Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 166 Ambush Huo Jun

Chapter 166 Ambush Huo Jun
Fujiao Mountain, Jiangdong Army Water Village.

In the big tent, Zhou Yu was discussing with the generals the advance situation of Liu Bei's troops on the south side of Taihu Lake.

"Report, emergency military situation!"

The scout trotted into the tent and reported: "Report to the Commander-in-Chief, Commander-in-Chief Cheng has sent a military report. Liu Bei is leading his army from Youquan to Songjiang. It seems that he is going to cross the river from Songshui, and his troops are heading directly towards Wu County."

Wu County relies on the dangerous strategic points of Taihu Lake to the west and Songjiang River to the south.Therefore, Sun Quan ordered Zhou Yu to lead the navy to garrison Taihu Lake, and Cheng Pu's army to garrison Songjiang River.Liu Bei marched from the south to Songjiang. Once he crossed the Songjiang River, Wu County would be in danger due to the combat effectiveness of Liu Bei's soldiers.

"Isn't Liu Bei afraid of our navy?"

Jiang Qin focused his eyes on the Songjiang River on the map, and said incomprehensibly: "Our navy has crossed Dongshan Island, entered the Songjiang River, cut off its food routes, and Liu Bei will destroy the entire army!"

Zhou Yu raised his handsome eyebrows, shook his head and said, "Liu Bei's move is unusual. I expected Huo Jun to cooperate with his navy to protect the flanks of Liu Bei's army."

Jiang Qin asked hurriedly: "Is there anything unusual in the Jingzhou Navy?"

"Nothing happened!" the scout said, "They just sent out fast horses to explore the waters of Dongshan."

"Dongshan Waters!"

Zhou Yu's eyes moved between Songjiang and Dongshan, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He seemed to already know what Huo Jun's plan was.

Of course, not only Zhou Yu knew about it, but the generals who were familiar with the waters of Taihu Lake also captured Huo Jun's thoughts.

Chen Wu's expression changed slightly, and he pointed to the Dongshan waters on the map and said: "If our army wants to reach Songjiang, it needs to pass through Dongshan Island. If Huo Jun camps in the waters of Dongshan Island, it will prevent our army from entering the Songjiang important road. By then Liu Bei can Cross the Songjiang River without any worries.”

Dongshan Island in Taihu Lake is surrounded by water on three sides.There is a river beach connected to the shore in the east, facing the Xishan Mountain in the north, and more than ten miles away from the lake shore in the south.The entire water body forms the shape of a calabash mouth. The entrance is a narrow channel of several miles formed by mountains and lake shores. Entering the calabash mouth, there is a vast river channel.

Continuing deeper, the river shrinks again, forming a closed loop, with only Songshui as its outlet.Therefore, if Huo Jun leads the navy to block the entrance to the Dongshan waters, the Jiangdong navy will be unable to enter Songjiang and the surrounding lakes, and Liu Bei can go deep into Wuxian to fight without any worries.

Chen Wu suddenly realized and said: "Huo Jun believed that the navy was defeated by our army, so he turned to defense without fighting. He wanted to protect Liu Bei's flanks and let his troops enter Wu County."

After a pause, Chen Wu said: "Captain, our army will move to Dongshan and set up a stronghold here in advance. Don't let Huo Jun set up a stronghold here, otherwise our army will lose all its previous achievements!"

Zhou Yu pondered for a while and said with a smile: "If Huo Jun wants to move to Dongshan, let him move!"


"Huo Jun is not a fool. Our army has moved to Dongshan and its strength is divided into two. How could he sit idly by and ignore it? If I were him, I would lead the navy to attack Fujiao Shui Village. By then, the camp would be lost and our troops would be damaged. Our army would be in danger. !" Zhou Yu said.

As he spoke, Zhou Yu picked up Zhuhong and marked a few times on the map, and the way he thought about breaking the situation suddenly appeared on the map.

