Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 222 Hammer Chibi

Chapter 222 Hammer Chibi

Jian'an 13th year, November.

Liu Qi and Huo Jun led all the soldiers and horses from the east of the Yangtze River and went to the south of the Xiakou River for a stronghold. Liu Bei crossed over to meet Liu Qi, Huo Jun and others to discuss strategies to protect Cao Cao.

Several people sat separately in the tent, and Liu Bei, who was wearing armor, was the first to speak: "Bo Wei is not afraid of the thieves and leads his army from afar. I am grateful to you."

Liu Qi looked ashamed and said: "My uncle was running for Qi and was in danger. How could he not save me now? Besides, my uncle and I are both of Han family blood. Cao's thieves were the top priority, so how could Qi not do anything?" Mr. Liu will get rid of the thieves!"

Liu Bei nodded slightly and said with a smile: "I wonder how many soldiers and horses Bo Wei will dispatch this time?"

Liu Qi glanced at Huo Jun and said: "According to Zhongmiao's words, we will unite Danyang's troops, a total of [-] people."

Liu Bei calculated the strength of his troops in his mind, shook his head and said: "Cao Cao has 20 soldiers and horses, and our army only has [-] soldiers. We hate that there are too few soldiers!"

Huo Jun straightened his back slightly, cupped his hands and said, "In Yuzhou, soldiers are more expensive than finesse. If Jun can drive [-] soldiers and horses, he can defeat Cao Cao."

"Zhong Miao is truly a hero."

Hearing this, Liu Bei put his palms on his hands and smiled, saying: "Today the two families have joined forces. If we want to defeat Cao's thieves, we must choose a general. Since Zhong Miao has said this, I am willing to learn more about your strategy to defeat the thieves."

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said: "Cao Cao's troops were divided into two parts. The first left Suikou and attacked Xiakou in the north; the second left Huarong and entered Jiangxia in the west. Suikou's soldiers were only partial troops. The generals left in Yuzhou stayed in Xiakou City until Cao Cao's army was defeated. , the power of Xiakou is explained."

"Look at how Cao Cao relied on his troops and led his troops deep into Jiangxia and crossed Yunmeng Daze, violating the taboos of military strategists. Yuzhou can lead his troops and horses to advance westward with the troops on the left side of Junjiang River to attack Cao Cao's troops together."

"Zhao Yan's seven armies also have Xiangfan boats and ships. If I advance westward, they will leave Hankou. At that time, before Cao Cao attacked me, Zhao Yan attacked our army from behind. What should we do?"

Liu Bei then thought about it and said, "As we move westward, where should we choose a place to camp and defeat the bandits? Chibi, Baqiu, or Pucheng?"

Huo Jun shook his head and smiled, and said: "The navy of the Seventh Army is not a worry. Jun wants to seize the ships of the Seventh Army to the north and defeat Cao Cao's navy in the west. Since the Seventh Army has no ships, it will block Cao Cao's troops at Jinkou. Then he can find an opportunity to break them. .”

"Driving Cao Cao to Chrysostom?"

Liu Bei's face changed greatly and he said: "Chinkou is less than a hundred miles away from Xiakou. If Cao Cao defeats our two armies, Xiakou will be lost. Moreover, the seven soldiers and horses and Cao Cao's army can send letters to each other and cooperate with each other. It is better to send Cao Cao to Push to Chibi, cut off the communication between the Seventh Army and Cao Cao's army, and if they are defeated, they can also assemble their troops and prepare for war."

Between the thousand miles from Jiangling to Xiakou, most of the two sides of the Yangtze River are wetlands. There are not many places where the army can park and fight. There are only a few places in the south of the Yangtze River such as Chibi, Chiji Mountain, Pucheng, and Jinkou.

Choosing Chrysostom, not far from Xiakou, as the place for the army to fight, almost left no room for himself.Once defeated, there is almost no way to retreat.

Cao Cao's army joined forces with the Seventh Army, and it was basically impossible to defend Xiakou.The fall of Xiakou meant that Er Liu's forces had withdrawn from Jingzhou.Those prefectures and counties in the Jing Dynasty will inevitably surrender to Cao Cao and are unwilling to serve and be loyal to Liu Qi.

