Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 132 Sun and Liu fight

Chapter 132 Sun and Liu fight
She County, Jiangdong Military Camp.

Even Cao Cao received the news of Huo Jun's back-breaking victory. How could Sun Quan, who was in the same county as Liu Bei, not know about it? He even knew that Huo Jun had captured Moling and surrounded Sun Yu and Sun Shao at Jingkou.

In the tent, Sun Quan was pacing back and forth, with an angry and helpless look on his face, and said: "Xia Houyuan has been fighting for more than ten years, and he has the feeling of being a famous general by running thousands of miles. However, he was defeated by Huo Jun, who formed an army with his back to the water. In fact, his reputation is in vain. generation."

When Sun Quan learned that Xiahou Yuan was good at running thousands of miles and was famous for his bravery.He had great expectations for Xia Houyuan. After all, the divine generals named in history books were all famous generals without exception. Perhaps in Sun Quan's eyes, Xia Houyuan was such a general.

Just when Sun Quan had fantasies about Xia Houyuan, news suddenly came that Huo Jun had defeated the coalition forces at his back, which really made him confused and at a loss.

Zhou Yu and Zhang Hong were also shocked and speechless by the news. They originally wanted to find a breakthrough from Huo Jun's direction to tip the balance of the battlefield.But he didn't expect that the balance of the battlefield was indeed broken in Huo Jun's direction, but it was not Huo Jun's defeat, but Huo Jun's victory over his own army.

After complaining for a long time, Sun Quan was worried about the current situation and said: "Huo Jun captured Moling and cut off the Jianghuai grain route; he also surrounded Jingkou and destabilized our army's rear. Zhongyi retreated to Jingkou, but the wall of Jingkou was too low to defend for a long time. If Let Huo Jun attack Jingkou, and with his military skills, all the counties around Lize (Taihu Lake) will be owned by the enemy, and our army will be defeated by then!"

Before Chibi, the Sun family's headquarters was in Wu County of Wu County; during the Chibi War, Sun Quan moved his rule to Jingkou; after the Chibi War, he moved his rule to Moling.Moreover, there was no city wall in Moling County at this time, so Huo Jun captured it easily.

As for Jingkou, it is only a li, not a county.Fortunately, when Sun He was the governor of Lujiang, he led his troops to garrison Jingkou, so Jingkou had a city wall.However, the Jingkou city wall at this time was still low and was far from being the military center that would defend Jinling in the future.

With today's lack of food and grass, it is difficult to hold on to Jingkou.Once Jingkou is broken, the Taihu Plain, which lacks any danger points, will be completely exposed to Huo Jun's troops.

Zhou Yu pondered for a while and then said: "Xia Houyuan, under Qi Chun's command, has been defeated, and no one can control Huo Jun. Now he is encircling Jingkou, intending to attack Wu County. If our army cannot defeat Liu Bei, all the rear will be lost. In Yu's opinion, now Only by defeating Liu Bei can we force Huo Jun to retreat."

As Zhou Yu said, after Huo Jun defeated the Sun Cao coalition, there was no army in the north and south of the Yangtze River that could compete with Huo Jun.If they want to save the current situation now, they must defeat Liu Bei in order to force Huo Jun back deep into the hinterland.


Sun Quan looked hesitant and said, "Can we withdraw our troops and first relieve the siege of Jingkou, and then withdraw Liu Bei's troops?"

Zhou Yu explained with a wry smile: "Your Majesty, if our army retreats, we will hand over She County to Liu Bei. Liu Bei will occupy the counties in Yishan and dominate the country. Huo Jun invades the north. Our army only has Wu County. Although there is Captain He We have soldiers and horses, but we may not be able to hold out for long.”

The counties in Yishan seem to be located in mountains, but as a mountainous area separated from the Taihu Plain and the Poyang Lake Plain, there are many channels in between, which are important transportation routes.

Taking She County as an example, if you go northeast, you can reach Wanling, Danyang County; if you go southeast, you can reach Qiantang; if you go east, you can reach Taihu Lake.

In other words, if Liu Bei captured She County, he could send troops to the northeast and cooperate with Huo Jun to capture the entire territory of Danyang; he could send troops to the southeast to cut off the connection between Kuaiji County and Wu County.

Sun Quan sighed. How could he not know what Zhou Yu said? He was just afraid of losing the battle.

Banging his palms with his fists, Sun Quan sighed and said: "If Xia Houyuan can confront Huo Jun for several months, when He Gongmiao (He Qi) leads the southern expedition army back to Wu Commandery, and alone leads all the troops to attack Liu Bei, he will surely win."

He Qi, a native of Shanyin in Kuaiji, was valued by Sun Ce and promoted as Xiaolian.At that time, Wang Langnan fled to Dongye, Kuaiji, and joined forces with Shang Sheng, the county magistrate of Houguan (now Fuzhou), to resist Sun Ce.He Qi was appointed as the southern captain, led the army to attack Shang Sheng, defeated the rebels, and shocked Kuaiji.

