Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 230 The Great Fire at Chrysostom

Chapter 230 The Great Fire at Chrysostom
Why can there be southeast wind on the Yangsheng day mentioned by Huo Jun and Kan Ze, and why is it related to Tianyue Mountain?
In fact, in current scientific terms, it may not be understood and known, that is, lake and land breeze or sea and land breeze.

Regardless of the historical Battle of Chibi or the current Battle of Chrysostom, they are all inseparable from Hulufeng.Whether it is Chibi or the current Jinkou, they are located between mountains and marshes, namely Mufu Mountain (Tianyue Mountain) and Yunmengze.

In winter, due to the influence of sunlight, there is a heating difference between Lu and Ze. At night, the mountains cool down quickly and the lake cools down slowly. During the changes in high and low pressure, southeasterly winds form. The greater the temperature difference between day and night, the southeasterly winds form. The bigger it gets.

Therefore, on a day when Yang is born, that is, the weather is clear, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the high and low pressures between mountains and swamps are further widened, a strong southeast wind will occur.Zhou Yu knew this kind of landscape knowledge, how could Huo Jun, who was from Chu, not know about it? I asked Kan Ze to plan it, just to make sure it is correct!

Since he could know the southeast wind, how could Huo Jun not use it?Therefore, Huo Jun adopted a fire attack strategy in his overall strategy, hoping to use fire to defeat Cao Cao's army.

However, with Zhou Yu's foundation in the Battle of Chibi, Huo Jun stood on the shoulders of his predecessors and began to think of ways to defeat Cao Cao.Choosing to fight in Chrysostom, he valued the special water terrain of Chrysanthemum and wanted to use the terrain of Chrysanthemum to defeat Cao Cao.

First of all, Cao Cao's camp was arranged in a 'C' shape at the bend of the river, which was a disadvantage of the military, and Cao Cao also knew it.Therefore, Cao Cao was unwilling to step forward to set up camp with She Zhou.

However, the Jiangyang area was surrounded by lakes and wetlands, making it difficult for the army to camp. In addition, the number of sergeants suffering from diseases increased, so Cao Cao had no choice but to let the army borrow land upwards and deploy troops among hills and woods to avoid muddy and wet places.After all, in addition to giving up the land and water march, Chaos Hill is the station of superior military strategists.For example, Sun Tzu said in The Art of War: "An army loves high places but hates low places. It values ​​Yang and despises Yin. It nourishes health and is practical. If the army is free from all kinds of diseases, it is said that it will win." '

In order to avoid the plague, Cao Cao moved his camp, which was actually what Huo Jun wanted.Because Huo Jun also wanted Cao Cao to abandon his boat so that he could attack with fire.But Huo Jun learned this trick from Lu Xun. Lu Xun blocked Yiling, forcing Liu Bei to camp together and burned Yiling.Of course, the two terrains are only similar, but not the same. We can learn from them.

As for Cao Cao's initiative to lock the boat together, it was completely outside of Huo Jun's plan.Because he originally wanted to use frogmen to enter the water stronghold and burn the boats. After all, he was not sure whether Cao Cao would take the initiative to connect the boats. Therefore, Cao Cao's chain-linking of the boats was outside of his plan and not within Huo Jun's plan.

When the southeast wind blows, the frogmen dive into the stronghold and burn the boats.And the five generals including Gao Xiang, Lu Yi, and Wei Yan led thousands of people to cross to the north of the Yangtze River, and they were also in full swing.

Lu Yi led his elite troops to lurk in the night, holding coins in their mouths, holding grass, swords and spears, and bent down.

About two to three hundred paces away from the camp, approaching the sentry post outside the camp, the sharp warrior stepped forward and wiped the soldier's neck, then slightly bowed his waist and touched it.After walking a hundred steps to the camp, I saw that it was heavily guarded, so I walked slowly, not daring to be alarmed.

Suddenly, Lu Yi saw that the camp in charge of Lu Meng was attacked at night. The fire shot into the sky, and the sound of golden drums also sounded, disrupting the arrangement of the camp sergeants in front of him.

Lu Yi saw that the sky in the direction of Shuizhai was already red, and the fire seemed to set the sky on fire.


Seeing that the army had succeeded, Lu Yi put aside his worries and waved forward suddenly.The Lu tribe under the tent took the lead in fighting out from the vegetation, using their crossbows to cover their colleagues in moving away their horses, and shot the soldiers on guard at night.


More than a hundred arrows flew out of the darkness and shot towards the visible figures in Cao Jun's camp.This is one of the advantages of the attacking camp. According to the light of the fire source in the camp, Cao's army can clearly see the enemy in the camp, that is, the enemy is in the light and we are in the dark, so we can aim at the enemy in advance.

"Enemy attack!" the surviving Cao soldiers shouted loudly.