Huo Jun was very calm and said: "In this battle, our army is only allowed to win, not to lose. Whenever an army loses, the generals and generals will be suspicious. If they don't win, they will also lose!"

"Chrysostom, with dense water nets, mud swamps and hills stretching for hundreds of miles from north to south, is the dangerous location of Yunmeng Daze. Due to the mud swamps, Cao Cao marched on land and water, and could only camp along the coast, with endless forts. I used the navy to Going up the river and cutting off his grain ships, Cao Cao will have to rely on land to transport his baggage, and since it is difficult to move through the mud, Cao Cao will be burdened by the baggage."

Compared with areas such as Chibi and Wulin, which are relatively flat and have mountain peaks and hills.The Chrysostom area was not only an area with dense water networks in ancient times, but even in modern times it is still an area with many lakes and wetlands.

Huo Jun chose Chrysostom and did not choose to fight in Chibi like Zhou Yu. It can only be said that the two sides had different tactical considerations and chose to make changes due to different historical backgrounds.

Historically, due to the impact of Sun Quan's attack on Huang Zu, Xiakou City in the north of the Yangtze River had long been abandoned. Liu Bei was once driven by Cao Cao to camp at Fankou on the south bank of the Yangtze River.When Zhou Yu's army was obtained, the two armies defeated Cao Cao and pushed the battle line to Chibi.

In this dimension, Huo Jun can certainly drive Cao Cao to Chibi with water, but from a tactical perspective, it is not what Huo Jun wants.

Zhou Yu used Huang Gai's strategy to burn Red Cliff. Although he was outnumbered and outnumbered, did he severely damage Cao Cao?

Naturally, Cao Cao was not seriously injured. Cao Ren led tens of thousands of troops and fought against Zhou Yu in Nanjun for a year.The following year, Cao Cao led 10,000+ troops south to Ruxukou.

If Cao Cao was really hit hard, Cao Cao would not be so harsh as to say that it was only because of Zhou Yu that he became famous.

In Huo Jun's eyes, it would be better to maximize risks and opportunities, thereby severely injuring Cao Cao and letting him know what pain is.

Seeing Liu Bei's hesitation, Huo Jun smiled and said: "It is a dangerous move to defend the enemy at Jinkou, but Cao Cao will also be trapped in Daze. By then..."

Huo Jun changed his tone, stood up and said boldly: "The more bold your strategy is, the more Jun can defeat Cao Cao."

Seeing Huo Jun's confidence, and benefiting from Huo Jun's illustrious military exploits accumulated in the past.

Liu Bei's eyes suddenly became firm and he said in a deep voice: "Since Zhong Miao dared to challenge Chrysostom, how could I not dare to do so?"

After saying that, Liu Bei stood up and held up his hands, saying: "How can two families join forces without a master? Zhongmiao is confident, but I don't know if he dares to accept the Danyang soldiers and horses and governor of the two armies." He was moved, but Huo Jun still declined and said: "Yuzhou can lead the infantry and command the navy, and the two can cooperate."

Liu Bei shook his head and said: "The military orders come from the same order, how can there be any difference? If you want to defeat Cao's army, you have to order and prohibit it. The generals are different and the communication is slow, how can we defeat the powerful enemy."

Historically, the coalition forces of Sun and Liu cooperated with each other, but each had its own subordinates, namely Zhou and Liu.Now, thanks to Huo Jun's dual identity and trust, Liu Bei chose to trust Huo Jun and entrusted them with important tasks.

"Beifu can accept this order." Lu Su also advised: "Our army is not as good as Cao Cao's army. If we are not as united as Cao Cao, let alone whether we can defeat Cao Cao, we may not be able to defeat the enemy in a row."

Seeing that Liu Bei really wanted to do this, Huo Jun was not polite and said with his hands raised: "If the envoy does not give up, Jun is willing to take command of the Danyang Navy. However, the infantry and cavalry of the two armies can be joined by the envoy."

"it is good!"

Liu Bei did not give up at all and said: "Come with the sword seal!"


