Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 101

Chapter 101
At the beginning of the war, south of Nanshui, outside Xingan City.

Among the rolling hills and plains at the foot of the mountain, Jingzhou soldiers were cleaning the battlefield.Crows followed the smell of blood and flew across the fields, landing on branches or circling in the sky, quacking incessantly.

Liu Bei stepped on the muddy paddy field with wet boots and pulled at his collar uncomfortably. Fighting in paddy fields and hills was really unaccustomed to him.Moreover, the winter in the south was bitingly cold, and Liu Bei's soaked shoes made it unbearable to bear the cold.

Liu Bei took off his boots filled with cold water, sat on the stone, and said tremblingly: "Yuanzhi, the winter in Yuzhang is so cold, it's biting to the bones."

Xu Shu took stock of the gains on the battlefield, handed Liu Bei a blanket, and said, "It's humid and cold in the south of the Yangtze River. My lord, you can drink more hot tea and ginger soup to get rid of the cold."

Liu Bei was wrapped in a blanket and asked: "How is the harvest?"

"Ming Gong, our army won a great victory in this battle. We killed more than a thousand enemies and captured more than three thousand of them. The rest were defeated along with Sun Bi and Sun Fu." Xu Shu reported after counting the gains.

"Four or five thousand is considered feasible." Liu Bei wiped his feet that were red from the cold and said: "After the Second World War in Nanchang and Nanshui, brothers Sun Ben estimated that there were only a few thousand soldiers and horses left. . Go deep into Luling, and we should be able to pacify it in one battle."

Since Huo Jun led his army to garrison in Pengze City, Liu Bei and Liu Qi faced off against the brothers Sun Bi and Sun Fu in Nanchang.Faced with the persistence of Sun Bi and Sun Fu, Liu Bei spread the word that Sun Quan was coming to help, and led his army to retreat to the north to help.Sun Ben was overjoyed and pursued the Jingzhou army. He was ambushed on the road and was killed by Liu Bei and was severely defeated.

Sun Bi and Sun Fu abandoned Nanchang and retreated to Xingan, confronting the Jingzhou army across the Nanshui River.Liu Bei's army failed to achieve results in recent months. Later, he offered advice, suggesting that the old and weak should stay in the main camp and bluff, while the main force would cross the river at night from the upper reaches and attack Sun Ben's army again.

Liu Bei accepted Wenpin's suggestion and ordered Liu Pan to lead his old soldiers to garrison the camp. He led the main force to cross the South River from the upper reaches at night to attack Sun Ben's army.

Sun Bi and Sun Fu discovered it in the morning and led their troops to fight fiercely with Liu Bei's army.Liu Bei was defeated in the first battle and lured the enemy deeper. In the later battle, he relied on the ambush of his cavalry to defeat his army. Wenpin led the old and weak and took advantage of the situation to cross the river to capture the camp.Sun Bi and Sun Fu led the remaining troops to retreat along the Gan River to the Baqiu and Yangcheng areas.

Xu Shu estimated the time and said: "Zhongmiao has been holding Pengze for more than two months, and it is almost the beginning of the new year. If we follow Zhongmiao's half-year period, it should take more than three months. In three months, Sun Bi and Sun Fu were defeated. It’s not difficult to be a brother.”

Liu Bei took the clean shoes from Tai Shiheng and put them on, and said disdainfully: "March is too long. The Sun brothers don't need three months. Two more months will be enough to completely pacify Luling."

After a pause, Liu Bei was quite worried and said: "I don't know how long Zhongmiao can hold on. It's a pity that Yunchang was also held back by Cheng Pu and it was difficult to escape. Otherwise, it would be a pity to let Yunchang reinforce Peng Ze."

Xu Shu stroked his beard and said: "If my lord is worried, it is better to let Xingba and Yunlong lead the navy to approach Pengze City. If something goes wrong, we can also let Xingba lead his troops into the city to reinforce Zhongmiao."


Before Liu Bei finished speaking, Liu Qi led someone over anxiously.

"Uncle, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu attacked Chaisang. Huang Jiangxia died in the battle, and more than six thousand people were wiped out." Liu Qi pointed to the young man behind him and said: "This is Huang Jiye, the nephew of the Huangjiang Xia clan. The army was defeated. He and Deng Long were stationed at Chaisang. Sang. Deng Long wanted to surrender the city, but Jiye left with a hundred cavalry."


Liu Bei stood up suddenly and asked nervously: "What about Pengzecheng? Is Zhongmiao in danger?"

"I report to you that Peng Ze is still in the hands of General Huo. General Huo has repeatedly defeated the enemy and made Sun Quan and Zhou Yu fearful." Huang Xu said.