I saw Zhou Yu marking Huo Jun's march route from Qiucheng Water Village to Dongshan Water Village, and there was also an arrow from Xishan Water Village to Dongshan Water Village, which seemed to have the momentum to cut the Jingzhou Navy in half.

Zhou Yu's intention was obvious, that is, to let Huo Jun's naval warships reach Dongshan waters first, and then he would lead his naval warships to kill Jingzhou Navy in Dongshan waters.

"Order people to investigate the intelligence of the Jingzhou Navy day and night. If there is any abnormality in the Jingzhou Navy, report it immediately."

Zhou Yu pounded the map with his fist and said in a deep voice: "This battle will definitely destroy the Jingzhou Navy!"



At dawn the next day, the attendant woke Zhou Yu from his sleep with urgent military information.

"Captain, the frontline scouts have sent an urgent military order."

"Hurry up!"

"There was something unusual in Jingzhou's water village. The baggage was loaded onto the boat. The boat set off in the middle of the night and seemed to be heading southeast," the scout said.

Zhou Yu, who splashed cold water on his face to wake himself up, burst out laughing and said: "Huo Junguo will take advantage of the darkness of night and when our army is slack to lead the navy to the Dongshan River Basin, just as Yu expected."

In his excitement, Zhou Yu knocked over the copper basin with his arm. The copper basin rolled on the ground with a clang. The cold water in the basin splashed all over him and wet the floor.

Zhou Yu, however, could not care about so much. He walked around with his bare feet on the wet ground, walked out of the camp, and shouted loudly: "The fighter plane has arrived. Send an order to the generals to assemble the army and set off."


"Gong Jin, what's going on?" Lu Su raised the curtain with sleepy eyes and asked curiously.

Zhou Yu was smiling, even happier than when he first took up the position of Central Protector. He grabbed Lu Su's arms with both hands and said with a smile: "Huo Jun showed a flaw and I caught it. In the battle tomorrow, we will definitely win and defeat the enemy. Defeat Huo Jun's navy." , Liu Bei will be defeated without a fight, and the crisis will disappear."

Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu, who was already in an extremely happy mood, and asked seriously: "Gong Jin, could this be Huo Jun's strategy to lure the enemy?"

"Zijing is overthinking!" Zhou Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "During the water battle with Huo Jun, because the boat was small and unable to defeat our large ships, it was no longer possible to win. So he moved to Dongshan Water Village to protect Liu Bei's flanks and let him We successfully crossed the Songjiang River. Yu led the navy to arrive later and will take the opportunity to attack Huo Jun's navy when it reaches the waters of Dongshan and completely destroy the enemy navy."

It is about [-] miles from the Jingzhou water village in Qiucheng to the Dongshan waters; it is about [-] miles from the Jiangdong water village in Fujian Mountain to the Dongshan waters.

In Zhou Yu's eyes, he would make a decision and act later. Huo Jun would send troops first, and he would then send troops to attack. What dangers would there be in this?Unless Huo Jun can take out more ships than him, Huo Jun will definitely be caught and defeated by him.

Lu Su looked at the confident Zhou Yu and didn't know what to say. Zhou Yu was much better than him in terms of military strategy, but he was worried that Zhou Yu's eagerness to fight would affect his rational judgment.

"Zijing is at the camp, waiting for Yu to return after a great victory."

Zhou Yu didn't bother to chat with Lu Su. He entered the camp and put on his armor and sword. Looking like a handsome man again, he strode out of the camp and commanded the navy sergeants.

Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu's retreating figure, and then listened to the sound of military drums in the military camp, and suddenly he lost all sleep.Looking up to the east, there is already a faint light in the sky, dispersing the edge of the night, and gulls and herons spread their wings and fly high, singing Jiugao.

The sky is getting brighter, but I don't know if it will bring Liu Bei's tomorrow or dispel Sun Quan's shady plot.The land of Jiangzuo, but I don’t know who is in the hands of it?

Whether Zhou Yu or Huo Jun is stronger or weaker, we will know tomorrow!

