Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 153: Neglecting the enemy and provoking generals

Chapter 153: Neglecting the enemy and provoking generals

In late spring in the Jianghuai River, the water in the river has risen after being moistened by the spring drizzle.And as summer approaches, heavy rains follow one after another. After the heavy rain, the river becomes even more choppy.From Wankou to Jingkou, the navy arrived in the morning and at night, during which time it was more than a thousand miles. Although they rode against the wind, they did not use speed.

In the big tent, all the generals sighed, and the atmosphere was very dull.

Liu Zhong straightened his back slightly, calmed down the atmosphere, and said, "Generals, the governor-general and his wife are crossing the river to visit relatives. We have given food and wine to the soldiers under our tent."


Hearing this, Gan Ning angrily put his sword on the table and said: "Our soldiers are not short of food and wine, and we are short of commanders who can command us in battle."

Liu Zhong looked embarrassed and said: "The governor will lead the army to fight soon. Why did Gan Zhonglang say this?"

Gan Ning sat with his legs spread out and said with a stern face: "The Governor is no longer the Governor. He has no ambitions and is addicted to women. He abandoned the army and ignored the Second Duke and our soldiers."

Chen Yue coughed slightly and said: "The army of the Second Duke has advanced like the wind and has arrived at Qiantang. If the war between the Second Duke goes smoothly and Sun Quan and Zhou Yu are defeated, it is still possible to conquer Wu County. But if the army is defeated because the governor neglects military affairs, Yue will be defeated." I'm afraid that the Second Duke will punish the governor."

Huo Jun's behavior now is all due to his past military exploits.As Chen Yue said, it is easy to say that Liu Bei will win, but if he loses, Huo Jun will definitely be punished.

After a pause, Chen Yue said seriously: "Today, I am not thinking about the army, but also about the future of the governor."

Liu Zhong and the other generals were silent. Only Gan Ning was holding the hilt of his sword tightly, seeming to be thinking about a decision.

After a while, in the eyes of all the generals, only Jiang Ji's figure appeared in the account, and Huo Jun was not seen, and he sighed again in his heart.

In the past two months, Huo Jun's long-term absence has become the norm for the military meetings held once every seven days, except for the regular arrival of the generals.The public will go from understanding in the early stage to anger in the mid-stage to helplessness now.Huo Jun is nowhere to be seen today, but he is already used to it.

Jiang Ji looked around at the disappointed generals, coughed, and said, "The Commander-in-Chief said that you no longer have the will to fight and cannot be used. We will stop the military discussion now."


As soon as these words came out, the silent camp was like a boiling water frying pan. The generals shouted at the top of their lungs to express their dissatisfaction with Jiang Ji's remarks.

"Huo Zhongmiao is greedy for women, but he says that we have no intention of fighting. How can it be unreasonable!" Gan Ning pushed away everyone, walked to Jiang Ji, and said angrily.


Xu Sheng was also dissatisfied with Jiang Ji and Huo Jun's slander, and said loudly: "We have tried to build the governor to fight many times, but he has been refuted by the governor one by one. Why do you say that we can't use him now?"

"I'm waiting to see the governor!"

Jiang Ji saw that everyone was excited and shouted at the top of his voice: "If the governor sends troops to Jingkou now, how will you prove your words!"

Xu Sheng, whose face turned red, shouted loudly: "Sheng dares to issue a military order. If you don't break through Jingkou, I will give you my head."

After saying that, Xu Sheng sneered and said, "I wonder where the governor is?"

"I would like to issue a military order and ask where the governor is!" the generals in the tent shouted excitedly.

Looking at the group of generals who were already at the top, Jiang Ji felt chills on his back. He was really worried that these angry generals would kill him.

Jiang Ji wiped the cold sweat from his head and when he was about to say something, the curtain behind him was opened.In everyone's shocked eyes, they saw Huo Jun with a sword on his waist, dressed like a man of armor, and his face was neither angry nor happy.

"The Governor!"

In an instant, the excited generals calmed down, dispersed one after another, made way for them, and returned to their seats.

Huo Jun knelt down on the couch and said in a deep voice, "I wonder if your words are true or false?"

Xu Sheng stood up with his sword in hand and said enthusiastically: "We are watching the governor's actions. The governor uses us to welcome and visit relatives, while we beat drums and raise gold, and the army has no fighting spirit. If the governor uses us to go out and fight, we will He is a brave general and a sharp soldier, brave and not afraid of death."

"If the Commander-in-Chief wants to fight at Jingkou today, he would like to issue a military order and lead his army to attack the city first." Gan Ning knelt down and stood up with a bow, saying: "Although Ning is reckless, he also knows how to run an army. As a general, If the generals are weak and lax and the teachings are unclear, then the officers and soldiers will be unpredictable and the troops will be in disorder. Whether you dare to fight now depends on the governor, not on us. If the governor wants to fight, he would rather issue a military order and lead his troops to attack the city first. "

"I sincerely request the Commander-in-Chief to send troops. We are willing to issue a military order."

All the generals stood up and said to Huo Jun, who was in a high position.

"it is good!"

