Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 161

Chapter 161
Anyone who uses military force speaks without hearing each other, so it is a golden drum; when it is seen, it is not seen by others, so it is a banner.Therefore, there are many flags in the day battle, and there are many golden drums in the night battle.

The key to fighting at night lies in the technique. It is difficult to see people with your eyes, so you can use golden drums to confuse them, and you can also confuse them with the light of fire.It was dark and windy at night, sweeping into the camp, killing people and setting fires, disrupting the morale of the army.For example, in the defeat of Chibi, the coalition attacked with fire ships. Although Cao's army was numerous, it was defeated without a fight due to the darkness and confusion.

Liu Bei has been on the battlefield for many years and is well versed in military strategy. The camp and stronghold should be stable. Moreover, with Zhuge Liang's advice, the camp moves are well-organized.Even if there is a night attack, unless the camp roars, they can still form a team to fight and force the foreign enemy back.

How could Zhou Yu not know that the Jingzhou military camp was strong, so he used his few soldiers to beat golden drums, set up dummies on boats, and held up torches to confuse the soldiers on both wings, and then tried to mobilize the Jingzhou central army's troops and horses to attack with elite troops.Unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang was extremely stable and uninterrupted by the outside world. He would rather sit back and watch the two battalions on the left and right being attacked than let Liu Bei divide his troops to rescue them.

Zhou Yu floated up the river and could observe the movements of the central army in Jingzhou. Seeing that there was no sign of large numbers of soldiers being mobilized in the camp, he knew that Zhuge Liang might have seen through his plan.

Then, Zhou Yu immediately changed his tactics and asked the boat with the dummy to dive into the Chinese army's lake, and then deployed hundreds of crossbowmen on the boat to shoot at the Chinese army.Led by some of Jiang Qin's elite troops, they suddenly broke into Liu Pan's camp, leaving elite troops behind to observe the changes in the battlefield situation.

Liu Pan's troops were the first to encounter the night attack. After receiving instructions from the Chinese army, they divided their troops into two groups. One group intercepted the Jiangdong Army trying to go ashore, while the other group stayed at the main camp.Jiang Qin led the elite troops from Lujiang. Under the absence of the sound of golden drums and the illumination of firelight, he recruited [-] warriors to rush forward. The elite soldiers arrived from behind and were supplemented by bows and crossbowmen.

Jiang Qin chose a tricky position. Instead of advancing from the direction he had bluffed before, he chose a direction from which he had never launched an attack.Facing the elite Jiangdong Army who suddenly burst out in the dark, although the infantry under Liu Pan's tent were on alert, they were still half a step too late in the emergency deployment of troops.Two hundred warriors took the lead in rushing into the stronghold, killing people and setting fires along the way, disrupting the order of the military camp.

Liu Pan reacted and led his soldiers to fight in the camp, surrounding and killing those dead soldiers who broke into the camp.Then, Jiang Qin led elite reinforcements to come, and the entire left camp was ablaze. The sergeants of the two armies started a close hand-to-hand combat in the camp, and the scene was chaotic.

Zhuge Liang stopped Liu Bei from sending troops to rescue Zuoying, saying: "Sun Tzu said: 'Be prepared for the front, and the rear will be few; be prepared for the rear, and the front will be few; be prepared for the left, and the right will be few; be prepared for the right, and the left will be few, be prepared for everything. , then everything is lacking. 'Now the enemy is in the dark, and we are in the light. If our army rescues them at every turn, Zhou Yu will definitely take advantage of them."

Liu Bei pointed at the left camp and said in a deep voice: "Kong Ming, Zhou Yu's rear arm has come out today. The two wings are used as bait first, pretending to hit the army, and actually taking the left camp. If we don't rescue now, I'm afraid the left camp will not survive, which will affect the central army." ."

"My lord~"

Liu Bei interrupted Zhuge Liang's words and said seriously: "We have been preparing for a battle for half a life. How can we not know the strength of the enemy's army? Today, Zhou Yu has used all his methods. If he does not send troops to save the country, but instead waits for him to attack the camp, the morale of the army will be shaken!"

Why was Liu Bei so determined to save Liu Pan? Except that Liu Bei believed that Zhou Yu had exhausted all means.And there is a deeper reason. The two Lius joined forces, Liu Qi was the mascot, and he, Liu Bei, was the general.If Liu Pan is not saved now and Liu Pan is defeated, Liu Qi's people will definitely criticize him.

Supporting Liu Pan is not only a military issue for Liu Bei, but also a political issue.Liu Bei implicitly emphasized the words "military spirit" in an attempt to make Zhuge Liang understand the stakes.

With Zhuge Liang's wisdom, how could he not understand the deeper meaning, but Zhuge Liang still insisted on his opinion and corrected him: "My lord, Zhou Yu's fundamental purpose is not to actually capture the left camp, but to actually capture the central army. Just because Our central army is immobile, but Zhou Yu does not dare to send troops to attack it. In order to distract our army, he turns to attack the left camp. If our central army moves slightly, Zhou Yu will definitely send troops to attack it."

"Why do you see it?" Liu Bei asked with a frown.

Under the orange firelight, Zhuge Liang's handsome face dimmed and brightened, and he said after careful consideration: "The key to a night attack is that the soldiers are unprepared. Now the two wings are prepared. Although Zhou Yu's attack is successful, it has no effect."

"Gentlemen, please listen to the movements of Zuoying!"

