Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 15 Liu Jingsheng

Chapter 15 Liu Jingsheng

(BoWang has fine-tuned it, interested book friends can read it again)
Xiangyang, inside the Zhennan General Assembly Hall.

Liu Biao, the prefect of Jingchu, was sitting upright on the throne. Although he had been in the upper position for a long time, he had developed a temperament of calmness and self-reliance, but the gray beard and hair on his head and the twisted wrinkles on his face seemed to be silently speaking. Declaring that his time is about to end.

The hall was full of people, among whom were high-ranking officials and ministers, either from the Jingxiang family or scholars from the north, and the two were clearly separated on both sides.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the hall was extremely depressing. Liu Biao pondered for a long time, and then he sighed and said: "Unfortunately for the world, Yuan Benchu ​​died in his prime. Among all the disciples under his knees, who can stop Cao Cao?"

"You guys in Yecheng, you must be like an insect! In this critical moment, you did not prioritize defeating the enemy, but disrupted the order of the elders and younger ones and supported Yuan Xianfu (Yuan Tan) as the leader. How can you serve the public? Now Yuan Xiansi (Yuan Shang) He leads his chariots and generals, and his brothers fight against each other, only in front of their eyes."

"Since the Yuan family is destroyed, how can we control Cao Mengdeye?"

"Today, there will be great changes in the Central Plains. What should we do in Jingzhou? What do you think?" Liu Biao stood up and looked around the people in the hall and asked.

Kuai Liang stood up, cupped his hands, and replied: "Ming Gong lives in Jingchu, and Yuan and Yuan live in Hebei. They are thousands of miles apart, so it is difficult to reach them. In addition, the Yuan family has been defeated for many years, and is already exhausted. Moreover, it has been attacked by its brothers, and this trend has collapsed. There is no one to save. It is better to go to Xiu Shu and tell the two Yuans about their interests and persuade them to live in harmony and work together. If the matter is slowed down, Cao Cao may be able to be stopped for a while!"

Liu Biao nodded, "Zi Rou's mature words."

Then he ordered: "Where is Zhongxuan?"

"Chan is here!" Wang Can appeared from the corner and replied.

"Zhong Xuancai has learned a lot about people and is also good at writing. I am ordering you to write two letters to the people of Yuan Dynasty, urging them to put peace first and fight the enemy with all their strength. Don't let outsiders take advantage of the situation." Liu Biao said.


Wang Can reluctantly agreed. He had almost no role under Liu Biao except writing articles for him.But for Wang Can, why is he only satisfied with writing articles.But he was living under someone else's roof and had no choice but to work in order to make ends meet and support his family.


Liu Biao leaned on the table and asked, "How is the war in Jiaozhou now?"

"Reporting to Ming Gong, Grand Administrator Lai (Lai Gong), General Wu (Wu Ju) and Zhang Jin had many conflicts, but there were victories and defeats for each other. According to the letter, the morale of Zhang Jin's men was low, and many soldiers were killed and wounded. Our army The progress is going well. Prefect Lai asked for more troops." Farewell Liu He replied.

After his attempt to capture Yizhou failed, Liu Biao turned his attention to Jiaozhou.After Zhang Xian was pacified, he sent troops to Guiyang, Lingling and other counties many times to fight Zhang Jin.However, Liu Biao himself lacked military skills, so he often appeared as a behind-the-scenes person, entrusting the war to Wu Ju, and appointed Lai Gong as the military governor, so that the two could check and balance each other.

This was not only true in the Jiaozhou war, but also in his attitude towards Liu Bei.Liu Biao had doubts about Liu Bei who went south to serve him and was always wary of him.

As far as Liu Biao is concerned, he is a contradictory person. Not only in commanding troops, but even in many decisions, Liu Biao was extremely suspicious.

Before the Battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao sent people to ask Liu Biao for help.Liu Biao always promised, but he did not officially send troops to assist in the war, nor did he want to assist Cao Cao. He only hoped to protect himself between Jiang and Han to watch the changes in the world.Under Kuai Yue's persuasion, Liu Biao sent Han Song as an envoy to the north.Hearing Han Song praise Cao Cao as the Lord of the Ming Dynasty, he was so angry that he wanted to kill him.

After the Battle of Guandu, Liu Biao felt the danger. In order to help Yuan Shao and contain Cao Cao's troops, he sent Liu Bei to the Northern Expedition.However, upon hearing that Yuan Shao had died of illness and Liu Bei had won, he thought it would be useless to advance and was worried that Liu Bei would become powerful, so he refused Liu Bei's request to send reinforcements and instead asked him to withdraw his troops.

Liu Biao hesitated a little and said, "Prefect Lai doesn't have to rush for success. All he needs to do now is slow down."


Thinking of the Northern Expedition, Liu Biao asked: "According to Liu Zhonglang (Liu Hu)'s report, Xuande defeated the enemy under the guidance of an expert. This person's name is Huo Jun and his courtesy name is Zhongmiao. Do you know this person?"

Hearing this, Wang Can was quite surprised. Instead of following the army north to watch Liu Yuzhou's battle, how could his friend serve in front of the battle and offer advice to defeat the enemy.Could it be that he is really as strong and talented as Wu Qi as he claims!
"Huo Zhongmiao, a native of Zhijiang, Nanjun, served as the mayor of Maicheng. Zhongmiao arrived in Xiangyang early last month and lived in Zhongxuan. He is known for his ability to judge the general situation. He once predicted the victory of Guandu and Changsha, and also broke up the dispute in Yizhou. General Zuo When I was in Xiangyang, I met this man by chance at a banquet and called him a handsome man, so I invited him to join the army." Wang Kai replied.

