Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 150

Chapter 150
Huo Jun stayed in Nanchang for a few more days, that is, after passing Zhengdan, he returned to Wancheng from Nanchang.Before setting off, Huo Jun received news from Wang Can that Bu accepted the geese and Sun Qian became the woman's concubine and arranged the subsequent marriage process with Wang Can, the man's matchmaker.

The man said matchmaking, which meant that he was planning to combine two surnames; the woman said he was concubine, which meant that he was considering two surnames.That is to say, since the Zhou Dynasty, marriage matters, parents' orders, and matchmaker's words are indispensable.

Bu Mu and Huo Du were in charge, and Wang Can and Sun Qian were the matchmakers.In fact, Huo Jun did not need to arrange the wedding, so after he returned to Wancheng from Nanchang, he discussed with the generals the plan to enter Jingkou.

In the big tent, the sand table of the city wall near the entrance of Jingkou was placed in the center, and the military and civilians gathered around it.

Ding Feng used a thin stick to point out the terrain of Jingkou City and analyzed it: "I was ordered by the governor to explore the Jingkou City. After several months, I made a sand and stone map. You can view it in detail."

Huo Jun had a habit of leading troops in battle: he would not fight without a sand table.Before, he often made sand tables by himself, but after becoming the governor, he asked outstanding generals and colonels among his subordinates to take turns making sand tables.The area where this sand table is made is often the combat area preset by Huo Jun.

Like Long Fengting's last-ditch battle, Huo Jun was at a disadvantage in terms of military strength, but the combat area was carefully selected by Huo Jun.The water level dropped, and the small boat entered the Wan River, which restricted Sun Yu's large ship from going up the Shuo River. The terrain around Longfeng was flat, which was conducive to cavalry operations, but if they retreated, the road would be rugged and difficult to pass.

Plan before taking action, preset the battlefield, and put the enemy into a pre-designed area to fight. This is Huo Jun's combat style.As Sun Tzu said, if you know the land and the day of the battle, you can fight thousands of miles away.

Thin poles surround Jingkou City. Ding Feng said: "Jingkou City is extremely strong and built on the mountain in the north. There are only two gates in the south and west, and the east and north walls are built on the mountain. The city is small but the walls are high. From the middle of the city You can reach the peak of Beigu Mountain.”

"The walls of Beigu Mountain are steep and difficult to climb up. Climb Beigu Mountain to see the battle on the river. Today, a beacon tower is built on Beigu Mountain to know the advance and retreat of the foreign invaders. And Sun Yu traveled more than a hundred miles from Niuzhu to Jingkou. For more than twenty miles, there are beacon towers built on high places."

After a pause, Ding Feng specifically pointed to the city wall and said: "Jingkou City is built with blue bricks, not rammed earth. Last year, our army was worried about the difficulty of attacking the city because the Jingkou City was strong, so we had to carry out a food shortage operation." Policy. Now Sun Yu has to help Jianghuai with money and food support, and there will probably be no shortage of food and grass."

During the Three Kingdoms period, the cities were basically inherited from the Qin and Han Dynasties, and most of the cities were made of rammed earth.The construction of Jingkou City did not take long and started during Sunhe's military garrison period. However, this also led to the use of a new type of wall building material in Jingkou City, namely green bricks.

The positioning of Jingkou City is also different from other cities. The purpose of its construction is to control the Dantu Waterway. It is a military fortress, not a city where people live.

All the generals looked at each other in amazement. Jingkou, which was not captured last year, has become another level of difficulty this year.

Xu Sheng took a breath and said: "Jingkou City is already fortified, but now it has abundant military resources and beacon towers. How should we fight this?"

Huo Jun put his hands on the sand table and asked, "Can Xizuo sneak into the city?"

Ding Feng shook his head and said: "I have informed the governor that I would like to send spies into the city, but the city is heavily guarded and only the soldiers and their families are among them. The spies dressed as refugees to carry grain and grass for them, and then they were able to enter the city to spy on the layout."

"The scouts stay in the city?"

"No, the scouts were driven out of the city by them." Ding Feng said.

Not only were everyone tense, but Huo Jun also frowned.Jingkou, which has a beacon tower, can't make a surprise attack even if it wants to.Moreover, Jingkou City is also a military fortress, making it almost difficult to sneak into it.

To be honest, when he heard about Beacon Tower before, he subconsciously thought of Lu Meng's crossing the river in white.However, after careful analysis, Lu Meng's trick of crossing the river in white is really unplayable.

At that time, Han and Wu allied themselves, and Jiangdong and Jingzhou had close exchanges, and commercial trade was normal.For example, Guan Yu once bought grain from Jiangdong, or sold salt from Jiangdong to Jingzhou.Nowadays, there are frequent wars, and merchants can't avoid them. How can they sail on the river again?

