Chapter 5 Reminder
If a stranger pretends to be a doctor, his identity will be revealed.

Zhou Qinghe didn't believe in coincidences. He had reason to believe that Lao Wang must be a red party member.

The team members were arrested, and people were sent to inquire about the situation in the hospital, pretending to be doctors. This was a very appropriate approach.

After all, there is a mask that covers half of the face and can block the appearance.

Although it was of no use to him.

Since he was inquiring about the situation, Zhou Qinghe believed that Dr. Lao Wang should be wandering outside the ward on the fourth floor at the moment, so he walked over.

He was ready to help.

He saved the person. If the Red Party did not save the person, the fate of the gunshot wound patient would probably not be good.

Being sent to the Secret Service and being punished is inevitable.

What I can do is give him a happy life depending on the situation during a certain treatment.

Doctors can save people, but they can also kill people.

What doctor doesn’t have a few lives on his hands?
The hand can definitely be removed.

But now, I don't think I need it anymore.

Zhou Qinghe went up to the fourth floor and nodded to the plainclothes guard guarding the stairs as a greeting.

It didn't stop him from continuing to read the newspaper, and then he glanced at the fourth floor. Not long after, he saw this 'Old Wang' coming out of the bathroom door and walking sideways towards him.

Zhou Qinghe walked down the stairs, two steps faster, and walked directly to the lobby on the first floor.

He thought quickly in his mind, if the Red Party wanted to save people, what was the purpose of this inquiry?
The Secret Service's defense of the hospital is inevitable.

This can be roughly obtained through observation.

Next, there should be the patient's physical condition, which is particularly important.

Whether he can speak and whether he can move are the key points in determining whether he can be saved and whether he will stand trial.

Otherwise, he would bleed profusely as soon as he moved, and what would be the use even if he was saved?

The best time is definitely when you can move without being tortured.

They can't see the medical records, and they can't get them at this precise time.

Zhou Qinghe knew how to help.

He looked up the stairs and saw that 'Old Wang's' leather shoes were only one flight of stairs away from him.

At the moment, he walked to the front desk.


"Yeah, Doctor Zhou."

Wu Xiaoxiao at the front desk stood up and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Can't I come and chat with you if I have nothing to do?"

Zhou Qinghe put one hand on the front desk and looked at the whereabouts of 'Old Wang' with his peripheral vision.

You have to pass the front desk to exit the hospital, and he is coming this way.

"Of course. You can." A surprising smile broke out on Wu Xiaoxiao's face.

"Oh, Xiaoxiao." Kukuku, the female nurse next to her, laughed out loud, looking at the two of them with ambiguous eyes.

Zhou Qinghe estimated that the distance was almost the same and said: "Let's get down to business, the gunshot wound from the Secret Service on the fourth floor will probably be able to move in two days."

While Zhou Qinghe was talking, his eyes noticed that Lao Wang's footsteps obviously paused, and then he walked a little slower, but he was still walking.

Then he continued: "I estimate that this person will be sent away for trial by then, and then we can relax. After the sending, we will have dinner together that night. I'll treat him, Xiaoqing, and you will come too."

Xiaoqing was the female nurse who smiled happily, and Lao Wang walked out of the door.

"Okay." Wu Xiaoxiao nodded happily.

"I'm going too. Isn't it inconvenient? Xiaoxiao, what do you think?" Nurse Xiaoqing teased Wu Xiaoxiao with a wink.

Wu Xiaoxiao patted Nurse Xiaoqing's shoulder angrily and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Doctor Zhou should be leaving with the patient. It's normal to treat us to a meal, right?"

"Yes, I will also ask the director to go with me when the time comes. Then we will make an appointment. I will choose the location and tell you guys."

After Zhou Qinghe finished speaking, he smiled and nodded, turned around, looked at the door, and walked towards the stairs on the second floor.

All the messages that need to be conveyed have been conveyed, and now it depends on how the situation develops.

Nanjing is the capital of the country, and the Red Party members who can lurk here should be able to judge a lot of information from his words.

After going up the stairs to the second floor, he walked to the window and took a look at the courtyard outside the courtyard. He found that Lao Wang did not leave directly, but held his waist and walked around in a small area as if taking a walk.He stopped paying attention at the moment and went upstairs to start checking the ward.

On the street, Lao Wang, who had returned from the hospital, walked into the "Qiyuan Bookstore" and nodded to the boy on the counter. Then he pretended to read the book for a while. After the boy nodded, he went out again and entered the alley. Residential.

