Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 2 Good Lord

Chapter 2 Good Lord
After the previous dream of separatism and hegemony was shattered, there were not many roads in front of Huo Jun.Either work for Cao Cao or work for Liu Bei.

If you work for Cao Cao, let alone the dirty things he did in Xuzhou before, you should consider your own interests.At present, Cao Cao's inner circle is either controlled by the clan generals or occupied by those Yingchuan and Qiaojun scholars.

Moreover, when Cao Cao went south, those who surrendered to Cao Cao, such as Cai Mao, Zhang Yun, Kuai Yue and other senior officials of Jingzhou's wealthy families, did not receive particularly good treatment.

Cao Pi even scolded Cai Hao, Zhang Yun and others in his article, saying that the two of them "were all cooked and destroyed, and they were killed for a hundred generations." It can be seen that after they surrendered, they were eventually tolerated by the Cao family.

The only minister who received good treatment was Wenpin. He guarded Jiangxia for more than decades and defeated Sun Quan's attacks many times. However, in the end he could only serve in the border areas and could not enter Cao Wei's inner circle.

And I am just a small tycoon from Jingzhou. If I join Cao Cao and work hard all my life, my upper limit will be no more than a civil servant.If Liu Bei takes refuge, the upper limit is immeasurable given his current predicament.

Of course, what is more important is the attitude of the two towards the workers.

Xun Yu, Cao Cao's logistics manager, eventually died of poisoning due to political differences with Cao Cao and Jia Jiuxi; Xu You, the key figure in the Battle of Guandu, the man who changed Cao Cao's fate, was killed by Xu Chu because of some pleasantries; Mao Jie proposed for Cao Cao the strategic plan of "serve the emperor's orders and disobey ministers, cultivate crops, and raise military resources." He was imprisoned for intervening in the matter of establishing a heir apparent, and later died of illness at home.

There must be many people like this, such as Yang Xiu, Cui Yan and others, who have made many meritorious deeds for Cao Cao, and they will be killed as soon as they are told.Treating these core personnel like this, Huo Jun didn't expect Cao Cao to do anything to him.

After excluding Cao Cao, the only way is to serve Liu Bei.Although Liu Bei had a small army and lacked core members, he served for him and made great achievements, and his status in the future will definitely be high.

As for Liu Bei, not to mention whether he is good at employing people, he treats his subordinates very well, and rarely kills them unless they are in trouble.

During the Xiangshui Alliance, Lu Meng attacked Changsha, Lingling and other counties. Liao Li and Hao Pu abandoned the counties and left. Liu Bei learned that he would not blame him and remained an official with two thousand stones. Fei Shi objected to him proclaiming the emperor, and Liu Bei just made him a general. He was assigned to local posts; Mi Zhu, as his angel investor, rose above Zhuge Liang after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

His attitude toward himself in history is also one of grace.After pacifying Yizhou, Liu Bei appointed himself the prefect of Zitong because of his outstanding achievements, and he and Zhang Fei, the prefect of Brazil, shared the important defense task in the north.

After his untimely death, he led his ministers to mourn him and even stayed overnight in front of his tomb.He brought his son Huo Yi to his house to raise him, and he grew up with Liu Chan.

In contrast, it is natural for Huo Jun to choose to serve Liu Bei.

As for Sun Quan, haha~
When Huo Jun was thinking about how to join Liu Bei, he saw a dark-skinned and tall man walking into the house from outside.This man is Huo Du, also known as Bo Chong, Huo Jun's brother. He is famous for his bravery and delicate mind.The two brothers were able to mobilize hundreds of troops and were promoted to official positions by Liu Biao, which was inseparable from Huo Du's ability.

"Brother!" Huo Jun saw his brother Huo Du coming and stood up to welcome him.

"Zhong Miao, there are some military affairs in the camp, which delayed the time."

While he was talking, Huo Du took off his robe, hung it on the hanger, and asked, "I'm inviting you to see me today. Is there something important to discuss?"


Huo Jun poured a cup of tea for Huo Du and said, "Brother, remember what I said at the beginning, to find a good master for my Huo family and promote my brother's name."


Huo Du took a sip of the tea and found that it tasted bitter, so he put it down again and asked: "With Zhong Miao's words, who can be a good master?"

Huo Du admired his second brother's vision and abilities.Before he got sick, his second brother was both brave and wise. But after his serious illness, he not only had bravery but also resourcefulness.

When he first recovered from his serious illness, he declared that Cao Cao would win the battle of Guandu and Yuan Shao would be defeated. Zhang Xian, the governor of Changsha, rebelled and the war became anxious. He believed that Liu Biao would win and Zhang Xian would lose.

At the end of the war, his younger brother paid attention to Maicheng City and used taxes from the market to support his family's army and make it more elite.Although the Huo family is not very famous in Nanjun at present, with hundreds of elite members, it is enough to gain a foothold in Zhijiang County.

"Liu Yuzhou!" Huo Jun said. "Liu Bei, Liu Yuzhou?"


