Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 228 Drinking wine by the river

Chapter 228 Drinking wine by the river
The day after tomorrow, Cao Cao hosted a banquet by the river, where all the generals and officials gathered.

At dusk, the first white dew appeared, and the river sparkled, taking on the same color as water and sky.

Cao Cao, surrounded by people, boarded the big boat.He wears a fiery red cloak, embroidered with gold silk dragons and tigers, and has an armor of bright light inside. He is majestic and imposing.

Cao Cao stood on the couch, looking at everyone from a high position; civil and military officials stood on the left and right sides of the deck, and they were all talents from the same corner; the warriors held axes, halberds, and brocade clothes and embroidered coats, standing majestic.

Cao Cao couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw the beautiful scenery of the river, and said: "Where is the master? Let's play a happy music. Please bring food from above, so that all the civil and military officials can enjoy the joy together."


After a while, the sound of drum music echoed across the river boats, and they chanted "New Blessing Song of Maoyu" in unison.

The warriors sang in unison: "The officials select the knights, the swords and crossbows are arranged in the wrong way, they dance with each other, and they look down like gods. Sui me is a strong warrior, and I am pure and benevolent. From the east to the west, there are no guests..."

Cao Cao was drinking and having fun with everyone, and some generals also chanted in unison to congratulate Cao Cao in advance on his upcoming victory over Jiangzuo.

It was getting late, and the attendants rushed to report and said: "To report to the Prime Minister, there is a boat parked outside the water stronghold. It seems to be observing the strength of our army and whether to send troops to fight."

Cao Cao, who was already slightly drunk, waved his hand and said with a smile: "We are just scouts to investigate, there is nothing to worry about. I am already outside the water stronghold, and I have five thousand bows and crossbows. How can the enemy dare to invade?"

"Don't let such trivial matters ruin the prosperity of Gu and all the sages."

As he said that, Cao Cao joked to the people around him and said, "Huo Junyan will lead his army to attack tonight. I will sit here with Xingba and Gongli to watch how they attack at night."


At the same time, the boat on the left side of the river outside the water stronghold lowered its anchor and lowered its sails smoothly. This was when Huo Jun and Liu Bei came out of the stronghold to observe Cao's army's formation.

On the deck, Huo Jun and Liu Bei sat and discussed, with a pot of turbid wine placed on the table and several cold dishes, discussing military secrets together.

Looking at the brightly lit water camp of Cao Jun, the sound of drum music could be faintly heard. Liu Bei said with emotion: "Cao Cao drinks the water of Majiang River, full of ambition and hesitation. He is a hero of the world!"

Huo Jun offered a bottle of wine to Liu Bei and said: "Yuzhou and Cao Cao are also heroes of the same generation. Cao Cao has the ambition to control Jiangzuo, and Yuzhou also has the heart to help the Han Dynasty. Today's world is divided, but it is not the end of the world. The situation is determined. Gaozu and Xiang Yu had their ups and downs. Xiang Yu won the previous life and was defeated by the later life. Therefore, Gaozu founded the Han Dynasty for 400 years."

Liu Bei sat upright with his legs raised, listening to "New Song of Maoyu", and said with a smile: "On a single boat floating on the river, listen to the joy of Cao Cao's celebration. If Zhongmiao and I can leave a name for future generations, we will also be praised by scholars." Thumbs up."

"How can it be impossible~"

During the conversation between Huo and Liu, Cao Cao was also drunk. He held up his wine bottle to show everyone, and said with a smile: "It has been twenty years since I raised the army to eliminate evil for the country. I vowed to sweep away the four seas and level the world; We have gained six out of ten in the world, but the only ones we have not gained are Jiangdong and Bashu!"

"Today we have mobilized a million troops, thrown a whip to cut off the flow, and relied on the public to use their lives, how can we not eliminate the danger? If we can only rise and conquer, the public will present a ship to surrender, and we will have the opportunity of the navy on the left of the river. Soon we will conquer the east of the river. We will wait for that. Jiangzuo is recovered, Bashu surrenders, everything is fine in the world, and I can share the wealth and honor with all the kings!"

