The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 93 Lead the way

Chapter 93 Lead the way
Jiangcun Medical Clinic.

Zhou Qinghe arranged eight medical points, two of which were from the Red Party, from doctors to nurses, and Jiangcun was one of them.

Of course, they most likely don’t know each other’s identities internally.

Zhou Qinghe's purpose in doing this was to leave two safe passages for the Red Party to enter and exit from outside the city, so that they could do whatever they wanted.

For example, the people at the previous transfer station of the Red Party were forced to evacuate Nanjing. Now if they are short of manpower and need to do something, wouldn't this arrangement be much more convenient?

As for when there is a mission, will they be wary of each other and play together in order to complete the mission?
This is definitely not Zhou Qinghe's bad taste.

The greatly improved acting skills are also a bonus.

It will always grow quickly.

Otherwise, Zhou Qinghe wouldn't be worried about bringing such a person to the medical department.

At the moment, Huang Yueqin's daughter Ma Qingqing and Du Qingfeng, one of the other six doctors, were treating patients at the medical station.

There are many women in the countryside, and having a female doctor here makes it easier to treat patients, making them particularly popular.

"My daughter is so beautiful. Come on, help me look at these breasts." The old woman lifted up her clothes.

So when Ikeda Kenichi was helped in, he fell into Du Qingfeng's hands.

When the person came in and sat on the diagnosis and treatment chair, Du Qingfeng frowned slightly. This person smelled a bit, very smelly.

Ordinary people may only think that it is common for country people to not like to be clean.

But the doctor was very aware of the smell. He could smell it right away. It was the stench of a decomposing corpse, the stench of corpse.

Xu is a tomb robber or something like that. If he is a member of the government with a strong sense of justice, then it is normal for him to cause trouble and report it.

But Du Qingfeng is not.

Moreover, people's lives are difficult. Although it is unethical to rob tombs to make a living, it is understandable. Anyway, reporting the seizure of cultural relics and the like is just to benefit the upper echelons of the government.

There was no way he could report it.

ask directly.

"Where does it hurt?"

The patient Kenichi Ikeda didn't say anything. He looked at the strong man wearing peasant clothes and said:
"The two of us went up the mountain to catch pheasants. My brother slipped and broke his body. Doctor, please take a look."

"Where did it fall?"

"This, this, my chest hurts."

"Lie down on the bed and let me take a look."

"Hey." The strong man helped Kenichi Ikeda onto the treatment bed.

With just one move of getting on the bed, Kenichi Ikeda's face turned pale.

Du Qingfeng gently pressed his chest a few times through his clothes. Kenichi Ikeda's face turned even paler, and he gritted his teeth and did not scream.

"The ribs are broken and the lung may be injured. Lift up the clothes and let me take a look."

The strong man lifted up his clothes, and Du Qingfeng was shocked.

There were a large number of wounds on this man's body caused by sharp objects. There were scratches on his chest, waist, and even his back.

Judging from the looks of it, the wounds must have been there for two or three days. Some of the wounds were scabbed, and some had red dermis exposed.

Did it fall so badly?

"How did you fall?"

Du Qingfeng was surprised. Did he rob a tomb and fall into a pit?

And judging from the posture, it has to be rolled down.

"I wanted to take a bath by the river. I didn't stop and slid down. It rolled like this." The strong man explained.

Du Qingfeng did not expose him, but asked casually: "Your lungs were injured, and the doctor who treated you didn't tell you that you needed surgery?"

The man had an honest and poor expression, and looked like he was short of money.

"We haven't seen a doctor yet, so we just applied some medicine on the wound casually."

Du Qingfeng glanced at him sideways. He had such a large wound on his body. Regardless of whether he rolled down the hillside or fell into a pit, it had been in such a dirty place for two or three days. It had not become inflamed and he was recovering well. What are you doing? Can you handle it yourself?

Oh, tomb robbers, it’s normal to have some emergency means for dealing with trauma.

"I need to see a doctor, why did I wait until now?"

Du Qingfeng called a nurse and began to disinfect him: "I'll disinfect you first and give you some wound medicine, but you have to go to a hospital in the city to open your chest and bones, and we can't do it here."

Of course, the wound medicine is an ordinary wound medicine. There is no possibility of sulfonamides here, and the price is so high that people here can’t afford it.

Du Qingfeng thought it was okay to deal with it this way, but the strong man begged with a grimace.

"Doctor, please help me. The hospitals in the city are too expensive. I can't afford them."

Du Qingfeng felt something was wrong at this and glanced at him strangely: "You have no money?"

A tomb robber with no money?
"No money." The strong man replied in the affirmative: "We are just farmers, we can't afford hospitals in the city."

