never give it up. The harder the two sides fight, the more likely it is that Tojo will turn his attention back to the Chinese battlefield.

The situation is what it is and it can only be changed.

I don't know how much to ask for.

The Japanese army is gaining momentum, and the Americans are filled with national hatred and family grudges, which are worth 5 million yuan.

But Myanmar is British territory. Even if the sun has set on the British Empire, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. They should be able to provide aid worth hundreds of millions. Why did they only take 5000 million?
Du Yuming's Fifth Army was stationed on the Yunnan border for a month and was not allowed to enter Burma. The trump card was revealed too early.

At this point, Tojo's attitude might change, and Zhou Qinghe would have to think about changing his strategy.

Tokyo, Prime Minister's Office.

Zhou Qinghe said as soon as he entered the room: "I flew to Shanghai and found out that the Americans gave 500 million US dollars in aid, and Chongqing sent troops to get the aid."

"Americans are really rich." Tojo widened his eyes in surprise, swore a few words and then asked, "Do you know how many people Chongqing plans to send?"

"We'll start with an army, which should be Du Yuming's entire Fifth Army. I'm sending people to Yunnan to monitor the local troop movements. I'll report back as soon as there's any news."

"it is good."

Tojo nodded without asking any more questions. This information was enough for him. He immediately picked up the phone and made a call. "Myanmar Chongqing has sent an army over. It's Du Yuming's Fifth Army. You should transfer another division over."

After hanging up the phone, Tojo picked up the phone and called the General Staff Headquarters: "Let the bombers in Hankou bomb Chongqing for three consecutive days, day and night. If Chongqing sends troops to Burma, then continue the bombing! Study which divisions are vacant, stop the blockade of the Red Party, and turn to encirclement and suppression of the Chongqing Army! Strictly implement the food cut-off plan!"

Bang, Tojo hung up the phone again and said coldly: "Since he wants to die, I will satisfy him."

The naval aircraft that were originally transferred to Taiwan to defend Southeast Asia were recalled, and the bombing of Chongqing was increased again.

However, with military aid in hand, nothing can change Chongqing's will.

Tojo sent reinforcements to Burma, and the army has reached four fully-strengthened divisions. Chongqing also continued to send reinforcements, expanding the army by 100,000 to enter Burma for the expedition!
The battle is fierce!
At the same time, the Japanese Navy did not stop.

It can be said that all of Southeast Asia was cleared, and finally a small part of the US troops resisting in the Philippines began to flee, taking MacArthur's headquarters with them and fleeing to Australia.

The military immediately concluded that after the United States lost the Philippines, the closest fulcrum to Asia would be Australia. As long as Australia was eliminated, the U.S. military's frontier positions would be completely destroyed. The closest point to Asia would be Pearl Harbor, and any further away would be directly to the U.S. mainland.

It is a strategic location that must be destroyed. The Far East Command has also fled there. There is nothing more to say, just attack.

After the Battle of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Navy is now the best navy in the world, and the word "opponent" does not even exist in the dictionary.

To attack Australia, just send a few ships and an aircraft carrier, and let the rest of the aircraft carriers wander around the Pacific Ocean, bombarding countries that they dislike along the coastline and training the combat effectiveness of carrier-based aircraft.

With the support of the navy, the army quickly captured two Australian ports.

However, the problem has arisen.

The Australian and American armies played a tactical game. When the enemy advanced, we retreated, and when the enemy retreated, we did not advance. We resolutely refused to fight them in the open area of ​​the port, and relied on buildings to avoid the bombing of aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft. Then we fought a positional war. If we couldn't win, we ran away and continued the positional war in the next position, with the main goal of never abandoning or giving up.

This was not a big problem. The U.S. military retreated quickly, so the Japanese army just had to keep pushing. As long as they kept pushing, sooner or later the U.S. military would have nowhere to retreat.

But Australia is a big place.

Before attacking Australia, the Japanese Army's spare troops were transferred to Burma by Tojo, and all of them were dragged into the expeditionary battlefield by the Chinese army.

At the same time, the rest of their troops in China followed Tojo's orders and went to war with the Chinese army. They were all deeply trapped and could not get out at all.

