Ji Han Da Sima

267. Leave and explanation

Leave and explanation

I have something to do at home, so I’m going to take a day off today.

Tomorrow three o'clock to go!
Now it’s time to get to the plot of Liu Qi’s succession. I will reply to the previous plot of Liu Qi’s failure to seize the heir.

Due to the influence of history, everyone preconceptionally believed that Liu Qi was dead and Liu Bei would definitely take over, but it was not that simple.

If Liu Qi succeeds in ascending to power, even if he dies early, he will have two younger brothers, Liu Cong and Liu Xiu, and a son, Liu Pu, and a cousin, Liu Pan.

If Liu Bei helps Liu Qi get Xiangfan, Liu Qi will have the upper hand and conquer Jingzhou.With the two states of Jing and Yang, Liu Bei's role is actually not that big anymore. It is very likely that he will be forced by the situation to become a thug against Cao Cao.

Now that he is on an equal footing with Liu Qi, it is difficult to win over four counties.Only in chaos did Liu Bei have a chance to rise to power.

Going down to Jiangdong, Liu Bei relied on his military exploits to take Danyang, and was semi-independent of Liu Qi's tent. Because Liu Biao was superior, he had to surrender and help Liu Qi.

The entire attack on Jingzhou failed, and Liu Biao died. Liu Qi did not want to surrender to Cao Cao, so he had to admit that Liu Bei was independent and beyond his control.

Before and after the Battle of Chrysostom, Liu Bei fought against Cao Cao and helped Liu Qi obtain Nanjun, thus obtaining the four counties in Jiangdong.


Liu Bei's identity is constantly changing, and I haven't written it so straightforwardly. I will briefly explain it here.

(End of this chapter)

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