Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 248 Public Security!Sigh!

Chapter 248 Public Security!Sigh!
April, the 14th year of Jian'an.

Li Tong died in the battle, the Longzhong camp was destroyed, and the navy's boats moved forward, hoping to carry tens of thousands of people from Hannan away.Cao Ren, who was stationed in Xianshan, learned that the Longzhong camp was attacked and the people would be plundered, and wanted to send troops to rescue them.

However, Huo Jun had already prepared. Zhang Fei, who had arrived from Tiaozhong, was bluffing in the south of Xian Mountain. He tied branches with horsetails and ran back and forth, thinking it was just for bluffing.Gao Xiang was asked to go ashore in the west section of Tanxi River and form a moon formation with [-] troops to block Cao Ren's westward advance.

At that time, Huo Jun led ten thousand people to land from Hannan, surrounded Gao Xiang and Zhang Fei from many places, and started a confrontation with Cao Ren.Facing the enemy on many sides, Cao Ren tried to send Niu Jin westward to support Li Tong, but was repelled by Gao Xiang.After a half-day confrontation, Huang Zhong arrived with his boat and joined forces with Zhang Fei.

Seeing that Huo Jun's reinforcements continued to increase, and Zhouge also pretended to retreat with tens of thousands of people, Cao Ren finally gave up the idea of ​​sending troops to support Longzhong, and instead strengthened the fortifications to prevent Huo Jun from attacking the city.

Huo Jun knew the details of his family and knew that with his own troops and horses, he could not capture Xiangyang. He was able to take away tens of thousands of Hannan people, which was a trick of the navy.So on the night of the next day, Huo Jun led his soldiers to board the ship and evacuate south. Generals Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong also burned the camp and took the people away.

Cao Ren was unwilling to give up, so he led his elite infantry and cavalry to pursue them on a small road and defeated the retreating rear army.Zhang Fei asked Huang Zhong to retreat first with his people, and then led Cao Ren to give up the pursuit after he led his infantry and cavalry to fight off the enemy bravely.

In this battle, Huo Jun plundered tens of thousands of people from Hannan and gained more than [-] barbarians in the middle of the country, with a total population of more than [-].But the more than [-] people were not all the people in Hannan. There were still tens of thousands of people in the mountainous areas on the upper reaches of the Han River and in Xiangyang City. Cao Ren moved all the people to Ye and Wan.

After Huo Jun and Cao Ren did this, the two to three hundred miles of hills and plains from Dangyang to Xiangyang were deserted. In the days to come, there would probably be only scouts and sergeants in between.

Xiangyang completely became a military fortress, Cao Cao's rare stronghold in Hannan.The Jianghan Plain, which is hundreds of miles south of Dangyang and Xincheng, has been plundered by Cao Cao's defeated army, but it still retains the essence of Nanjun.The land is fertile, the people are well-off, and they can rest and recuperate for several years. With the power of Nanjun alone, it can support tens of thousands of soldiers.

Hearing that Huo Jun was returning south with his army, Liu Bei, who had nothing to do, took Lu Su and secretly set off northward to meet Huo Jun.

At this time, Huo Jun was inspecting the New Public Security City. He saw that the new city walls had not yet been built, but the location of the city had been decided.On the construction site of the new city, officials, farmers, and craftsmen were busy. Some craftsmen used ink cartridges, vertical lines and other tools to measure the city; or farmers took shovels, hoes and other tools to dig the foundation; or The officials were carrying pens, abacus and other items to patrol and take inventory of supplies.

Xu Sheng spread out the city drawings and pointed out: "Captain, the new city of Gong'an will be built on the mountain and adjacent to the Han River, with more than [-] steps from north to south and more than [-] steps from east to west. We want to build three city gates, one for the inner city and one for the inner city. Wengcheng is three feet high and built with stone bricks. A few miles downstream of the new city, there is a pond where a water fortress can be built to stop the boatmen."

"When there is a battle and the north side of the new city resists the enemy, the navy can go up the river and harass the enemy's food routes. The enemy should retreat without fighting!"

