Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 157: Recruit generals and capture counties

Chapter 157: Recruit generals and capture counties

On Beigu Mountain, Huo Jun stood on the mountain peak, his arm-decorated hand resting on the hilt of his sword, and his bright eyes staring at the roaring river.When the river breeze blows against his face, the elegant embroidered robes rustle, revealing the cold air-breathing armor. Coupled with Huo Jun's heroic appearance, he feels like a Confucian general.

It's a pity that Huo Jun's appearance was set up, but there was no photographer to take the photo, which put Governor Huo on the headlines.For example, the five-star general Mai Tianhuang did not fight well in the war, but he was good at marketing. Newspapers and periodicals were always indispensable for Maitian Huang.

Nowadays, in the troubled times of the late Han Dynasty, Governor Huo can only rely on the praise of literati of the past dynasties if he wants to leave his name through the ages.

Standing with his sword in his hand, Huo Jun saw the beauty of the river and felt proud in his heart. He chanted: "Nine sects flow across China, and a thin line passes through the north and south. The mist and rain are vast, and the turtles and snakes lock the river~"

When he reached the word "jiang", Huo Jun forgot the following poems and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.The poems written by the late saint are heroic and majestic. Even those who know a little about poetry can read his broad mind.

Jiang Ji led the generals to behind Huo Jun and praised him: "Although the poems recited by the governor are not neat and rhyming, the words are majestic, with the rivers and the earth in the heart, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. It is a pity that it has not yet been completed." It is a pity in the world to get the whole poem."

When Huo Jun saw everyone here, he sighed: "This poem was not written by Jun, but by Jun's teacher. It was written by Mao Gong when he visited Jiangxia. Seeing the vastness of the river, I can't help but recite it, but Jun has forgotten it."

Jiang Ji was filled with admiration and praised Master Mao with his hands in his hands: "I have heard of Master Mao's name a little, and I have learned about it from the Book of Songs. Now that I have heard Master Mao's masterpiece, I am deeply in awe. If there is peace in the world, Master Mao's talent will serve as the leader." If you can become an official, you will become famous all over the world by writing poems."

Huo Jun smiled and said nothing. In times of peace, the hierarchy was solidified, and even talented people had little chance of getting ahead.He himself is an example. He was born into a powerful family, and if the world is peaceful, he will most likely be a county official. If he wants to become a prefect or a general, he must first see if he is from a wealthy family or has a famous teacher to support him.

"How is it in Jingkou City today?" Huo Jun asked, "Has the war subsided?"

Gao Xiang took a step out of the crowd and said: "To inform the Commander-in-Chief, Sun Yu and Sun Shao led the soldiers to surrender, and with the cooperation of Cai Yu, Lu Xu and other Jiangzu generals, Xiang was ordered by the Commander-in-Chief to clear out the rebel army. , the fighting in the city has subsided."

During the attack on Jingkou City last night, not only did the two armies fight, but there was also a roar in the Jiangdong military camp.Under the influence of the two, the city of Jingkou was in chaos, and the families of the sergeants living in the city were harassed.Under the pressure of Gao Xiang's troops, Jingkou City has just restored public order.

"The few soldiers who fled out of the city have been captured by our cavalry and have not wandered into the countryside to cause trouble to the people." Shiren said with his hand in hand.

After finding the stone, Huo Jun sat on the stone and asked, "How many soldiers have been captured today?"

Jiang Ji took out a bamboo slip from his sleeve and handed it over and said, "Ji has a rough census of the population. The rest of the armor, baggage, bows and crossbows and other military equipment are still being sorted out."

"Beheaded more than [-] people and captured more than [-] soldiers." Huo Jun turned over and saw the bamboo slips that read "Captured more than [-] families of soldiers and soldiers."

Jiang Ji explained: "To inform the governor, Jingkou is a small city, so Sun Yu only placed the family members of the old soldiers in the city to comfort the hearts of the old soldiers."

Huo Jun returned the bamboo slips to Jiang Ji and asked, "What do Zitong think should be done with the captured soldiers in Xiajingkou City now?"

More than [-] troops surrendered. A large number of surrenders may seem like a good thing, but it also has its drawbacks.In addition to consuming the population, manpower is also needed to guard the surrendered troops.Huo Jun currently has seven thousand soldiers and horses in Jingkou City. Judging from the number of people, there is not much difference in the number of Jiangdong troops who surrendered in this battle.Therefore, for the Jingzhou Army who still had to fight, the surrender of more than [-] troops was a troublesome matter to deal with.

