Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 155 Reinforcement

Chapter 155 Reinforcement
At Shenshi time, the Jingzhou navy, which set out early in the morning, arrived at Niuzhu waters with the help of the river's downstream flow.The beacon tower has long been taken over by Huo Du's men, and a harbor has been found for the Jingzhou Navy.

The generals who set foot on Niuzhu were stunned when they saw the beacon tower that had been captured by their own soldiers.

Gan Ning, who was as bold as an ox, opened his mouth slightly with a shocked expression and said, "Isn't this beacon tower belonging to the enemy?"

After swallowing his saliva, Gan Ning said: "Why did it fall into the hands of our army now? Could it be that the governor had already ordered people to persuade Niuzhu Beacon Tower to surrender?"

Ding Feng looked around and said in disbelief: "The governor is not a man of gods. The beacon tower was captured by our army before our troops arrived."

"Ha ha!"

Huo Jun and Jiang Ji looked at each other and laughed.

Jiang Ji stroked his beard and said: "The governor was able to arrange the march yesterday, which means that all the beacon towers more than a hundred miles away from Niuzhu to Jingkou have been captured by our army. Why are you so late to see what happened?"

"Early this morning, when our army set out, Huo Zhonglang followed the orders of the governor, dressed up as Cao's army's grain transport fleet, and deceived the beacon towers into attacks."

As he said that, Jiang Ji looked at Huo Jun with admiration and said: "As for the arrangement, the governor has already planned it. Whether it is Gao Lang evacuating from Ruxukou, Huo Zhonglang being transferred to Shu County, or the governor pretending to The appearance of being addicted to women. Everything that happened today was all expected by the governor."

Hearing this, Gan Ning, Gao Xiang, Chen Yue and others all took a deep breath, and then they looked at their governor.I saw him holding the sword with one hand, his shoulder cape rolled up in the wind, standing tall and straight on the bank, looking at the river in the distance, unfazed by the favor or disgrace.

In an instant, the generals' admiration for Huo Jun suddenly rose. He used his troops like a god and had a far-reaching layout, which made them admire him as a man of heaven.

The governor was right in front of them, and they could know the arrangements, but they really didn't guess the plan of their own governor.They actually naively thought that the governor was really addicted to women and couldn't help himself, but they didn't know that the clown was themselves.

Gan Ning, who had an unruly temperament, praised him and said: "The governor's use of troops is unparalleled by anyone in the world. Only Sun and Wu can compare."

The corners of Huo Jun's mouth raised slightly, and his hand shook his cloak slightly.The cloak fluttered in the river breeze, which further showed his heroic spirit.

Drunk and lying on the knees of a beautiful woman, traveling thousands of miles to seize the beacon tower.What he wanted and needed was perfectly accomplished in his hands!

"The Governor is truly a man of God!"

Jiang Ji took the lead in bowing, and all the generals then raised their hands and shouted in unison.

Huo Jun supported the generals out of thin air and said with a smile: "How can Jun dare to use troops as good as Sun and Wu? Now we only go down to Niuzhu to the beacon tower of Beigu Mountain. The Jingkou City is difficult to conquer, so it is up to you to fight bravely!"

"Please give me the command, Commander-in-Chief!" the generals replied.

Huo Jun pointed to Chaohu from afar and said: "Zang Ba's troops arrived at Chaohu. Although they have stopped moving forward, if they learn that our army is attacking Jingkou City, they may cross the river to rescue them. Wen Xiang led a thousand people in a large ship and stationed in Niuzhu, bluffing , to scare Zang Ba. Zang Ba first arrived in Jianghuai and did not know the geography of the river. Now that he sees the big ship, he will not dare to cross the river easily."


Xu Sheng answered with cupped hands.

Huo Jun pointed eastward in the direction of Jingkou and said: "Now you will temporarily stop at Niuzhu to rest and follow the governor to attack Jingkou City at night."