Huo Du frowned and said: "Liu Bei was born in martial arts and eventually became an old soldier. Although he had powerful generals like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, he was defeated by Cao Cao with only a few thousand soldiers. How could he accomplish this? great cause."

"Now he is staying under the command of Liu Jingzhou and stationing troops in new areas. Since his current strength is not as good as that of Liu Biao and Liu Zhang, An can be a good leader? And according to Zhongmiao, Cao Cao will unify the Central Plains. His strength is beyond the capabilities of ordinary people. Bi. If there is a good master, it should be Cao Cao!"

Huo Jun fell silent. The information gap between the two parties created their understanding.He has the memory of later generations and knows that the world will be divided into three parts in the future. Liu Bei is no longer able to survive in Longyou Shoal. When he meets Wolong Zhuge Liang, he takes advantage of the fire in Chibi to seize the two states of Jingyi.

Although Cao Cao was powerful and had the northern troops, he was defeated by the Sun and Liu coalition in water battles, which he was not good at.In the end, he returned in vain and was finally divided into the Three Kingdoms.

Huo Du didn't know these things, but Huo Jun couldn't explain them directly to Huo Du.

"Brother, don't forget the battle of Guandu and the rebellion of Changsha?" Huo Jun said: "Although Liu Yuzhou is a dragon in the shallows, he has great talents and wins the hearts of the people. Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are enemies of ten thousand people, and they will die for them. . He is admired by many scholars at home and abroad, and is feared by Liu Biao, which shows his ability."

"In the past, when Emperor Gaozu entered Chenliu, his troops were only a few thousand, not as good as Xiang Yu or even other princes. However, brothers Li Shiqi and Li Shang were able to recognize the king with a keen eye and responded with thousands of troops. Today, Liu Yuzhou is of the Han Dynasty's blood , has the style of the great ancestor, and our brothers follow suit, and the Li brothers should be regarded as our predecessors."

Huo Jun straightened his back and said loudly: "As for Cao Cao, although he has great talents, he is not the master of unification. The rebellion of Yanzhou and the massacre of Xuzhou show that Cao Cao has a suspicious and violent temperament. The water fell on Zhangxiu, but because of his greed for beauty, he As a result, the army was defeated. Compared with Gaozu and Shizu, Cao Cao is even better!"

Facing Huo Jun's serious analysis, Huo Du was stunned, but he also believed it.He is just a martial artist and cannot understand such profound words.But there was one thing he was sure of, his brother was no ordinary person.

Before the Battle of Guandu, he had ridiculed Zhang Xiu and Jia Xu for seeking refuge with Cao Cao instead of surrendering to Yuan Shao.The result was slapped in the face by the facts, and Cao Cao won.From that moment on, he realized that his brother was far more capable than he was.

Perhaps as his second brother said, in the development of the current situation, there are often only a few people who can foresee the future.But his brother was one of the few, and he just had to obey.

"If we follow Zhong Miao's words, I would like my brother and you to lead the troops to Beitou to Liu Bei, Liu Yuzhou." Huo Du realized that he was not respectful enough to call Liu Bei by his first name, so he deliberately changed his surname + official position.

"Then what should I and the other tribesmen do?"

Huo Jun shook his head and said: "My brother lives in Nan County, I can just go north alone. When the situation changes, I will ask my brother to lead his troops north."

"Why did Zhong Miao arrange it like this?" Huo Du asked again puzzled.

Huo Jun paused for a moment, looked hesitant, and said: "We are leading our troops to go north, and our Huo family's foundation has no one to defend. Moreover, Liu Biao asked Liu Yuzhou to garrison troops in the new field. He originally wanted to be on guard, so now we are marching north. The harm outweighs the benefit. Jun Xian is the vanguard to explore Liu Yuzhou's character. My brother stayed in Zhijiang to protect our clansmen and wait for a good opportunity."

When Liu Bei relies on others, the number of his troops does not depend on himself, but on how much food Liu Biao gives to feed Liu Bei's troops.When the Huo clan goes north, not to mention how Liu Bei will arrange their arrangements, I don't know if Liu Biao will be even more wary of Liu Bei.

In other words, it is crucial for Liu Biao to relieve Liu Bei from his shackles. If his plan fails and he cannot free Liu Bei from his shackles, what is the use of his hundreds of people!
Of course, Huo Jun also has to consider his tribe and tribe. Not in terms of blood relationship, but only in terms of interests. The only people in this world that he can truly rely on are his tribe and himself.

At the same time, if he cannot change history, he will follow the historical route.Cao Cao went south in a big way, and his people had to cross the Yangtze River and move south again. I don’t know what will happen.Huo Jun still remembers the defeat of Dangyang.

Knowing that Huo Jun had considered all aspects of gains and losses, Huo Du felt relieved.He was worried that his younger brother would trust his own judgment too much and bet the entire Huo family on Liu Bei, thus leading the family into an abyss.

The last family to bet on Liu Bei like this was the Mi family of Xuzhou. Not only did they lose their sister, but they also lost their entire family.After all, no matter how rich the Mi family is, they are only limited to Xuzhou. Without their hometown, they are like a tree without roots.

(End of this chapter)

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