"Although there are fireworks all over the left camp and shouts of killing are endless. But listening to the sound of the golden drums, it is neat and orderly. It can be seen that the soldiers of the left camp are not in chaos. If Zhou Yu uses a large force to attack, the movement of the left camp should not stop there. Therefore, Liang I think Zhou Yu’s goal is still the central army, not the left camp.”

"If the left army is lost, the army can still survive; if the center army is lost, where will the army be?" Zhuge Liang asked.

"What about Zuoying?" Liu Qi asked with concern: "National Security is still there. Can we send a few soldiers and horses to rescue it and temporarily relieve the siege?"

Zhuge Liang smiled bitterly and said: "Yangzhou, let's take a look at the current war. The sky is dark and the left camp is in chaos. We don't know the specific situation. A small number of people is useless, and a large number of soldiers means that the army will be outnumbered. It is not good for the army to rush to rescue the enemy without knowing the situation. thing."

After a pause, Zhuge Liang said: "In Liang's opinion, it is better to abandon the left camp and the baggage, and collect the left camp troops and horses to the central army. Although it is necessary to cut off the tail to survive, it can stabilize the army camp and make Zhou Yu's plan difficult to achieve. "

In Zhuge Liang's eyes, Zuoying was allowed to be attacked and it was inconvenient to save him.It would be better to let Liu Pan withdraw his troops to the central army, which would not only strengthen the defensive strength of the camp, but also defeat Zhou Yu's idea of ​​trying to make a fuss from the left camp.

After all, he had seen through Zhou Yu's methods, using the night as a cover to play a strategy of attacking from the east and attacking from the west, allowing his own army to disperse its forces, so as to break the camp with heavy troops.Then he might as well do the opposite. If you want me to divide my troops, I will gather them.After gathering troops to defend the central army and the right camp, Zhou Yu couldn't use the strategy of attacking from the east and attacking from the west.If you want to start a fire, I will take your salary!

"What should we do if the fire hits the Chinese army?" Jian Yong asked.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly and said: "The vegetation between the central army and the left camp has been cleared long ago, and the fire cannot reach the central army. Move the antlers on the left wing, collect the soldiers and horses of the left camp, and deploy crossbows to stop the enemy."

As a military advisor, Zhuge Liang's authority was only to advise Liu Bei. He was qualified to give advice on the Chinese army's fortifications.Zhuge Liang, who has always focused on stability, has not yet developed his skills in commanding troops, but he already has some future ideas in terms of military affairs.

He is different from the full-level bosses like Han Xin and Bai Qi. He understands military affairs from military books.Therefore, he basically arranged the camp according to the military manual, striving to play steadily, pay attention to details, and become a perfect academic master.Liu Bei didn't do this kind of firebreak between the camps. He had already ordered people to arrange it.In the central military camp, Zhuge Liang ordered people to prepare water tanks in case there was water leakage and there would be no water to extinguish the troops.

"Uncle?" Liu Qi asked.

"But according to Kong Ming's words, Zhou Yu came by boat at night and will leave at dawn." Liu Bei glanced at Zhuge Liang approvingly and ordered: "Order Wei Yan to lead 500 people out of the central camp, gather the rebels from the left camp, and help Guoan withdraw to Our army.”


Wei Yan performed well in the Battle of Danyang, and Liu Bei appointed him as Sima of the other divisions.In this case, Liu Bei believed that Wei Yan could successfully help Liu Pan withdraw to the Chinese army.

After finishing his instructions, Zhuge Liang was worried and said: "The Jiangdong army has not been sent out for several months. Now that we are sending troops, I'm afraid it means more than that." Liang is deeply worried about the two cities of Wucheng and Qiantang. If these two cities are lost, we are afraid that our army will be behind. The road will be broken.”

Liu Bei's expression turned serious. He seemed to be vaguely aware of Zhou Yu's strategic intentions.Lure the enemy deep into the army, attack the army at night, intercept the retreat, and try to destroy them in Wuhui.

After a while, Liu Bei said, "I don't expect Zhou Yu to be so resourceful. Even with such a strategy, Zilong can guard Wucheng and Zhongye can guard Qiantang, and he can still defend the two cities."


On the river, Zhou Yu frowned more and more when he saw that the center of the Jingzhou Army was still stationary.As Zhuge Liang said, his goal from beginning to end was the central army, not the left camp.Including the two Liu coalition forces, due to political factors, Liu Bei will most likely send troops to rescue Liu Pan, which is all part of his calculations.

However, such a hard-planned strategy was actually discovered by the Jingzhou Army, which made him quite angry.There is both dissatisfaction with the war situation and resentment towards the enemy.

If the left camp is captured, it will not shake the army; if the center army is captured, it will cause chaos in the army.


Zhou Yu punched the ship wall with his fist, cursed secretly, and said: "Asshole!"


"I wanted to hunt tigers, but I got chickens and pheasants."

Zhou Yu ignored the blood flowing from his fists and ordered: "Liu Bei is treacherous and difficult for the central army to defeat. Order the sergeants to attack the left camp with all their strength and set fire to the camp to see if the fire can reach the central army."


After gathering his mood, Zhou Yu calmly said to his surroundings: "Although Liu Bei's camp cannot be broken tonight, if all the lieutenants under his command can capture Qiantang and Wucheng, Liu Bei will also be defeated."

(End of this chapter)

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