The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 97 Newspapers

Chapter 97 Newspapers
In the ballroom.

Everyone found that Red Rose's voice was particularly sweet today.

A song that actually started with a hint of desolation, the mood gradually rose, experienced dullness, and finally transformed into joy, excitement, and looking forward to a better future.

It's like singing the life of a singer, and when listening to it, people can't help but feel the desire to protect.

As expected of a popular singer in Shanghai, the taste is just different.

Thinking of this, they felt that it was especially hateful to take advantage of them!
Simply worthy of execution.

It's just that when they observed the man who was taken advantage of today, it seemed that he no longer had the same indifferent attitude as yesterday. He was obviously very proud and wanted to show off, but he pretended to be reserved and indifferent.

His expression couldn't be said to be unhappy, after all, the man who had been wronged would still smile at the red roses on the stage from time to time, but at least it was not as free and wanton as the smile he smiled yesterday.

Li Boting drank a lot of wine.

He is not stupid. If he were really stupid, the teacher would not help him sit in this position.

He carefully analyzed the pros and cons and found that there was really no way out.

He thought about reporting it.

Not to mention that there are definitely Japanese people watching him now to prevent him from acting rashly.

Even if he was conceited and successfully reported the matter, he could just find any excuse to hide the reason why he didn't report it immediately.

Reporting and arresting people, meritorious deeds and rewards, that's no problem.

But will the Japanese let him go?
That guy in prison, the Japanese would rather expose a popular singer in Shanghai than rescue him. What kind of person is he?
Once a person is reported and arrested, who will care about his life or death when the Japanese's revenge comes because the man in prison, Hong Rose and Ono's group died in Nanjing?
How many days does he have to live?
Getting promoted and getting rich is probably the coffin wood.

On the contrary, it would be great to go to Japan.

If all the conditions are fulfilled, 55 large yellow croakers will indeed be enough for him to live the rest of his life comfortably.

Coupled with the company of red roses, life is much more comfortable than watching people's faces in Nanjing.

But the premise is to deliver.

If Red Rose lied to him, he would rather report it than let the Japanese get their wish.

Is Hong Rose really willing to follow him?

He was still a little uneasy.

The red rose gave him his wish that night.

After Zhou Qinghe watched the whole scene, he also wanted to report this matter to Boss Dai urgently.

It's not urgent. How does your boss know that you are still working hard in the middle of the night?

"Director, I have something to ask you." Zhou Qinghe called directly to Boss Dai's house.

"Say." Boss Dai also knew that the matter must be serious due to the late night interruption.

"Didn't the Party Mediation Office arrest two people a while ago? I got the news and already sentenced them. Director, do you know why they sentenced them so quickly?"

Zhou Qinghe is indeed doubtful about this time. Even if the party mediators cannot pry this person's mouth open and give up, and hand it over to the court for trial according to normal procedures, how can the court agency work so efficiently?

Could it be that there is someone hiding in the upper echelons who knows that it is difficult for the Party to mediate and rescue people, so he tries to find a way to get people to jail quickly?
This person is most likely a mole.

"Has it been sentenced? I don't know, but I know that the principal decided this matter."

Dai Yunong paused and said: "The news I heard is that because of the pressure from the Japanese side, they said that the second businessman who came was a famous businessman in their colony. They said that we had no evidence to arrest people indiscriminately and asked for their release. .”

"The principal finds it troublesome. The key party coordination office is not responsible for personnel matters, and there is no evidence in hand to prove that the second businessman is a spy.

Just before this matter was reported to the media, the principal directly ordered the party to handle it. It must be a solid case and be tried quickly to prevent the outside media from blowing the wind. He did not even have a say in the international community.

The party's mediation office probably thought of some way to lock people up. "

Oh, the mole is the principal.

Zhou Qinghe understood that the Japanese's use of external pressure was indeed a way to speed up the trial.

He understood this.

The Party Mediation Office probably thought of some crooked trick, such as finding a romantic woman to act in a drama and sue the businessman for insulting her, and then quickly conclude the case.

"Why are you asking about this?" Boss Dai asked strangely.

Zhou Qinghe happily sold it off: "Director, I have a little clue now, and I'll treat you to a good show when the time comes."

