Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 145 Year-end Reward

Chapter 145 Year-end Reward
After the banquet that day, Huo Jun asked Jiang Qian to find out about the little things between the two Liu, and Jiang Qian was convinced.At the same time, brothers Sun Bi and Sun Fu and their families passed by Wankou by boat. Jiang Gan took the opportunity to board the fleet and say goodbye.

Huo Jun, Jiang Ji and others rushed to Nanchang non-stop to participate in the commendation meeting at the end of the year and the military meeting to kill Sun Sun.When we arrived in Nanchang, snowflakes were floating in the sky, the city was covered with snow inside and outside, and smoke from cooking fires curled up in the countryside.

Huo Jun wears a large cloak and armor on the inside, walking in the snow with a heroic appearance.With Li Qian taking care of him, Huo Jun's clothes have a new look.

"Doctor Huo!"

Facing everyone's greetings, Huo Jun smiled and came to the outside of the hall under the guidance of his attendants.He shook the snowflakes from his cloak, then took off his clothes and walked into the hall.

Walking into the hall, Huo Jundun felt the heat on his face. The hall where dozens of people were sitting was already bustling with people. The literati arranged their seats on both sides.Zhang Fei spat at Wang Can and asked for advice on how to write poems; Guan Yu stroked his long beard and talked with Xu Shu; Zhuge Liang and Pan Jun chatted and laughed happily, chatting about interesting government affairs.


A burst of cold air accompanied Huo Jun, Jiang Ji, Gan Ning and others, and everyone turned their heads and looked away.There was silence at first. After the door was closed, everyone stood up and asked Huo Jun.

"Doctor Huo!"

"Hello everyone!"

Zhuge Liang took the lead in welcoming him and praised him: "I haven't seen the governor for half a year, but he still has his heroic spirit and is even better. The governor fought in the Wanshui River. He lined up with his back to the water and defeated Xiahou Yuan, Yu Jin and Sun Yu. They marched across the Yangtze River and Huaihe River. Xiahou peeked at Lujiang River and got The governor wrote a letter, but he did not dare to cross the thunder pond and retreated to Hefei to welcome the defeated troops. Ling Liang was truly amazed."

"Don't dare!"

Zhuge Liang praised himself so highly, and Huo Jun responded in return, saying: "Master Kong Ming defeated Zhou Yu's clever plan and surrendered [-] households in Shanyue. His outstanding achievements made Jun admire him."

Huo Jun's behavior is simple. If you respect me, I will respect you.Zhuge Liang gave face like this, and Huo Jun naturally gave him face too.

Wang Can had a friendly relationship with Huo Jun. He held Huo Jun's hand and laughed and said: "In the past, I said that Zhongmiao was as capable as Wu Zi, but everyone in Xiangyang didn't believe it. Now we are arrayed against the water. How can we not have Wu Zi's strategy?"

As he spoke, Wang Can, who was well-informed, patted the back of Huo Jun's hand and pretended to whisper in front of everyone: "The document on the title of Marquis of Zhongmiao was written by Can. I wonder if I can get donkey meat based on this?"

"Can I give Zhongxuan two donkeys?"

"How can it be impossible? All the kings can also enjoy the food together."

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Fei wanted to congratulate Huo Jun, but saw his brother Guan Yu sitting on a high seat beside him, stroking his long beard alone and saying nothing, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, why don't you congratulate Zhong Miao!"

Guan Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly: "As my brother, I have been ordered by the emperor to pay homage to the Shouting Marquis of Han Dynasty. I am a partial general. How can I congratulate my lower officials?"

Guan Yu is more than forty years old and has experienced many battles. His son Guan Ping is also twenty years old.You asked Guan Yu, a veteran cadre, to salute and congratulate Huo Jun, who was only a few years older than his son. This threshold made you feel sad.

Moreover, Guan Yu had nothing in common with these young people. Zhuge Liang, Huo Jun, Wang Can, Pan Jun, and Xu Shu were all young people in their early twenties. They could talk about poetry, rituals, music, and the wind and snow in the south of the Yangtze River.Guan Yu couldn't get along with them, so naturally he couldn't let go of his dignity and join in the fun.

After all, he is not Zhang Fei. He likes to make friends with scholars. When he met Wang Can, who was extremely talented, he licked him for several days and finally slept for one night.