"Xingba, Gongli, please drink from this bottle!"

"Thank you, Prime Minister!"

"Everyone please come too!"

"May the Prime Minister play Kaiyue early. We all rely on the Prime Minister's blessing." Everyone stood up and raised their hands in response.

"Ha ha!"

Cao Cao put down his wine bottle, feeling unhappy.He had rarely been so happy since the Navy's setback.Now he has two generals, Gan Ning and Yu Shao, but they remind Cao Cao of the Battle of Guandu.He was defeated by Yuan Shao, but relied on Xu You to surrender and offer advice, attacked Guandu, defeated Yuan Shao, and captured the four states of Hebei.

Cao Cao was condescending, pointed to the other side of the river, and said with a smile: "Liu Bei and Liu Qi do not understand the fate of heaven, and they try to hit an egg with an egg. Fortunately, we have talented people who have returned to help us, and Liu Bei and Liu Qi will definitely be defeated by their own hands!"

After speaking, Cao Cao spread his hands and laughed arrogantly. In his eyes, if he didn't have destiny, how could God help him.In the battle of Guandu, Xu You offered advice; in the battle of Jinkou, two generals, Gan and Yu, were recruited.

Seeing that Cao Cao was so arrogant and so complacent, Jia Xu sighed silently.Seeing Cao Cao being so arrogant, he had a bad feeling.

Relying on the fact that he was an old minister, Cheng Yu bit the bullet and persuaded: "Prime Minister, Huo Jun has not yet been defeated, so he is not as good as~"

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Yu was pulled over by Cao Cao.

Cao Cao pointed his finger at Cheng Yu, laughed and said to all his subordinates: "In the past, Yanzhou was defeated by Lu Bu. If I hadn't listened to Cheng Yu's words, how could I be as prosperous as I am today!"

Cheng Yu lowered his gray head, flattered, and said: "If the Prime Minister wins Jiangzuo, Yu will take over the military power!"

Cao Cao held Cheng Yu in his arms and said with emotion: "It's a pity that Xu Zi is far away. I met him when I was alone at Guandu to help, so I won. Now that I have two generals, I still have Zi Yuan!"

Xu Chu, who was standing with a sword, scratched his head and muttered in his heart: "Didn't the Prime Minister ask me to kill him? Why am I missing Xu You here again?"

Cao Cao raised one arm and said with a smile: "Huo Jun relied on his troops to outmaneuver others and updated the method of water warfare, but what can he do? Although the sharp weapons are strong, the weight of people's hearts is beyond his power. He can help Er Liu, and It would be foolish not to help me!" "Bring me a straw!"

While Cao Cao was indulging in his past achievements, Huo Liu had a lively conversation on the boat.

Liu Bei stretched his thighs, his face was red, and he smiled and said: "Cao Cao and I are like fire and water, and this hatred will never be extinguished until death. The reason why Liu Bei is today is because he always goes against Cao Cao in everything he does. Cao Cao is impatient and impatient, but I am lenient." Treat them harmoniously; Cao Cao's methods are cruel, but I will treat them with kindness; Cao Cao's treatment of others is deceitful, but I will treat others with loyalty."

As he spoke, Liu Bei looked at the lights of the water village in the distance, his eyes blurred, and said: "So Bei has some small gains, and can also get the help of Zhongmiao, Kongming, and Zijing to resist Cao Cao. However, if we can defeat Cao Cao now, it will be thanks to the efforts of the three kings."

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said: "Yangzhou sent troops to fight against the enemy, and his achievements are not small. I hope Yuzhou will not forget it."

Liu Bei held Huo Jun's hand and said in a deep voice: "Bei was worried about helping Yangzhou succeed to the throne, and I didn't know how to get along with him. However, due to the kindness of brother Jing Sheng, Bei had no choice but to repay it and did his best. Now Cao Cao is going south. It is a military disaster, but if it can be broken, it will be an opportunity to take off.”

"However, no matter what, I will be ready to help Yangzhou Yucao and advance and retreat together with Bo Wei. If the matter is settled, I will grant him a great power and repay him with great gifts and kindness."

