Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 19 Prophecy

Chapter 19 Prophecy
Although he repeatedly confirmed that he was not sick, Huo Jun was still worried and finally protected himself outside.

Agricultural societies, unlike later generations, were prone to death if they contracted a disease.Huo Jun didn't know why he died young and early because of his strong body, but in order to prevent incurable diseases, he always took caution in everything.

After sleeping in the side room for a long time, the drunkenness gradually dissipated.Huo Jun got up. He wanted to meet the eldest son Liu Qi, but he heard from the maid that Liu Qi was hanging out with two singers. In order not to disturb Liu Qi's fun, he left alone.

Listening to the sounds of play, Huo Jun couldn't help but shake his head.No wonder Liu Qi died young in history. Liu Qi's body was thin and normally he could only bear one woman. Now he was having fun with two women. How could he bear it?

And he was surrounded by fair-weather scholars. When faced with Liu Cong's seizure of the throne, he had almost no power to fight back.Not to mention mediocre talents, how can he become a great person if he is so greedy for women?

Liu Qi has a good personality, he is filial, gentle, and can listen to other people's opinions.In times of crisis, you can still make decisions.In times of peace, Liu Qi could still be a wealthy man, but in times of chaos, it was difficult to maintain his career.

In addition, Huo Junting likes to play with Liu Qi in his spare time.After all, Liu Qi has a lot of tricks when it comes to having fun.But to do business, you have to go to Liu Bei.

Huo Jun went out, boarded the bullock cart, and rested half-reclined.

"Master, sit still!"

Huo Hu replaced his elder brother Huo Xiong and drove Huo Jun's car.

As the bullock cart started, it slowly drove on the road.Children in twos and threes on the roadside are playing and playing, singing nursery rhymes, "It started to decline in 13, and there were no survivors in [-] years; in the end, destiny has been fulfilled, and dragons in the mud are flying to the sky."

Huo Jun, who closed his eyes to rest, asked: "Ahu, when was this nursery rhyme sung? Why haven't you heard it a few days ago?"

Huo Hu, who was holding the reins, replied: "Just two days ago, I don't know where this nursery rhyme came from, and all the children in Xiangyang were singing it for a while. I just don't understand the deep meaning. I wonder if the owner of the family knows?"

"I do not know either!"


Sitting in the car, Huo Jun thought deeply. How could he, who knew the direction, not know the profound meaning of this nursery rhyme, but just didn't want to say it.It's better to say it's a nursery rhyme than a prophecy.

"The desire began to decline in [-]" refers to the beginning of the [-]th or [-]th year of Jian'an, when the Liu Biao family's fortunes declined and began to weaken.

"There were no survivors until the 13th year of Jian'an" refers to the 13th year of Jian'an, when Cao Cao went south, Liu Biao died of illness, Liu Cong offered Jingzhou, surrendered to the Cao family, and Jingzhou changed its owner.

The reason why the Liu Biao family's fortunes declined in the eighth year of Jian'an was due to the dispute between Liu Qi and Liu Cong.And not long after, I will witness this scene. On the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month in the seventh year of Jian'an, it is a good time to get married, and Liu Cong marries Cai's daughter.

The bullock cart stopped and Huo Jun also arrived at his new residence.It would be unjustifiable if he still lived in Wang Can's house when he joined the army.Moreover, it is even more inconvenient for Huo Jun to stay at Wang Can's house because of the things he does.

Sitting on the seat, Huo Jun opened the letter sent by his brother Huo Du. The letter told him about the current situation of the Huo family. After Huo Jun left, under the threat of force, the Huo family still controlled the channels for reselling the salt and made a lot of profits from it. .

In the past six months, Huo's tribe has attracted another hundred people, totaling five hundred people.Thanks to the abundance of sharks, rhinoceros and other species in the land of Jingchu, more than a hundred troops were equipped with leather armor.However, the armor only has five or six collars, which is pitiful.

In the past few months, Huo Du, under Huo Jun's instructions, often led his troops to sail on the river to practice. When he had time, he would also enter the Yangtze River and ride on the Yangtze River waterway.

During this period, Huo Du also told an interesting story: Huo Yuan, a member of the clan, was quite brave.When I was traveling, I saw a woman who I could never forget. Later, I heard that this woman was a descendant of the Xu Xiang family. I was heartbroken, so I wrote the word "love" on the plaque and buried her on the hill. During the funeral, I burst into tears. When people asked him why, he replied: I am sad.

Huo Jun wrote a reply to his brother Huo Du, briefly explaining his situation in Xiangyang and asking him to practice his troops safely in his hometown, work more on weapons and armor, and not forget to teach his subordinates the habit of maintaining weapons.If you have free time, help Huo Yuan find a good girl to marry so that you don't think you are infatuated.

