Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 254 Jianghuai Turmoil

Chapter 254 Jianghuai Turmoil
With the efforts of Fazheng and Lu Su, the Three Liu Alliance became prosperous.Cao Cao, who was defeated by Jinkou, had no choice but to abandon Jiangling due to changes in Xuchang and led his defeated army back to the north.

Xuchang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Prime Minister, he died of illness in his palace after lying down for a long time." The attendant bowed his waist and reported.


Cao Cao glanced at the document without raising an eyebrow, and just responded lightly.

Dong Zhao was a little confused and said: "Since the prime minister has evidence, why not kill Fu Wan and the Fu family~"

As he spoke, Dong Zhao used his hand to make a knife, hinting to Cao Cao to kill Queen Fu and all the Fu Wan clan.

Cao Cao raised his eyes and looked at it, and said calmly: "Since there is evidence from the letter, there is no need to rush. Now is not the time to take action. We will wait for the time and act according to the situation. If we act at this time, we may make everyone unhappy."

Cao Cao received the secret letter from Queen Fu to Fu Wan, but did not go on a killing spree with any fanfare.He did not confront Xun Yu and scolded Xun Yu for being unfaithful to him.After all, doing so is breaking up with Xun Yu and is not in Cao Cao's interests.

Now that Cao Cao was defeated by Chrysostom and suffered serious military losses, he needed to create a stable internal political environment to help him lick his wounds.Xun Yu could not move. As the mediator of the court, Xun Yu needed to help him overcome this difficulty.

With the help of letters, Cao Cao could kill Empress Fu and the Fu family and intimidate others.But Cao Cao needs to bear the consequences of his death.

After all, Cao Cao's reputation has plummeted after he was defeated by Jianghan.If the mother of a country is killed again, the negative impact it will cause is enough for Cao Cao to drink a pot.

Looking at the time before and after this rebellion, Fu Wan only received the letter and had no intention of rebellion.Cao Cao hesitated and chose to keep the letter until he needed it.After Fu Wan met Cao Cao, in order to preserve his clan members, he committed suicide by drinking poison and died of illness in his mansion.

"Then do we want to monitor the Fu clan?" Dong Zhao asked.

Cao Cao nodded and said, "It's a matter of public benevolence."


As an early scholar who surrendered to Cao Cao, Dong Zhao was also one of the first civil servants to propose to Cao Cao the idea of ​​using the emperor to control the princes.After taking refuge with Cao Cao, Dong Zhao's official position changed depending on the situation, and he often stayed in Xuchang with Xiahou Dun.

Dong Zhao also worked hard for Cao Cao and encouraged Cao Cao to change dynasties.Dong Zhao was involved in many dirty things and was a close confidant of Cao Cao.

After reading Jianghuai's battle report, Cao Cao sneered and said: "Liu Bei was lucky enough to be defeated by Jinkou, so he asked Guan Yu to attack Hefei. Don't you think that Gu is weak and can be bullied?"

After Cao Cao was defeated at Jinkou, Huo Jun not only took the opportunity to go north to Xiangyang and plunder the Hannan people.Even Liu Bei made some moves, asking Guan Yu to move his troops to the Yangtze River and Huaihe River to strengthen the defense force at Ruxukou, and at the same time go north to harass the surrounding areas of Hefei.

"Prime Minister!"

The attendants walked into the hall and reported, "Liu Ye, farewell to Yangzhou, has been ordered to see the prime minister."



Jiang Ji was captured by Huo Jun and became a civil servant under his account.When Yangzhou Biejia was vacant, Liu Ye, who had surrendered to Cao Cao in his early years, was appointed as Biejia.Now Liu Ye was ordered to go north to consult Cao Cao on Jianghuai affairs.

As for Liu Ye, whose courtesy name is Ziyang, he was born in Chenghui, Huainan, and was good at planning military strategies and situations.Different from the Western Han Dynasty bloodline like San Liu, Liu Ye belonged to the orthodox clan bloodline of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

After a while, Liu Ye came in wearing Confucian clothes, raised his hands and said, "Don't drive to Yangzhou, Liu Ye, to pay homage to the Prime Minister."

"Free gift!"

Cao Cao raised his hand and said, "How is the situation in Jianghuai today?"

Liu Ye stood in the hall and replied: "Prime Minister, in the old days the Jianghuai River was withered and dilapidated. Fortunately, Liu Jun went south to camp and manage the city. He was kind to the people, appeased the bandits, built a high city, built trees and stones, raised soldiers, and stored fish paste. Thousands of dendrobium are used to guard the battle."

"There was hope for the Jianghuai River today, but unfortunately Liu Jun died of illness, Guan Yu attacked the border and plundered the people, and the bandits were ready to move, and the situation took a turn for the worse."

During the confrontation between Cao and Liu, Liu Fu died of illness in Hefei City.With Liu Fu's death, Cao Cao's defeat, Guan Yu's troops attacking the border, Zhuge Liang's letters to the bandits, the Jianghuai region was in constant turmoil.

This is also the reason why Cao Cao pays attention to the Jianghuai region. Now that he has defeated Chrysostom, his prestige has been shaken.If Jianghuai is taken away by Liu Bei again, the Central Plains will be in danger, and Cao Cao cannot afford to ignore it. "How many bandits are there in Jianghuai?" Cao Cao asked again.

Liu Ye pondered for a long time and said: "There are many Jianghuai soldiers and bandits in the Dabie Mountains of Lujiang River. Ye calculated carefully that there are four large bandits and more than ten small bandits. If there is a mountain bandit Chen Ce, tens of thousands of people will defend in the face of danger; Chen Lan , Meicheng took control of Haoxian County and Liu'an, each with tens of thousands of men and women under his command, but he relied on the disobedience of the crowd; Yuan Shu's old general Lei Xubu, with more than [-] men, garrisoned in Tianzhu Mountain, refused to obey."

