Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 241 Undercurrent in Xuchang

Chapter 241 Undercurrent in Xuchang
Xiangfan is seven or eight hundred miles away from Xuchang. When Liu Biao died of illness, Cao Cao ordered Wanqi to reach Xiangfan in only four or five days.At this time, Cao Cao was defeated and retreated to Xiangyang, and was surrounded by the navy led by Huo Jun. This news was spread by caring people, and it took more than ten days to reach Xuchang.

Cao Cao's army was defeated by Jianghan, with only ten of his troops left, and hundreds of civil and military personnel killed. The news of this news reaching Xuchang was shocking.However, what is even more shocking is that Huo Jun led the navy to pursue Xiangyang, blocking Cao Cao in Xiangyang and preventing him from returning north. Cao Cao seemed to be on the verge of losing his life in Jianghan.

The whole city was shocked, and everyone's reactions varied. Some were secretly happy, some were concerned, or both.

Xuchang, Han Palace.

When the 28-year-old Emperor Liu Xie heard the news, he couldn't help but feel refreshed and favored Queen Fu on the bed.Gein heard the good news that Liu Xie was in good condition and made Empress Fu happy.

Afterwards, Empress Fu nestled her head on Liu Xie's chest and let Liu Xie's hands caress her body.

Seeing Liu Xie sighing, Empress Fu asked, "What worries your majesty?"

Liu Xie fiddled with Empress Fu's broken hair and said sadly: "I can't help but think of Dong Guiren."

Queen Fu's expression changed greatly and she whispered, "Why does Your Majesty miss Dong Guiren again?"

There was both jealousy and panic in his words.

Liu Xie stroked Queen Fu's smooth skin and said, "I miss Dong Guiren, not her, but Zi Tong!"

After saying that, Liu Xie sighed and said: "I am worried that Dong Guiren will repeat the same mistakes. Cao Cao is cruel and inhumane. He ignored Dong Guiren's pregnancy and forgot about the distinction between monarch and minister. He will commit the crime below and destroy the blood of the Han Dynasty."

Empress Fu thought of the prince she had just given birth to, and felt no fear in her heart. She said, "Your Majesty should save my concubine and the prince!"

Liu Xie was slightly refreshed and said, "I think it would be better to get rid of Cao Cao if we are just worried."

As he spoke, Liu Xie said in a low voice: "Zitong, Cao Cao was defeated by Jianghan. Not even a tenth of his soldiers were left alive. He was trapped in Xiangyang by Huo Jun's army. Now if we can find an opportunity to seize control of Xuchang, Liu Bei will cooperate with us. Cao Cao He must perish in Jianghan. At that time, I can spread the message to the world, which will not only save the lives of Zitong, mother and son, but also revive the Han Dynasty."

"Regain control of Xuchang?"

Empress Fu's beautiful eyes revealed a little anticipation as she read.


Liu Xie hugged Empress Fu and said with deep affection: "Now that Cao Cao has defeated Jianghan, everyone in Xuchang is terrified. This is an opportunity to plot something and cannot be missed."

"Then who can I ask for trouble?"

Liu Xie revealed his purpose and said, "I wonder what Madam's father Fu Jun is like?"

"Fu Jun is appointed as the captain of the Cavalry School. He has a few men under his tent, and there are many people in the Fu clan, so he can use them. Madam can write a letter to Fu Jun, telling him about Cao Cao's usurpation, and asking him to secretly plan for Xuchang to prosper. Han Dynasty."

The Fu clan is not a small clan. Its ancestors had high-ranking officials in the previous world, such as the great Situ Fu Zhan and the great Sinong Fuzhi.And after the father of Queen Nafu finished her marriage, the young Emperor Shang Huan's daughter became his wife. However, she was unable to attack her as a marquis, so she became a high-ranking official.From this point of view, Queen Fu is Liu Xie's cousin.

Not only the princes of the country, but also [-] households living in the city. Fu Zhan assisted Guangwu and made great contributions to reviving the Han Dynasty, so he was granted the title of Donglai.

Therefore, although the Fu family is not as good as the Yuan family and the Yang family, it is still a large family with a history of nearly 200 years, and has a large number of people in the family.In Liu Xie's opinion, if he can get Fu's help, his probability of seeking Xuchang will be greatly enhanced.

Empress Fu gritted her silver teeth and said, "I should make it clear to my father and ask him to help your majesty."


Liu Xie kissed Empress Fu and said with a smile, "Zitong is the mother of the Han Dynasty!"

Queen Fu sighed secretly, she knew her father Fu Wan's character better.He has a gentle personality and is afraid of getting into trouble. When he first entered Xuchang, he gave up his position as the general of the auxiliary country in order to avoid Cao Cao's suspicion.

When Dong Guiren died before, I was afraid to tell my father all about Dong Guiren's miserable condition, but I never thought that my father would be timid and cover the letter as if nothing happened.Now I am writing to my father again, and I don’t know what choice my father will make after Fu.

At Liu Xie's instigation, Queen Fu sent a letter to her father Fu Wan in Liu Xie's name.

After getting the letter from Queen Fu, Fu Wan sighed after reading the letter.He doesn't have the courage or ability to seek Xuchang.

"What do you think, father?" the eldest son Fu De asked tentatively.

