Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 261 The battle between dragon and tiger

Chapter 261 The battle between dragon and tiger
In fact, the distance between Lushan Mountain and Poyang County is very close, only separated by Tianzhu Mountain and Qianshan Mountain.When Huo Jun was running Wancheng in the past, he often had contact with Chen Yue because of his relationship with Lei Xu.As time passed, a trade route opened up between Lushan Mountain and Wancheng.

Now, with the help of the guide sent by Huo Du, Guan Yu took a small path to Tianzhu Mountain.When he learned that Zhang Liao's offensive was urgent, Guan Yu abandoned his baggage and led his elite troops to march lightly.

Yesterday, Guan Yu first arrived at the south of Tianzhu Mountain, and at that time Zhang Liao withdrew his troops back to camp.Guan Ping proposed a night attack when the sergeants under Zhang Liao's tent were tired, but his suggestion was rejected by Guan Yu.

Guan Yu was well aware of Zhang Liao's ability. Now he led his men to Tianzhu Mountain on a starry night journey. Both sides were exhausted.Under this condition, Guan Yu had no confidence in defeating Zhang Liao.

Furthermore, Guan Yu pondered for a long time, based on his understanding of Zhang Liao's character.If Tianzhu Mountain was not captured today, Zhang Liao would not withdraw his troops due to the steepness of Tianzhu Mountain, and would most likely attack Tianzhu Mountain again.

The enemy is in the light and we are in the dark.Under this situation, Guan Yu contacted Lei Xu and others, and divided the troops into two groups, one led by Lu Meng, and the other led by Guan Yu himself.Guan Yu lured Zhang Liao deep into Tianzhu Mountain to attack, but Lü Meng took the opportunity to burn the military camp at the foot of the mountain to demoralize Zhang Liao's army.

This is Guan Yu's strategy. He takes advantage of the advantage of attacking later and the enemy is visible and we are hidden. He marches quickly, lures the enemy deep, confuses the enemy's morale, and defeats the enemy in one fell swoop.

Of course, with Zhang Liao's brave strategy, he could not easily admit defeat, so he gathered his troops and fought, striving to defeat the Jianghuai tribe and Guan Yu's sergeants in the camp.

Surrounded by Sergeant Cao's soldiers, Zhang Liao's expression was extremely ugly.

In today's battle at Tianzhu Mountain, we were almost victorious, but we really didn't expect Guan Yu to break out of it.However, he was by no means a person who would be timid and retreat when he was frustrated for a moment. Only by fighting hard might he have a chance to save the situation.

Niu Gai saw that Zhang Liao's face was calm and there was no sign of panic, so he calmed down and asked, "What should we do now?"

Zhang Liao tightened his grip on the gun and said: "To win now, the only way to win is to defeat Guan Yu. I will lead my trusted followers to attack Guan Yu. You can plunder the formation for me and stop the incoming invaders from the Jianghuai River."

"it is good!"

Niu Gai said in a deep voice: "The general is superior in martial arts. If I can defeat Guan Yu, it will be you, general! I will raid the formation for the general and protect the people around me."


With an angry roar, Niugai wore heavy armor and led his bodyguards to fight, attracting everyone's attention.The noise was quite loud, and everyone was attracted. Arrows were fired at Niugai's heads, and there were soldiers on the left and right to fight.

The spearman holds the spear forward, or thrusts upward, but the opponent sometimes pushes it away or blocks it with a shield.Anyone who is not careful will be stabbed by a sudden spear, causing the enemy to wail in pain.

Zhang Liao spat, waved his arms vigorously, pointed in the direction of Guan Yu, and said: "Capture Guan Yu, and you will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Liao came out with a long, heavy and powerful stride, like a tiger descending a mountain.The soldiers on the left and right followed him to the enemy's formation.

Guan Yu looked from a distance and saw Zhang Liao, who looked like a fierce tiger, going deep into the crowd. The long spear in his hand was so fast that afterimages could be seen, and he stabbed to death and wounded several people in an instant.The soldiers were not to be outdone, and relied on their strong armor and sharp blades to fight with the Jianghuai tribe.Compared with Cao's army, which has been fighting all year round, how could the Jianghuai tribe be an enemy? They couldn't help but retreat in chaos.