Jiang Ji pondered for a while and said: "For the information of the Governor, Ji thought that the new soldiers were all people from Danyang County. They are now joining the army to serve as soldiers, but they were forced into the army by Sun Yu. In Ji's view, the Governor might as well show kindness and send all the new soldiers to the army. When he was returned to his hometown, he was also rewarded with money and food to promote the governor's kindness."

"At that time, all the counties will hear about the military power of the governor and the benevolence and righteousness of the governor. The governor will order people to send messages to the counties and villages, and then the counties in the south of the Yangtze River will definitely surrender to welcome our troops in Jingzhou."

Huo Jun captured Jingkou and opened up the Dantu Waterway, which does not mean that he can directly enter Taihu Lake.After all, Jingkou and Taihu Lake are still hundreds of miles apart, and there are a large number of county towns in between.Such as Shicheng, Wuhu, Danyang, Hushu, Jurong, Jiangcheng and other ten counties.

If Huo Jun penetrates deeply easily and someone loyal to the Sun family rebels and cuts off the Dantu waterway, the navy's retreat will be cut off, and it will be in a situation where it is impossible to advance or retreat, which is very dangerous.

Therefore, the first priority, as Jiang Ji said, is to recruit rebels and allow the counties to surrender.Moreover, there is Zang Ba's army in the north of the Yangtze River, watching with eager eyes.How dare Huo Jun go deep into Taihu Lake in Wu County without solving his worries?
Huo Jun nodded slightly and said: "What Zi Tong said is very consistent with military strategy. The captured new soldiers can follow Zi Tong's advice and distribute money and food so that they can return home and live in peace."

After a pause, Huo Jun asked: "The old soldier from Jiangdong is good at water warfare. Now that he has his family, he can use it reluctantly. Do you have any good generals from Jiangdong to recommend? Jun wants to let him lead the old army and fight for our army on the battlefield."

To put it simply, Huo Jun's army was short of manpower. With an army of ten thousand people, it was impossible to defend the Lujiang River and the Yangtze River while sending troops south to Wu County to fight.

Gan Ning pondered for a while, then raised his hands and said, "For the record, Commander-in-Chief, Ning has had many encounters with General Jiang Zuo, and he thought Sun Shao could use him."


"Sun Shao, whose real surname is Yu, was descended from the Sun clan because of his uncle Sun He. Sun He, the former subordinate of Sun Jian and Sun Ce, was the prefect of Lujiang. He fled to Danyang due to the incident between Gui Lan and Dai Yuan. Sun Shao accepted The remaining troops of Sun He are renovating and governing Jingkou to defend against foreign enemies. Today, most of the layout of Jingkou city is in the hands of Sun Shao. The governor wants to use old soldiers from Jiangdong, and Sun Shao may be qualified for the job."

After pacing for a while, Huo Jun asked, "Where are Sun Yu and Sun Shao today?"

"We are at the foot of the mountain today." Jiang Ji said.

"Let the two of them go up the mountain!" Huo Jun said: "Sun Yu is the governor of Lujiang. He has surrendered to our army and should be treated with courtesy."


After a while, Sun Yu and Sun Shao walked up the mountain and said respectfully: "The defeated general has seen General Huo."

Before they met Huo Jun, the two of them were impressed by his military talents. Now that they saw Huo Jun in person, they felt even more incredible.

too young!

Under the age of 30, it is beyond their imagination to be able to command such a battle.Moreover, Huo Jun is heroic and has the demeanor of a Confucian general in his movements, which makes the two of them feel admiration.

"Please sit down, both of you!"

Huo Jun sat on the horse, raised his hand and said: "You can worry about the lives of the soldiers and lead the army to surrender. Jun is grateful."

"Don't dare!" Sun Yu smiled bitterly: "Although I don't follow the general's arrogant strategy, the general is like a magic weapon descended from heaven. What will happen if Yu doesn't surrender?" "Haha!"

The generals laughed a few times when they saw that Sun Yu was still in the dark.

Huo Jun motioned for tea to be served and said with a smile: "The general's beacon tower strategy and the tight defense at Jingkou will give Jun a headache for several days."

"Only give the general a headache for a few days?" Sun Yu asked in surprise.

Huo Jun smiled and said: "To be precise, Jun only had a headache for two days, and then he thought of a way to break the city."

"Two days!"

Sun Yu and Sun Shao looked in disbelief and said silently.

"General, can you clear up our confusion?" Sun Shao said, cupping his hands.

"The beacon tower is hundreds of miles long, and it is not without its flaws. Jun followed the arrogant soldier's strategy and ordered the soldiers to evacuate Ruxukou, which was to allow the general and Jianghuai to resume water transportation. After water transportation resumed, Jun ordered his soldiers to disguise themselves as a grain team and successfully attacked Beacon Tower..." Huo Jun explained.