This party's mediation will be in trouble, Zhou Qinghe said.

Who makes Boss Dai like to watch the party mediate misfortune?
"What's the point? What kind of music is it?"

Boss Dai hates people who talk half-talk. Zhou Qinghe is still smiling this night. Isn't it tormenting people at this late night?

Are you still letting people sleep?
And if you invite him to watch a play, you have to tell him what songs to sing.

Zhou Qinghe smiled and said: "I found out that someone wanted to rob the prisoner."

"Who are the two people who are being investigated by the party?" Boss Dai reacted and said in surprise: "They are all in jail, how can they be robbed?"

Zhou Qinghe told Li Boting about his plan to save people.

Boss Dai frowned and said in confusion: "What authority does he, a chief inspector, have to save people?"

The prison has three floors inside and three outside. There are only two ways to get a prisoner out.

The first is an arraignment order, and it must be personally signed by the section chief of the Secret Service or Party Mediation Office in charge of the interrogation.

You have to send it back after you pick it up. This is called borrowing.

The second is to review the release order for acquittal. If found not guilty, he can naturally be released. However, Li Boting, the inspector general, only has the power of review. How can it be so easy to get rid of other judges on other lines?
The crime of espionage, who dares to play this gamble with him?

"Director, he really has the power to save people."

Zhou Qinghe said: "I planted someone in the inspection room and got to know their daily work. One of Li Boting's jobs is to sign the release order or commutation ruling for the review verdict, and then someone from the prison will come and take it away. Release again.”

"I know that, so what? It's not him who sentenced him."

"But what if we just sign it without judging?" Zhou Qinghe smiled.

Boss Dai was suddenly startled: "Are you talking about fraud?"

"Hiss tsk tsk."

Boss Dai really didn't expect that there was a huge loophole here.

Of course, there is a small probability that the inspector general will have problems. Theoretically, there is no problem. The judgment was made by the court, and the signature was signed by the inspector general. The prison also came to the inspection room to take away the execution award in person.

The process is separate enough and safe enough.

But if something goes wrong with the Inspector General, it is theoretically possible to forge a release order of innocence without going through a trial.

Anyway, the trial verdict was written by someone, signed with Li Boting's name, and stamped with the seal of the inspector's office. The prison guard who came to get the documents took the documents from the inspector's office himself.

How could he have thought that this was fake?
Who would have thought that the Inspector General would give up his own head for a prisoner?

"The Japanese are really thoughtful and their research is clearer than ours. I'll call right away. This loophole must be closed." Boss Dai also acted vigorously and resolutely.

But Zhou Qinghe immediately stopped him: "No, Director, why don't you watch the excitement?"

Boss Dai was startled, yes, he came to see the show.

"What do you think?"

Zhou Qinghe chuckled in a faint voice and said, "Director, do you think it's appropriate if I let him kidnap the prisoner?"

Boss Dai's thoughts changed and he couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, the Party Mediation Office lost the prisoner and the Secret Service found it, so that's great."



Li Boting regretted it.

I can’t say that I regret it, I can only say that I want to add insurance.

"Let me give you an idea. There are three gates for prisoners to come out of Laohuqiao Prison. If you bribe the gatekeepers of these three gates, won't you be able to let them out?"

Hong Rose gave him a slightly aggrieved look: "Bo Ting, after you finish eating, I want to regret it, right? You don't love me."

"how come?"

Li Boting smiled and hugged Hong Rose's shoulders and said, "I just think this way, this matter won't involve me, and it won't hurt you either. We won't be exposed, and we can still come to China in the future, right?"

Hong Rose shook her head: "We have thought about this method, but it doesn't work. Not to mention that the personnel at the three gates belong to three different departments, and there is only the 87th German Mechanic Division at one gate. Then it will take more than one person to be bribed. It's too difficult to complete.

And there are three gates, and the people we bribed are on duty at the same time, so we can release them, which is as difficult as climbing to the sky. "

"Stop thinking too much and come to Japan with me to live a good life, okay?"

Hong Mei looked at him, pushed him, and pushed him again. Li Boting couldn't stand it anymore.

For several days, nothing happened.There is a fixed date for the prison to come to the inspection room to get the execution order, which Li Boting would not take the initiative to say.