In summer, it gets bright very early.

The Jingzhou Navy, which had set out in the early morning, was approaching the waters of Dongshan. The fleet was divided into two small groups, each moving in a triangle.Huo Jun's flagship was in the center, fighting ships were surrounding it, and small boats were cruising around the outside.In addition to most of Huo Jun's troops, the other one belongs to Gan Ning. Compared with Huo Jun's ships, Gan Ning's fleet has a higher proportion of large ships. In addition to Gan Ning's warships, there are two other ships on the left and right, and both fighting ships and warships. There are ten ships.

The ships under Zhou Yu's command were lying in ambush on the north side of Dongshan. The scouts stayed on the mountain and looked out, passing down information from time to time.

"Captain, Huo Jun's navy has entered the waters of Dongshan. Jiang Zhonglang asked if he would attack?"

Zhou Yu sat firmly on the stern and said, "Don't worry, going to war now will scare off Huo Jun's navy."

"Order the scouts to carefully explore the surroundings to see how many soldiers and ships Huo Jun has?"


After a while, the scout came to report again and asked: "Huo Jun's navy has thirty or forty large ships, more than a hundred small boats, and all the warships have left the water village."

Zhou Yu paced the deck and asked, "What's going on with Navy Huo Jun?"

"Commander, the Jingzhou navy has arrived at Qixi Pavilion." the scout replied.

Qixi Pavilion is located on the shore of the lake. There are excellent harbors around it, making it easy for boats to berth.Looking at Dongshan Island, it forms a narrow water area several miles wide. All boats that want to enter Songjiang must pass through here.

"Do you have any idea of ​​​​stopping and setting up camp?" Zhou Yu asked anxiously.


The scout said: "The enemy invaders are gradually approaching the shore, and they seem to have the idea of ​​​​camping ashore. The scouts are coming towards our army, and the large ships behind them are guarding the surrounding areas."

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Zhou Yu patted the ship wall, overjoyed and said several good things.

With a sonorous sound, Zhou Yu pulled out the sword from his waist and shouted angrily: "Here come beat the drum and order the generals to attack the Jingzhou Navy and seize Huo Jun's flagship."


Meng Feng, a subordinate, asked in confusion: "Captain, why didn't you take advantage of the enemy troops to camp ashore to attack and kill them, defeat their troops, and seize their ships?"

Zhou Yu looked at the floating boat and said with a smile: "If they set up camp and build a stronghold, and the ship docks and anchors are lowered and ropes are put on, it will be difficult for our army to seize the ship. And Liu Bei's army is not far from the shore. If Liu Bei's troops arrive, the ship will It is not conducive to the strength of our army to be fixed on the shore and the two armies board the ship to fight."

Zhou Yu saw clearly that the boat was fixed to the shore. In the absence of wind and waves, those soldiers who were good at foot combat launched a battle to seize the boat. The outcome was difficult to determine.It would be better to lead the navy's large ships to attack Huo Jun's flagship when they are about to set up camp, the sailors are slack, and the fleet is in chaos.


After the east mountain, the sound of drums filled the sky, and the birds resting on the east mountain flew up in panic.

First there was one white sailboat, then two white sailboats, and then dozens of white sailboats came out into the wind.The oars cut through the waves, the flags curled up, the momentum was majestic and intimidating, and it headed directly towards the Jingzhou ship on the bank of Qixiting Lake.

"Enemy attack!"

On the boat, Jingzhou sailors saw enemy ships east of the river and sounded the early warning bugle.The Jingzhou Navy seemed to be at a loss when faced with the sudden appearance of the Jiangdong Navy and hurriedly adjusted its formation.

Looking down from the sky at this time, I saw the Jingzhou fleet arranged in a 'one' formation, while the Jiangdong navy came in a '1' formation, vaguely forming a 'T' shape. Zhou Yu seemed to want to cut the Jingzhou navy in half.

(End of this chapter)

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