Chapter 71 List
In the interrogation room, Zhou Qinghe poured him a glass of water.

"Where are you from?"


"Oh~, great place, no wonder you are so good at business."

Osaka used to be the capital of Japan, with a very good economy and a strong business atmosphere.

The most famous one is the Osaka Legion. The people in charge of this legion are all businessmen.

There is no need to fight, but doing business is much better.

It’s not that you don’t like fighting. How can you make war fortune if you don’t fight?

They are just afraid of death. People will die in war. Let others die and they will make a fortune by doing business.

"Sir, have you been to Japan?"

"Oh, I've been there. Drink water. I'll give you the results when I get the stuff."

"Okay, okay." Wu Ziyue cupped his head and drank water.

Zhou Qinghe saw a smile on his lips and asked casually: "Osaka people are quite rich, so where is the rest of your money?"

Wu Ziyue's movements froze and he swallowed the water. His smile was a little forced and a little ugly.

Damn it, just ask for the address and dig a hole for him.

"You don't think I believe you only have this money, do you?
Your thinking is so clear, and your analysis is so logical. You can't even understand this truth. "

Zhou Qinghe played with the cup and smiled half-heartedly: "I'm not greedy for merit, I just like money. You must decide whether you want money or your life."

Wu Ziyue's expression started to go through the flow of the performance, showing embarrassment, reluctance, hesitation, sadness, and in the end, he was a bit relieved to explain.

"There is indeed a sum of money that I plan to use to make a comeback after I leave. Forget it, I'll give it to the chief. I still have a house and I've put 3000 US dollars in it."

Zhou Qinghe nodded, "You are quite cooperative, you are a smart person, location."

After Wu Ziyue said the location, he looked at Zhou Qinghe helplessly with a wry smile.

Then Zhou Qinghe popped out two words.


"No, really gone."

"Still dishonest."


If you don't fight, you won't succeed.

It's all people's wealth and people's anointing. It's a waste to bring it into the coffin. What you took from me must be returned to me. Naturally, Zhou Qinghe wanted to squeeze out all the money he made in China before he died.

No, after a little exercise, Wu Ziyue was very happy to take out [-] US dollars to help him, a poor man.

A good person card.

Wang Yong left quickly and came back quickly.

After all, it was just a residential house that was used as a safety point. It was easy to dig out the iron box buried under the tree and get the money.

But he excitedly knocked on the door of the interrogation room, and the scene after he came in made him a little stunned.

Wu Ziyue was placed on the electric chair, his expression was sluggish, his head was hanging down, and he looked like he was dying.

No, it was fine when I went there, but why was everyone almost dead when I came here?

No, I should talk about how people are still alive.

How do people divide this money while they are alive?
So the person died quickly.

A strong man from the interrogation department walked over and punched Wu Ziyue in the neck. His throat bones were broken, but his death was painless.

It can be said that you paid the money and walked away comfortably.

As for the reason, the strong man in the interrogation department said: "During the interrogation, the criminal resisted and his body moved so much that I hit him crookedly. Isn't that normal?"

"If you move your hand, you can get 100 more." Zhou Qinghe was very generous.

"Thank you, Chief Zhou."

The strong man was excited and everyone was envious. Why didn't he take the lead just now?
This is half a year’s salary!

They didn't touch the property they took out. Wang Yong must have left it to the section chief to make a decision.

Zhou Qing took half of it and put it back in the box: "Wang Yong, you will check the closed trading house later. All the things found, together with this box, will be presented to Boss Dai.

It must be explained that this is money obtained from additional interrogations under severe punishment.

By the way, bring the confession along with you, and show Boss Dai the tracking record as well. "

It is not advisable to eat alone. You must think about Boss Dai at all times.

"Okay." Wang Yong accepted the box.

"The rest is ours."

Zhou Qinghe smiled: "There are more people this time, so I won't take the money. Section Chief Gu and I will take the gold bars. Wang Yong, you and the two departments will share a share."

"Thank you, Chief Zhou."

"You are busy."

After taking care of things here, Zhou Qinghe will do his own thing.

However, the money must be sent to Gu Zhiyan first, and he can explore the situation by the way.

If someone rebels, there is no need to work hard.