Liu Biao and his son have controlled Liu Bei from beginning to end. Liu Qi also thought about peacefully inheriting Jingchu, and then relied on his arrangement in Yangzhou to treat Liu Bei like Huang Zu and use it to treat Liu Bei politely and let Liu Bei work for him.

Liu Bei is no ordinary person, so he naturally feels the inner meaning.But Liu Bei had no other choice. If he didn't help Liu Qi fight for Jingzhou, he would not be able to get Yangzhou Mu, even if he might not be able to control all of Jiangdong.

After many twists and turns, Liu Bei found that he had a bright future. Limited by his strength and Cao Cao's move south, Liu Qi finally gave up the idea of ​​controlling Liu Bei.Or as Liu Bei said, if he can defeat Cao Cao in this battle, he will truly take off.

Huo Jun raised the wine bottle, toasted to Liu Bei, and said: "Jun should do his best to lead the army to defeat Cao Cao, and help the king's dragon fly to the nine heavens and ride the wind and clouds."

"Thank you Zhongmiao, I will be ready to live up to you!"

While Huo Liutong was drinking water, he vaguely heard everyone in the camp singing the words "morning dew is more bitter".

But it was Cao Cao who was on the high platform, holding a straw and composing a poem, praising: "... generosity should be shown as generosity, and worries will be unforgettable. How can we relieve worries? Only Du Kang."

"How to relieve worries, only Du Kang!"

"Qingqing Zijin, caress my heart. But for the sake of the king, I have pondered it so far."

"But for your sake, I have been pondering until now."


"Mountains never tire of being high, and seas never tire of being deep. The Duke of Zhou vomits and feeds, and the world returns to his heart."

Cao Cao pointed to the sky with his palm, majestic and full of power.Listening to the heroic poetry, all the civil and military officials present were convinced.

"Return to the world!"

All civil and military officers and soldiers responded in unison, which echoed throughout the north bank of the river.Even Liu Bei on the boat could hear the words of Cao Cao's song.

Liu Bei stood up from the ground, held his sword with one hand, stood by the river, and said with a sneer: "The world is at home. Cao Cao's ambition has been revealed in his lyrics. Can he succeed now and bring trouble to the Han Dynasty?"

Huo Jun was drinking wine by the river and laughed loudly: "Cao Cao controlled all directions, captured Lu Bu, destroyed Yuan Shao, penetrated deep into the northern part of the Great Wall, and dominated the world. His military strategy is unparalleled by few. However, Cao Cao is a hero for a while, and he will eventually..."

As he spoke, the flags were slightly raised, and the southeast wind began to blow.

When Liu Bei saw the southeast wind, he smiled and said: "The northwest wind has just passed, and the southeast breeze has risen. It is just like Zhong Miao's words!"

As he spoke, Liu Bei said worriedly: "I wonder if Cao Cao will move his army stronghold when he sees the southeast wind blowing?"

Huo Jun sipped his wine and said confidently: "It's just a breeze from the southeast. Tomorrow there will be a strong wind from the northwest. Cao Cao will not move his troops."

Liu Bei glanced at Huo Jun, raised his eyebrows slightly, and chose to believe Huo Jun
At this time, not only Liu and Huo noticed the southeast breeze, but Cao's army also noticed the southeast breeze.

Seeing the direction in which the flag was flying, Xun You reminded: "Prime Minister, there is a southeast breeze at night."

Cao Cao's red face was slightly displeased. He stood up with his palm in his hand and said in a deep voice: "In winter, there are mostly strong northwest winds. It is normal to have an occasional southeast breeze. How can things in this world remain unchanged forever? Last night, I could see a southeast breeze. , but it disappeared this morning and turned into a northwest gale again."

Cao Cao drunkenly handed the gun to his men and said: "Let's see what the wind direction is tomorrow morning. Unexpectedly, it will be a strong northwest wind."

"You and other navy officers and soldiers should build racket poles quickly, lest spring comes and the continuous rain will trap our troops!"

"No!" Everyone responded.

(End of this chapter)

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