Under the "Guan" banner, Guan Yu proposed to fight Zhang Liao personally, but was blocked by Guan Ping.

Guan Ping was eager to try, and asked for a fight, saying: "Since my father is the commander-in-chief of the army, how can I fight lightly? Although Zhang Liao is a fierce tiger, he is in trouble and can only fight as a trapped beast."

Guan Yu's face darkened and he scolded: "Zhang Liao is really a tiger, but you are no calf. As a father, I dare not despise Zhang Liao's bravery. He only fights with all his strength. How about you? Don't forget the "Zuo Zhuan" said: 'The trapped beast is still fighting, what's the situation?'"

Regarding Guan Ping's ignorance of the importance, Guan Yu could only scold him sharply.He was afraid that Guan Ping had no memory and didn't know his own strength, so he went into battle easily and lost his life in vain.

If Guan Ping hadn't been born early, only practicing martial arts could save his life in troubled times.Otherwise, Guan Yu would have wanted him to study scriptures like his second son Guan Xing.

After all, the knife tip licks blood all year round, fearing that one day he will die.Is it not as good for one's descendants to study scriptures as the military advisor Kong Ming was?Even Guan Yu gradually transformed into a commander-in-chief.

Guan Yu stroked his beard and ordered: "Zhengming, you lead the infantry under the tent to confront Niugai. I will personally fight Zhang Liao."


Liu Zan, a warrior from Kuaiji, responded with his rough voice.

When Guan Yu was marching south to Kuaiji, an official from Kuaiji County left Zan to join the army. He followed Guan Yu across the mountains and killed Wu Huan, the leader of the Yellow Turban bandits in Kuaiji, and then went north to Xiakou to serve as a royal guard.His battles are brave and his birds of prey are fierce and heroic.In the army, he is second only to Guan Yu in terms of bravery and is known as the enemy of ten thousand people.

When Guan Yu was dispatching his troops and generals to go on an expedition, Zhang Liao was almost in a deserted state.

He stabbed the enemy in front to death, and there was a whistling sound in his ears. Zhang Liao heard the sound of the ring-shou knife chopping. He pulled the spear and stabbed back, and the short and sharp spear went straight in the direction of the wind, and then a wailing sound came out.Jianghuai Buqu, who tried to sneak attack Zhang Liao, covered his face and fell down, with hot blood pouring out of his hands.

He stabbed back, and at the same time, another spear stabbed straight in front of him.Zhang Liao ducked and dodged the gun. At the same time, he kept moving his hands, holding the spear rod tightly and thrusting forward.The enemy was unable to hit a single blow, and when they retreated in panic, they were already pierced through the chest by a wide-mouthed sword.

Then, Zhang Liao looked at six directions, grabbed the enemy's spear in his hand, and stabbed it sideways. The enemy soldier fighting with the soldier on the side was stabbed by Zhang Liao's spear.The soldiers took the opportunity to attack and hacked the enemy soldiers to death with their swords.

Zhang Liao was armed with strong armor and led his soldiers to rush in. How could the ordinary Jianghuai troops be able to stop them?The long spear in his hand is like waving the fingers of his arm. Not only the blade and blade can kill the enemy, but even the heavy body can kill the enemy.

Zhang Liao's moves are just simple moves such as upward jabs, downward thrusts, flying picks, and back blocks. However, they are Zhang Liao's decades of combat experience and martial arts training.As the old saying goes, a stick of the moon, a sword of the year, and a spear of a lifetime are not meant to deceive others!
Zhang Liao, as a frontier fortress in Bingzhou, experienced chaos in his childhood. He was a county official at a young age and was on the front line fighting with the barbarians. At the age of 19, due to his superior military strength, he, Lu Bu and Zhang Yang, served under Ding Yuan.Therefore, his bravery and skill are extraordinary.

Even in the face of Guan Yu's ambush, Zhang Liao still fought fiercely. How dare those Jianghuai generals such as Meicheng, Chen Lan, Lei Yuan, etc. dare to fight? They are like tigers entering a flock of sheep, and their power is unstoppable!

