Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 10 Going North

Chapter 10 Going North (4k)

In the past few days after returning to Xinye, Liu Bei tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. Even the jade beauty he liked was rarely favored.

He was convinced by Huo Jun's suggestion to build his own territory and establish a business.After running around for nearly 20 years, he always stayed under the shelter of others and looked at people's looks. His wife and children were separated when he encountered war. How could he not know the pain of having no foundation?

For example, he is now in Jingzhou. He is called a guest, but in fact he is bound by Liu Biao, so he doesn't want to build his foundation.

However, he had doubts about Huo Jun's proposal of going south to take over Jiangdong.In addition to the fact that he is not good at water fighting, he also thinks that the Sun family's inheritance is not that easy to win.Compared to running to Jiangdong, a place he was unfamiliar with, Liu Bei looked forward to making achievements in the Central Plains.

He had been to Hebei and knew Yuan Shao's strength. Although Yuan Shao was defeated in the World War II at Guandu and Cangting, Yuan Shao could still fight Cao Cong with the strong power of Hebei.At this time, he relied on Liu Biao's power to harass Cao Cao and cooperated with Yuan Shao to defeat the enemy. He would be able to gain a foothold in Nanyang and restrain Cao Cao.

This was his idea, but he was puzzled when he heard that Huo Jun listed his idea as the worst option and instead listed going to Jiangdong as the best option.


"Yun Chang, please come in!"

Liu Bei, who was lying on the couch, suddenly stood up and welcomed Guan Yu, who had just arrived at the hall door, into the house.

Guan Yu, who was nine feet tall, knelt down on the couch and asked, "Brother, what's important?"

Liu Bei was very relaxed in front of Guan Yu, rubbed his eyes and said: "Yun Chang, I visited the wise man when I was in Xiangyang, and he said that we can use Liu Jingzhou's power to enter Jiangdong. I am worried about my brother. I don't know what Yun Chang has." What’s your opinion?”

Guan Yu frowned slightly. He was Liu Bei's closest confidant, but he knew that his brother had the intention to invade the Central Plains.

After thinking for a while, Guan Yu relaxed his eyebrows and said: "Sun Ce died suddenly, his younger brother Sun Quan was young, and Jiangdong was in turmoil. If we can defeat the Sun family, it is not impossible to use Jiangdong as our base. It's just that we don't have enough troops, and we don't know the importance of water warfare. , just for fear of returning without success."

"My brother is currently thinking that it is a safe move to join forces with Yuan Benchu ​​in the north, borrow the power of Jingzhou in the south, use Nanyang as the base, and rely on our generals to advance into the Central Plains. Now that the Northern Expedition is about to end, brother, it is better to wait for the end of this campaign before thinking about progress. Of the policy."

Liu Bei touched his knees and nodded, and said: "Yun Chang is speaking with caution. Going down to the east of the Yangtze River is of great importance, so we should take a long-term approach."


Guan Yu raised his hands and asked, "Brother, do you want to report this matter to Yide?"

Liu Bei thought for a long time, then refused and said: "We haven't made a decision yet, so there's no need to tell us."

When it comes to grand strategy, Liu Bei often discusses with Guan Yu. It's not that Liu Bei doesn't want to discuss with Zhang Fei, but that Zhang Fei often agrees with their views by saying "I do the same".After a long time, Liu Bei also discussed with Guan Yu, and after confirmation, he informed Zhang Fei of the specific action plan.
After Liu Bei left Xiangyang, Huo Jun sorted out his thoughts and found that the key point was Yuan Shao.

At present, Yuan Shao has not yet died of illness. This time Liu Bei and Liu Biao jointly send troops, mainly in response to Yuan Shao's request, to send troops to the Central Plains to interfere with Cao Cao's use of troops.

As for Liu Bei, he should have pinned his hopes on Yuan Shao, allowing him to regroup in the Central Plains by using Liu Biao's military strength and Yuan Shao's pressure on Hebei.

Huo Jun knew clearly that his suggestion to persuade Liu Bei to go to Jiangdong was not timely enough. It was estimated that he would not take the risk to attack Jiangdong until Yuan Shao died of illness and Liu Bei realized that the Central Plains was unprofitable.

At the same time, Huo Jun could guess a bit about Liu Bei's invitation to join the army.After talking with him, Liu Bei agreed with his statement, but in fact Liu Bei also had his own little pride. He still thought that he could have a wave in the Central Plains instead of running to Jiangdong.

At the same time, out of confidence in his own force, Liu Bei also hopes to recruit himself through his performance in this battle.

Huo Jun also adjusted his purpose of accompanying the army northward. In addition to establishing a good relationship with Liu Bei and learning how they command operations.Just wait until Liu Bei gets the news of Yuan Shao's death after this battle and his ideas are shattered, and then he can make suggestions, or Liu Bei comes to him to ask about the specific strategic plan for entering Jiangdong.

After staying in Xiangyang for about ten days, Huo Jun waited for the people sent by Liu Bei to pick him up. Chen Dao led the team and took a boat with more than ten people to go south.

