Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 257 Rank 1 Big Brother

Chapter 257
Jingchu licked the wounds of the war, and Liu Bei comforted the people of Jiangzuo.Liu Zhang, who is an alliance of the Three Lius, is receiving Fazheng who has returned from Jingchu.

Liu Zhang sat on the couch and asked, "Xiaozhi went to Jingchu as an envoy. What do you think of Wu Chu?"

Fazheng knelt down and sat down, cupped his hands and said, "I am reporting to you, your Majesty, that Wu Chu knows that I, Yizhou, want to ally with you to fight against Cao Cao. The two Dukes of Wu and Chu are overjoyed and deeply feel that your Majesty is righteous."


Liu Zhang looked delighted and said: "With the three alliances, we in Yizhou can not only avoid war, but also intimidate Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, making him timid and afraid to peep at Bashu."

Seeing Liu Zhang's behavior, Fazheng further said: "Your Majesty, although the two Dukes of Wu and Chu agreed to the alliance, due to personal difficulties, they have something to ask of me, Bashu. I wonder if your Majesty can agree?"

"Please tell me Taka!"


Fa Zheng thought about it for a while and said: "Although Wu Chu defeated Cao Cao's millions of troops in Jianghan, he suffered a lot of casualties, and the people under his rule were displaced and the army was short of food. I wonder if I, Bashu, can provide some support?"

Fa Zheng's words had both his own ideas and the meaning implicitly mentioned by Liu Qi and Liu Bei.In any case, Fazheng helped Liu Bei get more benefits in order to sell himself better.

As for whether Liu Zhang agrees or not, Fa Zheng's understanding of Liu Zhang is that whenever money can be used to eliminate disasters, money will be used to open a way, for fear that others will not like it.

How generous was Liu Zhang in history?
Before Liu Bei entered Shu, he asked Fazheng and Mengda to lead two thousand troops each to escort a large amount of grain and grass to help Liu Bei defend Nanjun.

Liu Bei led his troops into Shu, and Liu Zhang provided food for the troops, which swelled Liu Bei's troops to more than [-] men.Even when Liu Bei was about to leave Sichuan, the generous Liu Zhang was prepared to give [-] troops and supplies as gifts.

Either Gai didn't feel sad about selling his father's land, or Bashu was so rich that Liu Zhang got used to lavish spending.

As expected by Fazheng, the magnanimous Liu Zhang said: "What the two princes said is not unreasonable. Wu Chu borders Cao Cao. The Central Plains is so big and the number of soldiers cannot be underestimated unless it is from the south. It is not impossible to support Wu Chu, but it is I don’t know how to provide support. Give troops? Aid food? Or provide soldiers, armor, boats and ships?”

Huang Quan frowned slightly and said: "I inform you that armor and soldiers are precious and should not be given lightly. Wu Su has copper and iron mines, Chu has rhinoceros and crocodile armor, and there is no shortage of weapons and armor. They defended by the river, and now they are The troops we have are enough to defend them. Jiang and Han are often attacked by war, so why not send some food, grass and baggage."

Liu Zhang nodded slightly and said: "What Gong Heng said is not unreasonable. Wu Chu manages the boat for the battle, and can send grain, grass and baggage to show my good intentions in Yizhou."

Seeing that it was Huang Quan who was interfering, Fa Zheng cursed secretly in his heart and cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, in order to show the will of the three families to control Cao, it is better to send a small number of soldiers to station in the dangerous places of Wu and Chu to show our intention to cut off Cao Cao's alliance with Liu in Yizhou. And we can let the soldiers Escort money and food to Wu Chu to relieve the current shortage of food."

"also may!"

Liu Zhang did not hesitate and said: "To show my heart for Yizhou, I am sending 2000 stones of food and grass to each of Wu and Chu to show my intention to make good relations with Yizhou. As for sending troops, I think it is inconvenient to have more. , at least unintentionally, sent [-] people to each family to show that the three families are united in guarding Cao."

The average soldier in the Han Dynasty had two big stones per month, and one hundred thousand stones of food could feed an army of 20 people for a month.Liu Zhang gave [-] stone grains in one breath. This is not atmosphere, so what is atmosphere?

After a pause, Liu Zhang asked: "We are recruiting troops from Wu and Chu. I wonder who can go?"

Zhang Song took the opportunity to speak and said: "To inform the envoy, the army will discuss the military envoy to Wu Chu. It is better to let the French army discuss bringing troops to send the envoy. At the same time, Meng Da can be appointed as deputy, each leading [-] troops and horses. Wu Chu.”

"Yes!" Liu Zhang said: "In this case, Lieutenant Laojun Yixiao and Lieutenant Dingwei sent troops to Wu Chu to show that Yizhou is united in guarding Cao Cao."


Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, providing food to the soldiers may seem like traitorous behavior, but in the eyes of everyone in Yizhou, it is commonplace.Before the border was reached, Liu Zhang sent [-] soldiers to fight with Cao Cao.When Cao Cao went south to Jianghan, Yizhou was ordered to provide grain to supply Cao Cao's southern expedition.

After everyone retreated, Zhang Song went to Fa Zheng, and the two of them went back to the house to discuss the matter of finding the master.

Zhang Song closed the house and asked, "Xiaozhi went to Jingchu as an envoy, did you find the Ming Lord?"

