Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 111

Chapter 111
When Liu Bei entered Xiangyang, he was treated with even more courtesy than before, probably because he led his army to conquer Yuzhang.When Liu Biao saw that Liu Bei's clothes were damaged, he gave him a hundred collars each of summer and winter clothing at once, a generous reward.

In the past few days, although Liu Bei wanted to return to Yuzhang as soon as possible, he had no choice but to chat and laugh with Liu Biao because Liu Biao didn't say anything.Now in the spring, Liu Biao held a banquet by the Han River outside the city, and invited Liu Bei to the banquet.

It had rained lightly the day before yesterday, and the bumpy country roads were quite muddy.Zhao Yun led his cavalry in front, leaving shallow and deep horse hoof prints, and the carriage Liu Bei was riding also left deep ruts.

"Lord, when should I return to Yuzhang?" Zhao Yun asked, riding his horse slowly.

Liu Bei shook his head and said, "Let's wait and see what Liu Jingzhou wants. We'll see when he can let me and the eldest son return to Yuzhang. We'll have to wait for a few days."


Zhao Yun is taciturn and never asks much about the progress of things.Now that he has entered Xiangyang, he will be able to protect Liu Bei.

As the carriages and horses were moving, an old man in Confucian robes was seen in the distance in front of the carriages and horses, walking on the muddy path leaning on a quinoa. He was shaped like a crane bone and had an extraordinary appearance.


Liu Bei stopped the driver and shouted, "Is this Mr. Shui Jing?"

The man stopped, saw Liu Bei's car stopped, and said with a smile: "It's General Zuo!"

Sima Hui held the quinoa in his hand and said with a smile: "Xuan De Gong defeated Tai Shi, defeated Sun Ben, and conquered Yu Zhang. He is very brave!"

Liu Bei smiled and asked, "Mr. Shui Jing, are you going to the Hanshui banquet hosted by Liu Jingzhou?"

"Exactly!" Sima Hui said with a smile: "Could it be that Duke Xuande wants to give Hui a ride?"

"Get in the car, sir!"

"Thank you Mr. Xuande!"

Sima Hui was proficient in Qimen and Confucian classics. He was also well-read and knew the theories of hundreds of schools of thought.When he was in Yingchuan, Pang Tong drove two thousand miles to visit him, which shows how good his reputation was.

He took refuge from Yingchuan to Xiangyang. Relying on his knowledge and past reputation, Sima Hui quickly became famous in Xiangyang and was highly respected by scholars.He was as famous as Song Zhong, a famous scholar. Because he knew ancient classics, Liu Xi from Nanyang, Xiang Lang from Xiangyang, Yin Mo and Li Ren from Zitong followed Sima Hui to study classics.

Sima Hui's reputation was so high that when Liu Biao succeeded him as pastor of Jingzhou, he paid a personal visit to Sima Hui in order to show his respect for the virtuous and polite people.When Liu Bei went to Xiangyang to communicate, it was natural that he could not ignore Sima Hui, so he had met Sima Hui several times, but now he did not expect to meet him on the way to the banquet.

After getting in the car, Sima Hui looked at Liu Bei carefully and said with a smile: "Although Mr. Xuande looks good, there is sadness in his eyebrows. Mr. Xuande galloped on the battlefield in Yuzhang, arrogant and brave, and he was quite heroic. Why did he live in Xiangyang but he was worried? Heavy?"

Liu Bei rubbed his brows and said: "The war in Yuzhang has just calmed down. I left the army and returned to Jing. I left all the generals behind to fight against the bandits. I don't know how the war will go, so I am worried!"

Sima Hui looked at the lush green field and said: "Now Cao Cao is fighting Yuan Shao in Peking, but I am wasting my time in Xiangyang. How can I be happy? Judging from Hui, I see that I am in need of capable people to help me."


Liu Bei disagreed and said with a smile: "Although Bei is not talented, there are wise men such as Xu Shu, Sun Qian, Mi Zhu, Liu Yan, etc. in literature, and brave generals such as Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Gan Ning, and Zhao Yun in military affairs. As for generals, Huo ~ or Bei can also be If you are qualified, how can you be without one?”

Sima Hui stroked his beard and said with a smile: "There are still people who can help with military strategy, but what about literary and political strategy? Although Xu Yuanzhi has talents, he is far away from the country's scholars; Sun Qian and Liu Yan are acceptable for empty talk, but how can they do important things? "Mi Zhu and Jian Yong can use it, but it is difficult to say that it is outstanding."

"Only a scholar of the state can debate the world's major affairs and be given important responsibilities, just like the great ancestor Xiao He, who helps you relieve your worries!"

Liu Bei looked curious and asked, "Where is the national scholar?"

Sima Hui pointed to his feet and said: "There is one in Jingchu. Kong Ming is a dragon, and a scholar is a young phoenix. If the general uses it, great things can happen."

"Where are the two of you?"

Sima Hui put his hands on his hands and laughed and said: "Okay! Okay! The banquet is here, Hui get off the car."

When Liu Bei was about to ask more questions, he saw that Liu Biao and others were there, so he had to give up the question.After getting off the car, Liu Bei and Liu Biao, who greeted him, walked into the banquet together.Today's banquet includes not only officials from Jingzhou, but also celebrities from Jingxiang.

After Liu Biao and Liu Bei took their seats, the banquet officially began.Everyone was drinking and chatting happily, drinking and drinking, throwing pots for fun, playing swords and singing.For a moment, I was so happy.

While the banquet was in full swing, Liu Biao raised his bottle and asked with a smile: "In today's troubled times, many heroes and celebrities have emerged. Who do you think is worthy of his reputation?"

