Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 187 Sumai and childbirth

Chapter 187 Sumai and childbirth

Sumai is winter wheat. Its cultivation began in the Warring States Period and became an official disaster relief crop in the Western Han Dynasty.During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there was a flood in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent an audience to encourage people to plant wheat.Since then, winter wheat and millet have gradually become the staple foods in the north in the Kanto region.

In fact, since the Han Dynasty, the gentry and powerful people in Guandong have risen rapidly and become the core discourse group of the Eastern Han Dynasty. This is closely related to Emperor Wu's order to plant wheat in Guandong.

Just like Jiangnan in later generations, Guandong had Sumai as a rotation product. The people of Guandong relied on crops that were harvested three times every two years to accumulate a lot of money and complete primitive asset accumulation. They surpassed the Kansai region and became the most prosperous region in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

After all, the economic base determines the superstructure. In later generations, southern literati emerged in large numbers and surpassed northern literati. The fundamental reason is that the economic base of the south surpassed the economic base of the north.

As for when rice-wheat rotation appeared in the south, it took shape in the Eastern Han Dynasty.In the Nanyang area, where the north and the south meet, people have practiced rice-wheat rotation, but it has not been popularized.

Not only because of the slow spread of the disease, but also because in the Jiangnan area where fire farming and water plowing took place, people really couldn’t starve to death.For example, every time there was a disaster in the Han Dynasty and people were displaced, the government would let the refugees go to the south of the Yangtze River.When people are not starving to death, and because of the agricultural society, there is naturally a lack of power to spread.

During the war in the north, people in the Yellow River Basin fled to the south of the Yangtze River, and crop rotation technology was introduced to the south of the Yangtze River.In addition, during the Yuan Dynasty of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the cultivation of wheat was encouraged. With the changes of the times, it was not until the Song Dynasty that the southern region fully mastered the rice-wheat rotation system. With the addition of Champa rice and double-cropping rice, a unique two-year-old rice system was formed in the south. Crop production from ripe to triple ripe.

Compared with the two-year and three-crop crop yields in the north, the south's output in one year can be equal to its two-year crop yield. Sooner or later, it is only a matter of time before it surpasses the north.

Now that the people in Wancheng have overcome the initial period of hunger, they have the material foundation to realize rice-wheat rotation.Therefore, Governor Huo thought about it and decided to let Sima Zhi plant winter wheat in a small area as a test field. Through the problems that arise during the planting, he will lay a solid foundation for the subsequent spread.

In the government office, Sima Zhi was reporting to Huo Jun on the situation of the winter wheat experimental fields.

"Master Fu, Zhi has ordered people to plant wheat and cultivate about thirty acres of land. And according to Master Fu's wishes, the planting time for the thirty acres of land is different. The harvest will be ready in March or April next year. You can see the harvest by then. Wheat rotation yields. If it is feasible, Zhi will be planted by the common people in urban and rural areas of Anhui next autumn."

Sima Zhi was very efficient, allowing people with experience in growing winter wheat to plant it, and also set up a control group in order to select the appropriate planting time.After all, there are differences in climate between the north and the south. The experience of growing winter wheat in the north can be used as a reference, but it needs to be modified due to climate and humidity issues.

Huo Jun briefly read through what Sima Zhi recorded in the case, and asked: "Zihua is from Hanoi, and he farmed and studied in Xiangyang. From Zihua's point of view, if Sumai is cultivated by the people in Jiangnan, the harvest can be increased by several acres ?”

Sima Zhi pondered and said: "Master Fu, southerners rarely grow wheat and a variety of rice, so they don't have the skills. Even if they can rotate rice and wheat, the yield per mu may not be high. Even so, Zhi thinks that one stone per mu can be increased Half, it may be feasible. If you improve your skills, you can get rich."

Huo Jun nodded with satisfaction. A harvest of one and a half shi per mu may not seem like much, but compared to a rice harvest of about 3 shi per mu, it is only about half.But overall, it has increased the income of each household by half.I could have enough food and clothing before, but now I can have savings every year.With this going on, how could the people under his rule not be rich?

Huo Jun looked up at Sima Zhi and said with a smile: "Zihua, from now on you will serve as the commander-in-chief of the county. When someone leads the army to go on an expedition, the government affairs of the county will be handed over to you."

Hearing this, Sima Zhi felt happy in his heart, raised his hands and said, "Thank you so much for your kindness. Zhi will serve you wholeheartedly and live up to your expectations."

Sima Zhi came from Jingzhou and followed Huo Jun for more than two years, and his political achievements were outstanding.Previously, Jiang Ji assisted Huo Jun in government affairs, but with the increase in the number of soldiers in the army, Jiang Ji focused on military affairs.The county lacked the appropriate people to assist him, so Sima Zhi became Huo Jun's favorite candidate.

When he first arrived in the county, Huo Jun asked Sima Zhi to inspect the counties in the county with the power of supervising postal services.Sima Zhi personally went to the countryside to learn about the situation in each county, and then killed several local officials who violated the order openly and secretly. The counties south of the Yangtze River were awe-inspiring and did not dare to disobey the order.