This person is getting weirder and weirder. Anyone who doesn't want to go to a hospital in the city to rob graves must have money. If he doesn't risk his life, he must be so frugal, right?

The wanted?
Du Qingfeng frowned and nodded: "Since you made your own choice, it's not like I can't help you. But think about it, the environment here is not good, and there are so many people coming and going. If you open your chest in case of infection or heavy bleeding, , this will kill people, and you will have no place to regret it when the time comes."

"He died because he had a bad fate. Doctor, thank you." The strong man clasped his hands together in gratitude and bowed.

"Okay, I've told you the consequences, let's do the surgery."

"thanks, thanks."

"Go and wait outside."

"Okay." The strong man gave Kenichi a reassuring look on the bed, and then walked out of the room.

In the room, Du Qingfeng called Ma Qingqing next door. The two of them had to perform the operation together.

"This person may be a wanted criminal. Find an opportunity to notify the instructor and ask him to call reinforcements to arrest him."

If it's just a fellow tomb robber, Du Qingfeng doesn't care, but it's different with wanted criminals. Ninety-nine percent of them have lives in their hands, so what's the use of keeping such people?

But the tomb robbers should have good skills, so be careful. The one outside the door is very active. If he pulls out a gun, it will be troublesome.

Thoracotomy was an absolutely major operation. Ma Qingqing was fully prepared, but then she heard these words.

He turned his head and gave a surprised and questioning look.

Du Qingfeng nodded.

"That can't be wasted."

Ma Qingqing picked up the syringe and took out the anesthetic. When she entered the room, she injected the needle.

Kenichi rolled his eyes and slept soundly.


The strong man is waiting.

One advantage of this kind of medical clinic in the countryside is that even if something is wrong, there is no phone number to call the police.

As long as the operation is completed successfully, even if the doctor discovers a gunshot wound from the war on Kenichi, it will be too late.

Now he is trying to persuade the doctor nicely. If the doctor doesn't cooperate, then he doesn't mind teaching the doctor a lesson about what it means to perform surgery with a gun pointed at the head.

I'm just a medical student, what's the big deal.

Then he felt like his brain was hit by a heavy object, and the world was spinning.

The security guard who came to smoke?

Zhou Qinghe takes care of students in the hospital.

He doesn't have an office either. Anyway, he spends his time drinking tea in Su Weiyong's office. It's the same as having an office.

I was drinking tea and reading the newspaper when the phone rang.

"It's for you." Su Weiyong handed over the phone.

"Hey, it's me."

It was Wang Yong's voice on the phone.

"Section Chief, there was something happening with that woman. A man came to find her and went directly to her house. He is in his 40s and looks like an unusual person."

"I am coming now."

Dalifu Lane, Xinxinyuan residential building, opposite the corner.

Seeing Zhou Qinghe approaching, Wang Yong pointed in the direction of Meilaizi's house.

"Section Chief, second floor, 204."

"How long have you been in?"

"24 minutes." Wang Yong looked at the watch: "When I called you, this man had just arrived. I saw that he was not dressed like an ordinary person. He had a straight suit and a calm temperament, like a person in power."

"Wait a minute." Zhou Qinghe was also patient.

As Miraiko's maid, it seems a bit abnormal to have such a person patronizing her.

After all, she is Japanese, and she is not really out to sell her.

The two of them waited for another half an hour, while Wang Yong was still muttering: "What are we talking about? We can talk for so long."

The man came out.

Zhou Qinghe confirmed that he had never seen this person before and asked Wang Yong: "Is this person a regular customer? Have you had any contact with him in the past two days?"

"No impression." Wang Yong shook his head: "Of course the environment is dark, it's possible that I didn't pay attention."

"Are his expressions and clothes any different from when he first entered?"

"I can't tell, there shouldn't be."

While the two were talking, they saw the man striding out, hailing a rickshaw, and leaving quickly.

Wang Yong and Zhou Qinghe got into the car and followed him for a while, and found that the man was walking in a complicated way and was going in circles.

He just sat on the rickshaw and switched to another rickshaw every once in a while. He didn't know what he was looking at, he was just shopping.

Then two hours later, the rickshaw arrived at Nanjing Railway Station. The man went to the ticket office and seemed to be leaving Nanjing directly.

"Section Chief, what should I do?" Wang Yong asked.


This man's whereabouts are strange, and he can be directly contacted by Miriko's family. In addition to his extraordinary appearance, he is definitely worth following.Zhou Qinghe made a decision immediately. He glanced at the six people, including Wang Yong, and found that only these six people followed, and the rest were still with Meilaizi.

"Take them with you. I'll come to Miraiko in person. When I get there, I'll make a phone call and report back if I have the conditions. If not, you can decide in person."

