Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 140: Revitalizing Wancheng

Chapter 140: Revitalizing Wancheng
Lujiang County, Wancheng.

Liu Bei decided to call a truce and focus on managing the six counties of Yishan.Huo Jun also withdrew the siege from Jingkou City, leaving only Gao Xiang to garrison at Ruxukou in the east, adding thousands of troops, a total of 2000 troops, to monitor the connection between the Sun family and Jianghuai.

Huo Jun's previous request to move to Wancheng was approved by Liu Qi.With a stroke of his pen, Liu Qi realized that the seven counties of Lujiang were isolated in the north of the Yangtze River, making it easier to attack than to defend. In response to Poyang County in the south of the Yangtze River, he adjusted the jurisdiction of counties and counties, and ordered Huo Jun to serve as the governor of Poyang and concurrently as the commander of the navy.

The new Poyang County spans the north and south of the Yangtze River, and is inserted in a 'T' shape between the two counties of Yuzhang and Danyang, starting from Ruxukou in the east and ending in Xunyang in the west.In the north of the Yangtze River are seven counties in the north of the Yangtze River, including Wancheng, Juchao, Xunyang, Songzi, Shuxian, Linhu, and Xiang'an. In the south of the Yangtze River are the five counties of Pengze, Poyang, Yuhan, Shanyang, and Guangchang, totaling twelve counties. county.

Liu Qi learned a lot of political methods. After his operations, it seemed that Huo Jun's jurisdiction had become larger and the number of counties under the county had also increased.In fact, among the seven counties in the north of the Yangtze River, Shuxian, Linhu and Xiang'an counties no longer had many people. After Wancheng was massacred and relocated, only sergeants arranged by Huo Jun were stationed in the fields.

In any case, there is no doubt that Huo Jun's power has increased, and he has become Jiangdong's first line of defense against the Jianghuai Cao soldiers moving south.

At the same time, Yuzhang County, which Liu Qi led by himself, annexed the three counties spit out from Poyang County. After Mi Zhu became the governor of Danyang, he appointed Liu Pan as the governor of the vacated Luling County.

The current political situation in Yangzhou is that Huo Jun, the governor of Poyang, Mi Zhu, the governor of Danyang, Liu Pan and Liu Qi, the governor of Luling, take charge of Yuzhang.

The official position system under Liu Qi's account includes Wang Can, Zhizhong Pan Jun, Jiang Ji, etc. in terms of civilian positions; in terms of military positions, Wenpin, the military governor of Yuzhang, Huang Zhong, the lieutenant general, and Zhang Nan, the school captain, etc.

In the Battle of Danyang, everyone gained something. Liu Bei gained a population comparable to that of a county, and Liu Qi consolidated his territory.As the governor of Poyang, Huo Jun returned to Wankou with a large number of warships captured from Sun Yu, and then governed Wancheng.

Huo Jun stayed in Wankou for a few days and handed over the naval training to Gan Ning and Chen Yue. He also asked Huo Du to be responsible for the foot training. Huo Jun took a small boat and went north up Wankou and arrived at Wancheng, the county seat.

"Your Majesty!"

On the hills beside the Wan River, Huo Jun signaled to the county officials not to be too polite and said: "Jun was ordered to be the prefect and move to control Wancheng. Today, Wancheng is dilapidated and sparsely populated. It will depend on you to revive the city."

"Don't dare!" Everyone responded.

Huo Jun moved to Wancheng not only to control the Yangtze River waterway, but also to consider entering the Jianghuai River in the future.Wancheng is adjacent to the Dabie Mountains in the north and Chaohu Lake in the east. It has favorable mountains and rivers, which makes it easy to defend but not offensive.If Wancheng can be built into a base for entering Jianghuai, it will threaten Hefei for a long time.When the north attacks, it can also coordinate with Ruxukou.

Historically, Sun Quan's control over Wancheng was not strong and he was caught in a battle with Cao Cao.In the Battle of Shiting, Cao Xiu dared to go deep into the Lujiang River. This was not only due to Zhou Li's false surrender, but also because the Lujiang River belonged to a zone that both sides alternately controlled.

Today, Cao Cao's strategic focus is in the north. If Huo Jun does not take the opportunity to take root in Wancheng, when Cao Cao adjusts his strategic focus, he will be trapped in a battle with Cao Cao again.

Huo Jun looked at the deserted fields with no one around, and said with a gentle expression: "Among the scholars, there are people from Wancheng, and there are people who are good at governing politics and bringing peace to the people. I don't know who has a strategy for reviving Wancheng."

Regarding Lujiang Wancheng, although Huo Jun fought on the Wan River, he was not very clear about the specific customs and resources. Therefore, he had to gain an in-depth understanding through the oral accounts of the locals in Lujiang or Jianghuai.