However, Zhang Liao was not invincible. With the entry of Guan Yu's infantry, the situation suddenly changed.Seeing Guan Yu go to war, those Jianghuai tribes retreated one after another, making room for Guan Yu and Wu Chu's sergeants.

Zhang Liao had just repelled Lei Yuan, who was avenging his brother, when he suddenly realized that the sergeant appearing in front of him was not Jianghuai Buqu, but a soldier under Guan Yu's tent.

Zhang Liao holds the long spear tightly. Whether he can win today depends on the next battle.

Looking at the exhausted followers on the left and right, Zhang Liao said in a deep voice: "Since you can win by defeating Guan Yu, please encourage me."

"Wan Sheng!"

Zhang Liao shouted loudly, rushed forward with his spear in hand, and attacked Guan Yu's troops.The soldiers squeezed out the last bit of energy and followed Zhang Liao into the battle.
Both sides are elite soldiers. If there is a difference, one is an exhausted soldier who has been fighting for a long time, and the other is an energetic soldier.Guns clashed, warriors cleared the way, military formations intertwined, fighting each other.

Zhou Cang used his shield to block the incoming spears of Cao Jun, and then rushed in. The Huanshou sword in his hand slashed forward, breaking through the armor and killing Cao Jun's soldiers. There were few people on the left and right who could stop him. He was very brave.

At this time, a long stick stabbed diagonally, and Zhou Cang barely blocked it with his shield. Then the long stick stabbed horizontally, and in a row, it stabbed Zhou Cang's lower third path.Zhou Cang saw the opportunity to dodge, but was stabbed several times by the long spear. He couldn't help but dodge, but he was not as brave as before.

Zhang Liao suddenly changed direction and stabbed forward with his spear.The sharp blade was so fast that Zhou Cang could not parry it.However, on the route of the long shot, he tried to lift Zhang Liao's long shot away.

The two poles were intertwined, and Zhang Liao suddenly felt a huge force coming from the pole in his hand, lifting his pole.At the same time, the long rod thrust forward, piercing straight into his chest.

Seeing the fierce attack coming, Zhang Liao subconsciously released his strength. Following the force of the long attack, he turned around, squatted down, stabbed in the back with the attack, and tried to summon the carbine.

Guan Yu couldn't help but stop when he saw Zhang Liao's long spear pointed straight at his throat.Zhang Liao squatted down and stepped back, facing Guan Yu with his spear in front.

Guan Yu stopped Zhou Cang from stepping forward and said, "Wen Yuan, your martial arts skills are much better than before!"

"Yun Chang, look at it!"

Zhang Liao shouted sternly, emboldened himself, and ran forward with a spear in hand.

Guan Yu squinted his eyes and waited, when Zhang Liao's long arm came close to him.Guan Yu kicked the stick, and the stick roared and moved like a flying dragon.If Zhang Liao is as powerful as a tiger, then Guan Yu is as powerful as a flying dragon.

The heavy body made of eucalyptus wood blocked Zhang Liao's approach, relying on the force of gravity.Guan Yu held the long spear in his hand like a fierce dragon crossing the river, continuously blocking Zhang Liao's spear.At the same time, while blocking, Guan Yu continued to press Zhang Liao with his body weight.

Zhang Liao did not dare to show weakness and faced the attack with a spear.The spear is as powerful as a tiger, and it continuously confronts the long spear in Guan Yu's hand.In an instant, the two people's spears collided dozens of times, the muffled sound of the poles continued, and the shadows of the poles flew past.

Both Zhang and Guan are powerful people, their blows are fast and heavy, and accompanied by the shrill sound of the wind, everyone around them is frightened.Guan Ping, who had previously wanted to fight Zhang Liao, opened his mouth slightly, showing a look of shock.

Under the continuous rapid and fierce confrontation, both sides felt the shock, especially Zhang Liao.

Although the tiger is brave, it is not as powerful as the dragon crossing the river.Moreover, Zhang Liao fought fiercely from morning to noon and felt exhausted early on.At this moment, sweat began to break out on his forehead, his mouth was numb, his physical strength was rapidly declining, and he was increasingly unable to keep up with Guan Yu's rhythm.