"No!" Everyone responded.

Ding Feng hesitated a little and said: "Beigu Mountain Beacon Tower is adjacent to the river in the north. The mountain wall is steep and difficult to conquer. If it is discovered, our army's surprise attack strategy will be difficult to achieve."

Chen Yue patted Ding Feng on the shoulder and said with a smile: "The governor was able to break down a hundred-mile beacon tower thousands of miles away. Now there must be a way to break down the beacon tower in Beigu Mountain."

After this surprise attack on the beacon tower, no one had any doubts about the ability of their own governor.In their eyes, it seemed that there was really nothing wrong with Huo Jun.

Huo Jun smiled and said nothing, just looking eastward.He had discussed the method of capturing Beigu Mountain Beacon Tower with Huo Du many times, and even had his sergeants practice it several times. If nothing unexpected happened, the probability of success was extremely high.


In the gloomy night, more than ten boats, flying the "Cao" flag, sailed down the river and floated to the waters of Jingkou at night.

After Xiahou Du came forward to negotiate, the soldiers at Jingkou briefly checked the boat and saw that it was full of grain and grass, so they were not suspicious.Bai Chang, a sailor patrolling the river, saw that Xiahou Du wanted to travel all night, and wanted to invite the fleet to dock and rest for the night. However, Xiahou Du declined, saying that the military was urgent and he did not dare to delay.

The fleet passing through the waters of Jingkou moved slowly along the shore under the light of the bright moon and the lights on the ships.

At Beigu Mountain Beacon Tower, soldier Zhang San looked at the lights approaching the shore and shouted: "It's very long, there is a fleet approaching."

Chief Xie Dong narrowed his eyes and said: Don't worry, the sergeant has already checked it.It is often difficult to sail at night, so just pay attention to your movements. "


The two of them didn't care. On the side of Beigu Mountain facing the river, the mountain wall was as steep as a knife and difficult to climb.The beacon tower was built on the mountain, just occupying a high place to watch the invading enemies at Jingkou.Therefore, there were less than 50 soldiers in the platform, and only about [-] people were stationed alternately day and night.

The waves of the river are surging, the boats are floating, and the fleet is gradually approaching the cliff of Beigu Mountain under the bright and dark lights.


Huo Yuan raised his head and looked at the mountain wall more than forty meters high, and shouted: "Our army has arrived at Beigu Mountain, and there is a beacon tower on top." Huo Du raised his hand and said: "Order the elite soldiers on the ship to gather five On the boat, the rest of the soldiers sailed down. Do not alert the enemy invaders on Beigu Mountain."


The sailors threw the anchor down the river to stabilize the ship's hull.But under the turbulent river waves, the anchor can only fix the ship and prevent it from drifting, but the hull is constantly rising and falling.The lights on the boat were extinguished and hidden under the mountain wall, just blocking the sight of the beacon tower soldiers.

The five boats that were ordered to stay were full of people, about 500 people, standing on the ups and downs of the boats. The standing soldiers seemed to be integrated with the boats and were not affected by the waves at all.

"Big yellow crossbow, attach the flying hook."


More than twenty big yellow crossbows were loaded with flying hook crossbow arrows, and the crossbowmen with night vision stood on the boats and aimed at the top of Beigu Mountain.

This is Huo Jun's method after thinking hard. Although Beigu Mountain is dangerous, it is not high. It is close to the river and is only about 50 meters high.If there are people who are good at supporting the wall, it will not be a problem to climb Beigu Mountain with the help of the flying hook.

And there are many people who have used this method to defeat the enemy since ancient times. During the Long March, the Red Army climbed up many times with bare hands to surprise and attack dangerous fortresses.It's not like we're conquering the enemy's camp, it's just to break the Beigu Beacon Tower, so why can't we do it?