Going out means trouble, and miscommunication is inevitable.

"But remember one thing, don't arrest me if you can, so as not to surprise Miraiko."

Something happened right after we met. I was shocked even if I wasn't surprised.


Wang Yong immediately went to the manager's office. Naturally, their secret service didn't need to buy tickets. They just had to go in and squat.

"Wait a minute, do you have enough money?"

Zhou Qinghe touched his pocket and took out a stack of money, about 200 yuan. He kept five yuan and gave the rest away.

"Use it first. If it's not enough, think of a way to report back."

They are in a hurry this time. If they run out of money and are really desperate, they will be able to support as much as they can.

"Thank you, Chief."

Wang Yong didn't say anything, he just stopped, turned his head to his men and left.

Zhou Qinghe could only wish them luck, but he couldn't let a section chief leave Nanjing and follow them personally.

When the man in a suit entered the station, Wang Yong's people also got on the bus, and Zhou Qinghe returned.

Su Weiyong told him as soon as he arrived at the hospital office.

"The Jiangcun Medical Center sent someone an hour and a half ago to say that they caught two tomb robbers and asked you how to deal with them."

"Grave robber?"

Zhou Qinghe was stunned. He asked them to treat illnesses and save people. Why did they catch the thief?
But Tomb Robber, this seems good.

Cultural relics, porcelain, calligraphy and paintings immediately flashed through Zhou Qinghe's mind. He was not very cold, and he had no experience in playing with these high-end gadgets.

But Boss Dai likes it!
"I have to go see where they are." Zhou Qinghe smiled.

"It's still being held in Jiang Village."

"Okay, let me go and see what treasure this native has hidden."

Zhou Qinghe drove out of the city and went straight to the Jiangcun medical point.


When he goes out, he is called "teacher" as agreed upon by the nurse or doctor.

Zhou Qinghe hummed, smiled and said to Du Qingfeng: "I heard that you discovered the man, where is he?"

"Inside." Du Qingfeng pointed to the bedroom, "We just performed lung surgery on him, and he hasn't even passed the anesthesia yet."

These words made Zhou Qinghe have to stop and look at him, "You are both catching thieves and treating illnesses."

"Ma Qingqing's idea." Du Qingfeng pointed at Ma Qingqing.

Ma Qingqing smiled sheepishly, "I finally had a lung operation, and I thought it shouldn't be wasted. Besides, if you treat a disease and save a person, you can't not save him just because he is a criminal. Isn't this also a sentence?"

Zhou Qinghe nodded, which made sense.

Walking into the bedroom, he saw Kenichi lying on the bed.

This injury is a bit serious.

"How did you find out?"

Du Qingfeng narrated what happened, and then said: "Teacher, this man still has old gunshot wounds."

Zhou Qinghe stepped forward and pressed Kenichi's left arm, confirming at a glance that it was a scar after the bullet penetrated the wound.

"You said he pretended to be poor and didn't want to go to the hospital?"

"Yes, they are all willing to be treated here and don't want to go to the hospital. I think this person must be a wanted criminal."

"He is not a wanted criminal, he should be a Japanese." Zhou Qinghe said.

Seeing the injuries on this man's body, Zhou Qinghe remembered the three doses of sulfa powder that were thrown away in the hospital. This man needed a large amount of sulfa powder to survive, so he could solve the case.

It really comes with no effort.

"Japanese?" The two people looked at each other, which was so surprising.

Zhou Qinghe told them about sulfonamide.

Of course, the current remarks are just hearsay. After all, he is still a major of the 13th Army and has not yet completely shown off his cards with the students.

However, the two people in front of them knew it well, and they all pretended to be confused.

"As long as it is confirmed that this person is Japanese, I will give you credit." Zhou Qinghe smiled.

From a tomb robber to a wanted criminal, and then from a wanted criminal to a Japanese, he hasn't even entered the secret service yet, so he needs to make a contribution first.

When luck comes, it is really unstoppable.

"Thank you, teacher." The two of them were surprised.

"But he has corpse odor on his body?" Du Qingfeng asked immediately.

"What's wrong with the corpse odor? Who said the Japanese can't be tomb robbers?" Zhou Qinghe smiled and said, "You will know after a trial."


"Where's the other one? Take me there." This one couldn't speak, so Zhou Qinghe had to examine the other one.

"Asleep in the hut." Du Qingfeng was still in the excitement of asking for merit and walked in a hurry.

However, Zhou Qinghe paused.

"Forget it, you'd better take him out."

Today's shacks in the countryside smell a bit over the top.