After Fu put down the letter, he sneered and said: "The emperor wants to capture Xuchang just because of my Fu clan. I'm afraid he is thinking too simplistically. Although Cao Cao was defeated, Xuchang didn't have any arrangements. Cao Cao's eyes and ears were in the court. ." I was very optimistic about this emperor's son-in-law before I finished my marriage.But as he moved east to Xuchang, Fu Wandu began to regret marrying his daughter to the emperor as his queen. The situation of the puppet emperor was like a quagmire. Not only was Liu Xie fettered, but the Fu family himself did not dare to show off too much.

"Then as a father, you want to help your sister?" Fu De asked.

Fu Wan rubbed his head and said: "If this happens, my Fu family will not be protected, so we can't make a hasty plan. However, if you want to make a plan, you need someone to help you to have a chance of success."


Fu Wan sighed and said, "It's not someone else, but Xun Gong, Xun Wenruo, the minister of the dynasty."

"Mr. Xun Ling?"

Fu De was surprised and said: "Xun Lingjun has always been a close confidant of Cao Cao. The fact that Cao Cao has such power is inseparable from Xun Lingjun, so how can Xun Lingjun help us?"

Fu Wan smiled and said: "Xun Lingjun has always been powerful. If we can get his help, our plan to capture Xuchang will be successful. If we don't get his help, it will be difficult for us to capture Xuchang alone. It’s better to give up planning.”

"Although Xun Lingjun is at peace with Cao Cao but is different from him, even if he learned about this matter now, he still did not mention it. How could he spread it out and put the emperor in danger?"

Fu Wan has never been a die-hard loyalist to Liu Xie, so why would he risk the lives of his entire family to play with Liu Xie?According to him, if they get Xun Yu's approval and help, Liu Xie has hope of success; if they don't get Xun Yu's support, they can't even think of success.

As for Xun Yu, how could Fu Wan not know about him?His attitude is ambiguous. He not only cherishes the Han Dynasty, but also helps Cao Cao.If Xun Yu can be leveraged for help, then the puppet emperor can hope to be saved.

"Prepare the car. As a father, I should visit Xun Lingjun and observe his thoughts and words."


After Fu finished carrying the letter, he got on the carriage and went to Xun Yu's mansion to pay a visit to Xun Yu.

While the carriage and horses were on their way, and under the notice of the attendants, Xun Yu asked Fu Wan to go into the inner hall to speak.

Before Xun Yu asked Fu Wan why he was here, Fu Wan grabbed Xun Yu's hand and said in panic: "Please save the emperor."

Xun Yu looked around, took Fu Wan's hand, and asked, "What danger is the emperor in?"

Fu Wan said in a low voice: "The emperor gave a verbal message to Wan and gave him a letter as proof. I asked Wan to discuss the affairs of the country with you. Wan can't decide. I don't know what your wishes are."

With that said, Fu Wan hurriedly stuffed the letter into Xun Yu's hand, not daring to keep it long.

Fu Wan was also a scheming person. He deliberately stated that Liu Xie's letter to him was for him and Xun Yu, asking Xun Yu to help the emperor plan this matter, instead of asking Xun Yu to help him.

Xun Yu took out the letter, but saw that in the letter Liu Xie complained bitterly about Cao Cao's treachery, and said that Cao Cao was trapped in Xiangyang and would die soon. He hoped that the "lords" could help him recapture Xuchang and cooperate with Liu Bei and Liu Qi to kill Cao Cao. Reviving the Han Dynasty.

After reading the emperor's letter, Xun Yu looked at Fu Wan who asked for his opinion. Others were also stunned.He had never thought about such a thing as a dress code, so he came to find him.

"What do you think of your Majesty? If you help the Emperor, you will follow suit." Fu Wan said seriously.

Frowning, Xun Yu returned the letter to Fu Wan and said: "Duke Cao has lived and died for the country, how can he be a usurper of the country? If Duke Cao wants to rule the world, Xun Yu will definitely stop him, and he will not sit back and watch the Han Dynasty lose control." And even though Liu Bei and Liu Qi are people with the surname Liu, they are also people with evil intentions, how can we trust them?"

After saying this, Xun Yu warned Fu Wan and said: "Although Duke Cao was defeated by Jianghan, he still had tens of thousands of soldiers. He is currently stationed in Xiangyang, and it is not because he was trapped in Xiangyang by Huo Jun. I will advise the emperor on this matter. I hope Fu will You must not make any mistakes. What happened today has come out of your mouth and into my ears, so no one else knows about it."


Although Fu Wan was prepared in his heart, he still sighed secretly when he saw Xun Yu's words.

After the ambush was completed and he left, Xun Yu was confused and wrote another letter to Cao Cao. In the letter, he said that Jianghan was defeated and the people in the north were unstable. He asked him not to stay in Xiangyang for too long and to return to Xuchang and Yecheng to take charge.Moreover, if Guan Yu and Mi Fang have any actions in Jianghuai, they should take Hefei and Shouchun into consideration.

Xun Yu's attitude was ambiguous and difficult for outsiders to guess. Even if you say he was loyal, he was not that loyal.If we say he belongs to Cao Cao's side, he has reservations about certain things.

Perhaps because of Xun Yu's warning, Fu Wan returned home as if nothing had happened. However, he met his concubine Fan Pu coming to his door.Fan Pusu was very important to Fu Wan, so the two had a pleasant chat at the house...

(End of this chapter)

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