The Japanese troops on other islands in Southeast Asia did have some free time, but they had just occupied new territories and were in urgent need of troops to maintain law and order, clear out defeated soldiers, and sort out supplies.

For example, the Osaka Division is looking at oil, which is so important. How could they possibly spare some troops to graze in Australia?

Without the necessary manpower, it was impossible to form an encirclement against the Australian and American troops. The Japanese Army was seriously short of manpower.

The Japanese army once again felt the meaning of the word depth.

Although Australia is smaller than China, the Japanese Army's strength in Australia is also far smaller than that in the Chinese battlefield.

Australia's offensive stalled, and Tojo was furious.

This is all Chongqing's fault, otherwise he could at least provide two more divisions of troops to support Australia.

"Take Burma now!"

Tojo issued strict orders to the Japanese troops in Burma. A large number of tanks were transferred to Burma, and the Army Aviation aircraft immediately began to bomb the Burmese defenders.

Faced with the fierce Japanese army, the British army was immediately defeated, and the entire division was trapped in the oil field area, with no water or food.

The Chinese army rushed to the rescue, but the war in Myanmar as a whole was heading towards failure, the army suffered heavy casualties, and the next step was to retreat.

The Burma Road was occupied by Japan.

The freed-up personnel can finally be sent to Australia to clear out the remnants of the US Far East Command.

Tojo was finally happy, not because the war was going smoothly. After fighting for so long, in his mind it could only be said that it was not going smoothly. But seeing Chongqing suffer a defeat, he was very happy.

He smiled at Zhou Qinghe and said, "I don't see how Chongqing can get $500 million in aid!"

Help arrived quickly.

Two days later, a fleet of bombers flew over Japan and carried out a heavy bombing of Tokyo. As soon as the bombs were used up, they all flew to Chongqing.

Hirohito was shocked! Tojo was shocked!
Tokyo is shocked!

At this moment when the Japanese army was at its peak, the bombs dropped from overhead turned Tokyo into a mess. The damage was not great, but the blow to people's hearts was very strong.

I used to think that my country was thriving and powerful, but now I really feel the threat to my life is so close.

There was panic in Tokyo.

Hirohito was panicked and blamed Tojo!

"Where did the bomber come from!!!"

Hirohito questioned Tojo, who then questioned the General Staff, "Where did the bomber come from? Don't tell me it's from the United States. It's 4400 nautical miles away. After bombing we still have to fly to Chongqing. Fly one for me to see!"

The staff of the General Staff was sweating. "I am sure it is not Australia. We have our aircraft carrier there. If there is a group of aircraft taking off, they cannot be unaware of it."

"Where else could it be?!"

"Let me look for it. It may be the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union also has our aircraft monitoring it. The direction is also wrong. It may be the Middle East. It seems a bit far away. Aircraft carrier, if it is an aircraft carrier, I don't know where it is."

"You're in this position! What you need to tell me is a certainty! Not a possibility! Not a guess! Get out!"

"I'm going to get lost! Wait!" The staff officer looked at the map and actually saw a place. He looked at Tojo with bright eyes and immediately said, "It might be here! The plane really came from the United States. They might have refueled once on the way, at Midway Island! Midway Island is more than 2000 nautical miles away from us. If we cooperate with the aircraft carrier, the plane will take off from the aircraft carrier, and there will be enough fuel!"

Tojo frowned and glanced at the map. There was a small island in the Pacific Ocean, which was closer to them than Pearl Harbor. The difference was that this island was very small, but the geographical location of this island was indeed between the United States and them, a gas station in the Pacific Ocean.

Tojo turned around and picked up the phone from the table and called the navy: "There is an island in the Pacific Ocean called Midway Island. The American aircraft carriers and planes may be there. Send someone to check it out."

Yamamoto Isoroku, commander of the Combined Fleet, received an order to instruct Chuichi Nagumo to go to Midway Island to check. At this time, Tsukahara Jishizo was in the waters near Australia to cooperate with the army.

The US aircraft carrier sailed to Australia's coral island in an attempt to ease Australia's crisis, and a battle ensued between the carrier-based aircraft of both sides.

After a day and night of fighting, the large American aircraft carrier Lexington was successfully defeated! The Lexington sank!

