The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 99 Die hard

Chapter 99 Die hard
trial room.

"Section Chief, are you here too?"

Zhou Qinghe walked in and looked at Gu Zhiyan. Gu Zhiyan was next to Saburo Matsumoto, asking questions with his hands behind his back.

"I'm just asking." Gu Zhiyan waved his hand and smiled: "I heard that he is a ruthless person who can't be pried open by party mediators. I just came to see what he looks like. Is that guy okay?"

Gu Zhiyan winked and did not specify, but Zhou Qinghe naturally understood that he was talking about red roses.

"Eat well and sleep well."

Zhou Qinghe smiled at him, looked at Saburo Matsumoto on the interrogation chair, and his smile faded slightly.

Saburo Matsumoto looks nearly 50 years old. His hair is slightly thicker and the hair on his arms is darker and shinier than that of ordinary people. With his strong arms, he has a rough temperament.

Zhou Qinghe's eyes met his falcon-like eyes, which were full of unruly and extremely aggressive.

Maybe this person was still acting in a three-way show when the party was mediating it, but today, all pretense is meaningless.

Everyone knows it.

Saburo Matsumoto made no secret of his arrogance. Just by his eyes and his posture of sitting with his feet spread out, he could show off the demeanor of a superior man.

This was after enduring the torture mediated by the party, and he did not take the torture equipment in a room full of secret service into consideration at all.

Zhou Qinghe walked over and opened his white shirt. Sure enough, the shirt was covered in blood, and the wounds inside were even more dense and severe.

This party's mediators are really not too merciful.

All of Saburo Matsumoto's fingers were missing their nails, and there were clearly wounds on them where iron sticks were inserted and then healed.

On the chest, crooked whip wounds criss-crossed each other, and each of the hideous scars told the man of his tenacious willpower. Seeing this on his chest, Zhou Qinghe could tell that the rest of the trousers were no different without looking at them. Where to go.

Saburo Matsumoto was able to resist the methods of the party mediators and kept silent. Moreover, at the urging of the principal, the party mediators tried their best to continue the torture for several days, but no evidence of being a spy was obtained from him. This was indeed a tough one.

After entering the palace for the second time, it will take some effort to get him to speak.

"This party's mediators only cause trouble for me instead of doing business." Zhou Qinghe teased with a smile.

"Yes." Gu Zhiyan looked at Matsumoto Saburo and smiled.

After all, although the Party Mediation Office and the Secret Service have a hostile relationship in private, their methods of dealing with prisoners are mostly similar.

Now ordinary methods are no longer effective against Matsumoto Saburo.

For Matsumoto Saburo, methods such as whipping are probably no more painful than tickling.

This is a psychological decision after enduring the pain of torture. Especially for Matsumoto Saburo, who has already gone through the process. If he didn't say anything the first time and spoke again the second time, wouldn't it be in vain?

And if you endure it the second time, it will definitely not be as painful as the first time.

In addition, after resisting several electric shocks, Matsumoto Saburo must have suffered a lot of permanent internal trauma. Matsumoto Saburo himself knew this, and he was even less willing to talk about it.

"Name." Zhou Qinghe began to interrogate.

Matsumoto stared at Zhou Qinghe and smiled contemptuously: "Your father."

This was the first time Zhou Qinghe heard such an answer, and he smiled lightly and said: "

Want to provoke me into hitting you?What, you want a quick death?Are you afraid that the pain of living will always tug at your nerves? Are you afraid that you won’t be able to resist it anymore and can’t help but speak?It seems that you are not as tough-talking as I thought. "

"Feel free to try."

Matsumoto saw that the young man was not wearing a condom, so he sat back calmly, with a prickly look, as if he was waiting for a report from his subordinates.

This subordinate is Zhou Qinghe in front of him.

He then said with a light smile: "It's just that I don't have much chance for you. I have injuries all over my body. The doctor told me that even a little strenuous exercise on my part may cause internal bleeding and lead to death. Young people, please don't Let me die, I'm afraid it will be too easy, I'm too comfortable, hahahaha"

There is something magical about laughter, infinitely rampant.

"With me here, it's not that easy to die."

Zhou Qinghe had to check for himself what was going on with this guy's body. If he wanted to die, why did he try to die just now?

"Here, untie it and put it on the ground. Let me take a look."

Zhou Qinghe stopped talking, and his men took Matsumoto out, held down his limbs, and made him kneel on the ground. This action was a bit humiliating. Matsumoto stared at Zhou Qinghe with vicious eyes, wishing he could take a bite.