On this day, as soon as the prison staff arrived, Li Boting stuffed the review ruling into all the rulings in the past half month.

The prisoner went back with the documents and was ordered to release him.

At the door, in the car not far away.

Hong Meigui, Li Boting, and Ono Zhaori also saw the prisoner being released with their own eyes, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Ono Akira happily took out a jewelry box from his purse and handed it over.

"Thank you very much for Mr. Li's cooperation. This is the agreed 50 taels of gold. We keep our word."

Li Boting had already come this far, so he accepted it calmly. He opened it and took a look at the five large yellow croakers inside. They were really beautiful. He had paid for this with his own hat.

He closed the box and asked: "What are the arrangements next? How will Rose and I go to Japan?"

"Mr. Li, please don't be impatient."

Ono Akihi pointed at the prisoner coming out of the door, "He is covered in scars and needs medical treatment in urgent need. I will send him out of the city for treatment first. It will take a day or two to stabilize his injuries before he can board the ship to Japan."

You can take a few days to deal with family property and other matters. After all, you have to leave, and it won't be easier for the Nanjing government to stay, right? "

Li Boting frowned: "You won't dump me when you're done, right? We can go together."

Ono Akira chuckled: "Mr. Li, if you think about it more, you will realize that this suggestion is stupid. If you leave Nanjing now, your boss will soon find out. How will we get on the ship by then? You will have to wait for the operation. Leave it out for me.

Don't worry, I will definitely come to pick you up. I gave you the woman and I gave you the gold. Do we keep our word? "

It sounds like this, and the Japanese have indeed kept their word so far. Li Boting took a deep breath.

"Bo Ting, don't worry, I will stay here and go out with you." Red Rose patted his hand.

Li Boting nodded, "Okay then."

The three people looked at the prisoner not far away in front of them, looked up at the sun, and were quickly helped into the car and the car drove away.

"Mr. Li, I'm leaving then. You should deal with the property as soon as possible, but don't make too much noise to avoid others' suspicion." Ono Akihi said with a smile.

"I know."

"Then the next time we meet, it will be on a ship to Japan. Be prepared and leave at any time."

"it is good."


Zhou Qinghe watched this scene from the prison wall, instructing Wang Yong's people to continue following him.

As long as people don't get on the boat, there is no need to arrest them. Now they are waiting for Li Boting to escape and be discovered.

As soon as Li Boting escaped and his boss found out, it was time for the matter to escalate and he should close the net.

Four days later, Li Boting was very excited these days.

Finally going to Japan!
With beauties by your side and gold in your hands, all you have to do is go to Japan and don't feel too comfortable being a rich man.

He quietly sold his family property in secret. Although he had not been in Nanjing for a long time as the inspector general, he always had some money.

And now that he is leaving, he can even make a large sum of money. He can save people who he didn't dare to save in the past, and he can accept money that he didn't dare to accept in the past.

In these four days, I received more money than I had in a year, a total of 3 yuan.

With the more than 4 yuan and 70 taels of gold accumulated over the years, my life with Red Rose will be worry-free in the future.

By the way, where did the rose go?

He didn't see any roses when he woke up early.

"Rose, rose."

I searched around the house but couldn't find it, so I just forgot about it. I wore a suit and tie in front of the mirror, thinking that Rose might have gone to buy breakfast, so I didn't care.

While I was dressed, my brain suddenly twitched. I went to dig through my suitcase containing money with a sullen face. When I opened it, I saw that it was empty and only my clothes were left. There was a buzz, my brain exploded, and the world was spinning.

"Ha ha ha ha."

In the car leaving Li Boting's house.

Ono Akira listened to Hong Meigui's account of what happened in the past few days, thinking about Li Boting's panic expression after seeing his money missing, and laughed heartily.

"The head of the agency has a clever plan. After this series of schemes, Li Boting helped us release people, but he also lost money and lives." Red Rose smiled and offered compliments.

"Hahahaha, that stupid pig."

Ono Akihi also stopped smiling after laughing, and said gloomily: "It's just a pity that you, Shanghai's leading singer, have been wasted here for so long after training.