Fazheng shook his head and said: "Liu Qigai is not a wise master, has no ambition, and is greedy for women. He is not as good as his father Liu Biao."

"Could it be Liu Yuzhou?" Zhang Song asked.Fazheng smiled and corrected him: "It should be called Liu Yangzhou!"

"Xuan Degong has the ambition to conquer the world, is heroic in martial arts, and has an open mind. He is an extraordinary king and has the style of the great ancestor."

Zhang Song looked happy and confirmed: "Is this really true?"

Fa Zheng showed a look of reminiscence and said: "I dare not tell lies. Zheng and Xuande met in Jiangling. The duke was able to recognize talents. He always talked about the current situation in the world and discussed all the heroes in the world. His ambition was not that of Liu Zhang. Yes. And you treated me courteously. No one else but Cao Cao is so arrogant and arrogant. I am truly worthy of being a hero of this lifetime."

Cao Cao felt bitter in his heart. If Zhang Song went to the Central Plains now, how could he treat Zhang Song with the same attitude as before.He must treat Zhang Song as politely as he treated Zhang Su favorably.It can only be said that Cao Cao lost his mind due to the great advantage of going south to Jianghan.

Unfortunately, things are unpredictable and it is too late to regret.Opportunities are fleeting and once missed, there is no chance to make amends.

Thinking of the cold reception he received from Cao Cao when he was sent as envoy, he also saw the kindness received by Liu Bei when he was sent as envoy to Fazheng.Zhang Song was quite envious of Fazheng, but in order not to misjudge Liu Bei.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Song asked: "May I ask Mr. Xuande what his ambition is?"

Fa Zheng thought about it for a long time and said: "Xuan Degong often used the ancestor as a metaphor to remember the great achievements of the great ancestors and recall the glory of the two Han Dynasties, with the intention of establishing a new dynasty and restoring the Han Dynasty."

As he spoke, Fa Zheng paced around the room, trying hard to outline for Zhang Song a monarch who wanted to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty.

"Your Majesty wants to take the east of the Yangtze River as the base, then go to Sichuan to capture Sichuan, surrender Liu Qi of Jingzhou, and then attack the south to make peace with Cao Cao, forming a trend of separation between the north and the south. When the Central Plains changes, he will send troops to the north in three directions to destroy the Cao family. , secure the Central Plains, and rejuvenate the Han Dynasty!"

Fazheng and Zhang Song looked at each other and said seriously: "You and I are currently working for Xuande Gong. From now on, our future will be limitless!"

After hearing about Liu Bei's grand plans and great achievements, and seeing Fa Zheng praising Liu Bei so highly, Zhang Song was already not very yearning for him.

Zhang Song asked for honor from his master, not just to display his talents, gain high official status, and receive generous salaries.

Zhang Song thought about his identity and said regretfully: "The river is thousands of miles away. Duke Xuande is on the left side of the river, and it is difficult to see him."

Fazheng was worried that Zhang Song had other ideas, and said with a smile: "Although Mr. Xuande has not met you yet, he has heard of Zi Qiao's name, and he is not very yearning for it. He also has the intention to meet Zi Qiao, but due to the current situation, he is temporarily unable to meet you." I have no chance to see him. When I invite you to come to Shu, Ziqiao will definitely see Duke Xuande one day."

Zhang Song's heart felt like a cat being scratched, the itching was unbearable, and he said: "Nowadays, Xiaozhi and Zijingyi are offering soldiers and food to Wu Chu. It is not good for Song to have nothing to enter his body."

With that said, Zhang Song took out the silk map from his arms and said: "Xiaozhi, Yizhou's fifteen prefectures and 110 counties are all on this map. In addition, there are Bashu passes and internal and external rivers in the map. Browse this map , you can fully understand the situation of Yizhou's mountains and rivers, and march and fight without obstruction."

Zhang Song's identity is different from that of Fazheng and Mengda. Fazheng and Mengda were ordinary generals and literati and had no access to Yizhou's core secrets, such as population, terrain, soldiers, and the army.

However, Zhang Song, as Yizhou Biejia, was Liu Zhang's trusted secretary, and his elder brother was Zhang Su, the prefect of Guanghan.Zhang Song often browses these core secrets.With Zhang Song's memory, he had already memorized these secrets in his mind and drawn them on the silk map.

Fazheng spread out the map of Bashu, his eyebrows raised.

The terrain of Yizhou is complex. From the Three Gorges to Chengdu, there are thousands of miles and complicated roads.Without a map to guide you, marching will be inconvenient.Of course, that's not all. Zhang Song also marked the treasury and military supplies on the map.Yizhou's military secrets were leaked by Zhang Song.

Putting the map close to his body, Fazheng said: "Please rest assured, Zi Qiao. Zheng and Zijing are sending troops to Wu Chu as envoys. When they meet Duke Xuande, they will present the map on your behalf so that the envoy can know Zi Qiao's heart!"

"Thank you Takanao!"

Zhang Song cupped his hands and said, "filial piety is on the outside, Songju is on the inside, and they keep in touch with each other. Whenever an opportunity comes, I will definitely ask Xuande Gong to send troops to Sichuan."

"I've got Lao Ziqiao!"

(End of this chapter)

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