Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 13 Revisiting

Chapter 13 Revisiting
"I'm Zhang Fei, Zhang Yide."

In Bowangpo after the war, Zhang Fei cupped his hands in front of Huo Jun.Huo Jun looked at the loli-loving macho man in front of him with a playful expression. As he expected, everyone in Liu Bei's group recognized him through his suggestions.

This feeling is like the one in Water Margin, where the hero paid his vote and was recognized by the heroes of Liangshan, and arranged a seat.

"Xiahou Dun fell into Zhongmiao's strategy. If Li Dian hadn't rescued him, he would have died here." Zhang Fei said regretfully.

"Don't dare!" Huo Jun also knew himself and did not dare to take credit. He said: "This is all due to the hard work of General Zuo and the generals. How dare Jun take credit."

Zhang Fei was also familiar with it. Regardless of the dust and blood on his body, he wiped his hands on his robe, took Huo Jun's hands and said, "Why is Zhong Miao so humble? Today's victory is all due to Zhong Miao's plan."

Feeling the heat coming from his hand, Huo Jun subconsciously wanted to break free, but had to give up when he couldn't take it away.Regardless of whether it was in his previous life or this life, Huo Jun had never held hands with a man so intimately, and he was quite uncomfortable with it.He could avoid Liu Bei's efforts and sleep with his feet, but he could not avoid physical contact with them.

Liu Bei stood on the mound in a corner of the battlefield, holding his long sword in his hand, and murmured: "I have captured more than a thousand enemies, beheaded [-] people, and gained a lot of baggage. It's a pity... I only hate that our army has few soldiers."

Sun Qian beside him congratulated: "Congratulations, my lord, for beheading [-] people and capturing [-] people in the first battle."

Liu Bei sighed and said, "It's just a small victory. The main force of Cao's army is still there. If Liu Jingzhou doesn't increase its troops, this campaign will probably stop here."

As the war progressed, Liu Bei began to feel more and more what Huo Jun meant when he said, "Liu Biao's Northern Expedition can change the overall situation, but his own Northern Expedition cannot change the overall situation." The fundamental difference lies in the amount of resources that the two can invest in the Northern Expedition.

Liu Biao had [-] soldiers at his disposal, but he was only willing to send [-] troops to the Northern Expedition.For all the hard work he put into the Northern Expedition, he still had only a few thousand soldiers, and he had to be controlled by Liu Biao in terms of money and food.From this point of view, it may be difficult for him to succeed in his strategic idea of ​​taking root in Nanyang and then planning the Central Plains.


While Liu Bei and Huo Jun were talking, Zhao Yun led a man dressed like Cao Jun and appeared in front of Liu Bei.

Zhao Yun cupped his hands and said, "This is Yun's fellow villager, we have known each other since we were young. Our name is Xiahoulan, and our courtesy name is Zifang. Now that we want to submit to our army, please let me know."

Liu Bei trusted the people brought by Zhao Yun very much, and asked in a gentle tone: "I wonder if Zifang holds any position in the army?"

"I have been practicing military law in the army for several years. Although I dare not speak clearly, I still uphold it. Unfortunately today, I should have died here. I thank Duke Ming for not killing him. Lan is willing to serve Duke Ming and lead his horse to the ground." Langton said first.

Liu Bei pondered for a while and said: "In this case, there is a vacancy in the army, and you can take this position."

"Thank you, Lord!" Xia Houlan bowed again.

Upon hearing the word lord, Liu Bei glanced at Huo Jun. To be honest, he was a little unaware of Huo Jun's plan.He offered advice to me after only a few meetings, as if he wanted to be helpful, but he was distant and often did not tell the whole story.He originally wanted to invite him to go north with the army, show off his military power, and recruit him under his command, but instead he proposed a strategy to defeat the enemy.

But it seems that the more you pay, the harder it is to leave...

Huo Jun seemed to notice Liu Bei's gaze and smiled to show friendship.

During the Han Dynasty, the relationship between the monarch and his core ministers was close to the status of partners. The monarch and his ministers sat down to talk and share the interests together to conquer the world. However, the monarch took the big share and the ministers took the small share.Therefore, before joining a force, you need to show your value, just like you will get a salary when joining a company in the future.

Zhuge Liang entered Liu Bei's account and provided the Longzhong pair, and Huo Jun must also provide corresponding value if he wants to get a position on par with Zhuge Liang.The strategy of entering Jiangdong was tailor-made by Huo Jun for Liu Bei. If he did not get Liu Bei's approval to explain it, it would be in vain.

Just as Liu Bei was cleaning the battlefield, the defeated Cao Jun also stopped.

The one-eyed Xiahou Dun was disgraced and in a very embarrassed state. As he was going deep into the dangerous passage, his escape route was cut off. If Li Dian had not worked hard to rescue him and his men, he would have died at the hands of Liu Bei.