Since he was transferred to the army, Sima Zhi has been very concerned about the farming affairs under his rule. He often went to the countryside to persuade farmers and helped the people who migrated to Wancheng to tide over difficult times.With outstanding performance and Sima Zhi being his friend, it was logical for Huo Jun to appoint Sima Zhi as chief historian.

Huo Jun handed the household registration documents to Sima Zhi and said: "Now that Cao's soldiers have retreated, our army's prestige has greatly increased. Now we can verify the household registration population in the county and recheck the taxes. All powerful and powerful people who hide their population and refuse to pay taxes should be severely investigated. In the end, if anyone refuses to comply, he will be punished as a bandit and a certain army will be sent to encircle and suppress him."

Holding the document in hand, Sima Zhi hesitated for a moment and asked, "Can the general's family verify it?"

Huo Jun looked at Sima Zhi with his eyes, but he smiled and said: "But there is no harm in checking. If you don't check my clan members, how can we strictly check the powerful and powerful families in the county."

"No!" Sima Zhi said with his hands in hand.

Huo Jun is really not afraid of what Sima Zhi will find out. Every member of his Huo family joins the army and does not pay taxes. He is not the kind of powerful or wealthy family that refuses to obey military service and does not pay taxes.

During the discussion, Deng Fan hurriedly ran into the entrance hall, took a few quick breaths and said, "Fu Jun!"

"What's the matter?"

Huo Jun looked displeased when he saw Deng Fan intruding regardless of etiquette.

Deng Fan quickly said: "Madam is in labor!"

As soon as these words came out, Huo Jun's face lit up with joy, and Sima Zhi raised his hands in celebration and said, "Congratulations to the Lord!" "The political affairs are as arranged before, thanks to Lao Zihua."

After giving the instructions, Huo Jun followed Deng Fan back to his house and hurried to the inner hall.

By the time Huo Jun arrived, people were already gathering outside the inner hall.Bu Mu, Li Qian, and Er Qiao were at the door, and even the sister-in-law Wang rushed over from her home.

"How's the situation inside?"

Huo Jun couldn't help feeling anxious as he listened to the heart-wrenching moans of pain in the room.

Li Qian held Huo Jun's hand and said comfortingly: "Lang Jun, Madam just had unbearable abdominal pain. Po Wen is waiting around and thinks she is about to give birth. She is already giving birth, so Lang Jun will wait a little longer."

He stood on tiptoe, but couldn't see what was going on inside the house. Hearing the constant groans of pain from inside the house, Huo Jun couldn't calm down. He paced back and forth outside the house, his heart pounding.

Giving birth was difficult in ancient times. Why did the emperor have no problem marrying a widow during the Western Han Dynasty? The core reason is that most widows were women who had given birth, which was conducive to the inheritance of the royal bloodline.Small bean sprouts were never a mainstream aesthetic during the Han Dynasty.

Now that the trainer has given birth for the first time, why wouldn't Huo Jun be worried?

Huo Jun thought about Bu Lianshi's voice and appearance, grabbed Da Qiao's hand, and said anxiously: "If that doesn't work, I'd rather have Da Qiao..."

Da Qiao interrupted and said, "You cannot say such unlucky words at this time. And my wife's hips are wide, so the birth will not be a problem."

Stepmother glanced at Huo Jun and said nothing, but she was happy for her daughter in her heart.

While Huo Jun was waiting in agony, the painful groans in the room suddenly disappeared, and his heart was hanging.Da Qiao grabbed his hand and said comfortingly: "Just treat it as Madam giving birth!"

As Da Qiao said, although Po Wen was exhausted and her body was full of vitality, the smile on her face was bright and she said with a smile: "The master is very happy, my wife has given birth to a son!"

"it is good!"

Huo Jun excitedly waved his fists three times, laughed and said, "Everyone in the house is rewarded."

"Thank you, Master."

After saying that, Huo Jun hurried inside.

At this time, the baby's cry came from the house, and the mother who followed Huo Jun into the house was completely relieved.

"Lang Jun!"

Seeing Huo Jun enter, the exhausted Bu Lianshi was lying on the bed and wanted to get up.

Huo Jun took a few steps in unison, stepped forward to hold Master Bu's hand, and put the jade hand against his face.Looking at the haggard face, Huo Jun said distressedly: "Thank you for your hard work, madam!"

Trainer Bu gave Huo Jun a sweet smile and said, "Let's take a look at the child!"

Stepmother came holding the newly born baby and said with a smile: "I wonder if Zhong Miao has a name for the baby?"

Trainer Bu teased the child, showing a motherly smile, then raised his head and looked at Huo Jun.

Huo Jun pondered for a while and then said with a smile: "The big name is Yi, and the nickname is A Niu."

As he said that, Huo Jun stretched out his hand to tease Huo Yi and said with a smile: "General Yide wanted a boy, but he gave birth to twin girls. I don't care about a boy and a girl. It is my destiny to have a eldest son!"

Three or four months before Bu Lianshi was due to give birth, Zhang Fei's wife Xiahou gave birth to twin daughters, which made Zhang Fei depressed as he longed for a son.But Zhang Fei immediately laughed and said that he gave birth to two girls at once and would no longer have to have girls in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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