The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 84 First Aid

Chapter 84 First Aid

in school.

The students who signed were a little excited.

When you haven’t made a choice the day before, you may still be hesitant about whether to go or not.

But when the choice is made yesterday, there is only expectation.

He was even fantasizing about his experience in the military.

Of course, there is also the highly skilled Professor Zhou!
Zhou Qinghe's knife is the reason why many people choose him.

Only by following Zhou Qinghe can they grow up at the fastest speed and become a group of people with the most skillful medical skills.

Yesterday, everyone was still on the same starting line.

But today, they are about to become Professor Zhou Qinghe’s true disciples!
It was just the next destination that made them a little stunned.

Zhou Qinghe asked his men to drive two military vehicles and pulled everyone directly to the suburban training ground.

"Aren't you going to the operating room?"

"Yeah, I thought I'd learn surgery first."

On the playground, the students who got off the bus stood casually, chatting and looking at the new environment.

At this time, a graduate of Hangzhou Police Academy, who had just graduated, stepped out and acted as an instructor.

His name is Lu Yun, his zodiac sign is white, but he has a dark face and is tall.

Zhou Qinghe chose him because he was dark enough.

"Quiet!" Lu Yun shouted with a dark face when he came on stage.

"I'm going to start the roll call now. Remember the numbers after your names."

"From now on here, you will have no names, only numbers!"

"According to the order of numbers, they are divided into four rows, each row is thirteen, stand in order!"

"Number one!"

Having subordinates makes you feel comfortable. The medical students stand in the sun, while Zhou Qinghe sits in the shade, eats watermelon and watches the show.

Surgical students are a kind of rational people, most of them are smart people. Since they knew that they were going to join the army, they quickly adapted to the environment here after a brief surprise.

After a while, those whose names were called stood up one after another in an orderly manner.

"The following will read out your course schedule. Within seven days, except for the medical professional courses, which will be led by Commander Zhou himself, other than that, you will only have one class at all time, physical fitness."

"You have dormitories here, with 14 people in one room. Female students occupy one room and male students occupy three rooms. This training lasts for five months. You will have one day off every month."

"Now get your training uniforms."

"One day?" Some students exclaimed, "This is too little. Even Huangpu Military Academy has four days of holidays every month."

"Shut up, take your things and go to the dormitory to change. We will gather in 15 minutes and the training will officially begin."

With a crash, a group of students hurriedly picked up their training uniforms and shoes from the ground and ran towards the dormitory building.

15 minutes later, the training camp began.

Running is endless running.

Running against the sun, the frailty of the student's body is revealed at this time.

After not running very far, someone was out of breath, his face turned frighteningly white, he held on to his waist and kept running, and then he retched and became dizzy.

They are all doctors. They know their symptoms very well and know how to treat them.

At this time, you should walk slowly and rest, and it is best to drink a small amount of water.

Of course, it would be better if I could eat a piece of Professor Zhou's watermelon in the shade.

"What are you looking at? Run!"

The only thing that greeted them was Lu Yun's roar, and his eyes immediately moved back from Professor Zhou's watermelon unwillingly.

Zhou Qinghe happily gnawed on the watermelon. This watermelon was good and full of juice, which really quenched his thirst.

After chewing the watermelon and throwing away the rind, it was time for him to get down to business and have some fun for his classmates who were about to take a break.

He drove to a random clinic and bought a bunch of surgical sutures, then went to a lumber store and bought a piece of bamboo, and finally today's lunch snack, mung beans.

By the time he came back, the students could no longer stand it.

Everyone looked like they were sweating profusely and thought they had gone on a ten-kilometer march. In fact, they only covered five kilometers by half running and half walking.

The instructor told them to wait until Commander Zhou came back, so when they saw Zhou Qinghe coming, they were moved to tears.

I can finally take a break from professional classes.

"Come on, come here."

Zhou Qinghe stood on the dirt floor in the middle of the playground and waved to them.

"Have you seen the wooden sticks on the ground? There are 52 of them. Each person stands one by one in order."

After they stood up, Zhou Qinghe took out a pair of sutures and said with a smile:
"The most important thing for a surgeon is his hands. I know you are tired, so let's play with things on your hands. Isn't this tiring? And I can tell you, this is what I played back then."

"Not tired, not tired." The students are still very honest.

Just using your hands, how tiring can this be?
Moreover, it is Professor Zhou's secret book, which must be learned. The student became energetic and immediately stood upright.

Zhou Qinghe pulled off a section of suture, wrapped it around a wooden stick, and held a section in each hand.