When the news of victory was relayed back to the base camp, there was a burst of cheers. Tsukahara Jishizo's move brought a bit of joy to Tokyo, which had just experienced a bombing.

Although the United States has a better industrial base than Japan, the Empire of Japan has the most powerful navy in the world and is invincible!

Just as his belief was aroused, Chuichi Nagumo, who was heading to Midway Island, brought a huge disaster to the Empire of Japan.

Chuichi Nagumo observed that there was indeed a US aircraft carrier on Midway Island, and the US military had built a base there.

The navy's sweep across the Pacific in recent days gave all the navy tremendous confidence, and Tsukahara Jishizo once again achieved success on Coral Island.

This greatly stimulated Chuichi Nagumo's desire to win. He could have gone back and joined Tsukahara Jishizo's aircraft carrier fleet to charge together. However, at this moment, he chose to directly go into battle with the US aircraft carriers!
He also wants to defeat the US aircraft carrier!

Then he was cut down by the US military.

The unsuccessful war situation made Chuichi Nagumo increasingly panicked. He commanded the aircraft carrier fleet and fled in a hurry. In the chaos, his own aircraft carrier collided while turning around, and both were damaged and eventually sank.

One ship was destroyed, one was seriously damaged, and two sank!

"This idiot! I'm going to shoot him!"

At the Prime Minister's Office, Tojo Hideki learned the news and roared angrily in his office.

When Tsukahara Jishizo heard the news, he almost fainted. Four aircraft carriers were lost just like that.

Chuichi Nagumo, who escaped back in a panic, went ashore in silence. Tsukahara Jishizo slapped him on the spot, and then Chuichi Nagumo was captured by the angry Tojo.

"This is not just about four aircraft carriers. This is the first defeat of our Imperial Japanese Navy! Do you know how much of a blow this is to our morale? You are a sinner! You should commit suicide!"

Committing suicide was a bit too much. After all, he had made contributions in the Battle of Pearl Harbor, so he was dismissed and awaited punishment.

"Ha~" Tsukahara Jishizo sighed heavily for a long time, and said to Tojo Hideki: "The losses this time are too great. Some plans need to be changed. We can't attack now, but we have to defend around Japan. Otherwise, if the US aircraft carrier attacks and we are not there, the bombing of Tokyo may be repeated."

Tojo was furious: "This damn idiot!"

Things have come to this point, and there is no point in cursing. Because of this loss, all the military's plans have to be changed. Even Australia will have to choose to withdraw. Without the support of aircraft carriers, staying there will make them sitting ducks for attack by US aircraft carriers.

After returning, Tojo Hideki ordered the factory to speed up the construction of the aircraft carrier.

Then they directly changed their strategy from offense to contraction, abandoned everything except Southeast Asia, did not send aircraft carriers out of Asia, did not send troops beyond Myanmar, and stepped up the exploitation of Southeast Asian resources.

The freed up army and navy were used to attack China with all their might.

"Take advantage of this time to solve the China problem!" Tojo Hideki seemed to be muttering to himself in the office.

What about China? Zhou Qinghe had to scold Nanyun Chuichi, who really played a good hand.

"Isn't this a big turn? Now is actually a better time to slow down and recuperate. If we attack China directly, what will we do if all our troops are trapped in China and can't get out?"

"Impossible!" Tojo said firmly, "China's aid cannot come in now, and we have been trapped for such a long time, and our resources have been depleted. Now is the best time.

We have concentrated our forces. With an army of 380 million, how can we not defeat China? A quick victory will do.

You should hurry up and collect intelligence about China. I want all the information about the Red Party in Chongqing. I will approve another 200 million yuan for you to buy intelligence. I want decisive intelligence."

It's a pleasure to get money, but this money is not easy to earn.

Zhou Qinghe left the Prime Minister's Office, thought for a while, and went straight to find Hirohito.

He must find Hirohito in advance.

In the palace, Hirohito was so shocked by the sudden change that he was worried to death. He scolded Nagumo Chuichi all day long, and even scolded Zhou Qinghe harshly when he saw him.