Zhou Qing and Ben both wanted to squat down. Looking at this look, they ordered their men to say: "Seal his mouth for me, so as not to contract a rabid dog disease."

The tape was wrapped around Matsumoto's mouth, and his eyes became even more ferocious.

Zhou Qinghe took off his shirt and looked at the wounds carefully. There were indeed many wounds, but these had been treated by their own doctors and it was impossible to die at a touch.

"Scaring me?" Zhou Qinghe stood up and smiled: "You are regretting that you should not come out, right? If there is no doctor to treat you, you can die easier. The tape is torn."

Matsumoto raised his eyebrows solemnly: "Do you understand? If you don't believe me, just try."

Zhou Qinghe sneered and shook his head: "Satisfy him and beat him!"


The men quickly tied the man to the execution frame, and the sound of whipping suddenly sounded.

Muffled screams of pain came from Matsumoto's mouth, but he kept looking at Zhou Qinghe with hatred and provocation. Obviously, this could not make him speak.

"I'm afraid simple whipping is useless." Gu Zhiyan turned his head and whispered to the side: "Why don't you try onions? It's more stimulating, and it's not as dangerous as electrocution."

"I know." Zhou Qinghe nodded and said thoughtfully: "I was observing why he could withstand the torture mediated by the party.

Section Chief, I don’t believe that the Japanese have the strong will to withstand the endless torture. If you say that the poor and dirt-eating Red Party members have this thing, I believe it.

After all, they were a group of die-hard elements, under the banner of asking for help for the people, with the purpose of saving the people. I looked at the files in the office and said that the leaders of the Red Party did not have as much food as our own staff.

I truly believe that people who have been deceived by them can withstand this kind of thing because the starting point is not for themselves.

But why can the Japanese endure it?They are invading, they have plenty of money, and this guy is the head of the Nanjing Station, his title is certainly not low, and his life is certainly comfortable, so how can he withstand it?By will?By faith?What do you believe in? "

This is very reasonable. Gu Zhiyan nodded and said: "Those who can withstand torture must have spiritual sustenance. Without spirit, no one can withstand it just by relying on the body. I guess these Japanese people have particularly serious militaristic ideas? Or? The spirit of Bushido? This guy is so strong, does he practice Bushido, and is he embarrassed to speak? "

Zhou Qinghe shook his head: "It shouldn't be Bushido. Bushido is not afraid of death, but you can't die now, and you haven't reached the stage of death yet."

If Zhou Qinghe gave Matsumoto a knife and asked him to commit suicide, Matsumoto would rush forward without hesitation and want to die with Zhou Qinghe. Even if he died, he would have no regrets. This is the way of the bushi.

Although the end point of torture is death, the end point of bushido is death. It seems similar, but in fact it is much different.

Bushido can't guarantee death, but torture can't kill you at all. Walking around the edge for many years, that is the most painful thing about being tortured.

It must be something else.

"I see he looks at you with such hatred. Could it be that his wife and children were killed by the Chinese? That's not right. This kind of person's family cannot be in China, they must be in Japan." Gu Zhiyan shook his head.

Zhou Qinghe's heart moved when he heard this. He walked forward and stared into Matsumoto's hateful eyes and asked, "Do you regard me as an imaginary enemy?"

Matsumoto was able to laugh even after being beaten. Like a vicious dog, he shouted loudly as if he was going to bite someone, then laughed, and then turned into a scream after being beaten.

Zhou Qinghe returned and sat side by side on the table with Gu Zhiyan, "Use hatred to resist torture. No wonder you can resist for so long. This is indeed a way.

But the main reason is spiritual sustenance.

Section Chief, I think what you said about militarism is reasonable. Nowadays, Japanese soldiers think that I am the best in the world. Not to mention looking at Chinese people like pigs, they all look down on Americans. It would be humiliating to surrender to the weak people they look down on.

Nine times out of ten, militarism is the reason. "

Zhou Qinghe said it for sure.

Gu Zhiyan nodded and said: "But if it is really an ideal, it will be difficult to break. This kind of ideological spirit is the most difficult to understand. Unless Japan is defeated immediately and let him know that this is impossible, otherwise"

Gu Zhiyan shook his head. In fact, this was also a hard-nosed type. He somewhat understood why Matsumoto had been able to resist for so long.