A golden drum warning sounded in Cao Jun's camp, and the sergeants stood up upon hearing the sound and did not dare to neglect.

At this time, Lu's tribe had reached the edge of the camp with their shields raised. The horses were artificially moved away, exposing the ditch. They then filled the ditch with earth bags and took advantage of the situation to rush into the camp.

Under the cover of shields raised by the left and right troops, Lu Yi led the remaining troops into the camp.

"Don't be too eager to fight, quickly burn down the camp and disrupt the enemy's camp."

As he spoke, Lu Yi took the initiative to take the thatch, lit it with a torch, and then threw it onto the tent. With the blessing of the southeast wind, the fire spread from the thatch to the tent cloth, and the entire tent was ignited.

Lu Yi was familiar with the art of war. He knew that when attacking a camp with a weak force, he needed to light the camp with fire to disturb the minds of Cao's soldiers. He also took the opportunity to lead his troops to cover up the killing, so that he could have a chance to defeat Cao's camp.And if Cao's army is allowed to react, using a small number to fight a large number, and using the weak to fight the strong, it will be difficult to defeat them.


Following suit, a large number of sergeants who entered the camp later used thatch as a fire-supporting material to quickly ignite Cao's camp. The fire shot into the sky and was as bright as day.The fire assisted the wind, and the weather was dry in winter. The camp of Cao's army was quickly ignited by the fire. The soldiers of Cao's army had no intention of fighting and ran away from each other.

Moreover, Lu Yi was very lucky. He set fire to the camp and used his elite soldiers to open the way to fight. When Cao Jun attacked at night, the camp roared and killed each other, making the camp even more chaotic.The coalition soldiers took advantage of the chaos and set fire to kill people, disrupting the order of the entire camp.

Xia Houjie, the guard of Cao camp, was awakened from his sleep and hurried out of his tent. He saw that the camp was in chaos and the fire was soaring into the sky. He felt timid and led his close associates to flee.However, he encountered a large group of coalition soldiers and was killed on the spot, dying from random sword blows.

Looking from the sky, generals such as Gao Xiang, Lu Meng, Wei Yan, and Lu Yi all rushed into the camp from outside. Thanks to the abundant vegetation on the hills and forests, the fire began to spread in all directions under the southeast wind.

For a time, all the camps in Chaos Hill were burned by fire. The fire was raging, thick smoke was billowing, and screams and shouts of killing could be heard everywhere.Some of Cao's soldiers were caught in the fire and burned to death; or some of Cao's soldiers got up in a hurry and had no time to put on their armor and pick up their swords, and were hacked to death by the coalition soldiers.

Some soldiers who were suffering from the plague were unable to walk and were swallowed up by the fire together with the camp, and died in pain. The soldiers of Cao Cao were so frightened that they screamed and ran around at night, like a bereaved dog escaping.Seeing that the camp was burning, the defenders were unable to control the fire. They fled out of the camp to avoid the fire, not daring to go downwind and fight the coalition forces.

The camp in front of Chaanqiu was still like this, but the fire in Jiangyang Water Village was even more intense.A fire broke out in the water village for no reason. Those fires would not be extinguished when exposed to water. The boats were connected end to end. The boats in the water village were like natural fire-supporting materials. Bilibala was burning like crazy there, almost unstoppable.

Moreover, Huo Jun led the navy to attack. Taking advantage of the chaos, he used ten fire ships as a gift and broke open the gate of the water stronghold. This added strength to the burning warships of Cao's army and made the fire even more fierce.Then, with the help of the strong southeast wind, the fire swept across the Luzhai and engulfed the camp on the bank.

"My ship!"

Cao Cao, who couldn't sleep at night, stood outside the camp, looking at the boat that was already in flames. He jumped to his feet anxiously and shouted: "Save the boat quickly!"

"Prime Minister, the naval warships cannot save us!"

Cai Mao wiped his sweat and said: "I don't know why in the river, the fire was born out of thin air. It swallowed the big ship, and because of the boat, the big ship was already on fire. And the big ship was parked in the village, not far from the small boat, the fire could Float on the river and set the boat on fire."

Cao Cao glared with his eyes as big as bells and shouted angrily: "Fire is floating in the river, it cannot dissolve in water, so why not just smile!"

As he spoke, Cao Cao unsheathed his sword and shouted, "You must be the one who failed to put out the fire and used such words to deceive me."

"Prime Minister, I was wronged!"

"Prime Minister!"

Yang Xiu appeared out of nowhere and shouted nervously: "Huo Jun led the navy to attack. He had already disembarked from the boat and waited for the shore. He used the throwing cart to throw the ointment into the camp. Then he let the boat approach and shoot at it with rockets. Today Fires broke out all over the camps. He led his army into the camps, killing people and setting fires along the way. Moreover, with the help of the strong southeast wind, the fire in the water camp also spread to the camps on the bank, burning many people and horses to death."

