Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 220 Want to defeat Cao quickly

Chapter 220 Want to defeat Cao quickly

In the hazy autumn night, lights can be dimly flickered on the Dantu Waterway, and several boats float on the river. They rush to Jingkou and Wankou at night under the stars.

In the cabin, Huo Jun and Zhuge Liang sat facing each other, drinking wine.

Zhuge Liang stroked his feather fan gently and asked, "Now that Zhongmiao has received military orders, when can he lead his army to Xiakou to face Cao Cao?"

Huo Jun sat on the couch and said: "The war is urgent, and Yangzhou has issued general orders quickly. He ordered Liu Guoan and Huang Hansheng to accept the command of the army and put them under my control. They led the troops and horses of Yuzhang and Luling counties to go with Jun first. Wu Hui The troops will be led by Yangzhou and Wen Zhongye and then move forward."

"In this way, the boats and boats move forward, and the various tribes advance. In about half a month, at the beginning of winter, the army can be assembled."

Sending troops to fight is not something you can do with just a click of the mouse. Each unit needs to assemble its own troops, and then each unit will arrive at the agreed location to send out troops.

After Liu Qi made up his mind to go to war, he appointed Huo Jun as the chief general and led the troops from Danyang, Yuzhang, Luling and Poyang counties to Xiakou.He led Wu Hui's troops to Xiakou, and then Liu Qi went south to Yuzhang and arrived at the border between Yuzhang and Changsha to recruit Jingjiao's old troops.

Zhuge Liang nodded slightly and asked: "There are many enemies but we are few. Cao Cao is particularly good at using troops. I wonder if Zhong Miao has any strategy to deal with the enemy?"

Huo Jun held up the wine bottle and said with a smile: "Is it possible that Kong Ming has gained something and wants to teach Jun to send troops to defeat the enemy?"

"Don't dare!"

Zhuge Liang gently shook his feather fan and said with a smile: "How dare I teach Zhong Miao to defeat Cao Cao when I don't have a leader? I only have a few thoughts to give Zhong Miao some advice."

"Kong Ming, please speak!"

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while and then said: "Cao Cao raised the banner of the emperor and led the people in the north. Since he went down to Jianghan, he has shown kindness and power to the people of Wu and Chu. Everyone is afraid of his power. Zhongmiao can use water soldiers to break his military power and use The peace of mind among Wu and Chu made it easier for Yangzhou to recruit Jing and pay the old troops. With the hearts of Wu and Chu at peace, Zhong Miao then led his army to occupy it, looking for opportunities to defeat Cao Cao."


Huo Jun put down the wine bottle, nodded and said: "Kong Ming's words are what Jun was thinking about. Jun wants to defeat Cao Cao quickly, but in order to defeat Cao Cao quickly, he needs to reassure his troops. If he wants to reassure his troops, he needs to defeat his military strength."

"Destroy Cao Cao quickly?"

Zhuge Liang frowned slightly and said: "Cao Cao has many soldiers and horses, and our army is small. Zhong Miao wants to defeat Cao Cao quickly, but it may be difficult. But if Cao Cao is not defeated quickly, the people of Wu and Chu may have different ideas. Under Cao Cao's recruitment, I am afraid that There are thieves causing trouble. Besides, there are so many invaders and we are few, and it is difficult to hold on for a long time."

At the moment, Wu Chu cannot fight a protracted war with Cao Cao. Once there is a protracted war, it is not Cao Cao who will be dragged down, but Liu Bei and Liu Qi.

Cao Cao took control of the emperor and went south with the illustrious military exploits he had accumulated over more than ten years.In the long run, Cao Cao will be able to take advantage of his large number of troops and rely on his reputation as the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty to attract others.At that time, only Liu Qi and Liu Bei were passive. After all, not everyone was as bloody as Wenpin.

After a pause, Zhuge Liang said: "In the battle of Guandu in the past, Cao Cao got Xu You's strategy to burn the grain with fire and cut off Yuan Shao's grain. Now Cao Cao has gone deep into Jianghan, there are many soldiers and horses, and the grain and grass are transported thousands of miles, but there are many problems, maybe he can start from here! "

Huo Jun shook his head and said: "Cao Cao is good at using troops. How could he not know the importance of military provisions now in Jianghan? Although the grain in Jiangling was burned by General Guan, there is still grain and grass in Xiangyang that can be used by Cao Cao's army temporarily."