"Knotting is familiar to you. Surgical suturing is something that must be practiced. If the knot is not tied well, the wound will recover slowly and bleed easily. What your teacher taught you is that it is better to be slow than to make mistakes. You must tie it carefully and conscientiously."

"Is it wrong? That's right."

"But military doctors have higher requirements. They need to be fast and accurate. On this basis, they can't make mistakes."

"The battlefield is not a bright operating room, and there is not only one patient waiting for you to save. The faster you are, the more people you can save."

"There are no rabbits here to cause trouble for you. Let's have some fun."

The fingers of Zhou Qinghe's hands began to dance in an instant, hooking and digging. In the meantime, a knot formed by two intertwined lines slid to the bottom, close to the wooden stick.

One, two, three, four, the students' eyes widened within three seconds, watching Zhou Qinghe's fingers beating in disbelief.

Eight knots in three seconds!
too fast!
That is comparable to the legendary Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara.

Zhou Qinghe's hands were like a master conducting an orchestra, fast but not messy, as if they contained some kind of rhythm. In half a minute, a line was completed.

Zhou Qinghe stretched out his hand and wrapped it around his wrist. The knots were arranged neatly one by one, as if he were wearing a string of beads.

He brightened up and told them, "You are half as good as me and you will graduate from this class."


Immediately, some people became confident, such as How Lin.

"Number 40, do you want to try?"

"Yes, I want to try."

"Okay, come here."

He Lin had no stage fright at all. After getting permission, she took a piece of wool and wrapped it around the stick.

Move your hands, one minute and forty.

"It's so difficult." He Lin got started personally and experienced the difficulty.

The knots must not only be tied well, but also arranged properly. One must be close to the other, otherwise the wound will bleed easily. The strength skills required are far from being as easy as imagined.

She tied the rabbit's knot frequently. In theory, it must be more difficult to tie a living body than a still life.

But Rabbit can take her time. This needs to be fast, but she can’t go wrong if she’s fast, and she can’t get up at all.

"The gap is too big." The students lamented.

He Lin and Dean He personally opened the small stove. They were already among the most skilled among the classmates, but there were only forty of them.

You know, there are 160 Professor Zhou.

It's not a quarter, it's the difference between a hand and a paw.

"No. 40, you are at this level for the first time, which is good. There is a lot of room for improvement."

It was He Lin's first time, and Zhou Qinghe really thought it was good.

It is an exaggeration to say that he has graduated by reaching half of his level. Generally speaking, if a medical student can practice for a period of time and can hit 1 per minute, it is considered good.

"I'll demonstrate it in slow motion, watch it." Zhou Qinghe demonstrated it again at an extremely slow speed, hooking and pulling.

"Have you seen it? It's very simple."

"Let's see."

In fact, after watching the slow motion, I discovered that it is not that difficult, as long as you master certain rules.

Zhou Qinghe threw away the suture.

"Let's start practicing."

The horrific scene began.

The brain has learned, but the fingers have learned nothing. Not to mention knotting, the anxious threads have been torn.

After 15 minutes, my hands were tired and my paws were too tired to control.

too difficult!
"It's time for a break."

"Have you rested?"

Strength training begins.

If a surgeon wants to maintain the stability of his arm for long-term operations, muscle strength is particularly important. Otherwise, it would be no joke if he trembles during the operation.

However, military strength training is even more difficult for those who were gentle students yesterday.

The hard time is always so long, and it’s finally lunch time, when I can finally rest.

They saw Professor Zhou again in the cafeteria.

There were six dining tables, and on each dining table was a large bowl of braised pork, a portion of vegetables, a bowl of mung beans, and a bucket of rice.

What's strange is that only one dining table has chopsticks.

"Sit down!"

The students sit down.

"Have a meal."

"Instructor, we don't have chopsticks here."

The instructor was eating braised pork with the only chopsticks at the table. Hearing this, he turned around and started to drink loudly.

"Who said there isn't one? Take a good look and see if there is a bamboo tube on the table."

The student looked at what was in the bamboo tube. It was one finger long and not much thicker than a needle.

No, isn’t this a toothpick?You call these toothpicks chopsticks?

At this time, Zhou Qinghe spoke: "I bought the fragrant beans specially. Eat them all. Don't leave even a single bean behind."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Qinghe picked up the bamboo sticks he had peeled for a long time and started to eat the mung beans. The two bamboo sticks in his hands were more flexible than ordinary chopsticks, and he could pick the beans accurately.

"My body is tired, but my hands are not tired, right?"