For this new city, Huo Jun did not hesitate to spend a lot of manpower to build the city according to the mountains and rivers, and also built large and small cities to meet the enemy.After all, Huo Jun has high expectations for Xincheng. Xincheng should not only play the role of shielding Jianghan, but also become Wu Chu's dagger inserted into Xiangfan.

If the city is not strong, once Cao's army goes south and breaks the city, how can the people on the Jianghan Plain be saved?There is no talk of Nanjun preparing troops and preparing for the Northern Expedition.

As for why it is called Gong'an City, it is Huo Jun's bad taste.When sending a letter to Liu Qi, Huo Jun talked about the problem of Xiangfan City and said, "If the new city is built, the public can feel at ease", so he named the new city a public security city.

Huo Jun looked down at the construction site of the city and said: "In the battle of Jinkou, Cao Cao's troops suffered heavy casualties and fled to the Central Plains. Although Cao Ren retreated to Xiangfan, he also lost some soldiers. In recent years, there will be peace, and Wen Xiang can build the city with peace of mind. ."

The construction of such a large city cannot be completed overnight.The project progress time needs to be calculated in years and months.

After a pause, Huo Jun said: "Now that I'm back in Jiangling, Jun should declare to Wenxiang that he will be the governor of the Han River, train the Han River navy, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of building the city."


While Huo Jun and Xu Sheng were chatting in detail about the responsibilities of Gong'an City and Han River Supervisor, Liu Bei and Lu Su also arrived outside Gong'an City.


Liu Bei and Lu Su drove their horses along the Han River. They saw that the people who had moved south had been placed by Huo Jun on the banks of the Han River. Under the leadership of the officials, they were working in an orderly manner, or were being transported for the police. Timber, or transporting stone.Huo Jun used work-for-relief methods to help people who lacked food rations overcome the difficulties of food shortages.

Through questioning, Liu Bei learned that Huo Jun had asked the officials to prepare land for the people who were moving south, so that the people who were moving south could cultivate their own land. He couldn't help but sigh and said: "Everyone in the world says that Zhong Miao is good at using troops, but Bei thought that Zhong Miao could also calm the people even if he dismounted. With both civil and military skills, he can mount his horse to govern the army and dismount his horse to bring peace to the people. Zhong Miao's ability is far superior to that of ordinary people."

The longer Liu Bei knew Huo Jun, the more he admired Huo Jun's talents.When he met Huo Jun for the first time, he offered his advice and proposed the strategy of dividing the north and the south. When he entered the east of the Yangtze River, Huo Jun's military ability came to light. He defeated the enemy with his back to the river, took Jingkou thousands of miles away, set fire to Lize, and built a naval force out of hand. During the battle at Chrysostom, The fire soaring into the sky caused Cao Cao to flee in panic.

A man who is so strong in military use is also outstanding in governing the people.Since ancient times, there have been many generals capable of fighting, but those who can serve as generals and ministers are really rare, and there are even fewer generals than General Huo Jun.Even Liu Bei is worried about such subordinates, let alone Liu Qi, who has a weak foundation and lacks reputation.

Lu Su held the reins and sighed: "Su once heard that Zhongmiao practiced the method of rice and wheat rotation in Poyang. Rice is planted in the spring and wheat is planted in the autumn; wheat is harvested in the spring and rice is harvested in the autumn. The people rotate acres of land and do not waste the farming time, which increases production a lot. . He has clever ideas, is diligent in farming, and is good at military management. He is a hero among the best in the world, and he is very respectful."

The policy of rice and wheat rotation implemented by Huo Jun the year before last has achieved results so far.In addition to the normal rice harvest, the wheat harvest has brought benefits to the people.

In the past, they only planted rice in the spring and harvested it in the summer and autumn. In addition, the people could only eat fish and shrimp and grow other vegetables.

However, after the implementation of rice-wheat rotation, people can plant permanent wheat in autumn and winter and harvest winter wheat in spring, which will actually increase people's income.When the people are wealthy, county and county tax revenue can be increased, and people are willing to have children.As the population increases, the number of soldiers increases.

The impact of Huo Jun's implementation of rice-wheat rotation is forming a positive feedback. How could Lu Su, as a strategic master, not see this?