Zhuge Liang shook his fan and thought deeply, and said: "It is rare in the world to defeat the strong with the weak. It is easy to defeat Cao Cao with water troops, but it is difficult to defeat Cao Cao in the field. Perhaps water and fire can defeat Cao Cao quickly."

After thinking for a long time, Zhuge Liang shook his head helplessly and said: "It is difficult to defeat Cao Cao's plan now three thousand miles away from the boat. Perhaps we can only find an opportunity to defeat it when the two armies are fighting."

Huo Jun swallowed the duck meat and said: "Cao Cao's direction of sending troops is already in Jun's mind. Perhaps he can find a way to defeat Cao Cao from the mountains and rivers of Chu."


Zhuge Liang was surprised and said, "Zhong Miao, can you elaborate?"

Huo Jun wrote on the table and said: "Cao Cao has many soldiers and horses in his tent. Jun thinks that he will march to Xiakou in two routes, which can be divided into two routes: west and north. The soldiers and horses on the north route will follow the Han River and leave Sui County. , to Xiakou; the troops and horses on the west route will be led by Cao Cao, and the troops will march along the river, both by water and land, to Xiakou."

Cao Cao's march from these two routes was not a figment of Huo Jun's imagination, but was caused by Jingzhou's geographical conditions and the impact of logistical transfers.

At present, only Zhangling and Nanjun have surrendered to Cao Cao, and only Xiangyang and Jiangling have supplies available.Jingzhou has a vast territory, so it is inconvenient to transport grain and grass by land.Generally speaking, Cao Cao will march from the direction of Xiangyang and Jiangling, along the Yangtze River and Han River.

As for why Cao Cao commanded the Western Route Army himself, one was to appease the four counties in Jingnan, and the other was to use the Jingchu navy to coordinate with the army and advance by land and water.If we go only in the direction of the Han River, the water level will drop this autumn and winter, making it difficult for large ships to sail. Moreover, there are not many warships of the Xiangyang Navy, and it is easy to be blocked by the Jiangdong Navy at the entrance of the river.

"The soldiers and horses on the north route should be a partial army. If you choose a general to go out to control the strong city of Xiakou, you can stop them. Only the soldiers and horses on the west route are a big danger. They have many people and many boats and boats. But the west route Soldiers and horses are not without risk; from Jiangling to Xiakou, there is Yunmeng Daze, which is thousands of miles away."

After hearing about Yunmeng Daze, Zhuge Liang's eyes brightened and he said: "Yunmeng Ze is hundreds of miles vast. If Cao Cao wants to travel both by water and land, he has to cross Yunmeng Ze. It is difficult to walk through the muddy marsh, and it is mostly stagnant water. Drinking it will make you sick. This This is how difficult and dangerous the Chu land is!"

Huo Jun smiled and said nothing. The topography of the two lakes in the Three Kingdoms was different from that of later generations. Currently, there are hundreds of miles of vast Yunmengze north of the Yangtze River. From Jiangling to Xiakou, there are almost no counties except Huarong County.It is usually not difficult for Yun Mengze to move with a few people, but it would be much more difficult if he moves with a large army.When it comes to the pain of walking through the mud, the person who has the most say is Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty.They attacked Goguryeo several times and marched across Liaoze in a mighty manner. When they were defeated and retreated, countless Sui Dynasty soldiers fled to Liaoze.Even when Li Shimin conquered Goguryeo, he could see the bones of Sui Dynasty soldiers.

If Yun Mengze, a great man, is not utilized, he will really be unable to deal with Cao Cao.This is what he said to Liu Qi, Jianghan is the hometown of the Chu people. Cao Cao went deep into Jianghan and did not know the dangers of the terrain. This was his victory!

"Military advisor, Jingkou is coming soon!"

Outside the cabin, the attendants shouted.

With a smile on his face, Zhuge Liang cupped his hands and said, "Conversing about military affairs with Zhongmiao is like drinking a fine wine, and the meaning is always unfinished. Now we will part ways, and I wish Zhongmiao a victory over Cao Cao, and I will wait for you in Ruxukou."