"Except for Chen Ce, Chen Lan, Meicheng, and Lei Xu, there are thousands of bandits and a few thousand, so there is nothing to worry about. Only four families of bandits are difficult to defeat, but they have close contacts with Liu Bei and Huo Jun. It seems that If you have any unfavorable thoughts, you are worried about Jianghuai."

Cao Cao saw that Liu Ye was not an incompetent person, so he sat him down and said: "I want to conquer Jiangzuo to appease Hefei so that Liu Bei will not dare to invade the north. I wonder what Ziyang thinks?"

Liu Ye saluted and thanked him, and said, "Are you brave enough to say something?"


"Liu Bei must have Jiangzuo, station troops at Jingkou, watch the north of the Yangtze River, and have plans for the Jianghuai River. If our army does not level Jiangzuo, Liu Bei will march towards Hefei and return to Jingkou in the evening. He will be unable to defend himself and our army will be difficult to control. In Ye's opinion, the Prime Minister can seize it At Ruxukou, we need to build a boat in Chaohu Lake and cross the river to Nanping, so that we can settle the Jianghuai River!" Liu Ye said.

Hefei is too close to Jiangdong. Liu Bei stationed troops at Ruxukou, which is across Chaohu Lake from Hefei.Guan Yu led the navy to set off in the morning and returned to Ruxukou in the evening. Hefei would only be beaten.

Hefei was beaten, and the people around it could not protect themselves, and it was difficult to cultivate and cultivate.Moreover, the death of Liu Fu, the governor of Yangzhou, made the entire Hefei army and people feel uneasy.

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said: "The only plan now is to move the people north of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River to Shouchun, Ping'a, Dangtu and other places. Hundreds of miles of people will be extinct, so that Liu Bei will have nothing to gain. At that time, Hefei was set up as a fortress. , and sent the generals to guard Liu Bei's plan to march north to the Yangtze River and Huaihe River."

It is Cao Cao's old method to relocate the people to free up no-man's land and leave the attackers with nothing to gain.When Cao Cao and Yuan Shao confronted each other in Guandu, they moved the people of Yan and Baima counties.

Now that Chrysostom was defeated, Cao Cao was unable to destroy Wu Chu in the short term, and he was wary of Wu Chu's naval superiority.The only method Cao Cao could take was to move the people north.On the one hand, he strengthened his own power, and on the other hand, it made it difficult for Wu Chu to benefit.

Liu Ye hesitated a little and said: "The people miss their homeland and feel at ease, and are afraid that the few will want to move away. Moreover, the two Chen Meilei and the four bandits, who claim to be kings, often miss their hometown. Now the Prime Minister wants to move the people north, but I'm afraid it will be difficult!" "

Although Cao Cao was unhappy, he did not show it. He said: "I will lead my troops southward if they don't obey. I will destroy them. How can I let them have different ambitions? When the lone soldiers arrive at Chaohu, we should fight against Liu Bei." Must mouth."


Liu Ye seemed to be aware of Cao Cao's dissatisfaction and suggested: "The four thieves are defending according to the mountains and rivers. The mountains are high and the valleys are deep, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack. Today is peaceful, the four thieves are causing trouble, and the Prime Minister wants to destroy them. It is better to send an envoy out. Surrender them with official titles; if they don't obey, select fierce generals to attack them to deter the bandits. At that time, the bandits in the Jianghuai River would collapse without fighting!"


Cao Cao was very satisfied with Liu Ye's performance and praised him: "Zi Yang has seen a lot of people, and he deserves to be a hero of the Jianghuai River. I am going on an expedition now, and you can go south with the army."

"Thank you, Prime Minister!"

Turning around, Cao Cao ordered the left and right, saying: "Pass an order to the isolated army, order Zhang He, Zhang Liao, Yu Jin, Niugai, Li Dian, Zang Ba, Sun Guan and other ten generals. Except for those who are already in Jianghuai, they will meet in Shouchun in July. The lone general marched south to Ruxukou."


Yang Xiu recorded Cao Cao's military orders and passed them on to the generals.

After the battle at Xiangfan, Cao Cao appointed Cao Ren as the governor of Xiangyang, and sent Xu Huang as his deputy general to assist. He stationed [-] new and old soldiers in Xiangfan. Zhang Liao and Yu Jin led [-] people to still be stationed in Jianghuai, while generals such as Zang Ba and Sun Guan were stationed in Jianghuai. Return to Xuzhou.

Due to the defeat at Jinkou, Cao Cao did not want to go to Jianghuai, but he was worried that Hefei was in danger, so he had no choice but to send troops south to Jianghuai.

After all, each of the four Jianghuai bandits has tens of thousands of troops, and the total population is about 20, and there are more than [-] combat troops.If these four bandits unite with Liu Bei, Jianghuai will be in danger.

If these four bandits are destroyed and the people of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River are moved to the Huaihe River Basin, then Liu Bei will gain nothing from the harassment.

Different from the mighty events in history, there is a desire to destroy Jiangzuo.At this time, Cao Cao was more interested in appeasing Jianghuai and arranging Jianghuai's defense line to prevent Liu Bei from taking advantage of him.

As for whether he could capture Ruxukou and build the Chaohu Naval Base, Cao Cao was unsure.Huo Jun also knows the importance of Ruxu's words.If Liu Bei is short of troops, he can send troops from Jingchu to support him.

Thinking of Liu Fu's death, Cao Cao said: "Wen Hui, the master of command, has entered the palace. I have important matters to discuss with him."


(End of this chapter)

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