"Section Chief." Zhou Qinghe knocked on Gu Zhiyan's door.

Gu Zhiyan is currently eating wine on the sofa.

When he saw Zhou Qinghe, he stood up enthusiastically: "Hey, are you done? I saw you were busy just now, so I didn't call you. I ate first. Come on, thank you for your hard work."

"Thank you."

Zhou Qinghe thanked him in a long tone, closed the door, sat down, took out two gold bars and stuffed them in: "We'll take the gold bars after knocking them out. We'll divide the legal currency among our subordinates, and Boss Dai will have a share."

Gu Zhiyan made a sound, put it into his pocket skillfully, and asked curiously: "How many legal coins are there?"

"Twenty thousand in total."

"Ten thousand?"


"too much."

"How much?" Zhou Qinghe asked quietly.

He didn't feel it, mainly because he was having too much affair in private.

The first batch was [-] yen, and later it was [-] U.S. dollars. These [-] French currency really didn't feel like much.

After all, Wang Yong had forty people to share the money with, and there were still people in the interrogation department.

But you have to be humble, so he asked for advice: "This is my first time, so I don't understand."

Gu Zhiyan turned his head and began to impart his experience: "Forget it about Boss Dai. The main reason is that the people below have money and it's easy to show off. If they show off too much, it's easy to do bad things, so just give them a small subsidy. Don't give them too much. .”

"How much is appropriate? Are there any rules?"

"Look, the store was handed over in the first place. After the inspection, it belonged to Boss Dai. We can only get some small items to earn some hard money.

But this extra tap is all based on skill.

Generally speaking, we hand over [-]% to [-]% to Boss Dai, then the two of us combined get [-]%, and the person below gets [-]% to [-]%, which is pretty much it. "

You bunch of stingy guys, with so many people, you can only divide 1000% or [-]%?[-] yuan for dozens of people?

too dark!
"Then I'll know next time." Zhou Qinghe nodded humbly.Gu Zhiyan smiled and ordered some wine: "Eat, eat, eat, it's a small matter, just treat it as a welfare for these guys. Your Wang Yong just left, so it is necessary for his subordinates to give more, because of people's hearts."

"That section chief, I feel sorry for you." Zhou Qinghe took a bowl of wine and smiled, it was like he made the decision and used Gu Zhiyan's money to give benefits to Gu Zhiyan's subordinates.

Naturally, there is no need to mention the matter of compensation. It is meaningless and seems to be unfriendly.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a small amount of money." Gu Zhiyan waved his hand magnanimously.

Then Zhou Qinghe asked how the neighbor was doing.

Gu Zhiyan clicked his tongue: "It's not as smooth as yours. It's a tough one. After the first round of whipping, Section Chief Qi began to use euphemisms to prepare for appeasement. I will go and see later to see what the bones of this red party are." made."

"It's not made of money anyway." Zhou Qinghe made a pun.

Gu Zhiyan laughed.

It is true that the Red Party has everything except money.

After chatting briefly for a while, Zhou Qinghe stood up and left.

Time is precious now, so we still need to hurry up on some things.

First, go back to the office, take a piece of paper, and write down all the names and genders of the 145 people on the list silently.

Then construct a personality portrait of this assistant in your mind.

The rickshaw driver, the assistant, does not have to be one person, although it is highly likely.

But it should indeed be a male, aged between 45 and [-] years old.

Too young does not have enough experience, and too large a reaction is not enough. He Xiaofeng is in charge of an action team. This person is probably under 30 years old.

Excluding women, 96 people remain.

Remove those under 18 years old and there are 84 players left.

Excluding those over 45 years old, 51 people remain.

Draw another line, under 30 years old, there are only 19 people.

Excluding He Xiaofeng, Zhou Qing and himself, there are only 17 people.

145 people, check these 17 first!
Zhou Qinghe left the secret service and drove first to the police station where He Xiaofeng's information was found.

As soon as the Secret Service ID was flashed, the door to the information room opened.

There is a definite date, so there is no need to look for the previous ones.

Zhou Qinghe quickly went through the names on the register under the light. There was not much content, just comparing the names, which was faster than the photos. He only needed to glance at it to reach the next page.

no, no, no
All the people on this ship docked in Nanjing, but the people may not still be in Nanjing. As long as they are not in Nanjing, the registration information will not be found.