Ideals are spiritual support, and using hatred to fight interrogation is a specific method. If your enemy hits you, you will feel more and more pain and hate you more and more.

Of course he won't speak.

Now it can even be said that every stroke of the whip makes it more difficult to open the mouth, making it more and more impossible to open the mouth.

Zhou Qinghe didn't say anything. This matter was indeed a bit troublesome. To break something that he believed deeply in, he had to smash it to be effective. Militarism and Japan's defeat were obviously impossible to accomplish at the moment.

But it was difficult. I knew from the beginning that if it were so easy to speak up, the party mediators would not be at a loss.

"Stop, bring onions."

Zhou Qinghe planned to see again whether he really ignored the pain.

Matsumoto could understand what an onion was, but it was obviously impossible for him to understand what an onion was. He soon understood.


After knocking out his teeth, he stuffed the onions and chewed them manually. Almost instantly, Matsumoto's face turned abnormally red!

Severe pain wrapped around the nerves, and the sharp stimulation left the swollen head with almost no time to think about anything, only curses.

He stared with round eyes and shouted in Japanese: "I'm going to kill you!"

"I must kill you!"

"Long live the Empire of Japan!" The voice couldn't stop at all. The yelling and cursing continued as long as the pain lasted, and the slurred speech caused serious whimpering.

"It seems true." Zhou Qinghe said to Gu Zhiyan beside him.

Gu Zhiyan frowned and nodded slowly: "It's very troublesome. There is no hope for such a person to speak."

Zhou Qinghe thought about it and got up and left: "I'm going out for a while."

Zhou Qinghe returned to the hospital.

"Is anyone awake?"

"woke up."

Zhou Qinghe pushed the door open and entered Hong Rose's ward.

She had just finished the operation and the anesthesia was over. It would obviously be painful, but the ward was always reassuring. Hong Meigui nodded slightly when she saw Zhou Qinghe coming in.

"Thank you."

"you are very welcome."

Zhou Qinghe pulled up a chair and asked, "How much do you know about Saburo Matsumoto?"

Hong Rose shook her head slightly: "I didn't know him before the mission."

Zhou Qinghe thought for a while and asked: "Then do you know why the North China Base Camp chose to rescue Matsumoto when Matsumoto was arrested?"

"Because he has a lot of information."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Qinghe raised his hand to interrupt: "I mean, why does the North China Base Camp believe that he has not rebelled?"

Naturally, the prerequisite for rescuing people is that they have not rebelled, but why the Japanese base camp in North China is so sure that Matsumoto has not rebelled is intriguing.

If a person has been in the Party Mediation Bureau for several days, he is looking down on the Party Mediation Bureau.

Or are there Japanese spies in the Party Mediation Office watching the entire interrogation?

Red Rose thought for a while and said: "The head of the agency told me that Matsumoto is a well-known hawk. The North China Base Camp believes that he has a strong will and is unlikely to rebel. Moreover, his whole family is in Japan. This is probably the reason. "

The latter is not too important. The whole family is here, and their own lives are involved. There are still many people who rebel, and it still depends on will.

After all, he asked a head of the headquarters to rescue people. The North China Base Camp would definitely not do this if he was unsure.

If another agency leader were to get in here, the one from the North China Base Camp would have to commit suicide.

Trust, trust that goes both ways, now Matsumoto and the North China base camp trust each other.

And he firmly believed that the militarism of the Japanese Empire would win.

Then make him distrustful!
Zhou Qinghe couldn't break militarism, but Zhou Qinghe really had a way to make Matsumoto distrustful.

Everyone was caught in one fell swoop, and this big pot was left to Matsumoto.

Something happened to the people who came to the rescue. The people most likely to leak the secret in the sight of the North China Base Camp were Miraiko and Matsumoto.

There is no way Red Rose and the agency director leaked the secret themselves.

Now that Miriko has not been caught and Matsumoto is missing, it is difficult not to suspect anything.

Then let Matsumoto carry it.

As for Miriko, it is impossible for Miriko to know about the Suzhou operation. Matsumoto and others left the city. She is probably still waiting for the reward from the summit. After all, for her, the mission was successfully completed.

Wang Yong's people were still staring at her, and there was no movement at all, otherwise they would have been arrested together.

As for whether the North China Base Camp doubts her, it doesn't matter.

It didn't matter if Miriko was shocked, it just happened to scare everyone out of her.

"Does the North China Base Camp know that you are going back?"