At the same time, Huo Jun wrote back to his concubine Li Qian who missed him, telling her not to rush north. If she missed him too much, she could take the time to come to Xiangyang.

After giving the letter to Huo Xiong for mailing, Chen Dao also secretly came to Huo Jun's home.

"Huo Jun!" Chen Dao, dressed simply, said with cupped hands.In order to cooperate with Huo Jun's activities in Xiangyang, Liu Bei specially arranged for Chen Dao to go to Xiangyang and brought a dozen people with him to be dispatched by Huo Jun.


Huo Jun pointed to the seat in front of him and said, "Do you know how to spread prophecies and rumors?"

Chen Dao nodded and said: "I visited secretly and got a little bit from my brothers. The old women in the alley are full of gossip, so I can get some money and spread it out."

"That's good!" Huo Jun took out the bamboo slips from his arms and handed them to Chen Dao, saying: "From now on, you and the others don't have to see me. Try your best to spread this word and make as much noise as possible. But don't let Xiangyang officials spy. Got it, otherwise the great cause will be ruined.”

Chen Dao looked at the bamboo slips and read on the front and back, "The son is Wu Yuelang, and he will be rampant when he succeeds. He avenges his father for the first time, and takes the head of the thief in three years."

"Do you understand the meaning of this prophecy?" Huo Jun asked specifically.

Chen Dao looked at the prophecy, broke it down and said: "The son line should be 'Sun', Wu Yue Lang should refer to Wu Jun, that is, Sun Quan. If he succeeds, he will be arrogant and arrogant. He will first avenge his father's murder, and then take the behind the scenes." The order of the enemy’s leader.”

"The words are concise and easy to understand." Chen Dao said with his hands in hand.

The prophecy is easy to understand, and it mainly focuses on revenge. When Sun Jian went to Jingzhou, he was killed by Huang Zu under Liu Biao's account.In a sense, both Huang Zu and Liu Biao were Sun's father-killing enemies.

Then, Huo Jun took out another scarf and handed it to Chen Dao, saying, "Put this scarf into the belly of the fish and make sure that the officials in Xiangyang eat it."

Chen Dao spread out the scarf and wrote on it crookedly with a vermilion pen, "A son avenges his father".

"Put this scarf away, and when the order comes, just do as I say." Huo Jun warned.

Chen Dao gasped and stuffed the fish into the belly of the fish, but Chen Sheng and Wu Guang had done it 400 years ago, and the result was the collapse of the Qin Dynasty.This Huo Jun's conspiracy tricks are really played one after another, making it difficult to guard against.

If Huo Jun knew that Chen Dao's thoughts were just childish, he knew the supernatural events of rebellions in past dynasties.If he hadn't been afraid of Liu Biao's suspicious temperament, he would have carved a stone statue with the words "Don't know that the Sun family's father and brother died, so they went to Chu to dig up the Liu family's tomb."

If he really fell for it, I don’t know what Liu Biao’s expression would be like and what his attitude would be after three tricks in a row.

Chen Dao stuffed the bamboo slips and towels into his shoes, turned around and left.

After Chen Dao left, Huo Hutong reported: "Master, Military Advisor Cai sent someone to tell us that there will be a banquet tonight. The master of the Yan family is also a scholar from Nanjun, so he can come to express our friendship."

Huo Jun smiled disdainfully and said, "Tell the visitor that I am not feeling well and it will be difficult for me to attend the banquet."


After Cai Mao entered Xiangyang, he resigned from the post of governor of Nanjun and was transferred to the post of general and military advisor of Zhennan. He assisted Liu Biao in handling military and political affairs, and he had considerable power.But Huo Jun had no intention of coming to lick him. Since he chose to side with Liu Qi and Liu Bei, he would inevitably have conflicts with people like Cai Mao and Kuai Yue.

People like Cai Mao and Kuai Yue are basically the noble clans represented by themselves who are trying to protect themselves in troubled times. If what is expected is true, after the Battle of Guandu, they may have started to have an affair with Cao Cao.Otherwise, Liu Biao would not have just died, and when Liu Cong was still ambitious and prepared to join forces with Liu Bei to fight against Cao Cao, he was dragged out of the city by Cai Mao and Kuai Yue to surrender.

Different road non-phase plan!

"Shishuoxinyu Paidiao No. 20": Huo Wenying went on a trip in May and met a daughter of a scholar's family. She remembered it unforgettable. Later, she heard that she was married to Xiang's son, so she wrote a love character on the sign and placed it in the car every time. The moon was holding a chariot while he was on a parade. When people asked him why, he replied, "I am feeling sad."

(End of this chapter)

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