The soldiers around Zhang Liao wanted to help, but were stopped by the swordsmen under Guan Yu's tent.Moreover, they are also mud bodhisattvas crossing the river, and they may not be able to protect themselves.

The school swordsman, the second part of Guan Yu's account.He has fought with Guan Yu for a long time. He has excellent armor and fights bravely.In normal times, these soldiers on Zhang Liao's left and right must be no less than the school swordsman, but now they are exhausted, how can they be the opponent of the school swordsman.


After several consecutive blows with the spear, Guan Yu discovered Zhang Liao's flaw.Danfeng's eyes opened angrily, and his long beard fluttered in the wind.When the Dantian is angry, he raises the spear and smashes it down. It is so powerful and heavy that it is very difficult for anyone to stop it.However, Zhang Liao gritted his teeth and shouldered it forcefully.


Guan Yu suddenly changed his moves again, sweeping his blade across the pole, trying to cut off Zhang Liao's fingers.With his strength weakened, Zhang Liao changed his grip into palms, trying to dodge Guan Yu's move.Guan Yu seemed to have predicted Zhang Liao's movements, and suddenly pulled his body back and raised his body long.

The next moment, there was only one hand holding the body, unable to stop Guan Yu's upward thrust.Unable to bear the strength, Zhang Liao had no choice but to retreat.

However, how could Guan Yu let Zhang Liao go? At the same time as he was picking Zhang Liao up, Guan Yu immediately changed his moves and slashed down with the sword blade in his hand.

Which one is faster, the natural person or the human being?
Naturally, it's fast.

Zhang Liao retreated, but his left shoulder was still within the attack range of Guan Yu's Changshan.

The strong fish scale armor exploded under the sharp blade, with fire flying and the armor pieces bursting.Taking advantage of the situation, it penetrated Zhang Liao's inner armor, and the blade scratched the muscles of his left shoulder, almost touching the bones.

In pain, Zhang Liao's hand on the hilt of the sword suddenly drew the sword and threw it back towards Guan Yu.Seeing the situation, Guan Yu dodged sideways and subconsciously relaxed his posture.

And from the wound on Zhang Liao's left shoulder, bright red blood overflowed.Guan Yu's combo was so fierce that if Zhang Liao hadn't drawn his sword and thrown it back in time, his arm would have been in danger.

Zhang Liao covered the wound on his left shoulder and shouted continuously: "Withdraw the troops!"

As he spoke, Zhang Liao quickly disappeared into the crowd and retreated under the protection of his followers.When Guan Yu was about to pursue him, several arrows shot out of the air.

Although Guan Yu used his spear to deflect an incoming arrow, some of his soldiers were injured by the arrow.

Then, Guan Yu hesitated for a while, and then he was ready to pursue again.Zhang Liao's figure has disappeared into the crowd.

The defeat of the general Zhang Liao caused a chain reaction.The soldiers of Cao's army in the front had lost all their fighting spirit and were in chaos.

The fleeing sergeants of Cao's army were crowded together in the narrow mountain road.All Cao's soldiers who could escape fled along the mountain road, discarding their helmets and armor along the way.All the soldiers who could not leave returned to Guan Yu one after another, and a large number of them surrendered.

The retinue protected Zhang Liao out of the narrow mountain road, but the injured Zhang Liao no longer had the same momentum as the tiger before going down the mountain. His face was pale and he walked away with his left shoulder injured.With the help of his followers, he escaped by finding a road in the forest and disappeared into the vast mountains.

"Your majesty is mighty!"

After seeing Guan Yu enter the battlefield, he quickly reversed his position and defeated the enemy to win. All Jianghuai heroes were amazed.

"If the kings and princes had not led their troops here, all the eighty thousand people in Lan and Jianghuai would have perished in the hands of Cao's thieves. It is a pity that Zhang Liao could not be captured and killed to avenge the people of Jianghuai."

Chen Lan looked grateful and said, "Lan would like to thank you for saving your life!"