More than 40 minutes later, Zhou Qinghe left. Except for He Xiaofeng, no one was found in the police station.

There are so many police stations in Nanjing. The next one is the one near He Xiaofeng’s residence or near Huangpu Road.

Since he is an assistant, he is most likely to live in between the two.

Zhou Qinghe set off immediately.

Half an hour later, in the information room of the Huangpu Road Police Station, Zhou Qinghe flicked the registration book with his finger.

Liang Daping.

Chen Sanxiang.

found it!
And two at a time.

Not to mention the names that are still registered at this time, the registered occupations alone are very interesting. One is the assistant manager of a rickshaw company, and the other is registered as unemployed.

There is no need to look for the remaining people for the time being. Nine times out of ten, it is these two people.

Zhou Qinghe glanced at the address above, Liang Daping, No. 28, Zhuqiao Street, 206, and drove out.

No. 28 Zhuqiao Street, apartment.

Taguchi Shoqing was sipping red wine on his seat in the study, with a slight smile on his lips.

The advantage of working for a rickshaw company is that you can get first-hand information about major events very quickly.

So many rickshaw drivers, so many pairs of eyes.

The casual chat between the rickshaw drivers at the time of handover quickly made him at the company aware of the explosion that occurred at the entrance to the Executive Yuan.

As a radio operator in Qingtian, he went home to send the report as soon as possible. This was etiquette and what he had to do.

Qingtian died, and the Japanese Empire lost a pillar. This is very sad.

But it’s also very joyful.

He is the captain and Qingtian is the major. He is the number two person in this operation, while Qingtian is the number one.

If No. [-] dies, doesn’t No. [-] become No. [-]?

Everyone entered the army in the same batch and received training in the same batch. Why was Qingtian promoted to major earlier than him?

But it doesn't matter. When the plan succeeds, his major will definitely be in place.

In war, it is not about who rises faster, but who survives to the end.

Qingtian was killed on the spot. Although he didn't know how this idiot escaped the trap, his identity was definitely safe.

He has no contact with Qingtian.

Qingtian's instructions to him were to walk along Huangpu Road at a fixed time every afternoon. If there was any information that he wanted to hand over, he would hold a flower in his hand and put the information in the toilet of a tea house, and then change the location the second time. .

It's equivalent to using the toilet as a mailbox and only using it once. It's a very smart thing to do.

He could guess that Qingtian must be watching him somewhere on Huangpu Road at that time, which was also a very clever move.

Even if something happens to him and he is caught, Qingtian will not be implicated.

But why should he bear all the dangers?
He was in charge of all the action team members. If something happened, he would have to die, but Qingtian would not have to die.

Is this the sense of superiority felt by superiors?

Not dead yet.

It's good now. He will manage it. Without Qingtian, it will be easier for him to implement this plan.

Now we are waiting for the confirmation message from the base camp.

Behind enemy lines, messages can be sent at will and received at a fixed time.

Once at ten o'clock in the evening, again at one o'clock in the morning, and finally at two o'clock in the morning.

There is nothing we can do about this. There are people at the base camp who receive telegrams around the clock, so we can send them as we please.

The situation behind enemy lines is unpredictable, and the base camp cannot judge whether anyone will be guarding the radio to receive it after they make a decision.

Only sending at the agreed time can ensure that the message is received.

Taguchi Shoqing glanced at his watch from time to time, waiting for ten o'clock to arrive. He had been waiting for more than three hours. It was almost over, and there were still 47 minutes left.

He took a sip of red wine. On the table next to him were a radio, a suitcase, and a gun.

Time passed while waiting. At 57:[-], Taguchi Shoqing put on the headset and immediately turned on the radio when it reached [-] o'clock.

The frequency had been adjusted, and after a brief tone, the code was transmitted.

Taguchi Shoqing recorded it accurately, and then took out the code book to proofread it.

He recited silently with excitement.

"The new leader is on his way and is waiting for notification of follow-up connections."

Taguchi Shoqing opened his mouth and unleashed a string of national curses.

(End of this chapter)

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