Xiahou Dun sat on his horse, looked at the demoralized subordinates behind him, and sighed.Now he is not worried about the defeat, but feels overwhelmed by having to answer to his lord Cao Cao.

Thinking about his expedition, Cao Cao told him to listen more to Li Dian and Yu Jin's advice and not to use troops recklessly. As a result, he was right.She is his most trusted person, and sometimes she feels a burst of pressure because she is trusted by him.

In order to live up to Cao Cao's trust, Xiahou Dun gritted his teeth and ordered his men, "When we retreat, some of our 'military merits' were lost. You can go look for them later." Cao Cao's soldiers looked at each other and understood Xiahou Dun's words. Meaning, he led his men and left.

As night approached, the departing soldiers of Cao Cao returned to the camp and reported: "General, we have found more than fifty heads."

Xiahou Dun, who was sitting on his seat, laughed and said: "Behead more than five hundred people and write a letter to the prime minister."

The clerk picked up his pen and wrote down the record of [-] beheadings on the document he had prepared. He also noted that Xiahou Dun accidentally fell into Liu Bei's trap to save the vanguard, and was defeated by Liu Bei and withdrew his troops. (Note ①)

Xiahou Dun looked at the finished battle report and corrected him: "The headquarters beheaded two hundred people, General Li beheaded two hundred people, and General Yu beheaded a hundred people. How could they all beheaded by the headquarters."


Being able to become Cao Cao's most trusted confidant, Xiahou Dun still knows what it means to benefit others and benefit himself.After all, his ability rose so quickly and he became the most senior official under Cao Cao. In addition to being loyal to Cao Cao and good at governance, the most important thing is that he is good at conduct.
A few days later, the night sky was filled with stars and the lights of Liu Jun’s camp were brightly lit.

Liu Bei wandered around the village in confusion. Today he received two bad news in a row.The first bad news is that the powerful Yuan Shao in Hebei died of illness and was succeeded by his third son Yuan Shang. The eldest son Yuan Tan claimed to be a general of chariots and cavalry, and the Yuan family was about to split.

The second bad news was that after Yuan Shao died of illness, Liu Biao lost all hope of advancing into the Central Plains. The men who originally supported the army returned to the spot, and he ordered himself to lead his troops back to the division and canceled his plan to attack Xuchang.

Regarding the situation in the Central Plains, Liu Bei was completely desperate.Without Yuan Shao's restraint, the two Yuans fought internally, and Hebei fell into Cao Cao's hands. It was really only a matter of time.And without Yuan Shao's control and Liu Biao's help, how could he gain momentum and gain a foothold in Nanyang.

Cao Cao annexed Hebei, then unified the Central Plains, and led his army southward. How could I compete with him?

"Could it be God's will that helps Cao Hu!"

Liu Bei watched the moth flap its wings and fly into the orange fireworks. His figure was instantly engulfed by the flames and turned into ashes, and he sighed.


Then, Liu Bei thought that he was already forty-one, but he was living in the care of others, living in exile, and having no heirs.He wanted to use his strength to gain momentum, but was brutally killed.

"Liu Jingzhou's Northern Expedition can change the overall situation, making your Northern Expedition unwise."

"It is difficult to change the overall situation with hasty tactics!"

Huo Jun's words at the banquet that day came to Liu Bei's mind again.Could it be that Huo Jun had known about this and guessed that Yuan Shao died of illness and Liu Biao refused to send troops.

But how can there be such a good judge in the world?

He still underestimated Huo Jun's talent.Wang Can's statement that he has Wu Qi's talents may not be an exaggeration.

"The next strategy is to temporarily stay in Xinye, conquer Cao Cao, join forces with the Yuan family in the north, advance into the Central Plains, or sit back and watch the changes in the world."

Huo Jun's three strategies emerged in his mind that night. His own strategy was the worst strategy, so what would the best strategy he said be based on Jiangdong?
While wandering around, Liu Bei walked to the door of Huo Jun's tent.

Looking at the tent in front of him, Liu Bei had a feeling in his heart. If he walked in, he might usher in a different life!

"Han Ji Huo Da Sima Family": "The emperor treated him as a guest...invited Jun to join the army and march north. In the Battle of Bowang, he defeated Xia Houdun, which was Jun's original plan."

① "Three Kingdoms·Guoyuan Biography": "In documents about breaking thieves, one was used to count one as ten, and the heads above Yuan were counted as they actually were. When Taizu asked him why, Yuan said: I conquered foreign invaders and captured more than them. I want to demonstrate my great martial arts skills to the people."

(The big one is coming!)
 In ancient times, there was a habit of lying about military exploits. Guoyuan said that it was often 10 times higher, and I used this to trick Xiahou Dun.

(End of this chapter)

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