The person was quickly tied up and brought to the yard, with a rag stuffed in his mouth, and a spoonful of cold water poured over his head. Ishida suddenly woke up, stared at the police academy student, and let out an angry roar.

Ishida was unwilling, very unwilling. Why would someone suddenly attack him?

He touched his lower back, and a thin needle appeared in his hand. He quickly polished the rope behind his back, stalling for time and looking for an opportunity to fight back.

Zhou Qinghe saw that this man was somewhat strong, and he could tell at a glance that he was a practitioner.

I heard that he was attacked by Brick and knocked down with one blow. His skills were useless, and he probably felt really uncomfortable.

Tomb robbers want money first, and then information.

Zhou Qinghe touched his body and took out this ID.

"Wangcun, Liu Ada, is a farmer by profession. Then tell me, where does this corpse odor on your body come from?"

Taking the rag off Ishida's mouth, he immediately shouted: "Why are you arresting me? Who are you?"

Zhou Qinghe chuckled lightly and said in a very kind tone: "Police, stop pretending, your incident has happened."

"What do I need?" Ishida said with a dull expression on his face and breathed a sigh of relief. If it was the police, that would be okay.

Zhou Qinghe clicked his tongue: "Such an obvious corpse odor can be smelled eight hundred miles away. I don't dare to go to the city for medical treatment. I think it can be done here in a remote place. I say you are really brave.

You have dug them all right up to the roots of the imperial city. If I hadn't appeared now, wouldn't the entire Nanjing city have been hollowed out by you?
One day when the leader was sleeping, bang, the ground collapsed and he fell into the tomb, right? "

"Sir, you are joking. Life is difficult. It's my first time to make ends meet." Ishida laughed.

"Everyone who was arrested said it was their first time. Does that mean they have no money? Grave robbery is a very serious crime." Zhou Qinghe gave him a look of understanding with a half-smile.

"Sir, I understand."

I heard about official corruption in Nanjing City. How could Ishida not understand this meaning? He said to others: "Sir, are they not suitable to be here?"

Zhou Qinghe waved his hands and the others withdrew.

Ishida pretended to be flattering, "Sir, in the rice vat at my house, there is a yellow glaze plate from the official kiln of the Ming Dynasty. It is full of yellow and is very beautiful."

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Qinghe and blinked, as if he was very proficient in the Chinese method of human relations.

However, Zhou Qinghe's face tightened: "Hillbilly, are you confused about the situation? Now what's yours and what's his's, both belong to my family, and you still want to bribe me with my things?"

Ishida cursed in his heart that this Chinese was so greedy, and he tried to say: "Sir, let me go, and I will help you rob the tomb. I know that if there is a tomb, there must be something good."

Zhou Qinghe stood up and kicked him to the ground with his big leather shoe: "You just bribed me with my things, and now you're planning on even those that haven't been dug out? Why didn't you say you would dig up Qin Shihuang's tomb and give it to me?" I see you are really itchy."

Ishida almost got a needle stuck in his waist!Zhou Qinghe saw this panic in his eyes. What, is there something behind you?

"Sir, sir, don't worry."

Ishida quickly got up and moved over: "We just opened this tomb, and my brother was injured trying to open the door. Now that the tomb passage is open, you can get things right away. You go in with me and get them together. I am sure you will make a fortune."

You still want to have this idea, you want to trick him into the tomb passage and kill him to gain the home field advantage, right?

Zhou Qinghe said with a cold face: "This is the last chance. I want something ready-made. If I can't get it, you will be imprisoned for the rest of your life!"

Ishida said quickly: "There is a cave in the woods behind the mountain of Wangcun, and my things are hidden there."

"That's pretty much it. Lead the way." Zhou Qinghe took a step back and put his hands in his pockets.

Ishida stood up with difficulty, he was already prepared, the rope could be broken at any time.

But he endured it, it was not safe yet.

The safest time is when a person is greedy.

That is when a person has wealth at his fingertips, and it is also when he is closest to death.

He took Zhou Qinghe to the grove and took Zhou Qinghe to the cave.

Zhou Qinghe saw a wooden box with his own eyes and opened it. Inside was jade, calligraphy and painting, porcelain, and fine products from official kilns.

When Zhou Qinghe looked at the box, he also turned his back.

He thought about the scene, then stumbled and fell in the direction of Zhou Qinghe as if he had lost his footing.

The rope breaks!

Raise your hands!

With a leaning posture, a silver needle was sandwiched between the two fingers of his right hand and thrust horizontally into Zhou Qinghe's neck!
The moves are so powerful, this one blow is more than enough to deal with a policeman!
Just about to start.

Zhou Qinghe glanced at the contents of the box, turned around and said in surprise: "That's all?"

This is called a little?
Ishida didn't know whether to take action for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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