"Then there is no news from the Beigu Mountain beacon tower, and there is no response from the sentry post on the river?" Sun Shao asked.

Huo Jun smiled and said: "The grain team passed the checkpoint on the river at night, and the boat arrived at the foot of Beigu Mountain. Beigu Mountain is dangerous but not high. We used a powerful rhubarb crossbow with a flying hook as an arrow, tied with a rope, and shot to the mountain. He ordered Soldiers who are good at climbing can climb up the ladder and break the Beigu Mountain beacon tower."

"The beacon tower is defeated, and the details of the checkpoint are known, so it is very convenient to order people to attack and kill them. The checkpoint is captured, the beacon tower is defeated, and there are no eyes and ears at Jingkou. What is the difficulty for the soldiers to lurk under the city!"


Listening to Huo Jun's description of the details of the battlefield, Sun Yu couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, saying: "The general uses troops like Bai and Han, how can Yu be the general's opponent?"

As he spoke, Sun Yu smiled bitterly and said: "Yu thought he had seen through the general's plan of arrogant soldiers, and secretly rejoiced in front of the generals, but unexpectedly he had fallen into the general's plan."

Huo Jun looked at Sun Yu and said with a smile: "General, now that he has surrendered to our army, what are your plans for the future?"

Sun Yu thought about it for a while and said, "Yu would like to bring his family back north to Xuchang. I wonder if the general will approve it?"

In front of Xiangyang and Xuchang, Sun Yu is not a fool and will naturally choose Xuchang.Xuchang is the residence of the Han Emperor. As an orthodox official of the Han Dynasty, he did not go to Xuchang, but surrendered to Xiangyang. Isn't there something wrong with his brain?

And when I arrived in Xuchang, with my status as the governor of Lujiang, I might not be able to get into the official position of Jiuqing.After all, Sun Yu also realized that his talents were not suitable for fighting, so he would be fine if he took up an idle official position.

Huo Jun nodded and said: "If Sun Zhongmiao returns and surrenders, Zhou Mu will not be willing to let him go north. But the general intends to return north, and our army will not stop him."

Sun Quan is Sun Ce's de facto heir. Even if Huo Jun is willing to let him go to Cao Cao, Liu Biao will definitely not be willing.And Liu Biao probably won't let go of Sun Ce's son.

"Thank you for your kindness, general!" Sun Yu said, cupping his hands and saying, "I dare not forget it!"

"It takes a little effort!" Huo Jun replied with a smile: "The mountains and rivers meet each other. I hope the general's journey north will go well."

Huo Jun and Sun Yu were rivals who were fighting to the death the day before. After the war, they could have a friendly conversation and let each other survive, so the two Han Dynasties still have the legacy of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Then, Huo Jun turned his attention to Sun Shao and said, "If Jun remembers correctly, is the school captain's surname Yu?"

Yu Shao was stunned for a moment and replied: "General Qi, Shao's old surname was Yu, and he changed his surname after his uncle."

"Danyang Yu family?"

"It's not Danyang, it's the Yu family of Wu County." Yu Shao corrected.


Huo Jun stood up with his sword in hand and said: "The Sun family will move to Xuchang. Since the captain is not a member of the Sun family, it is better to stay in Jiangzuo with his family. After all, your mother is old and it is very inconvenient to move around and be far away from your relatives." "

After saying that, Huo Jun patted Yu Shao on the shoulder and said: "The school captain has always had generals and talents. If he studies diligently, he will be able to excel. If he returns to the north now, he will get an idle official title and waste his own talents. Wouldn't it be wrong? pity!"

In his words, Huo Jun clearly showed his regard for Yu Shao and analyzed the pros and cons for Yu Shao's future.

Hearing this, Yu Shao was very happy, and no one wanted to leave his hometown and go to Xuchang.And he is no better than Sun Bi, Sun Fu, and Sun Yu. They are two thousand stone prefects, and he is only a small school captain.

Of course, what makes him happy is that Huo Jun, who is famous all over the world, thinks that he has generals and plans to cultivate him.Although Yu Shao is young, he also knows that this is his own opportunity, so how can he let it go easily.

Yu Shao, who had been defeated by Huo Jun long ago, bowed and said: "If the general does not give up, Shao is willing to enter the general's tent and listen to the general's teachings."

"it is good!"

Huo Jun helped Yu Shao up and said with a smile: "Jun Biao Gongli is the Chenglie Colonel. Now he has 500 people in the old army."

"Thank you Dudu!"

(End of this chapter)

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