At the height of Beigu Mountain, which is 50 meters, a ten-stone big yellow crossbow is enough to throw the flying hook up.By using flying hooks to catch trees or boulders on the top of the mountain, soldiers who are light and good at climbing can climb up the rock wall, then put down the rope ladder to help their companions come up.



Under the cover of the whistling sound of the river wind, the crossbow arrow loaded with a flying hook shot upward into the sky, with a long rope tied behind it, like a flying snake shuttled through the night sky, and then was thrown to the top of the Beigu Mountain wall.


Under the strong pull of the soldiers, most of the flying hooks that were shot up to the top of the mountain did not catch anything and were easily pulled down. Only two flying hooks bit the trees and stone grooves.

"Go up the mountain!"

After ensuring that the rope was firm, two short and light infantrymen, holding coins in their mouths and carrying rope ladders, would help climb up the wall.

The waves from the river collided with the mountain wall, splashing wet trousers. The two tied the rope around their waists. Under the moonlight, they pulled the rope with both hands and kicked their legs on the uneven rock.Even if he missed the mark, he was only slightly panicked, and his mouth was blocked by the coins, so he couldn't make a sound at all.

Amidst the whistling of the river wind, the two merged with the night and slowly climbed up the wall.Although everyone on the boat did not see the two figures, they were nervous in their hearts. Whether they could succeed or not depended on them.

After a while, two 60-meter-long rope ladders were rolled down from the top of the mountain. The upper ends of the ladder ropes were tied with knots on the trees to ensure the stability of the rope ladders.

Huo Du stepped on the rope ladder with his feet, and then led the three people up the ladder.Six more people went up Beigu Mountain, and then lowered several rope ladders, allowing a large number of soldiers on the ship to climb up.


Huo Du left a few soldiers to guard the rope ladder, and lit 20 people to touch the beacon tower in the distance.

Insects were chirping among the grass and trees, and the two soldiers guarding the entrance of the beacon tower were dozing off against the wall.The two Jingzhou Army infantrymen covered their mouths and noses almost simultaneously. The daggers slashed their necks. Their arteries were broken and blood spattered out. They groaned a few times and fell down weakly.

Zhang San on the stage listened to the strange movements in the audience, raised his head, looked down, and shouted: "Is Li Si here?"

All he received in response was snoring. Zhang San cursed secretly and said, "I'm keeping vigil at night, but you slept quite soundly."

Zhang San was idle and bored, and then looked at the river, only to see the boats going down the river. Their lights seemed to be missing by a third, and after counting carefully, they found that there were indeed a few boats missing.

"Sir, there seems to be less light on the fleet." Zhang Sanhui reported.

Shi Chang, who had already gone down to the stage to rest, only replied perfunctorily: "Maybe you saw it wrong, how could there be a few ships missing for no reason."

Zhang San scratched his head and said in a low voice: "I remember correctly, there are indeed a few ships missing!"

However, Shi Chang didn't respond to him. Hearing the footsteps coming up to the stage, he thought it was Shi Chang, but when he turned around, he saw a strange face full of murderous intent.


Before he could move the spear in his hand, the cold ring-headed knife pierced his chest.Before Zhang San could even shout out the word 'enemy attack', he was already dead.

Huo Du walked up to the beacon tower, directed his men to dismantle the warning equipment on the beacon tower, and said: "The people who came here will hold five fires as a signal, and let Huo Yuan go up the river and lead his troops to shoot the soldiers patrolling the river, and let people go up the river to The fleet below has landed and is waiting for the Commander-in-Chief Navy."


Half an hour later, torches on the river lit up sparsely, signaling to Beigu Mountain that they had eliminated the patrol patrols in the Jingkou waters.Then, on the shore east of Beigu Mountain, torches were lit to indicate their successful landing.

The checkpoints and beacon towers outside Jingkou City were all captured by Huo Du.At this time, the Jingzhou Navy, which was sailing down the river, received Huo Yuan's signal in the distance, and the army came in force. Each department marched ashore according to the pre-war arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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