In addition, Mi Fang and Shi Ren returned to Soochow, making Jiangling City easy to conquer.How could people from the Sun clan like Sun Yu and Sun Shao surrender easily when they were defending the city now?

Huo Jun tapped his index finger on the table, thinking about feasible plans in his mind.Now that the entrance to Jing cannot be bypassed and there is no internal response, we must choose to attack the city, but siege also requires a plan.

While Huo Jun was thinking about it, Gan Ning pointed to Jiangbei, north of the sand table, and asked: "Now that Sun and Cao have joined forces, our army will attack Wuhui. I wonder if there will be any action in Jianghuai?"

Ding Feng pondered for a while and said: "Since our army withdrew from Jingkou last year, the Jianghuai River has transported a large amount of money, food and baggage to the Sun family, and there has been an endless stream of ships from Jingkou. Fortunately, our navy is stationed in Wankou, and from time to time there are attacks down the river. The waterway has just curbed its ability to transport grain."

This is the advantage of stationing troops in Wankou. In cooperation with Gao Xiang's troops, the navy can go down the river and directly cut off the communication between Jianghuai and Wu Hui.

After a pause, Ding Feng said: "According to the report from Senior High School Master, there are suspected signs of Cao's army arriving in Jianghuai. We currently don't know the number of Cao's troops in this unit, and we don't know who controls them. However, according to Senior High School Master's opinion, , the number is at least several thousand.”

Hearing this, Gan Ning lightly punched the table, shaking the sand table, and said depressedly: "Jingkou is already difficult to conquer, and now there are reinforcements from the Cao family in Jianghuai, how should we fight!"

Everyone's expressions became more solemn. The city of Jingkou was formidable, and Cao's reinforcements soon arrived in the north of the Yangtze River.Although the navy has large ships, it is difficult for Cao Jun and Sun to cooperate like last time.But no matter what, Cao Jun's arrival in Jiangbei will inevitably affect their operations.


Ding Feng turned to look at Huo Jun, with respect in his eyes, and shouted.

As Ding Fengyin finished, everyone looked at Huo Jun who was deep in thought.Since the war, they had followed Huo Jun and conquered everything. Now that a problem arose, they naturally looked at Huo Jun subconsciously.

To their surprise, Huo Jun's mind seemed not to be on the war, and said with a smile: "The city of Jingkou is strong, reinforcements from Cao's army are coming, and Sun Cao has stationed troops in the north of the Yangtze River. It is difficult for our army to conquer Jingkou. We will discuss the military affairs later for now."

Immediately afterwards, Huo Jun said again: "Jun's wedding is coming soon. At that time, all the generals will lead the naval boats to follow Jun to welcome him. On the way, drums and music must be played, and red banners and ribbons will be used to let the ladies of Poyang and Yuzhang know that I am getting married."

"This?" The generals looked at each other, and Xu Sheng gritted his teeth and said, "Captain, the naval boats and boats are used for expeditions, but now the commander is sending navy officers and soldiers to welcome the bride, which may be against the military order. We are the commander's subordinates. , it is our good fortune to welcome the governor to marry him. But I am worried that Duke Liu Yangzhou and Liu Yuzhou will be displeased when they find out, and will punish the governor."

In the military law laid out by Huo Jun, there is no provision that naval warships cannot be used for fishing, weddings, etc.In fact, in order to enrich the mix of military rations, Huo Jun often asked his auxiliary soldiers to sail warships into the rivers to catch fish.

Huo Jun slapped the case angrily and said angrily: "I have led the army to fight for many years and have made outstanding achievements in Yangzhou. Moreover, the navy was organized by a certain hand. How can it not be used to welcome the bride? The drummers in the army are practicing joyfully, and the navy warships are hanging Red cloth and colorful brocade, waiting for the wedding day."


The generals saw that Huo Jun was so angry that they did not dare to speak easily, so they had to bow their hands and accept.

After the generals came out of the tent, Jiang Ji walked up to Huo Jun and said: "Captain, the navy's wedding is no small matter. But if we want Poyang and Yuzhang counties and the old man Huang Tong of Jianghuai to know, it would be better to tell the commander His wife, Mrs. Bu, has the beauty of Xi Shi and the appearance of a fish sinking like a fish or a wild goose falling."


Huo Jun looked deeply at Jiang Ji and motioned for him to continue.

Jiang Ji stroked his beard and explained: "In ancient times, old women like to talk about the deep love between old swords, and scholars like to talk about stories about Xiangru and Wenjun. The battle between Wu and Yue, and the beauty of Xi Shi, have penetrated into the hearts of young and old in Jiangdong. Since ancient times, , some Wuyue people said that when the Wu Kingdom was defeated, Fan Li took Xi Shi and returned to seclusion. If the governor wants to let the good people talk about it, it is better to compare Mrs. Bu to Xi Shi. Also, there is a governor's trip, so why worry about the world not knowing about it."