After a while, Liu Bei took the sword seal from his attendants with both hands, looked at Huo Jun with his trusting eyes, and said: "This is Bei's sword seal. Now I give it to Zhongmiao. I ordered the three armies to unite the troops of our two families to defeat them." Cao Cao."

Then, Liu Qi also stood up and awarded his sword seal to Huo Jun, saying: "I don't know the military strategy, so I relied on my uncle and Zhong Miao to go down to the left of the river. Now that the enemy is in front, I also grant the sword seal to Zhong Miao, so I can control the whole world." military."

Huo Jun looked solemn, bowed to Er Liu, and said: "Jun is appreciated by the two princes and entrusted with the important task. He will defeat Cao Cao in the Yangtze River and build up our Wu Chu foundation."

While speaking, Huo Jun first took Liu Qi's sword seal, then apologized to Liu Bei, then took Liu Bei's sword seal, and said respectfully: "Yuzhou Shentong's infantry and cavalry soldiers, Juntong's navy soldiers. This sword seal, Jun is temporarily keeping it for the Second Duke. After the war, it will be returned to the Second Duke."

Huo Jun handed over the two Liu sword seals to Deng Fan, Huo Xiong and other attendants, and said: "I would like to ask Yuzhou to leave five thousand soldiers and horses in Xiakou, under the command of General Guan. The rest of the soldiers and horses were extradited to the water village in the south of the Yangtze River to wait for Cao's army. When you get around Xiakou, just follow Jun's orders and send out troops to defend against the enemy."

Liu Bei looked troubled and said: "Although the soldiers and horses in the north are partial troops, there are still seven armies, with nearly [-] soldiers and horses. We only let Yun Changtong have [-] soldiers and horses to guard Xiakou, and we may not be able to catch him. .”

Huo Jun explained: "Xiakou is built on Turtle Mountain, adjacent to the river and lake. The terrain is dangerous. With General Guan's ability, he can command five thousand soldiers, which is enough to defend seven soldiers and horses. And..."

As he spoke, Huo Jun stretched out two fingers and said confidently: "General Guan only needs to hold on for two months. When spring comes, Cao Cao will be defeated. At that time, General Guan's siege will naturally be resolved!"

"Defeat the enemy in February?"

Liu Bei and Liu Qi looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

"Could it be that Zhong Miao was laughing?"

Huo Jun stood with his sword in hand, stared at the map with sharp eyes, and said with a smile: "How dare you talk nonsense, please watch Jun and defeat the enemy."

Quietly subdue Wu and Chu, and show off their power on the left side of the Yangtze River.

Now is the time when his name will remain in history and be recited by countless future generations.

When planning for Jiangzuo, Jingzhou is his chessboard; when he goes down to Jiangzuo, he is the only one on the river; now when Cao Cao meets him, how can he not show off his majesty!


In the walls of Xiakou City, Guan Yu looked at the soldiers crossing the river to the south, with a serious face and stroking his beard without saying a word.


Guan Ping came with the letter and said, "Dudu Huo wrote to my father."

Guan Yu glanced at the letter and said calmly: "In difficult times, we will go to war together. Let Huo Zhongmiao rest assured that Yu can stick to Xiakou for half a year."

Guan Ping hesitated for a while and said: "No, Dudu Huo wrote in a letter that Xiakou is dangerous and cannot be defended except by my father. However, my father does not need to worry. He can defeat Cao Cao in February, and then my father's danger will be relieved."

Hearing this, Guan Yu's eyelids twitched and he said: "You are so arrogant, what are the soldiers of the Seventh Army to fear?"

After fighting for so many years, it was the first time for Guan Yu to see such an arrogant person as Huo Jun.How dare he think about defeating Cao Cao's 20-strong army in two months!
Guan Yu stopped stroking his beard and said: "Tell my brother, Huo Jun is young and arrogant. He should march carefully to avoid being defeated by Cao Cao. Let the scouts investigate the situation of the enemy in Xiakou and send them to the water village in the south of the Yangtze River."

Although Guan Yu was arrogant, he was not brainless and arrogant.And in front of a powerful enemy, Guan Yu would act with caution.


(End of this chapter)

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