"Xuande?" Liu Bei pondered for a while and said, "Beihai Kong Wenju, Chen Liubian Wenli, and Xiapi Chen Yuanlong are all famous people!"

Xu Si, who was sitting at the lower table, shook his head and said: "The first two can be celebrities, but Chen Yuanlong is a scholar of Huhai. If he is not rid of his arrogance, it will be difficult for him to become a celebrity."

Xu Si was from Nanjun, Jingzhou.At first, he betrayed Cao Cao with Zhang Chao, Chen Gong and others to welcome Lu Bu as the shepherd of Yanzhou. Because Lu Bu was defeated and died, Xu Si fled to Jingzhou and was sent to Liu Biao's account.

Liu Bei felt unhappy, turned to look at Liu Biao, and asked, "General, what do you think Mr. Xu said?"

Liu Biao laughed and said: "If Chen Yuanlong is a famous scholar, he will be famous all over the world. If not, Xu Jun is a good person, how can he slander others!"

"Xu Junyan Yuanlong is arrogant, I don't know why?" Liu Bei asked.

"A certain person passed by Xiapi due to the war and paid homage to Chen Yuanlong. He showed no courtesy as host and guest. He slept on his own big bed and asked Siju to get out of bed and sleep." Xu Bang said dissatisfied.

Liu Bei sneered and said: "Today there is great chaos. Since Mr. Xu is a great talent, he should be worried about the country and help the Han Dynasty. How can Yuan Long be happy when he meets Yuan Long and asks for farmland? If he meets Liu Jingzhou, When you have the heart to serve your country, how can you think about your fields, houses, and houses, and covet happiness?"

Liu Biao was delighted when he heard Liu Bei's words and said, "If you have different ambitions, let's drink."

With Liu Bei's words, Xu Bang was quite ashamed. After staying for a while, he left due to physical discomfort.The banquet was gradually coming to an end, and Liu Biao invited Liu Bei to take a walk by the Han River.

Liu Bei followed Liu Biao. He saw Liu Biao looking sad and sighing, and asked, "I don't know what's bothering you, brother, but it's okay to say it. Words go into the left ear and come out the right ear."

Liu Biao put his hands behind his waist and said with emotion: "Yuan Benchu ​​was dead, and the two Yuans were hostile. Yuan Tan surrendered to Cao Cao and served as a vanguard to conquer Hebei. If Cao Cao decides to go north, he will definitely want to go south. In the past, he did not listen to others and helped Hebei. It’s such a pity!”

Liu Bei comforted him with good words and said: "Brother, don't be so worried. The world is divided and wars are breaking out. My brother holds Jingzhou and goes to Jiangdong. If he takes the land of the two states, he may not be able to compete with Cao Cao."


Liu Biao sighed and said, "Brother, I still have something on my mind. I have long wanted to ask Xuande about it."

Liu Bei's expression calmed down and he said in a deep voice: "Brother, please tell me, if I can be of any use to you, I will be prepared to die even if I am of use to you."

While Liu Bei and Liu Biao were talking, the maid secretly took a few steps forward with tea in hand, hoping to hear the secret message.

Liu Biao stroked his beard and said: "Brother Yu is worried about his heir. Bo Wei has a benevolent and filial temperament and is respectful. He went to Jiangdong for some experience and gained a sense of stability. However, he has no talent and it is difficult to make a difference in troubled times." Zi Zhonghuang is intelligent by nature, treats the scholars with courtesy, and is highly respected by the Jingxiang gentry."

"Biao wants to have an eldest son, but Cai, Kuai and other Jingxiang nobles are displeased, and they are afraid that Bo Wei will not be able to achieve great things. And if Biao unfortunately dies and Cao Cao sends his troops south, how can Bo Wei stop him?"

"I wonder what Xuande has to say?" Liu Biao asked.

Liu Bei understood in his heart, with a look of hesitation on his face, and said: "This is my brother's family matter, and it is inconvenient for me to get involved. My brother, it is better to discuss it from the long term and then discuss it."

Liu Biao held Liu Bei's hand and said sincerely: "Xuande is not an outsider, but Bo Wei's uncle. Why can't I say this? My brother is sick and is becoming increasingly haggard. I don't know when he will die. Please feel free to speak to Xuande."

Hearing this, Liu Bei was not worried. He raised his hands and said: "The matter of passing the throne is of great importance. Since ancient times, abolishing the elder and establishing the younger is the way to cause chaos. Bo Wei has no fault, and he is the eldest son, so he can be dismissed lightly. And Bo Wei led his troops to conquer Jiangdong and made outstanding achievements. Why can't he continue his great mission?"

After a pause, Liu Bei said in a low voice: "If that brother is worried about the Jingxiang gentry, why not slowly cut them down to protect the Liu family's foundation."

Liu Biao stroked his beard, pondered for a long time, and asked, "Will Xuande help Bo Wei?"

"Bei has no children, his clan has withered, and Bo Wei is filial and benevolent. How could Bei not be willing to call me uncle?" Liu Bei said in a deep voice.

After saying that, Liu Bei raised his hands and said: "I am prepared to serve as Yuzhou Mu and Zuo General. I will go to the imperial court to express my gratitude to Bo Wei as the governor of Yangzhou. I wonder if my brother would be willing to do the same?"

Hearing this, Liu Biao's face showed a smile as he said, "In that case, Xuande is here to help. By the time we conquer Jiangdong, Xuande can garrison Danyang."


 one more chapter

(End of this chapter)

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