"Tsk, tsk, each one is more cruel than the other."

When the students saw this scene, they didn't know that Professor Zhou did it on purpose, and he was not even prepared to let them go while eating.

"I'll do it, is it so difficult?" He Lin didn't believe in evil, so she picked up the bamboo stick and adjusted it in her hand, then carefully picked up a bean.

Hiss, the beans slipped down.

"I actually put oil on it!"

"As you said, if I don't put oil in, wouldn't it be deducting your food expenses?" Zhou Qinghe smiled at them, casually picked up a mung bean and put it into his mouth, which was a mental shock.

"Eat quickly. You can't finish the mung beans. Don't touch other dishes. The meal time is 15 minutes. The table will be closed at that time." Lu Yun began to threaten.

Hiss, the nightmare began. The students smelled the aroma of braised pork hungrily and began the painful career of picking beans.

The picture is very beautiful. There are thirteen or four people at a table, each holding two bamboo sticks, eyes wide open, working hard around a pot of mung beans.

Time passed by, and Lu Yun would remind him kindly from time to time: "There are 5 minutes left."

"We've finished eating!" He Lin raised her hand first.

As expected of a top student at Central University, his abilities are in place and he adapts quickly.

"Eat, wait for me to praise you?" Lu Yun curled his lips.

Commander Zhou had already eaten all his food.

"Eat, eat." Finally, I could eat the fragrant braised pork, but I had already starved to death.

In the afternoon, the nurse arrived.

When I heard that I wanted to run, I stared at him with big eyes and small eyes.

It's too early to stare, and the nurse has to practice tying knots and pinching beans.

For three consecutive days, the subjects every day remain the same, and the students currently only need to exercise their physical fitness.

With professional police academy graduates leading the training and ensuring that their nutrition is up to date, the trainees have gradually entered the state of fitness since they were unable to run the first two kilometers.

As more and more knots are tied, the daily beans are eaten faster and faster.

Mr. Zhou is a kind man and does not deduct food expenses. The amount of meat provided is very sufficient.

Why is the amount of beans increasing?
Every day we have to race against time to get meat to eat.

They trained, and Zhou Qinghe continued to teach in medical schools.

The teaching time agreed with the principal should be at least two months, and the promise must be fulfilled.

Nothing happened these days. He was at school all day long.

The students were happy. Unexpectedly, Professor Zhou came more often than before, but the students disappeared, which was strange.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Qinghe's class was not over yet.

The classroom was full of people, and two people passed by in a hurry outside the window.

"Huh, luckily it's still there."

Zhang Shan, the section chief of the Party Mediation Office, was a little surprised to see Zhou Qinghe there and immediately came in to interrupt the class.

"Major Zhou, come with me quickly. It's urgent."

"Just say something."

Zhou Qinghe saw that he was a party mediator and had no interest in contacting him.

"Help see a patient."

Zhang Shan seemed to be afraid that Zhou Qinghe would not pay enough attention to it, so he stressed.

"Seriously ill. The one who is ill is the old lady of our director's family."

Zhou Qinghe raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

"I'm not a doctor in the hospital and I still have to treat patients. I have to go to the hospital when I'm sick."

If he doesn't help, Director Xu is not a good person. He is not good at dealing with Japan, but he is a good hand at home. He also has a grudge against Boss Dai, so he asked his mother to find another doctor.

Doctors these days are very famous. They can see you if you want, or if you don't want to see them. Ordinary doctors will be forced to see you. No matter who Zhou Qinghe is, he is not afraid of mediation from other parties.

"Help," Zhang Shan begged.

"If you don't help, you won't help me when I come to recruit people."

"Major Zhou is here to recruit people and you don't know how to help?"

Zhang Shan faced the correspondent Liu Jifeng and immediately acted out the drama of Zhou Yu hitting Huang Gai.

Liu Jifeng smiled bitterly and said: "Major Zhou, you are the conscience of heaven and earth. I told you frankly at that time and there was no embarrassment at all. Moreover, people from other armies just accepted this number. Ask the teachers here, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"Yes, Major Zhou, it's not that we don't help, it's the student's wish."

Before Zhang Shan finished speaking, Liu Jifeng continued: "And now that you have taken away 52 people, I am not making things difficult for you, right?"

Zhang Shan nodded: "Yes, we are not in trouble. How many can you say?"

Zhang Shan's voice suddenly increased and he stared at Liu Jifeng: "52? Your brain was kicked by a donkey? How can you let so many people go? What will happen when the army comes in the future? Why don't you report such a big thing?"