Cao Cao stood with his sword in hand and shouted: "Order all the troops in the front camp to come to the rescue, and let all the troops in Zhouling divide their forces to rescue him. The people and horses in the water stronghold are gathering to put out the fire and drive away the bandits. We are outnumbered, so don't panic."


Several attendants stepped out, and after a while, the attendant quickly came back, cupping his hands and saying: "To inform the Prime Minister, the front camp was also attacked by the enemy at night, and the camp was burned. The fire was very strong."


Cao Cao's expression changed drastically. He suddenly remembered everything that had happened recently, and he jumped up and said, "Gan Ning and Yu Shao must have faked their surrender. Where are they now? Kill them both quickly."

"Generals Gan and Yu are at Zhouling Houzhai, and General Cao Hong is guarding the camp. I think there will be no problem." Xun You, wearing thin clothes, also came in fear and said.

"Send someone quickly!"


Cao Cao tried to gather troops there to put out the fire and drive away the enemy invaders.Huo Jun had already led his navy to burn down the outer stronghold and sent his generals to break into Cao's camp.

Looking at the sky full of fire and smoke, Huo Jun stood on the stern, pointed at Cao Jun's water stronghold in the distance, laughed wildly, and said: "On the water battle, between Jiang and Han, Cao Cao wants to defeat me. It's really a joke!"

"Although they have millions of soldiers, I am not afraid of them. Under the fire, millions of soldiers and even the rafts and oars will be destroyed."

"The governor's strategy is beyond the reach of Cao Cao, and can be compared to Bai and Han in the world." Jiang Ji boasted.

Huo Jun looked at Cao Jun's stronghold that had been engulfed by the fire, and said with a smile: "Jun is twenty-nine today, and by the time he passes Zhengdan, it will be thirty! Now that Cao is defeated, such a raging fire can be a fire for Jun to celebrate."

With that said, Huo Jun drew out his long sword and shouted: "The whole army comes ashore and capture Cao Cao alive."

"No!" "Kill!"

After a while, Huo Jun led his horse off the boat, climbed up, and led his army into Cao Jun's camp with swords.

Everywhere they passed along the way, there were fires burning the camps, and the coalition soldiers chased and killed Cao Jun's sailors.Most of these soldiers were Jianghan soldiers. They had joined Cao Cao not long ago and their morale was not high. How could they be willing to fight to the death for him?When the enemy entered the camp, they all fled and were defeated, with few to resist.

Both the land and water strongholds were burned, and Jianghan's soldiers were few and willing to fight. Jiangzuo's troops marched straight in, unstoppable, and approached the main stronghold of Cao Cao's army.

Huo Jun took advantage of the bright fire and slashed Cao Jun's infantry to death with his sword, shouting: "Cao Cao is dead, why don't you surrender quickly?"

"Cao Cao is dead, surrender quickly!" Jiang Zuo's troops then waved flags and shouted.

"Where are Ding Feng, Zhong Lifei, and Zhu Huan?"

"The end is here!"

Huo Jun rode on his horse and looked at the camp that was being devoured by fire. He said: "Cao Cao's camp must be on guard. I order the three of you to lead your elite troops to break into Cao Jun's camp and shout that Cao Cao is dead. If you encounter an enemy, you will never kill him." Let the enemy general go lightly."


The three generals each led a thousand men, wearing heavy armor and holding swords and shields, and took advantage of the chaos to charge into Cao's camp.

When approaching the battle, he first used a crossbow to shoot at it, then carried the crossbow behind him, then took out the long knife, sharp ax and other weapons hanging from his waist to meet him.The two armies of Cao and Liu came into contact, and the sergeants fought against each other. Their bodies were torn with swords and axes, blood splattered, and the soldiers screamed and groaned.

Most of them were sergeants under Cao Cao's tent. Affected by the night attack and fire attack, there were few sergeants with complete armor, and some soldiers were ordered to put out the fire. When attacked by strong enemies, there were many casualties and it was difficult to resist.

"Cao Cao is dead!"

Ding Feng raised his sword and hacked one person to death, and then kicked the village gate that had been lit by flames. The gate fell to the ground and overwhelmed Cao's soldiers. The flames flew up to the tent and engulfed the tent in an instant under the southeast wind.There was also a large amount of firewood piled around the camp, which was ignited again, forming a new source of fire.

The veteran general Cheng Yu stood in armor, holding a sword and calling to the left and right, shouting: "The Prime Minister is in the camp, don't listen to the enemy's lies."

Although Cheng Yu is old and has a violent nature, his skills are not bad. When he saw some sergeants wavering, he stepped forward with his sword and slashed three sergeants in a row, shouting: "Block the thieves."


Under Cheng Yu's intimidation, the sergeants under his tent resisted with all their strength, preventing Ding Feng and Zhu Huan from defeating them, and buying time for the Chinese army's dispatch.