This bunch of losers in Nanjing were unexpectedly captured one after another. I wonder if they have been at ease for a long time and have even forgotten how to do things. "

"You can't stay in Shanghai any longer. Come back to China with me to recuperate first."

"Yes." Hong Rose responded and immediately said: "I have inquired with Li Boting in the past few days, and Li Boting said that the recent arrests were all from the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service, and he did not know who was specifically being investigated.

However, he heard that in the past few days, there was a section chief named Zhang in the Secret Service who had a very good reputation. He had dealt with two senior officials in succession, a deputy minister of the Ministry of Transportation and a director of the police department. This person seemed to be the chief of the intelligence section.

Director, do I think this is the person? "

"Another surname is Zhang? The Party Mediation Office is in a chapter, and this is another Zhang?"

Ono Zhaori frowned in surprise and nodded.

It is difficult to capture information about the personnel of the Secret Service. Most people do not dare to ask about espionage cases for fear of getting into trouble. However, in corruption cases, it is still possible to ask the investigators.

This matter must be investigated.

What happened in Nanjing was really strange. It had always been peaceful in the past, but it actually failed one after another in just two or three months.

The North China base camp couldn't figure it out, and their Japanese headquarters couldn't figure it out either.

The Secret Service's rise was so rapid that it exceeded everyone's expectations.

Forget it, I thought that Dai Yunong from the Secret Service had recruited some expert, but the strange thing was that the Party Mediation Office also arrested someone, and it was the businessman who had been lurking in for half a month.

I was caught even though I didn't do anything. This is really puzzling.

Could it be that the suspicion of the headquarters is true, that there are really spies who have infiltrated the high-level officials of the North China base camp?
Combined with the fact that people from the North China base camp were not used for this trip, but people from Shanghai were directly called on, the plan went so smoothly, this guess is really possible.

"Send the report to the head of the North China Base Camp later and let them investigate on their own. We will ignore it. After finishing the last thing, we will return to Japan."

"Is there anything else?" Hong Rose thought everything was over.

"Of course there is something." Ono Akihi smiled mysteriously: "The inspector general wanted to go to Japan but failed, what should I do if such a happy thing was kept secret?
Originally, based on Li Boting's intelligence value, I wouldn't mind taking him back to Japan, but due to the successive defeats in Nanjing, other countries thought we had no one in Japan.

There was no choice but to kill him to avenge his shame.

It's okay to expose this matter. Only we know about it. We have to make all of Nanjing happy. Stop the car and I'll make a call. "

"A British newspaper?"

Zhou Qinghe, who was in the car, saw Ono Aki calling on the phone and thought he was contacting some insider.

As a result, my subordinates checked the phone records and came back and said that the destination of the Japanese call was actually the newspaper office. This was really unexpected news.

Originally, Li Boting was thrown away and was not taken out of Nanjing. There was a possibility that his fermentation plan would fail. After all, if no one exposed Li Boting, his fraud might not be discovered for ten days and a half. The Japanese would have left long ago. .

Zhou Qinghe couldn't help but shake his head. Li Boting was really useless. He was a high-ranking official, but he had intelligence value. However, the Japanese didn't want him, and he couldn't even be used as a starting chess piece in a plan.

But Zhou Qinghe decided to help him.

Zhou Qinghe thought about it, and when it was impossible, he tied up Li Boting, threw him directly at the door of the Japanese Suzhou Medical Center, sent them to meet, and fled by force.

In the end, the Japanese were quite cooperative.

"Now I can save gas money."

Zhou Qinghe smiled and said to his men: "I will follow you almost as far as here, and then we will leave the city. They should go to the medical center. You tell Wang Yong that as long as they are not ready to run, they will not be arrested without my order. But if he wants to run away, arrest him immediately.”


Zhou Qinghe didn't know what the message Ono Akihi called the newspaper was, but he thought it wouldn't be good news.

We will find out tomorrow.

The night passed.


Newspaper sellers appeared on the streets and alleys. They shouted hard and promoted their products like office workers.

"Sell newspapers and sell newspapers! Big news! The police surrendered after being beaten, and the court wrongly convicted a good person. Now, through the efforts of justice organizations, the injustice has finally been overturned!"

The newspaper was quickly placed on the principal's desk.

(End of this chapter)

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