Huo Jun was not angry but happy. He clapped his hands and said, "Jun was originally worried that after many months of rest, he would no longer have the will to fight, but he did not expect that the morale would be so high. The military's morale can be used, so how could Jun violate it?"

"What about the Governor's marriage proposal?" Ding Feng asked, scratching his head.

"Ha ha!"

Huo Jun held the hilt of his sword tightly, laughed loudly, and said: "Although Jun loves women, he is not addicted to women. The rumors and anecdotes in the past were all tactics used by Jun and his wife to slack off the enemy. Now the opportunity to fight has arrived. , the military morale is available, how can military affairs be abandoned because of women's affairs?"

With that said, Huo Jun drew his sword and said: "Raise the tent and discuss military matters."


To be honest, Huo Jun was really faking it. He wanted to show that he was addicted to women, but he didn't expect that he was really addicted to women.For more than a month, I spent almost most of the time with Bu Lianshi Niwai.

Although the girl is small, her development is not bad.For Huo Jun, who loves to be a teacher, Zhen means teaching her day and night, turning her into his own shape.

After a while, several attendants came up carrying the sand table from Jingkou City, and the generals gathered around the sand table.

Huo Jun pointed at Niuzhu on the map with the tip of his sword and said: "The water in summer has risen sharply. I and you will lead the navy from Wankou to the Niuzhu waters and wait for dusk. At dusk, Xingba, Feidu, Fenglu, you and other three troops will each lead their soldiers and sail their ships to attack Jingkou."

"When we arrived at Jingkou, it was already dark, and Huo Zhonglang ordered his men to assist you. Xingba led a thousand elite men to attack Jingkou from the west gate, Feidu led a thousand elite men to siege the city from the south gate, and Fenglu also led a thousand elite men to attack the east gate. Gate. Raise troops from all directions, regardless of priority, and attack Jingkou with all your strength."

The generals frowned, and the clever general already vaguely understood Huo Jun's intention of using troops.

Zhuge Liang said that Huo Jun was a arrogant soldier. He was right in some ways and wrong in others.For a month, he acted like he was addicted to women. He was able to deceive most people, but not a small number of people.Therefore, Huo Jun's real purpose is to make Sergeant Cao Sun feel slack when on guard, rather than targeting Sun Yu and Zang Ba.

He used his wife as bait and pretended to be addicted to women to make the enemy slack off.Then in the name of provincial relatives, taking advantage of the rainy weather in summer, the water in the Yangtze River surged, and the large ships sailed down the river at extremely fast speeds.More than a thousand miles away, we can arrive in the morning or evening.Under the cover of night, they rushed to Jingkou City.Taking advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness at night, he sent out elite troops to besiege Jingkou from all sides.

But there was a fatal flaw in it. In order to prevent Huo Jun from attacking, Sun Yu adopted Zhou Yu's suggestion and built a beacon tower on a high place more than a hundred miles from Niuzhu to Jingkou.

With the beacon tower, Huo Jun's surprise attack strategy was almost impossible to accomplish.If you want to succeed, you must remove the beacon towers on the outside.

Chen Yue pointed to the beacon tower on the sand table and said: "Captain, Sun's beacon towers are distributed on the south bank of the river. They burn open fires at night as signals and light smoke as warnings during the day. Even if our army leads the navy to attack Jingkou City at night, it will definitely be destroyed. Enemy scouts are investigating. When Niuzhu arrives at Jingkou, the open fire will be used as a signal, and it will be transmitted to Jingkou City in an instant. By then our army will arrive at Jingkou, and the city will be on guard. What should we do?"

Huo Jun was not in a hurry, and said slowly: "Jun has given orders regarding the beacon tower. When our army reaches Niuzhu, all the beacon towers will be in our hands."

Ding Feng took a step forward, pointed to the beacon tower on Beigu Mountain, and said: "Captain, the Jingkou Beacon Tower is built on Beigu Mountain, facing the river in the north. The mountain wall is steep and difficult to climb. If you want to seize the beacon tower here, you need to start from Up the mountain from Jingkou City, sentries are posted on three sides except the north side near the river."

"The Governor wants to attack the beacon tower. Everything below Niuzhu can be captured. Only the Beigu Mountain Beacon Tower is difficult to capture. If the Beigu Mountain Beacon Tower cannot be conquered, the Governor's plan to attack the beacon tower will be difficult. Our navy's boat will be close to the shore. It was detected by the beacon tower. The fire was used as a signal, and Jingkou was on guard. It was difficult for the soldiers to defeat it."

As the general responsible for exploring the terrain around Jingkou, how could Ding Feng not know the layout of the beacon tower.Sun Yu was a prudent man. He went from Niuzhu to Jingkou City to set up beacon towers.But he was worried that the beacon tower would be taken away and Jingkou would not be able to receive it.Therefore, based on the characteristics of Jingkou City's mountain-based city, he arranged a beacon tower on Beigu Mountain to observe the traffic of ships on the river.

Faced with Ding Feng's question, Huo Jun just put his hands on the sand table and said calmly: "You can just listen to a certain military order. Tomorrow, in the name of relatives, we will send troops to Jingkou."


Although the generals had doubts in their hearts, they still chose to believe Huo Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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