Seeing that Huo Jun was fine, Liu Bei felt relieved and said doubtfully: "Peng Ze is still there, how can Jiangdong send troops to attack Chaisang? Could it be that Huang Jiangxia's defense was lax and Sun Quan noticed it, and Jiangdong Navy took the opportunity to attack."

Huang Xu was quite ashamed and said: "You are worthy of being a man who is good at fighting. Huang Jiangxia was really unprepared. Zhou Yu attacked the water stronghold. When he retreated, he was ambushed by the enemy and died unfortunately. Today Chaisang has been lost. I sincerely ask the eldest son to help you." Huang Jiangxia took revenge and sent troops to attack Chaisang." Liu Qi waved his hand and signaled his attendants to take Huang Xu down temporarily to rest. He asked with a worried look on his face: "Uncle, Sun Ben was defeated for the first time. Just when he was taking advantage of the victory, the Jiangdong navy soldiers captured Chaisang. , cut off our army's food supply route, and the army advances to Nanchang, what should we do?"

Liu Bei sighed and said: "Fortunately our army defeated the Sun brothers, otherwise our army would have been in trouble if the enemy troops attacked from the north and south!"

Huang Zu's death shocked Liu Bei a little, but he quickly calmed down and was a little grateful for the development of the current situation.Fortunately, he had just defeated the Sun Ben brothers and was not trapped in a dilemma.

After sorting out the thoughts in his mind, Liu Bei said: "Bo Wei, brothers Sun and Ben are defeated now. We have only a few thousand remaining soldiers. They have fled into Luling County. It is not a worry for the time being. We will raise our troops and go north to defeat Sun Quan and It is only feasible for Zhou and Yu to recapture Chaisang."

Liu Qi grimaced and said, "Now that we are sending troops north to fight Sun Quan, it will probably be another hard fight. Sun Bi, who was finally defeated, may come back and threaten our army in the south."

Although Liu Bei felt unwilling to do so, he still comforted Liu Qi and said: "Sun Ben has lost his generals and lost all his elite troops. Even if he is allowed to resurrect, there is nothing to be afraid of. And if Sun Quan can be defeated, Yuzhang will be just around the corner."

Liu Bei was quite clear-headed and was not frightened by the difficulties before him.As he said, only if the reinforcements led by Sun Quan can be defeated can the two counties of Yuzhang and Luling be annexed.Sun Bi and Sun Fu led the remnants of their troops to flee south. They were already bereft dogs. If they could defeat them once, they could defeat them a second time.

With Liu Bei's comfort, Liu Qi calmed down and no longer panicked, and asked: "What should we do about the food and grass issue? Chaisang has fallen, and the navy cannot transport food."

Liu Bei turned to look at Xu Shu and asked, "How much rations does our army still have?"

Xu Shu pondered for a while and said: "The number of soldiers has increased, and the food and grass are not enough. Our army only has enough food and grass for one month."

"January time!"

Liu Bei frowned in thought and asked: "Yuan Zhi, you and the eldest son, Master Pan (Pan Jun), are in charge of Nanchang, Jiancheng, Shangcai and more than ten counties. Let's see how much military rations can be scraped together to support the army."

"No!" Xu Shu responded with cupped hands.

As he spoke, Liu Bei walked slightly, looked at Liu Qi, and said: "Bo Wei, Guoan once stationed troops in Changsha. Now it is better to let him lead his troops, station troops in Yangle, control the grain road, and send letters to the Changsha County Governor. Let him go overland. Temporarily transporting grain, fodder and the army, the grain and fodder we have on hand can last for more than a month, and we can replenish the military rations on the spot, which can last at least another month, which can free up more than two months."

"More than two months are enough for the governor of Changsha to mobilize the grain and grass and transport it to Yuzhang by land. Within half a year, our army can defeat Sun Quan, open up the rivers and waterways, and welcome the grain and grass from Jingzhou to Yuzhang."

"it is good!"

With the solution, Liu Qi felt much better and said: "Uncle, I immediately wrote a letter to the governor of Changsha, instructing Brother Pan to march west, dredge the grain road, and bring grain and grass into Yuzhang by land."

As Liu Qi is the eldest son, and his acquaintance Liu Pan comes forward, it is impossible that the Changsha County Sheriff will not prepare food and fodder for the army.With the food and grass in Changsha, there is enough for the army to open up the Yangtze River waterway.

Liu Bei stood up with his sword in hand and said: "Send orders to all the troops to rest for a day and quickly move north."


ps: There will be another update tonight

(End of this chapter)

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