Towards the north of the Yangtze River, Zhuge Liang and Mi Fang led their old and weak troops to garrison Ruxukou, and cooperated with Changxi's thousands of troops to defend the Taishan generals.

Huo Jun stood up, sent Zhuge Liang off, and said with a smile: "Thank you Kong Ming for your words. In times of crisis, we will go through hardships together to defeat Cao's thieves."

Huo Jun got up and escorted Zhuge Liang out of the cabin. He saw a large number of boats and boats gathered on the dark river, waiting for them. The lights were bright, reflecting the river water.

Zhuge Liang raised his fan and said with a smile: "Zhong Miao, all Danyang's troops and horses are here, and now they are under the command of Zhong Miao."

A boat flying the "Lu" flag approached. Lu Su, Gan Ning, Lu Meng, Wei Yan and other generals stood on the bow of the ship, cupped their hands and said: "We have paid homage to Beifu. Following the orders of Yuzhou, we will now return to Beifu for dispatch."

"it is good!"

Huo Jun's expression calmed down, he raised his sword and said in a deep voice: "The generals will obey the order and follow our ship to Wankou Village, join the other troops, and send troops to Xiakou."



Running from Jingkou to Anhui is not as slow as sailing along the current, but the speed is not slow either.Danyang's troops followed Huo Jun to Wankou, where they stayed for a few days to wait for Liu Pan and Huang Zhong's troops.

At the same time, Huo Jun also went to Wancheng despite his busy schedule and took the time to meet with Bu Lianshi.

The infantry trainer packed Huo Jun's luggage and clothes in preparation for a long-term battle abroad and a shortage of clothes.

"Today, the war between Jianghan and Han Dynasty breaks out. I will lead the army to march westward. There is insufficient defense in the north of the Yangtze River. Madam, why don't you take Aniu and all the concubines at home to cross the river to prevent Cao's army from attacking the city with a small force."

Huo Jun looked at little Huo Yi crawling on the bed and said worriedly.

Bu Lianshi folded his clothes and said: "Since your husband is pastoring the people of Poyang, you should protect the people of Jiangbei. Nowadays, most of the people in Jiangbei are the wives and concubines of military lieutenants and generals. They live in the north of the Yangtze River and there is no need to worry about them. I will take my family across the river. If I let my husband take the account If the general knows this, what will he think of his husband?"

Huo Jun looked embarrassed and said: "There is the danger of the Dabie Mountains in the north of Wancheng, Kong Ming's army is stationed in the east, and there are only 3 Cao troops returning from the Jianghuai River. There is no danger in the north of the Yangtze River. Letting my wife cross the river is to avoid any eventuality. thing."

Bu Lianshi raised his delicate face, smiled lightly, and said: "To avoid any eventuality, my husband can defeat Cao Cao quickly, and then Jiangzuo will be able to avoid military disaster. I will stay in the north of the Yangtze River to reassure the soldiers and their families, and then continue It also calms the hearts of my husband and soldiers."

"it is good!"

Huo Jun gently held the step trainer's hand and said with a smile: "Madam, you are indeed a virtuous housekeeper!"

Bu Lianshi lightly opened his lips and said: "Deng Fan is already thirteen. Now that I heard about the war, I beg you to come into your husband's tent as a servant to repay your husband for your kindness in raising me."


Huo Jun was slightly stunned, after he adopted Deng Fan.He has also taken great care in cultivating him.And Deng Fan also knew that his identity was embarrassing. Although he was named Huo Jun's adopted son, he did not change his surname to Huo.Therefore, he always worked hard and diligently in his civil and military studies and did not dare to disappoint Huo Jun and his mother.

For example, let Sima Zhi teach Confucian classics and study beside him.Deng Fan also worked hard and was highly praised by Sima Zhi. When he went to Jiangzuo, Deng Fan was also ten years old, so he asked him to practice martial arts with his brother Huo Du, and he had some boxing skills.

After pondering for a long time, Huo Jun said with a smile: "Fan'er is thirteen years old and can be used. Let Fan'er serve as my attendant and convey military orders for me."

"it is good!"

 One more chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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