Before Zhang Fei said anything, Huo Jun walked up and saluted Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.When Guan Yu saw Huo Jun coming on his own initiative, he did not put on airs and exchanged friendly greetings.

After greeting everyone, Huo Jun took the second place in Liu Qi's tent and sat opposite Zhang Fei. Above him was the general Liu Pan.

After a while, Liu Qi and Liu Bei walked in together amid the loud shouts of their attendants.Different from the last conference, Liu Qi took the lead and Liu Bei took second place.Instead, Zhuge Liang creatively arranged seats with separate seats for the left and right, regardless of the upper or lower, only the younger ones.Liu Bei was older and had a higher official position, so he was the first to speak up, saying: "Since this year, Huo Poyang has formed a formation with his back to the water, defeated the combined forces of Sun and Cao, and conquered the counties in the north of the Yangtze River; General Guan's troops entered Luling, surrendered the two Suns, and brought peace to the country. Luling County; I and Liu Yangzhou led troops deep into Yishan Mountain, defeated Sun Quan, and expanded Danyang counties."

"After these three battles, Sun Quan was left with only Wuhui and retreated to Taihu Lake, barely surviving. However, all the civil and military officials contributed to this achievement are indispensable. Today, Liu Yangzhou and I, together with Liu Jingzhou, will go to the Emperor and receive an edict from the Emperor. I can reward you all."

The world is in chaos, except for the appearance of the emperor, who can use strong soldiers and horses.The people of the Liu clan have the least psychological burden when using it.Send the confession to Xuchang. No matter whether you acknowledge it or not, you must acknowledge it.

As for the official appointment, Liu Bei and Liu Qi had already sent memorials to Xiangyang a few days ago, taking the lead in recommending Liu Biao as a chariot and cavalry general.Then Liu Bei promoted Liu Qi to the post of General Zhennan, succeeding Liu Biao's previous position.

"Kong Ming!"


Zhuge Liang stepped forward to receive the edict, read it aloud, and awarded awards to the civil and military generals who had made outstanding achievements in war.

Mi Zhu, the governor of Luling, was transferred to the governor of Danyang.

Guan Yu, the partial general, was appointed as the southern captain of Kuaiji.

Liu Pan, the partial general, was appointed as the prefect of Luling.

Jingbei Zhonglang General Huo Jun was promoted to General Pi, granted the title of Marquis of Guan Nei, led the Poyang Prefect, and commanded the naval forces of the two armies.

Jiang Ji moved to the south of the town to join the army and participated in the military affairs of Poyang.


Zhuge Liang was appointed military commander and captain, commanding two hundred soldiers.


Zhuge Jin was appointed as the magistrate of Shixin County.

Wei Jing was appointed as the magistrate of Xinding County.

This unique form of cooperation between Liu Bei and Liu Qi is extremely rare.It's rare but rare, but you can't pretend to be your own generals alone, play in your own circle, and not be recognized by the other party's officials.Therefore, under the suggestions of Zhuge Liang and Wang Can, Er Liu took Yangzhou as the core, divided the official positions of counties and counties, and read out the appointment order in front of everyone to gain recognition from both parties, thus balancing the official system of the two parties.

"Congratulations to the emperor on his new day, and may he be blessed forever."

"Thank you to the Second Duke for the memorial."

Everyone first congratulated the emperor who was far away in Xuchang, and then saluted Liu Qi and Liu Bei who were sitting on their seats.Then the maids held the sealing ribbons and asked Liu Bei and Liu Qi to change the sealing ribbons for their subordinates, symbolizing their dominance over their subordinates.

Huo Jun also received the first Hou Seal in his life. The Guan Nei Hou Seal was made of gold, with a turtle button on top and the four words "Guan Nei Hou Seal" engraved on the bottom.The Marquis of Guannei cannot be hereditary and does not have a fiefdom. He can only claim the land.The minimum number is a few households, and the maximum number is [-] households.

Although Liu Biao was stingy, he was not stupid, and he gave it to hundreds of households as Huo Jun's food.For Huo Jun, one hundred households is only 1% of the target progress, that is, his dream is to live in a city with ten thousand households.

Playing with Hou Yin, the commendation and rewards are gradually coming to an end, and today's issue has come to - the military plan to destroy Sun.

ps: The ranking list of officials and nobles is a headache. It’s too late.

(End of this chapter)

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