After saying goodbye to Wang Can, Huo Jun simply packed his luggage, took Huo Xiong and Huo Hu, and was picked up by Chen Dao, and took a boat up the water to Xinye.

Along the way, Huo Jun talked a lot with Chen Dao and learned his details.Chen Dao took refuge with Liu Bei when Liu Bei was serving as the shepherd of Yuzhou.After the defeat in Xuzhou, Chen Dao followed Liu Bei to Yuan Shao's tent. In the process, Chen Dao showed his loyalty and bravery, and was recognized by Liu Bei, and he and Zhao Yun shared the command.

In Zhao Yun's words, his process of taking refuge with Liu Bei is different from that in later romances.In the novel, Zhao Yun lives in Niutoushan and meets the three brothers in the ancient city.But in fact, Zhao Yun took refuge with Liu Bei. When Liu Bei ran to Hebei and attached himself to Yuan Shao, Zhao Yun learned the news and went to Yecheng to meet Liu Bei, thus establishing the relationship between monarch and minister.

Perhaps he became Liu Bei's confidant at about the same time, and Zhao Yun was superior. Therefore, in history, Chen Dao and Zhao Yun have equal importance, and their reputation is often inferior to that of Zhao Yun. Both are known for their loyalty and bravery.

After arriving at Xinye, Liu Bei was busy with affairs and couldn't get away to greet Huo Jun in person.Under the guidance of Chen Dao, Huo Jun came directly to the military camp.

The military camp is located in the open space at the north gate of Xinye. It is surrounded by wooden fences as walls and trenches as dangers. Sentinels are posted at the entrance to patrol, and the defense is quite tight.Under the military order issued by Chen Dao, the guard opened the door and let Huo Jun and others in.

As soon as you enter the military camp, you will see the school field, which is the training ground for the troops. It is about the size of a football field and can accommodate thousands of people.

Chen Dao led the way and introduced the current deployment of the army. He said: "When my lord goes south, he has less than 4000 soldiers. Liu Jingzhou has added a thousand soldiers. Together with the newly recruited soldiers, the total number is about [-]. Today, I am sending my nephew to the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains. Liu Hu led [-] soldiers to support him, totaling [-] people."

When Chen Dao introduced himself to Huo Jun, a loud shout came from the center of the crowded school ground.

"Zhi Niang, the troops are about to be sent out, but they are not even arranged in order. How can you lead the troops?"

"Bring the whip!"

"General Zhang, please spare me!"

Huo Jun looked through the gap in the crowd and saw a strong general wearing a wubian crown, with a full beard on his face, angrily holding a whip and lashing the person's back.

"If you ruin something big, even ten heads won't be enough for me to chop off."



"The subordinate knows his mistake!"

Chen Dao explained: "This is General Zhang under the lord's command. He has a slightly impatient temper. In the past, General Guan was mostly responsible for the training in the camp. But because Liu Hu's troops went north, the lord asked General Guan to take charge of the affairs of the camp. Leave it to General Zhang to take charge."

Guan Yu has a special status. He is the only general under Liu Bei, other than Liu Bei himself, who is officially recognized by the Han Dynasty as having a military position and title.When Liu Hu went north, except for Guan Yu who could take charge, the others either did not have enough status or their military exploits were not outstanding enough.

Seeing Zhang Fei finish whipping the general, he was very relieved and took the wine bag from Bu Qu's hand and drank heavily.But in the meantime, Zhang Fei saw Huo Jun standing next to Chen Dao, snorted softly, and put away the wine bag.After looking around at everyone, Zhang Fei pulled over a young man in his early twenties and shouted in a rough voice: "Fu Wei, don't be scared away by Cao Jun when you first go to the battlefield, or I will chop off your head."

Fu Wei straightened his back and shouted loudly: "Please rest assured, General Zhang, Wei should fight to the death."

However, Zhang Fei's eyes were not looking at Fu Wei, but in the direction of Huo Jun, as if these words were addressed to Huo Jun.

Chen Dao was a little embarrassed by Zhang Fei's accusations.Huo Jun was calm and saluted Zhang Fei.

Huo Jun was vaguely aware of Zhang Fei's dissatisfaction. Perhaps it was because he, as an outsider, was young and still young, but he was treated politely by Liu Bei and invited to join the army in the northern expedition.

Chen Dao changed the topic and said: "Although General Zhang is addicted to alcohol, his drinking capacity is astonishing, so he will not miss anything. Sir, you can rest in the camp temporarily. The Lord will come to visit you after finishing the business."


Huo Jun glanced at Zhang Fei who returned the greeting, and said with a smile: "The army is about to set off, and Duke Xuande is busy with affairs. Jun can understand. If it is difficult to get away today, we can wait until the army is sent out tomorrow, and Jun will go and pay a visit to Duke Xuande."

Zhang Fei's character is also interesting. He is impatient, lashing out at his soldiers and teasing himself, but he can remain unchanged in his etiquette towards others.

"We're here!" Chen Dao stopped, pointed to the spacious and new tent, and said.