Zhu Huan, whose courtesy name was Xiu Mu, was a native of Wu County. He was known for his bravery and was also a brave general on the left side of the Yangtze River.That is, he joined Liu Qi's tent and was worshiped as Zhonglang General.

With more than a dozen arrows stuck in his body, he led Zhu's troops into the formation with a spear in hand. When he saw Cheng Yu sitting there and commanding, he shouted loudly: "Cheng Yuan is plundering the formation for me. I want to kill the enemy general." , to break Cao’s stronghold.”

"it is good!"

Ding Feng led his elite warriors to attack from the flank, buying Zhu Huan time to kill General Cao.

Zhu Huan held the sharp spear, raised it up and flew the enemy's spear, stepped forward with one arrow, and directly penetrated the armor of Cao Jun's soldier and stabbed him in the abdomen.

At the same time, Bu Qu held shields from the left and right to protect Zhu Huan's ribs, blocking Cao's soldiers on the left and right.Zhu Huan took advantage of the situation and swept across Cao's army on the left with his sword. He hammered his sword with the tip of his sword, knocking Cao's soldiers unconscious and stabbing him to death.Buqu also helped Zhu Huan wipe out the enemies coming from the front and break through the front of Cao Jun.

Suddenly, Zhu Huan saw Ding Feng holding a sword and shield, killing several people with his sword and danger, and directly cutting through the military formation, causing chaos.Although the thief general Cheng Yu was in danger, he was not afraid and tried to fight and retreat.

Fearing that the thief would be killed by Ding Feng, Zhu Huan raised his arms and shouted: "Destroy the enemy and kill the general!"


While Zhu Huan was fighting bravely, Cheng Yu shouted and signaled everyone not to run away.

Then Cheng Yu saw a heavy-armored fierce general named Chi Bucha and came towards him with a ferocious smile.The soldiers of Cao's army on his left and right side bravely resisted, but Ge Fei was no match for this general.

A follower standing in front of him was about to slash with his sword, but his whole body suddenly stiffened.Cheng Yu, who had gone through hundreds of battles, could not help but change his expression, and hurriedly turned around and ran away. However, the running speed of the old man was not as fast as that of the young man.


Seeing that Cheng Yu was about to escape, Zhu Ran took off the short spear from Buqu, stretched out his arms and used strength, and the short spear was thrown out.


Cheng Yu suddenly felt a chill in his chest and his legs could not exert any strength. It turned out that the short spear had penetrated his chest.Warm blood spurted out.

With a plop, Cheng Yu, who had been fighting with Cao Cao for many years in the north and south, and was known as "brave beyond Ben Yu", instantly fell to the ground and died in Jianghan.

"Cao Cao is dead!"

With Cheng Yu dead in battle, generals Ding Feng and Zhu Huan easily defeated his headquarters.As a result, a large number of allied troops poured into Cao Cao's camp, burning and killing them all in order to prevent chaos. Cao Cao's army was demoralized and began to flee one after another.

In the middle camp, Cao Cao listened to the bad news from all over, looked at the fire that burned the sky, and looked depressed.

The attendant came to report in disgrace and said: "I am reporting to the Prime Minister that General Fenwu and his troops were killed in battle, and the enemy invaders have entered our camp."

Upon hearing the news that Cheng Yu had died in battle, Cao Cao looked horrified, shed tears of sadness, and shouted: "Zhongde!"

Then Cao Cao beat his chest angrily and shouted: "Huo Jun, I swear to kill you!"


The sound of horse hooves signified that Gao Xin was following Huo Jun's order to break into the central army from a weak point.

Hundreds of cavalrymen galloped through the camp, killing Cao's soldiers along the way.Gao Xin took the lead, stabbing people left and right with his spear, which was very brave.

"Prime Minister, let's go!"

"The camp was set on fire and the enemy invaders entered the camp. The camp was in chaos and could not be stopped. The prime minister quickly moved to another place to reorganize the army and prepare for war."

Xun You, Yang Xiu and other scribes were frightened and took Cao Cao away.


Cao Cao cried and shouted, "Zhongde is here, he can't leave alone!"

Sun Quan led a horse for Cao Cao and said: "The prime minister puts important things first. The traitors are in front now, so don't mourn too much."

What did Xu Chu care about? He immediately protected Cao Cao's safety, brought in the war horse, and helped Cao Cao mount his horse.


Sun Quan held the reins for Cao Cao, held a bow and arrow in his hand, and said to Xu Chu: "General Gai has the power of a tiger, Quan has the skill of archery, and can keep the Prime Minister safe."

While talking, Sun Quan used his bow and shot down a Chu cavalry galloping in the camp, which made Xu Chu and his surroundings look at him with admiration.

"Okay!" Xu Chu nodded and replied.

(End of this chapter)

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