As time went by, news from Yizhou also spread to Jingzhou. As Huo Jun said, Zhao Wei was defeated and died, and Zhang Lu defeated Pang Xi.Therefore, Huo Jun's name is often talked about among the officials in Jingzhou, and he can be said to have gained a great reputation.

As an insider, Wang Kai reported it truthfully and added: "Fu Gongti also once praised him for his great talent. He is an extraordinary talent..."

Listening to Wang Kai's introduction, Liu Biao was slightly surprised.If the facts are true, the young man named Huo Jun is extremely talented.Immediately, Liu Biao decided that he could not sit back and watch Liu Bei poach Huo Jun. This would not only increase Liu Bei's own power, but he would also be criticized for his ignorant talent.This Liu Bei is really restless!Liu Biao sighed secretly in his heart.

Then he looked at Wang Can and asked, "Zhongxuan, is this so?"

"It's true!" Wang Can replied with a bitter face.

Liu Biao stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Since your advice is useful, it should be rewarded. Zirou, is there any official vacancy at the moment?"

Kuai Liang, the chief secretary, pondered for a while and replied: "Today and tomorrow, there are vacancies in the official account for driving, serving, meritorious service, joining the army, etc."

Liu Biao thought for a while and said: "Huo Zhongmiao can not only disrupt the general situation, but also provide suggestions to defeat the enemy. He can be appointed to join the army and consult with Jingzhou's military affairs for further information."

Joining the army can be a big or small position, such as a staff officer in later generations.If you are a favored person who joins the army, you can command the generals.If you are not favored, just giving advice will be of no use.For example, in the Battle of Jieting, Ma Su, the Prime Minister's Mansion, joined the army. He was favored by Zhuge Liang and had the right to command the generals.

At present, Liu Biao's official position is General Zhennan, Mud of Jingzhou, military governor of Yang, Yi, and Jingzhou, and he has the right to be appointed to join the army.

"No!" Kuai Liang cupped his hands and said.

After hearing Liu Biao's appointment, Wang Can felt a little uneasy. He knew that his friend wanted to serve in Liu Yuzhou, but now Liu Biao suddenly intervened. He thought this was not a good thing.

After a while, the discussion was over and everyone retreated.Liu Biao also returned to the inner hall to rest.

But within a moment, a gracefully dressed young woman dragged her long skirt into the hall. She saw Liu Biao resting on the couch and taking a nap. She immediately leaned forward, rubbed Liu Biao's shoulders and back, and said at the same time: "Jingzhou is up and down. It all depends on your husband, thank you for your hard work."

Not long after the beginning of this year, 60-year-old Liu Biao's physical condition gradually deteriorated. Some illnesses recovered and relapsed, and he was not as energetic as before.

While enjoying the service of his wife Cai, Liu Biao cheered up and said, "It's just a matter of filing documents, it's okay."

Cai Yin sat down next to Liu Biao, massaged Liu Biao's thighs with her jade hands, and said, "Husband, you should pay more attention to taking care of yourself, and don't worry about the documents." Liu Biao took Cai in his arms, and although he didn't say anything, he started to Wander.

Cai Yin's face turned red and she immediately said, "My brother has been living in Nanjun for a long time. Now Zhang Xian has been destroyed. Since Nanjun is safe, it is better to recruit him back to Xiangyang to take up a post, so as to share my husband's worries."

Liu Biao loved Cai Yin very much.She is considerate, virtuous, and she even gave him advice in the past, so she should be considered a good wife.Liu Biao was preparing to kill Han Song because he spoke favorably to Cao Cao.It was Cai Yin who came forward to persuade Liu Biao, saying that Han Song was too respected in Jingzhou to kill him, and she stopped Liu Biao from killing him.

"That's fine!" Liu Biao held Cai Yin's catkins and said, "De Gui has indeed been away for a long time. Now that Nanjun is at peace, I will recruit him back to Xiangyang to assist me in handling military affairs."

Cai Mao is the second brother of the Cai family. She also has an eldest sister who married Huang Chengyan of the Huang family in Xiangyang as her stepmother. Huang Chengyan is Zhuge Liang's father-in-law.Zhuge Liang also had two sisters. The eldest sister married Kuai Qi of the Kuai family in Xiangyang, and the second sister married Pang Shanmin, the son of Pang Degong of the Pang family in Xiangyang.

The Xiangyang gentry developed rapidly under Liu Biao's rule and became intertwined and in-lawed with each other. However, except for the Zhuge family, other foreign gentry could hardly integrate into this circle.

As for Cai Mao, he is also quite talented.When Liu Biaodan rode into Jingzhou, it was he and the Kuai brothers who jointly planned the plan to kill the clan traitors, helped Liu Biao ascend to power, and later served as the governor of Nanjun to quell Zhang Xian's rebellion.

At this time, Cai Yin, who was leaning in Liu Biao's arms, suddenly stood up and said: "Husband, Erlang has reached the age of marriage. There is a niece in the concubine's family who is dignified and intelligent. She is of the same age as Erlang. Why don't you let me Erlang is getting married to my niece, which can be considered a beautiful thing."

"Okay!" Liu Biao stroked Cai Yin's back and smelled her fragrance, but still closed his eyes slightly: "Everything will be according to the madam's wishes and arranged by the madam."


Different from the novel, Liu Cong is not the son born to Cai Yin and Liu Biao, but the son born to the previous royal wife.When Liu Biao and his late wife were alive, they had three sons together, the eldest son Liu Qi, the second son Liu Cong, and the third son Liu Xiu.Perhaps because Liu Biao was old and frail, he and Cai Yin had not yet given birth to an heir.

 I will test the water next, I hope brothers can save and follow up to help me.

(End of this chapter)

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