"Thank you so much for saving me, Lord!"

Chen Lan, as the representative of Jianghuai's powerful people, bowed and saluted. Those who were close by, such as Mei Cheng, Lei Yuan and other powerful Jianghuai's children, all bowed their hands in thanks.

"No need to be polite!"

Guan Yu helped everyone out of thin air and said with a smile: "When the commander learned that you were in trouble, he sent Yu and his sergeants to rush to the rescue at night. It was not Yu alone who could save you, but Liu Shijun!"

Although Guan Yu was arrogant by nature, he knew his brother's great cause.Now he didn't want to take all the credit, but wanted to let everyone know that it was Liu Bei who really saved them.

Chen Lan understood Guan Yu's intention, raised his hands and said: "Liu Shijun is a member of the imperial family. His benevolence and righteousness are spread all over the world. Lan has been admiring him for a long time. In the past, there was an appointment to attack Hefei, but Lan was defeated by Cao Cao. If you are a prince, If you don’t give up, Lan is willing to accompany you to Ruxukou, so that you can do the hard work of dogs and horses!”

Guan Yu nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Since you are willing to serve the envoy, it is really a happy event. How can Jin Yu not want to!"

After a pause, Guan Yu asked: "I wonder where General Lei is? How is his body?"

Young Lei Yuan said: "My father is in ill health. Now I am with my family members, so I might not be able to go to Ruxu to meet the envoy in person. I am temporarily acting as director for my father, but I can pay my respects to the envoy on my behalf."

"also may!"

Guan Yu nodded and said: "It is inconvenient for all tribesmen and tribesmen to stay in Tianzhu Mountain for a long time. Now you can go to Wancheng to settle down. I will arrange a place for you to live after meeting Liu Shijun."

"No!" Everyone responded.

For Guan Yu, defeating Zhang Liao and moving more than 8 Jianghuai people also fulfilled Liu Bei's military orders.As for who comes to power, it has nothing to do with him.Ordinary Jianghuai tycoons could not catch his eye.

After everyone retreated, Guan Ping came over with a sword in hand and said, "Father, Zhang Liao abandoned his army and fled. Do you want to send people into Tianzhu Mountain to search for him?"

Guan Yu looked at the vast and deep Lushan Mountain with lush trees and said: "No need, the terrain of Lushan Mountain is complicated. Zhang Liao and Niugai only led more than ten retinues to escape. They climbed over the mountains and ridges, making it difficult to hunt. Moreover, Zhang He led the troops behind him. With the horse behind us, our army can easily encounter them."

Guan Ping thought about it for a while and asked: "After my father defeated Zhang Wenyuan, he seemed to hesitate for a while. At that time, he might not be able to capture Zhang Wenyuan."

Guan Yu stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "Wen Yuan shot me with arrows from both sides, but luckily I deflected them. When I wanted to pursue him, I couldn't help but think of the kindness of Xuzhou in the past. When I was about to pursue him, Wen Yuan was cunning and had already disappeared. The crowd is hard to keep up with.”

Guan Ping smiled and said: "Father is benevolent and righteous, let Zhang Wenyuan run away today to repay him the kindness of Xuzhou. When we fight in the future, father can capture him."

Guan Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "Without my hesitation, Wen Yuan could escape, so how can I repay Xuzhou's kindness? Wen Yuan protected me with his life, and it is difficult for my father and son to repay him. If you have the opportunity in the future, you must protect Wen Yuan." Heirs from far away will also preserve their clansmen.”

Seeing his father's advice, Guan Ping said seriously: "Ping, please remember your father's advice!"
Not to mention that Guan Yu defeated Zhang Liao and forced Zhang Liao to flee alone. Thousands of Cao's soldiers were captured and more than 8 Jianghuai people were saved.

At this time, Liu Bei was leading all the civil and military officials to watch Cao's army at Dongguan.

On Ruxu Mountain, Liu Bei was wearing armor and a black brocade robe, standing with his sword.The winter wind blows, and the brocade robe is rolled up, showing a majestic air.