Liu Jifeng was confused by a series of questions. Liu Jifeng said helplessly: "Section Chief, the students voluntarily followed him. What can I do?"

"Student, student." Zhang Shan's blood pressure was high.

When I think about recruiting people from the army in the future, I first ask how many graduates there are in the Party Mediation Office this year. There are less than 150 good guys left, and the Party Mediation Office will be scolded to death.

No, how come 52 people are willing to go?

"You don't want to see a doctor anymore?" Zhou Qinghe asked with a wink.

Forget it, his impression of Liu Jifeng was pretty good, and he really didn't make things difficult for him. He beat the workers and helped beat the workers, otherwise Liu Jifeng would have been scolded to death.

"Let's take a look." Zhang Shan suppressed his anger and kept smiling: "Major Zhou, this matter about students"

"I have taken the people away and transferred the files. If you have any objections, please talk to our commander. You can leave now. Don't affect my class."

I'm used to you, Rory.

Don’t you know that you have something to ask for?

"Take them away, take them away, I admit it. I will resist when other armies come." It was already settled that Shantou Da couldn't take care of him anymore. He raised his hand and said, "Please, go see the patient first."

Zhou Qinghe didn't move.

Zhang Shan raised his eyebrows.

"Give me money?" Zhou Qinghe asked.

Zhang Shan: "."

This guy just loves money, right?
"Here!" He nodded heavily.

"Director Su, you can take the students to class next."

If you had told me earlier, just give money. Zhou Qinghe was very happy. Director Xu took action, and it must not be too little. He could earn some food and buy beans for the students.

"I will go with you."

Su Weiyong is not stupid. What's so good about teaching students? It's more interesting to follow Zhou Qinghe to do surgery.

Besides, when it comes to teaching students, it’s not like there aren’t those who are at the same level as him. One person more than him is not more, and one person less than him is not much.

"Okay, then one of you will take over the get out of class."

Zhou Qinghe turned around and left after speaking.

"I'll come, I'll come."

Immediately, a man who had studied in Germany stood up, looking very happy.

I was just waiting for him to take over and prepare to start the lecture. When I glanced at my classmates and teachers, why did I feel a trace of disgust in them?
The smile slowly disappears
"Is the situation clear? What are the symptoms?"

Several people got in the car, Zhou Qinghe asked Zhangshan.

Zhang Shan frowned and said, "I don't know, but I heard a doctor in Germany said it might be stomach cancer and requires immediate surgery."

Stomach cancer. That would be a bit troublesome.

Gastric cancer surgery is definitely a major surgery nowadays, especially if the target is an elderly person.

Although Zhou Qinghe had not seen the patient yet, since the German doctor could determine that it was gastric cancer and dared to operate on Xu's mother, it was estimated that the symptoms of gastric cancer were obvious now that there were no detection instruments.

"How old is the old lady?"

"The year of the armor."

Tsk, that would be even more troublesome.

Zhou Qinghe was not referring to surgery, but to prognosis.

Let’s not talk about whether the gastric cancer surgery can be completed smoothly. In this year and age, the recovery situation of a 60-year-old man after a gastrectomy will probably be unsatisfactory.

To put it bluntly, even if you have surgery, you may not be able to live for a few years.

But it will definitely go faster without surgery.

There's just one thing that's strange. With Director Xu's family's financial resources, wouldn't they normally treat his mother?

Why did you wait until the symptoms of gastric cancer were so obvious before you thought of surgery?

The car soon arrived at Director Xu's house on Yihe Road.

The single-family villa is just beautiful.

The living room on the first floor of a 300-square-meter small foreign-style building that Zhou Qinghe could never afford.

"Director, this is Major Zhou, Dr. Zhou, whom I told you about."

Zhang Shan bowed his body and introduced.

Director Xu looked at Zhou Qinghe and was a little surprised. He was too young. The major at this age must have something to do with it.

It is said that doctors are better when they are old, but he did not doubt Zhou Qinghe's ability.

Because the person was brought by Zhang Shan, this reason is enough.

"Major Zhou, thank you for coming."

Zhou Qinghe was not only a doctor, but also a major officer with connections, so Director Xu was also very polite. He said kindly:

"But my mother is in a bit of trouble. She doesn't want to have an operation. When you see her later, if you can, I hope you can help me persuade her."

"As long as you can convince my mother to have the operation, you can talk to me if anything happens in the future. As long as I can help, I will definitely help. Of course, I will pay for the consultation fee."

(End of this chapter)

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