Opening the curtain, Huo Jun saw the layout of the tent.The blanket was spread on the ground to isolate the dirt on the ground. In the center of the desk display, there was also a quilt spread on the ground for sleeping.Except for tables and lamps, other personal items are brand new.

Chen Dao took the high chair placed in front of the desk and explained: "Huo Langjun is from Chu, so he may not know this thing. This is the high chair, used for marching. Open it like this, sit down..."

Huo Jun watched Chen Dao demonstrate how to use the chair. He didn't say anything to disturb him, but kept nodding.The jiao chair resembles the maza of later generations and was introduced to the Central Plains by the northern nomads. With the blending of Han and Hu, it was easy to carry with the army, so the northern army often equipped the jiao chair during battles.

Looking at the furnishings in the tent, he saw that all the utensils were available. Huo Jun did not expect Liu Bei to be so caring about small things.No matter what, it can be seen that Liu Bei's respect for the virtuous and courteous scholars is not just words, but gives the scholars a feeling of respect from all aspects of details.

"Sir, just stand up in front of the military drum tomorrow. The tent furnishings will be moved by us sergeants."

Chen Dao cupped his hands and said, "Sir, if anything happens, just let me know. If there is nothing important, I will step aside for now so that I can rest."

"Thank you Chen Jun!"


In the evening, Huo Jun lit up the lamp and wrote down what he saw and heard in the camp today under the light of the lamp. This was a habit he had developed in his previous life.In order to improve myself, I often write down things I don’t know for self-learning.

I arrived at the camp today and had personal contact with the camp set up by thousands of people. It was quite rewarding for Huo Jun who was still in theory.For example, when a large army is stationed, in addition to arranging garrison, the most important thing is to solve the problem of eating, drinking and defecating for thousands of people.

It is easy to solve one person's eating, drinking and diarrhea, but if it involves eating, drinking and diarrhea on a large scale, it will be an extremely daunting problem, and it even contains a lot of knowledge.

Taking an army of 250 as an example, under extreme circumstances, each soldier only discharges 10 grams of excrement once a day, so there will be at least nearly [-] kilograms of excrement, a total of [-] tons of feces.Such a huge amount of feces will give the soldiers in the camp a nightmare if toilets are not built centrally.

In addition, the level of medical care in ancient times was poor, so toilets had to be built far away from water sources and downwind.Because if it is not handled properly and the water source is polluted, a large number of soldiers will be infected with diarrhea and dysentery, causing a plague in the army.

As for building it in the downwind, after all, no one would want to eat in front, and a gust of wind blows from behind, bringing the stench up, and all the soldiers eating will vomit...

Things like this are trivial when it comes to an individual, but when it comes to an army, it is a major matter worthy of attention.

"Have you rest, Mr. Huo?" Liu Bei's greeting came from outside the door.


Huo Jun stood up and welcomed Liu Bei in. Behind Liu Bei was a clerk dressed like a scribe. He had a pen sharpener hanging on one side of his waist and a sword on the other. He showed a trace of heroism in his gestures.

After saying hello, Liu Bei introduced the civil servant behind him and said: "Huo Jun, this is Xu Shu and Xu Yuanzhi of Yingchuan, currently working under Bei Zhang."

"I've seen Xu Zheng!"

"I've heard about Mr. Huo for a long time."

Liu Bei entered the camp and said: "We are about to go on an expedition and the government affairs are complicated, so it is difficult to escape. Zhongmiao is a guest and I am not prepared to welcome you. Please forgive me."

"Don't dare!" Huo Jun cupped his hands and said, "Jun, since you have joined the army, everything must be governed by military law."

Liu Bei looked at the facilities in the tent and saw that the oil lamp in the tent was not bright enough, so he ordered: "Come here, bring the lamp in the spare tent and replace it for Zhongmiao."

Huo Jun stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Mr. Xuande also needs to deal with official matters. It's such a small thing, so don't bother."

Liu Bei pressed Huo Jun's arm down and said in a deep voice: "Bei knows that Zhongmiao likes to read at night, so just do as Bei said!"

Huo Jun said gratefully: "Thank you so much, envoy."

After chatting for a while, Liu Bei said he would leave tomorrow and asked Huo Jun to rest early.

Looking at Liu Bei's leaving figure, Huo Jun was quite touched.Not only did I thank Liu Bei for his kindness, but I also thought about why Liu Bei stood out from the crowd.

He is in a high position but not arrogant, and he can be courteous to the virtuous and corporal.Even if he has been busy all day, he will come to visit him without breaking the rules of etiquette and make people feel like they are in the spring breeze.Needless to say Huo Jun, anyone else would also be very grateful to Liu Bei.

With proper etiquette, coupled with his extraordinary ability and broad mind, he will naturally be able to gather many heroes under his command and accomplish great things.

(The quality of the transition chapter may not be high)

 Liu Bei stayed in Xinye for six or seven years, and Zhuge Liang joined the team in Liu Bei's last year.

  The current situation is very different, and these few years are also critical.

(End of this chapter)

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