Three years ago, Sun Quan's succession was unstable, and the Fifty Thousand Mountains of Kuaiji rebelled.He Qi took command and went out to fight against Shanyue in Kuaiji.He Qi went deep into the Kuaiji mountainous area and conquered Shanyue for several years. He won many times and recruited more than [-] elite soldiers.

When He Qibing arrived at Dongye, Sun Quan and Liu Bei were facing each other in Mount Yi.Considering the difficulty of the war, Sun Quan wrote a letter to congratulate Qi and asked him to lead ten thousand of his elite troops to the north to aid the front line.

After He Qi received the letter, he left ten thousand people to garrison Jian'an, Hanxing, and Nanping counties to frighten the Shanyue tribes. He himself led ten thousand elite troops over the mountains and ridges and rushed north to Danyang.

Sun Quan wanted Xiahou Yuan and Sun Yu to defeat Huo Jun, and then he and He Qi joined forces to defeat Liu Bei, marching in two directions to defeat Liu Bei.Unexpectedly, Huo Jun suddenly defeated the coalition forces and ruined their plan.

Zhang Hong stroked his beard and said: "Captain He led his troops to the area of ​​Yongning and Zhang'an, which is far away from our army. I don't know when they will arrive. There is not much food and grass left in the army, and Jingkou is surrounded by Huo Jun. The war is urgent, my lord must not hesitate." "What do you think Gong Jin?"

Zhou Yu pondered for a while and said: "There are 6000 soldiers in our army's tent, and Liu Bei's more than [-] soldiers and horses. Judging from the number of people, our army is slightly superior. However, the cavalry under Liu Bei's tent are brave, and some Zhao and Zhang are minions and should not be underestimated."

After a pause, Zhou Yu said: "If our army plans properly, it may not be impossible to win."

Sun Quan cheered up and asked, "Please elaborate, Gong Jin."

Zhou Yu walked to the map of She County and said: "Under my command, the Zhejiang River flows out of She County. Our army can line up on the left side of the Zhejiang River. Liu Bei's brave cavalry can only attack our army from the right side. Our army is on the right. Arrange heavy troops, resist horses, spears, and caltrops, and keep the cavalry outside."

"My subordinates have also selected elite infantry warriors and generals who are trapped in the formation, and placed them in the left formation. When the army is fighting fiercely, they will take turns to attack the enemy's formation, and they will definitely be able to defeat the enemy. Furthermore, my subordinates can order the cavalry to go out late at night and walk in the mountains. In the meantime, when it is time to fight, wave the flag and shout to disturb the Jingzhou army."

After saying that, Zhou Yu raised his hand towards Sun Quan and said: "We can place an army at Yuling Pass to prevent Liu Bei from taking the opportunity to attack Yuling Pass and cut off our army's retreat. At the same time, if the war is unfavorable, our army can also retreat to Qiantang." , Wu County."

Yuling Pass is located ten miles southeast of She County and only a few miles away from the Jiangdong Army Camp. It is the dangerous mountain pass from Qiantang to She County.

Zhou Yu tried his best to plan for Sun Quan based on the geographical situation of She County.Whether it was a formation duel or an unfortunate defeat, Zhou Yu gave a very stable deployment plan.

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu's arrangement, gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "In that case, I will reply to Liu Bei with a letter and send troops for a decisive battle by the Zhejiang River in two days."



Jiangdong's army was discussing the decisive battle intensively, and Liu Bei's army was also discussing the formation strategy.

Liu Bei pointed at the map and said: "Sun Quan has written a letter about the battle, and there must be a trick. The right formation is facing the Zhejiang River, and the enemy will use infantry; the left formation is facing the soil, and we must prevent our cavalry from doing evil. Our army's strategy for the duel is still Keeping the same constant in response to all changes. Zilong's cavalry patrols the side of the formation, and when the two armies are fighting fiercely, they take the opportunity to rush in, slam into the enemy's formation, and defeat the enemy with their cavalry."


When Liu Bei fought from the north to the south, his most effective move was his ability to use cavalry in combat.The cavalry is used well, but the infantry cannot bear it at all.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly and said in a deep voice: "My lord, there are mountains and ravines in She County. Be careful of enemy invaders hiding in the mountains and setting up ambushes."

Liu Bei nodded slightly and said: "The rear army has reserved a small force in case of unexpected events."


While speaking, Tai Shiheng panted heavily, trotted outside the tent, raised his hands and said: "Lord, our horses were killed by Shanyue barbarians. Eight horses were killed, and my lord's Lu was also among them. The major general has led people to kill them. Capture him until the lord asks questions."

"The Lou?"

Hearing this, Liu Bei's eyes widened, and he felt that his heart was bleeding.Lu Ke was his mount. When he entered Xuchang, Cao Cao treated him generously and asked him to select the horse himself.Among the hundreds of war horses, he fell in love with Lu. When the two armies were fighting, he was accidentally killed. How could he accept it?

(End of this chapter)

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