Behind Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang stood holding a fan, and Lu Su wore a large cloak.Dozens of civil and military generals such as Fazheng, Lu Yi (Lu Xun), Lu Fan, Zhang Hong, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Gan Ning, Shi Ran (Zhu Ran), Quan Cong, Wei Yan, Fu Wei, etc. all stood behind him.

Liu Bei squinted his eyes and looked at the cavalry of Cao's army near the lake. Cao Cao's canopy was vaguely visible. He said with emotion: "I met Cao Cao in Luoyang. At that time, Cao Cao was still a young man who wanted to conquer the west."

"In the past 20 years, Cao Cao has been spying on the Han Dynasty, scheming against his superiors, and ruling with autocratic power. He also slaughtered Xu Huai, dug graves, and harmed living beings. He actually became a figure like Wang Mang and Dong Zhuo. It is a pity that Zijing, The two of them, Guorang, are working for Cao Cao."

Liu Bei's words contained both memories of past friendships and resentment towards Cao Cao's actions.

"The world was in chaos, and Cao Cao was in chaos in the Central Plains. Thanks to the emergence of a wise king, the Lord is of imperial blood and has a benevolent heart. He should save the people from fire and water." Lu Su praised.

Under Liu Bei's account, Lu Su repeatedly talked about Liu Bei's identity in public, implying that Liu Bei should establish a new dynasty and establish a foundation.Of course, Liu Bei did not respond to Lu Su's words due to lack of strength.

Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang and asked: "Kong Ming, how are the people who fled south?"

After Cao Cao went south to Hefei, his intention to go south was exposed.The people who moved to the north of the Yangtze River arrived in Shouchun. However, when the people in the north of the Yangtze River heard the news, they fled in small boats and bamboo rafts. Many of them fled to the south of the Yangtze River. There were nearly [-] people in total.

The people in the north of the Yangtze River fled south in boats, and Cao Cao's cavalry in the north could not catch up. After the fire at Chrysostom, Cao Cao was also afraid of water battles, so he could only watch the people in the Jianghuai River flee south.

The people in Jianghuai are no different from people in other places. They are in turmoil all year round, and their desire for peace is extraordinary.They knew Cao Cao's atrocities in the Huaihe River, so naturally they did not dare to go north and would rather go south.

Zhuge Liang stroked his fan and said: "Cao Cao went south to Jianghuai, attacked Jianghuai bandits, and moved the people in Jianghuai. All he did was to appease Jianghuai. Since now, many people in Jianghuai have rushed to Jiangnan, and there are no less than [-] or [-] people in Jianghuai."

Liu Bei said jokingly: "I originally wanted to go north to serve as emperor, but unexpectedly I went north to rescue people in trouble. I went out on boats to help the people in the north of the Yangtze River cross south."

It's funny to say that Liu Bei led the navy northward to prepare to fight Cao Cao at Ruxukou.He never thought that the people would flee south, so he sent his navy boats out to support the people from the north of the Yangtze River southward.

Including the more than 8 people in Tianzhu Mountain, Liu Bei had nearly 20 people in Ruxukou in just one or two months.Moreover, Liu Bei was stationed in Ruxukou, and except for Guan Yu, he did not send any manpower.It’s really like sitting at home and having pies come to you from the sky.

"No one can compare to Cao Cao to make your ruler be benevolent and virtuous all over the world!" Fazheng boasted.

"Ha ha!"

With the expansion of his territory and the growth of his civilized troops, Liu Bei could often hear praise from others.I just don’t know if Liu Bei will be like the invincible Cao Cao, who is proud to advance lightly and suffer humiliation at the hands of Confucian scholars and generals.

Liu Bei pointed at the canopy in the distance with his whip and said: "This is Cao Cao's command. When spring comes, we should take it as Cao Cao's command."

The reason why Cao Cao took advantage of the autumn and winter to go south to the Yangtze River and Huaihe River was that he hoped to advance when the water level dropped and the navy's large ships could not function.If the spring water rises, Liu Bei will have an advantage in Chao Lake with his navy.


 I've been busy getting engaged recently and the updates will return to normal on November 11.6th, so I'll have two in one for the next few days.
(End of this chapter)

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