Zhou Qinghe waited until he finished scolding and then said, "Your Majesty, Nanyun's incident has forced the military to make some changes. Now the Prime Minister and I have some differences of opinion. I would like to hear your opinion."

"What do you think."

"Because of Nanyun's defeat, Tsukahara said that our offensive and defensive posture must change. The number of aircraft carriers is not enough for us to take an offensive posture. Once we sail to the Pacific or Indian Oceans, we will lose all our defenses if the US military attacks. So we must all go into a defensive state and only monitor the Japanese Inland Sea to prevent things like the Tokyo bombing from happening again."

Hirohito nodded: "This is as it should be. The safety of the homeland comes first."

Zhou Qinghe continued, "So Prime Minister Tojo changed his strategy based on this and put all his troops in China to solve the Chinese problem during this period. He felt that now was the best time because the Chinese had stopped providing aid for a long time."

Hirohito thought about it and agreed a little, frowned and said: "Do you think there is a problem with this?"

"Yes, 380 million troops are all deployed to the Chinese battlefield. I am afraid that they will all be trapped and unable to get out. I prefer to recuperate and take a break after the war. After all, we have been fighting for several years. People will be tired. It may be better to take a break."

Hirohito frowned after hearing this, both explanations seemed to make sense.

Emotionally he supported Zhou Qinghe, but after all, these were military affairs, and Tojo was experienced, and his words and actions always made sense, so he had to think more about it.

"Well, let me think about it. I will ask Tojo about his thoughts and plans at the imperial meeting tomorrow."

"Yes, Your Majesty, please take care of yourself. I will take my leave first."

The next day, Hirohito asked Tojo about this matter at the Imperial Court meeting.

The ministers in the imperial court were shocked to hear about this and felt that this turn of events was quite sudden. Although the change made sense given Nan Yun's previous incident, it still caused heated discussion.

The main reason was that they were deeply involved in the Chinese battlefield in the past few years, which cast a huge shadow on them and almost dragged Japan to death.

Several people asked Tojo whether it was suitable, whether they had confidence, and whether there was any plan that would guarantee success.
Tojo ignored them and only reported to Hirohito. He said firmly: "Your Majesty, now is the best time to end the war in China."

"What's the reason?"

"The first reason is that China's aid has been cut off for a long time. They are already short of food and supplies. Now it's summer, and the food is not yet ripe. This is the time when they are short of food. The army is particularly short of food. As for the Red Party, I guess they are now gnawing on tree bark."

Hirohito nodded slightly after hearing this.

Tojo continued, "The second reason is that the Americans can't intervene now. Although we have lost some naval power, our army is the strongest it has ever been. 380 million imperial soldiers, if they go all out, are enough to crush everything."

"Anything else?" Hirohito did not comment.

"Yes, there is a third reason." Tojo said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the problem caused by the navy is extremely serious. We could have easily suppressed the United States with our naval power. It takes time to build an aircraft carrier. If they send out one, we can fight it.

But now we can only adopt a defensive mode, which means that while we are building aircraft carriers, the United States is also building aircraft carriers. Their industrial base is stronger than ours. If we don’t take action now, will we wait until the United States has ten times more aircraft carriers than we do before taking action? "

This reason surprised everyone. Indeed! Time was not on their side!
Nanyun Chuichi! Trash!
Tojo glanced at the silent crowd and said in a high-handed manner, "Your Majesty, only by resolving the issue of China first can we cope with the situation that follows.

In a worse case scenario, after we have dealt with China, we will be able to free up all our ground forces. Even if the United States comes to attack us, can we move to China and use China's depth to fight against them?
With millions of imperial soldiers, can't we defeat the Americans? Where do they get their soldiers? Can the logistics keep up?

So what if there are many aircraft carriers!"

"That makes sense." Several ministers' eyes lit up and they began to praise him. "Tojo's idea makes sense."

Tojo continued, "There is a better scenario. If we can conquer China quickly enough, then all of China's resources and manpower will be at our disposal.
We are vigorously developing industry in China. Can we also increase the speed of building aircraft carriers and airplanes?

We have solutions for both good and bad situations. Whether the United States attacks us or not, as long as we get rid of China, we can ensure our own security."

(End of this chapter)

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