Liu Bei nodded slightly and recognized Lu Su's words.An idea was gradually brewing in his mind, but he was still considering it.


Lu Su saw a familiar figure on the bank of the Han River and asked, "My lord, is that Deng Fan, Zhongmiao's adopted son?"

Liu Bei covered his eyes with his hands and said, "It should be the boy from the Huo family, but I don't know what he is doing!" "Let's go and ask where Zhong Miao is!"


At this time, Deng Fan was sitting by the Han River, drawing lines on the scarf with a pen, sometimes looking up at the mountains and terrain around Gong'an City, lost in thought, and then carefully marking on the scarf.


With the sound of horse hooves, Deng Fan was also immersed in his own spiritual world.

"Boy, where is Huo Jun'an?"


Deng Fan reacted and turned around to look, but it was Liu Bei and Lu Su who hurriedly raised their hands and said, "Boy, I have met Liu Shijun, Mr. Lu."

Deng Fan had stuttered since he was a child, so he moved into Huo Jun's home.Huo Jun asked a doctor to cure him, and Deng Fan took care of himself again.After a few years, I now speak like ordinary people.

With that said, Deng Fanyuan pointed to Gong'an City and said, "Your Majesty, your adoptive father is inspecting the construction of the new city."

"it is good!"

At this time, a strong wind blew, and the scarf fell from Deng Fan's hands and floated to Liu Bei's feet.Liu Bei didn't mind it either. He bent down and picked up the scarf.The graphics on the scarf look very much like the current landscape map surrounding the Public Security City.

Liu Bei opened the map curiously and said with a smile, "Did you make this map?"

"That's exactly what this kid did!"

Seeing Liu Bei reading his map, Deng Fan couldn't help but stutter, feeling quite nervous.

"Zijing, look!"

Liu Bei looked at it for a few times, and he concealed his contempt in his heart, and carefully read the map drawn by Deng Fan.At the same time, I also shared it with Lu Su and asked him to come and take a look.


Lu Su was surprised and said: "My lord, this picture depicts the city, mountains and rivers in it, and also marks the places where camps can be set up. These are all in line with the military science and are not random scribbles."

Stroking his beard, Lu Su looked at the young Deng Fan and said with emotion: "Zhong Miao's family education is so profound. A mere boy with a bunch of hair can have such abilities. If he works hard, he will achieve great results."

Marching and setting up camp is a basic skill for military strategists, but this basic skill is not that simple. For example, when setting up camp, in addition to the solid layout of the camp, there are also a series of issues such as the arrangement of sergeants and the location of the camp.Although this kind of camping knowledge is simple, even outstanding generals sometimes fail to grasp it well.

However, as a teenager, Deng Fan actually knew how to choose a location for camping, which is really impressive.

Of course, the map of Public Security City drawn by Deng Fan is also eye-catching.Marching and fighting are inseparable from maps. Those who can draw maps belong to Xiangmomo there.

Liu Bei nodded slightly and said: "In the Battle of Chrysostom, I admire the young man's correct delivery of orders and quick thinking. Now that I see this picture, I will look down upon him again."

Anyone can brag.But it really depends on ability, and you have to have real ability.

Deng Fan slightly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Sir, for the compliment, but Fan is ashamed that I don't deserve it."

Deng Fan's ability did not arise out of thin air, but he learned and observed from Huo Jun's side, and he was also familiar with military books and applied what he learned.In the Battle of Chrysostom, the number of troops reached more than [-], which is rare in the world.Such a large-scale war benefited Deng Fan a lot from studying and observing on the sidelines.

Liu Bei patted Deng Fan and praised him: "Young men are smart. You should study calmly and don't rush for success or look down on others."

As he spoke, Liu Bei sighed and said: "The tiger father has no dog sons, and he hopes that his sons will become talented."

Seeing young talents, Liu Bei thought about his old age, and could not help feeling sad and expressing words of comfort.

"Thank you for your warning, Fan should remember it."

 There is another chapter in the evening. I am tired today and my coding efficiency is low.

(End of this chapter)

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