"Zitong, Zihua, Zhengchen?" Huo Jun looked at Jiang Ji, Sima Zhi, and Liu Zhong.

Jiang Ji, who joined the army, also served as the governor of Poyang County; Sima Zhi, who taught for Deng Ai, was appointed as a five-function official by Huo Jun before the war; Liu Zhong, an old official with a pragmatic style, was appointed as a meritorious official.This is one of the rights of the prefect, he can recruit his subordinates on his own.Sima Zhi pondered for a while and said: "Zhi has little knowledge and can barely talk about it. The destruction of Wancheng was due to Sun Quan massacring and moving the people. Since ancient times, the first step in building a city is to gather the people. Why gather the people? It is nothing more than frivolous corvee and low taxes. The territory is peaceful, the water and soil are fertile, the transportation is convenient, and the laws are just. If these five things are available, why worry about the people not coming."

After a pause, Sima Zhi analyzed and said: "With the prestige of the ruler, he can defeat the enemy at his back, and be able to deter the enemy invaders. Sun Cao does not dare to invade. This can be said to be peace in the territory. Anyone who can be newly incorporated into the county will be exempted from taxes for two years. This can be said to be light. The corvee tax is low and the waterway transportation is extensive, which makes Wancheng prosperous. Today, there is still a lack of fertile water and soil, and the justice of the law. The governor can think deeply about it. "

Huo Jun looked at the Wan water flowing into the Yangtze River and asked: "The Wan water and divers are abundant. Can we use this water to irrigate the fields and grow rice? Can it be said that the water and soil are fertile?"

Liu Zhong hesitated a little and said: "I would like to inform you that the Wan water comes from the mountains and flows into the river. There are many tributaries in it. If it is the rainy season, there will be floods and acres of land will be destroyed. The same is true for diving, because the water volume is not as good as the Wan water." The water is so big, but few people know its dangers.”

Huo Jun paced slightly and asked, "Can ponds and canals be built in Wan and Qian Rivers?"

There are not many solutions to the flooding problem caused by river water. In ancient times, the only solutions were to build ponds and river canals through artificial means to reduce river flooding or reduce the impact of drought.For example, Dujiangyan and Shaopi are artificially repaired water conservancy projects. Rivers and canals irrigate acres of land and turn dry land into paddy fields. The yield per mu can be greatly increased.

Jiang Ji stroked his beard and said: "I'd like to inform you, when I was serving in the Prefecture, I heard Liu Yuanying (Liu Fu) say that in ancient times, the Lujiang River was immersed in water, and there were Wutang and Wushi Pipi in the Wanshui River. However, due to the war, The dam stone has been damaged due to the surge of two rivers. If the ruler wants to develop Wancheng, he must first rebuild Wutang and Wushi Pi to irrigate the rice fields."

"There is insufficient manpower. If we want to build it, what should Wutang and Wushi Erpi do first?" Huo Jun asked.

"The water in Anhui is large and the phreatic water is small. Today is autumn and winter. It is time to build a black stone weir and divert the phreatic water to irrigate the fields. When there are more people and the fields are not enough, Wu Tang can be rebuilt to irrigate the fields." Jiang Ji said: Fu Jun can do it at the same time Let people go up the mountain and persuade the people to come down to live and farm. "

"Okay!" Huo Jun said: "According to what Jiang Changshi said, the official recruited people to rebuild the Wushi Weir in winter, and a certain person sent thousands of people to help. Jiang Changshi arranged people to persuade the people to go down the mountain to cultivate, distribute the acres, and avoid its taxes.”

"No!" the two responded.

Huo Jun thought about the justice of the law, pondered for a while, and said: "Zihua knew the law well, and not long after he first entered Lujiang, he could take on the post of postal supervisor, patrol the counties of Poyang for Jun, and correct illegal things. If anyone commits adultery and violates the law, he should be punished strictly according to law."

Sima Zhi straightened his back and said: "Zhi is willing to exercise the power of supervising the postal service and correct illegal things."

Although Wu Guan Pa Zhang is responsible for the Spring and Autumn Festival sacrifices in the county, its rights are very flexible and there is no fixed position. It all depends on the arrangement of the chief official.Huo Jun made this arrangement considering that Sima Zhi had just come to Poyang and was not familiar with the local people.

Today, Sima Zhi is asked to inspect various counties, not only to correct local customs, but also to let Sima Zhi understand the people's sentiments in Poyang.

After finishing the work, Huo Jun warned everyone: "Jun is responsible for military and political affairs, and you should pay more attention to the county's government affairs."


 I'm late
(End of this chapter)

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