Huo Jun smiled. Jiang Ji knew people's hearts. No wonder he could scare Sun Quan away with a letter.

It has been constant since ancient times.Women like to read fairy tales about domineering CEOs and Cinderella; while men like to read cool novels about a rich girl falling in love with a poor boy, and the poor boy counterattacking against the rich, handsome man and pretending to be cool.Those men, women, old and young like to talk about gossip, such as the romantic history of XX and the history of XX's rise to power.

The loud gongs and drums he played to welcome the bride could only allow them to chat for a while, but it was not enough to spread widely.Jiang Ji's words make sense. If Mrs. Du hadn't been famous, who would have known that Qin Yilu could tell such triangular stories with Cao Cao and Guan Yu.

Some later generations even imagined that Guan Yu abandoned Cao Cao because Cao Cao captured the Du family, which caused Guan Yu to abandon Cao Cao and leave.

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said, "Zitong, just wait and see what happens!"

"Xi Shi spread her gauze by the river, and when the fish saw it, they were fascinated by its beauty, forgot to swim, and sank to the bottom of the river; Zhaojun was ordered to go out of the fortress to make a marriage, but the geese saw her beauty, forgot to spread their wings, and fell into the wild; Wang Yun's singing girl Diao Chan She had the appearance of a closed moon, and Wang Yun used a beauty trick to lure Lu Bu to kill Dong; Jun's wife had the appearance of a shy flower, and when Jun saw her, he was fascinated by her and asked her to be his wife."

"Closing the moon, shame on the flower?"

Jiang Ji stroked his beard and said: "The governor used two words to describe the beauty of a beautiful woman. However, Diao Chan is the official name of a palace maid. How can people in the world be named after this?"

Huo Jun put his hands behind his waist and said with a smile: "During the rebellion of the Shichangshi, Wang Yun led his troops into the palace to put down the rebellion. He saw a Diaochan official who was extremely beautiful, and he privately became a singer. Later, when he saw that the Han Dynasty was in ruins, he just offered it to the emperor. Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu killed each other."

Jiang Ji applauded and laughed, and said: "If there is peace in the world, the governor can be Yu Chu."

Yu Chu was a novelist during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty. He served as an alchemist and served as a minister. He specialized in recording street conversations and hearsay stories about unofficial history. He wrote "Yu Chu Zhou Shuo".

Then, Jiang Ji said: "The fish and the wild goose are sinking, and the moon is shy of the flowers. The governor is a young and talented man, so how can he make people suspicious if he behaves absurdly? At that time, when the governor welcomes his bride, Wang Biejia can write a poem to prove it. For beauty’s sake.”

Huo Jun nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Zitong knows my heart well, so why don't you do it for Jun?"

Jiang Ji bowed and cupped his hands, and said in a deep voice: "I would like to take care of it for the governor."

Looking at Jiang Ji bowing and saying goodbye, Huo Jun secretly marveled.Jiang Ji was really good at guessing people's hearts. No wonder he was able to climb into the core class of Cao Wei as a Jianghuai scholar in history, became friends with Sima Yi, and even cooperated with him to complete the counter-killing of Cao Shuang.

Cao Wei's official positions were divided into close relationships, and ability was important, but more important than ability was standing in line.Jiang Ji started out following Cao Cao and was not considered an important person; but by the time of Cao Pi, he was promoted to General Dong Zhonglang and could temporarily command Cao Ren's troops; by the time of Cao Rui, he had been promoted to the Central Guard Army.

Use both civil and military skills to check for deficiencies and make up for them.In addition to defeating Sun and Cao's coalition forces, his biggest gain was to capture Jiang Ji and hire him to join the army.


The military discussion was suppressed, and Jiang Ji was busy spreading opinions.

The marriage between Huo Jun and Bu Lianshi was also planned very quickly.After all, both men were interested in having a concubine, and no one objected.Moreover, his elder brother Huo Du is also anxious. He is about to go to war. If he doesn't get married soon, he doesn't know how long it will take.

The six wedding rites are complicated, and China has always attached great importance to etiquette. Therefore, the wedding procedures of "acceptance, asking for name, accepting acknowledgment, accepting invitation, asking for date, and welcoming bride" are basically indispensable.But most people don't understand these etiquettes. Only matchmakers can plan and solve these six etiquette processes for both parties.

Therefore, with the help of Wang Can and Sun Qian, the wedding process progressed quickly. After Huo Jun sent his one-year salary to Bu's home as a betrothal gift.The two chose February [-] as the day to get married based on the birth dates of Huo Jun and Bu Lianshi.

At the same time, under Jiang Ji's operation, the name of Bu Lianshi gradually spread in Jiangzuo.Along with the name of Bu Lianshi, there is the evil deed of Huo Jun being greedy for women and using the Navy to marry him.

(End of this chapter)

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