"I know, according to the ship schedule, Matsumoto's ship will not arrive the day after tomorrow, and the person who picks him up has not arrived. The North China base camp should know that something happened to him. Ono Akira and I were discovered a little slower. Our plan is to go from Nanjing to Tianjin Take a train and fly from Tianjin to Japan.”

"Well, take good care of yourself."

Zhou Qinghe went out and returned to the Secret Service and went directly to Boss Dai.

Although it's past the end of the day, Boss Dai obviously has no intention of going home with such a big basket of fish today.

"Director." Zhou Qinghe stood at attention.

"Is there any progress?" Dai Yunong stood up and walked out.

"I'm here to ask for help this time." Zhou Qinghe said quickly: "The guy who was not tried by the Party Mediation Office is indeed a tough guy. His militarism is particularly serious. I have come up with a way and I need your cooperation, Director."


"you are like this"

Shortly afterwards, the interrogation room.

Dai Yunong came in person.



Dai Yunong hummed, looked at Matsumoto with his hands behind his hands and said with a smile, "Are you the new Nanjing station director?"

Saburo Matsumoto glared at him and said with a cruel smile: "Director Dai, I didn't expect you to come here in person."

"Why do you say you are also the stationmaster of Nanjing Station? I heard you didn't say anything?"

"Don't waste your efforts. It won't help anyone. Or do you want to try it yourself, Director Dai?"

"I'm not interested. Let him go."

Boss Dai directed his men to work, and said with his hands behind his back: "My men are rude. They only know how to fight and kill, but they don't know how to talk in detail on other terms. I want to chat with Mr. Matsumoto. How about chatting while eating? Western food." All Chinese food is available.”

"What's your idea? To bribe me?" Saburo Matsumoto sneered to express his disdain.

But if you eat some, you won’t eat for free.

"Listen to the terms. It's just a meal, you won't lose anything, or do you just want to eat the pig food in this prison?" Boss Dai smiled half-heartedly.

Saburo Matsumoto was let go and relaxed his shoulders: "Director Dai invites you, I can give you some face, but you have to have some wine."

"Of course there will be wine, let's go." Boss Dai turned back and went out, paused and said: "By the way, let's change clothes, these clothes will scare people to death."

Soon someone changed Matsumoto Saburo into a clean suit and tidied up his appearance.

Matsumoto Saburo didn't think there was anything fishy. After all, if the position of Nanjing station director could be negotiated over a meal, it would be a huge profit.

There is a saying in China, one person sings bad-face, and the other sings white-face, the black-faced one cannot do it, but the white-faced one comes and he understands.

It is common to catch high-ranking officials of the other party's intelligence department. It is common to offer money and women, and it is even more common to eat.

Again, a free meal and a drink.

Soon, a meal started in a high-end Western restaurant.

Naturally, there are still bodyguards, but Boss Dai can't always accompany him one-on-one.

There was a maid pouring wine, and while Matsumoto was sneering, he was talking about terms casually, eating and drinking at the same time.

Don't be afraid of poisoning, just die.

After a meal, it was natural that there was no agreement.

Matsumoto ate and drank happily, but he didn't refuse it completely. He was prepared to wait a little longer and eat more meals as the days ahead were long.

But since they couldn't reach an agreement, they still returned to the interrogation room.

Boss Dai's office.

Zhou Qinghe and Boss Dai waited together. After about two hours, his subordinates hurried in with plates.

"Director, I have developed it, twenty pictures, the pictures are all very clear."

Zhou Qinghe and Dai Yunong both took a look at the photo and smiled: "Very good, the way he eats meat and drinks a lot is really a sweetheart. You can tell he is in a good mood just by looking at it."

"And the atmosphere was warm and he was smiling so happily. This old guy actually touched the maid."

Dai Yunong glanced over and said, "Forget it, this is a joint statement after all. This makes him feel uncomfortable with making ugly remarks."

"Hmm." Zhou Qinghe picked out a photo of him drinking and laughing, and a photo of Matsumoto pouring wine for Boss Dai, and said, "These are the two photos. The North China Base Camp will definitely like them when they see them."

"Okay, I'll contact the newspaper right away."

Dai Yunong immediately called the appointed newspaper: "The photo will be sent to you. It must be seen in the newspaper tomorrow morning. The title should be written, the plot fell into the trap. The businessman was wronged and it turned out to be false. He was actually cooperating in the arrest of Japanese spies."

"Help me slap this face back for the principal!"

(End of this chapter)

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