"Why did it take so long?"

He Shouyi, the leader of the intelligence team and the owner of the bookstore, welcomed Lao Wang into the courtyard. While patting his clothes, he looked outside naturally, and then closed the courtyard door.

"Go in and talk." The two hurriedly entered the door.

It wasn't until the two of them stepped into the door of the inner room that a guarded man on each side of the room put down his gun.

Lao Wang glanced at the two of them and breathed out softly: "I've found out clearly." After that, he walked to the wooden chair and sat down, drinking a large bowl of tea.

After quenching the thirst that he had been holding for a day, he said: "Han Sheng is definitely still alive and recovering well.

But we have to hurry up. I overheard the doctor talking. Han Sheng should regain consciousness in the next two days. Once he regains consciousness, the enemy will probably send him directly to the secret service. "

"Two days? Is that accurate?" He Shouyi asked.

Lao Wang nodded: "Nine times out of ten, what I heard is that he will be sent away in two days."

He Shouyi had just sat down and raised his buttocks again. He frowned and took small steps around the room with his hands behind his back. After a while, he said, "This can only happen sooner rather than later. We can't take the risk of him being taken into the Secret Service. The queen must take action!"

"How is the defensive strength?" he asked as he sat down again.

Lao Wang took another sip of tea, frowned slightly and said: "There are two outside the hospital at the front door, two at the back door, one sitting in the hall inside, one hidden at the top of the stairs on each floor, and two sitting outside the ward. I don't know what's inside. I I didn’t dare to stay long, the door was closed when I passed by.”

"That's 8." He Shouyi murmured silently in his mind, and his distracted eyes quickly refocused.Said: "There is conservatively one in it, and in the worst case there will be no more than two. If there are more, it will be meaningless, so the total will be ten."

"I guess so. In this way, there will be 20 people in two rotations in the morning and evening. This configuration is quite a lot." Lao Wang nodded heavily.

He Shouyi took a deep breath and sighed, "It's hard to deal with ten people."

There were a total of five people in their line. Something happened to Han Sheng, and the other people immediately evacuated and took refuge with him temporarily.

In other words, there are only four people in his group who can do it.

Four against ten, there was no way they could be a match for the Secret Service in Nanjing.

What's more, it was a seriously injured patient.

At this time, Lao Wang said: "It's not necessary, but this timing may be a bit risky."

He Shouyi's eyes lit up: "Oh? Tell me."

Lao Wang expressed his observation: "I came back so late just to see how they eat.

They ate in the cafeteria on the first floor of the hospital. When it was time to eat, the two groups in the front and backyard would eat in two waves, one at a time. The eating time would be between 15 and 20 minutes, and then rotate.

As for the three people guarding the stairs upstairs and the one in the lobby, except for the one in the lobby who will not move first, the other three at the stairway will be the first to eat. "

"This is good news." He Shouyi's eyes were bright and he immediately asked, "What about those people at the door of the ward?"

Lao Wang said: "I saw it once. It was one person, and then another person took turns. The first person would go back with a bag. I don't know exactly how many lunch boxes there were."

"It should be just one." He Shouyi judged: "If there are two in the ward, they can leave one as well. But this is just a guess. To be safe, it is still counted as two.

This way there will be fewer people. If we conduct a sneak attack during the meal, we will still have to deal with five people. "

Five people is much less than ten.

"Four." Lao Wang added: "We can't act in the front and back at the same time. We just need to choose a route and solve one of them."

After all, you can't shoot. To shoot is to seek death. Once the gun goes off, everyone who eats will run out, and everyone in their group will die.

"Yeah." He Shouyi nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. Four versus four, compared to four versus ten, the probability of success was much higher.

With information in hand, it would be much easier to act, so he made a decision quickly and made it final.

"Just pick a place to eat, and we'll start in the evening the day after tomorrow."

It was just the time to get off work in the evening, and there were many people on the road. If there was an accident, it would be easy to escape.

"But Han Sheng's body may not be able to bear it." Lao Wang remembered that the doctor said that he would be transferred in two days, and earlier means risks.

"will not."

He Shouyi shook his head: "Since the people from the Secret Service are going to take Han Sheng back to the Secret Service, it must not be to let him recuperate, but to put him on trial.

I judge that Han Sheng's condition has stabilized.

Even, he has woken up. "

(End of this chapter)

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